"So, Mr. Carter, you are accused of being the murderer of this burglary. Do you plead guilty?"

Sitting in the position of the highest judge, Villette held the detailed information of the case in his hand and asked the defendant seriously.

This is the Oprykle Opera House, and the trial of a vicious case is being held here.

"Last night, after Mr. Baria returned home, he was too tired to take the key out of the lock. You happened to be seen passing by, so you took advantage of the night to enter Mr. Baria's home and committed theft. The noise woke Mr. Baria up. After he woke up, he fought with you and finally subdued you and handed you over to the Shadow Chaser. Do you have any objection?"

A man in Fontaine-style clothes stood in the dock, frowning.

"If you have any objections, I want to challenge you to a duel!"

Funina, who was sitting in her exclusive seat, raised her eyebrows and looked at the defendant, looking a little surprised.

In this case, the evidence is conclusive. The guy's fate is to be sent to Melo Petersburg for compulsory labor, but he actually chose a duel that might kill him... What does he want to do? Does he think he can beat Clorinde?

The man pointed his finger at Funina.

"I want to challenge the water god Fukalos to a duel!"

Suddenly, the whole audience was in an uproar.

"Did I hear correctly? He actually wants to challenge Lady Funina instead of Lady Clorinde?"

"Isn't this courting death? Challenging Ms. Clorinde might give him a glimmer of hope, but he actually chose to challenge Ms. Funina. Doesn't he want to live?"

"Challenging God is a dead end, isn't he crazy?"

Below, the people in the audience all looked at Funina's position.

As the water god of Fontaine, she has been sitting in this position for 500 years, and because of people's respect for God, no one dared to challenge her.

And now, Carter, who only committed the crime of theft, chose to challenge God?

Under the gaze of everyone, Funina tilted her head cutely and sighed softly.

"Well, I, the water god Fukaros, have always been very willing to listen to the opinions of the people. Since you choose to challenge me over Clorinde, I will accept your challenge."

"However, as the price of challenging the gods, are you ready to die as a token of your sins?"

These powerful words triggered a strong following from the Fontaine people below.

"As expected of Lady Funina, this is such an exciting speech!"

"I have always believed in Lady Funina!"

The present is different from the past. Funina, who has mastered the Flowing Sword and the [Lion Wars], suddenly became a little inflated and felt that she was not afraid of any enemy.

Her words surprised Villette. He glanced at Funina.

It was strange...why did she suddenly agree to the prisoner's request? According to convention, Clorinde only needed to take action at this time.

But he didn't say much. In Fontaine, Funina's power was undoubtedly the greatest. Moreover, this was the Opiclay Opera House. As long as the gods had no objection, then there was no objection. See.

Carter looked at Funina, excitement and fear filled his eyes.

For five hundred years, according to the older generation, Ms. Funina had never taken action. Some people rumored that all her strength was used to maintain the Cardinal of Prediction Judgment.

Maybe, now Ms. Funina is not an invincible god!

With this idea in mind, Carter challenged Funina to a duel.

When they came to the platform, Funina took out the [Lion War Chronicle] in front of Carter.

In order to ensure the fairness of the duel, Fontaine prepared a metal long sword for Carter.

[Lion Wars]

[The [Flowing Sword]

Holy Sword Scabbard Driver was placed on Funina's waist, and the [Lion War] in her hand was inserted into the card slot.

"Come on, otherwise you won't have a chance to fight back."

Funina put her left hand on her waist, held the hilt of the Liushui Sword with her right hand, and shouted at Karlt.

And Kart... when he really stood on the opposite side of Fininna, he had begun to regret it.

However, once the duel begins, it will not end unless one party dies or surrenders.

Even if you want to surrender, it depends on whether the other party agrees with your surrender.

Knowing that he had no way out, Kart clenched the sword in his hand, roared to give himself courage, and then swung the sword at Fininna without any rules.

When he came in front of Fininna, Fininna realized...

In front of herself with the Liushui Sword, his movements were like being slowed down, there was no difference.

It turned out that she was so weak before.

She pulled out the Liushui Sword casually, slashed horizontally, and swung out a sword energy directly, which chopped the sword in Kart's hand.


The sound of metal breaking rang out. With Fernina's deliberate restraint, Kart's sword was cut off, and he flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

The sword energy flew back to Fernina, completing the last step of dressing.


At this moment, Funina was unexpectedly calm.

[Flowing Water, a book]

[When the King of Beasts merges with the Flowing Water Sword, the Azure Sword will reveal its edge. The

Water Swordsman appeared in everyone's sight for the first time, and her opponent had lost the ability to resist.

The gorgeous transformation special effects seemed to rub against the aesthetic taste of the people of Fontaine. When Funina transformed, the whole audience cheered like thunder.

Holding the Flowing Water Sword, Funina came in front of Carter.

Carter, who was just an ordinary person, had closed his eyes, as if he had already felt that he was dead, and lay on the ground resigned to his fate.

"Well, you lost, is that okay with you?"

The sword of water pressed against Carter's neck, and Furninna resumed her lively appearance.

"……Yes, I give up."

There was no longer any objection. Fernina waved her hand, and a guard came to the stage and detained Carter.

The gods subdued the unconfessed sinner in a gorgeous way, which was the favorite way of the people of Fontaine, so the whole of Fontaine ushered in another Fernina craze.

Fernina, who returned to her seat, breathed a sigh of relief and lifted the transformation.

In a place where the people below the stage could not see, her legs were still shaking uncontrollably.

The first duel... was still a little too exciting for her.


Holding the [Lion War] tightly in her hand, Fernina seemed to feel a force, and a smile appeared on her face involuntarily.

Without this power, there might be no way to pretend like this today.

Well, when I see Lin Mo next time, I must thank him well!

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