After passing through the portal again, Lin Mo and the Great Compassion Tree King had already walked into the Jingshan Palace where Nashida was waiting.

"Narcida……"The Great Compassion Tree King stared blankly at the device that imprisoned Nashida like a caged bird,"Why are you……"

"Because of the great sage."

Perhaps because he had obtained the authority of the World Tree, Lin Mo was in a very good mood, so he turned into a narrator and began to explain.

"Before you sealed the forbidden knowledge with your body, you broke off your purest branch, Nashida. After that, you never came back, nor did you inform the great sages."

"So, the panicked sages kept searching in the rain forest, but what they finally found was not the you they had imagined, but the reborn Nashida."

"At first, the great sages still had some hope for Nashida, but when they found out that the one who came back was not the wise god, the Great Kind Tree King, but just a newborn child, they were disappointed and locked Nashida up."

Lin Mo spread his hands.

"Five hundred years... She was imprisoned here, using the void you left to observe the people in Xumi City. If I remember correctly, she rarely even set foot on the land of Xumi, right?"

Where she walked, there would be a bloom of Padishalan - but now in Xumi, there are very few Padishalan.

After realizing the seriousness of the matter, the Great Compassion Tree King looked at Nashida.

"Nashida, is it as Lin Mo said?"

Being watched by the Great Compassion Tree King, Nashida, who already had a low self-esteem, turned her head away, not daring to look directly at the Great Compassion Tree King.



The Great Compassion Tree King felt like she was about to explode.

For five hundred years, she had been looking forward to meeting Nashida. She originally thought that no matter how lazy Nashida was, she could still become a god who ruled over Xumi.

But, but!

Those self-righteous great sages didn't even give Nashida a chance to grow, but locked her up directly and forbade her to communicate with the people in Xumi! The

Great Compassion Tree King's face turned red visibly. This was because he was angry at those great sages, and he also felt that it was worthless and sad for Nashida for the past five hundred years.

"Let me mention it again."Lin Mo said,"The great sage not only undermined Nashida's power, but also intended to deepen the conflict between the desert and the rainforest. Five hundred years ago, the two places were one family, but now there is a sense of a life-and-death struggle between them."

"Under the deliberate manipulation of the Great Sage, the desert now insists that you killed the Red King, and they are spreading the word in the rain forest that the people of the desert are inferior and unworthy of using the void with them."The

Great Kind Tree King was completely red-hot.

How dare they, how dare they!

The Great Sage... The Great Sage!

The Great Kind Tree King took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

"……Thank you for your information, Lin Mo, I know what to do now. Thank you for everything you have done for Xumi, the World Tree, and Teyvat."

After saying that, she bowed deeply to Lin Mo.

"You will be the most respected guest of Xumi. If you need any help from me, just ask. I am the only one who can help you. Just tell me."

"……I don't think it's that necessary."

Lin Mo pretended to cough twice.

"I won't play around in front of the God of Wisdom, Big Kind Tree King, Little Auspicious Grass King, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

"Well, walk slowly."

He left the Jingshan Palace in a flash.

And the Great Compassion Tree King... through the void, she directly announced her return to the entire Xumi, and asked a group of great sages led by Azar to come to the Jingshan Palace.

Even the gentlest gods have reverse scales. The original intention of the Great Compassion Tree King to leave Nashida and the void was that Xumi could move forward without him, but now -

Xumi, it's time to clean up some termites!



How the Great Compassion Tree King would deal with Xumi and the Great Sage had nothing to do with Lin Mo. As the God of Wisdom, she didn't need Lin Mo to worry about it.

Now he came to Daocheng Forest and found Kelai.


Ke Lai, who had just returned from patrolling the forest, was startled to see Lin Mo sitting on his bed.

"You!" Ke Lai was a little panicked,"Why are you here?""

"I came to see you, Miss Cole.

Lin Mo stood up and looked at her.

"Good news, Miss Cole, look at your arm."


Ke Lai was startled, and rolled up his sleeves, and what came into view was her fair skin.

She was stunned.

"The Demonic Scale gone?"

"Yes, are you happy?"Lin Mo chuckled,"Not only that, I also helped Xumi rescue the Great Compassion Tree King"

"Well, Miss Cole, do you understand my sincerity now?"


Kelai pursed her lips.

She had mentioned this to Tinari, Falushan and others before, and their answers were very consistent.

They believed that Lin Mo must be plotting something, so this matter must be carefully considered.

But... he even cured the Demonic Scale Disease. If he really wanted to harm Kelai, could they... stop him?

The answer was no, they couldn't stop him.

So, they came to the conclusion that if Lin Mo really cured Kelai's Demonic Scale Disease, then they could agree to it.


Cole opened her mouth, unable to hide the tangled look on her face.

The Fatui Executor, these six words left a considerable psychological trauma on her.

"……I... agree."

In the end, she chose to listen to her companions' advice and agreed to Lin Mo's

"What a pleasant choice, Miss Cole.

Lin Mo smiled.

"Congratulations, from today on, you are Kamen Rider, you will become a swordsman, the swordsman of light"


Kelai blinked and waved his hands.

"No, no, I don't know how to use a sword. This really won't work.……"

"I didn't expect you to use a sword."

Lin Mo said calmly.

"The sword is just a form. The application of this power is quite extensive. It can enhance your strength and help others recover from injuries. Although the forbidden knowledge has disappeared, the dead domain still remains and can help you clean up the remaining dead domains."

As the most versatile holy sword, the applicability of the Light Sword is beyond words. It is simply superhuman.

As for why Cole was chosen as the Swordsman of Light, it is because the reinforced form of the Light Sword is a comic book.

Cole... she doesn't know many words.

"This is your book. It will give you strength. As for how to use it... it's very simple. Just give it a try."

A gray fantasy driving book was handed to Cole.

"This is……"

Cole looked at the book in his hand, and opened the cover of the book out of curiosity.

[Gold Weapon, Silver Weapon]

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