"Then let's make a deal, Ms. Lisa. We'll meet at the door of the Goethe Restaurant tomorrow morning. I think we'll have a pleasant day.——"

Lin Mo faced the two of them, and gently pressed his middle finger with the thumb of his right hand. Then the middle finger gently bounced up, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly.


After saying that, he walked out the door without looking back, and Linnet followed him closely. After looking back at the leader Qin, who was also a wind-type one-handed swordsman, she left here. She also closed the door of the room.

The door was closed, and now only Qin and Lisa were left in the acting leader's office.

"……It's a troubled time."

Qin couldn't help but sigh and put her hand on her forehead. Things in Mond have been happening one after another during this period. She felt that she was a little mentally weak.

"Well, Jean, at least on the surface, this [Sage] has no hostility towards us Mondstadt, which is a good thing... right?"

Lisa���Holding the guardrail, I looked at Qin

"Even so, I still don't think his words are credible."

Qin shook her head.

"Executor of the Fatui, did you come to Mondstadt, a place far away from the winter, just to travel?"

"Qin, when I was in the Faithful Court, I heard that the closer the seat of the Fatui executive is to the front, the higher the power and status in the Fatui will be."

A strange color flashed in Lisa's eyes.

"In people's opinion, the most powerful among the Fatui executives should be [Buffoon] Piero. To some extent, he should be on par with the Ice God of Solstice. And this, the Zeroth Seat, has a higher status than Piero... I am very curious, how did Solstice convince him to join the Fatui?"

"I don't know, but according to what you said, he may really not have any mission and is really here to Mondstadt for tourism?"

"Maybe, after all, he had hardly seen a [clown], let alone a [sage] whose status was higher than his. But Qin, there is one more thing."

Lisa narrowed her eyes.

"The seats of the Fatui are also linked to strength. It is said that the strength of the top three seats is comparable to that of gods.

"Are you saying that his strength is comparable to that of gods, or even above the Seven Gods?"

"This is just my personal guess, and there is no actual evidence to prove it. However, if it is true, then if he wants to do something to Mond, Mond will have no way to resist him, unless……"

"Unless Lord Barbatos takes action"


Qin looked at the cup of black tea on the table that had only been touched a little bit.


"Anyway, let's take it one step at a time, otherwise, we don't have a better way at the moment."




"Linnet, try this dress."

Walking on the streets of Mond, I saw a clothing store on the side of the road. After taking a look at Linnet who was always wearing the same clothes, Lin Mo chose to go to the store to buy some clothes for Linnet.

Pure style, pure desire style, cute style, mature style... All kinds of clothes were changing on Linnet. She was like a clothes rack in a dressing game, constantly dressing and undressing.


Linnet had no objection to this.

It was just buying clothes. Besides, shopping is a girl's nature. What do you think of buying a few clothes, especially clothes bought for you by your boss? You don't have to pay for it.

"Hmm... Not bad, not bad. Let's pack these things up. This trip to Mondstadt is considered a small gain."After packing about five or six pieces, Lin Mo walked out of the clothing store with Linette, who had a lot of gains, and returned to the street with satisfaction.

Well, the bill will be sent to the Goethe Hotel and paid by the Fatui.


After buying so many new clothes, Linnett had a smile on her face, but then, as if she suddenly felt something, the smile disappeared.

"Sir, someone is following us."

Silently putting all the shopping bags in her hand into the Eye of God, Linnet took out the Yanrui Sword Wolf Smoke given by Lin Mo and kept alert.

"I know, we don't need to care so much, as long as the other party doesn't attack us, then ignore her."

Lin Mo looked at a mirror not far away, in which a small alley behind him was reflected.

The corners of his mouth curled up.

"But, sir……"

Linnet was a little confused.

They hadn't done anything, just traveled normally and bought some clothes, but they were followed by a mysterious person. If it were anyone else, even an executive, anyone with a temper would have to find the person behind them and vent their anger.

"Linnet, you know that our Fatui don't have a very good reputation in Mondstadt.

Lin Mo shrugged indifferently.

"After all, in the eyes of the Mondstadt people, we are definitely outsiders who have oppressed Mondstadt. It is good enough that they did not directly attack us and drive us out."


"Therefore, let the lady behind me follow me if she wants to. After all, I am an executive officer. If the Knights of Favonius really let me run rampant in Mondstadt, I would have to question how they manage Mondstadt."

"……Yes, your will."

Linnet opened her mouth, but finally put away the sword, but still maintained a vigilant attitude.

"All right, let's go back. We've already said hello to the Knights of Favonius, bought some clothes, and gone shopping. As long as we wait until tomorrow, the story will begin. By then, we just need to remain a bystander."




"Come on, traveler! At this rate, we can reach Mondstadt tomorrow!"

The blonde girl and the white floating spirit beside her continued to move forward in the suburbs of Mondstadt.

The girl was wearing a white dress with blue lace, holding a bladeless sword in her hand, and sat down on the side of the road with a tired look.

"Traveler, are you tired?"

Paimon looked at Ying who looked tired beside him and asked with some concern.

"Well... after all, we have walked for such a long time, why don't we take a rest first?"


Ying sat down by the road to rest, her words revealing a maturity that did not match her appearance.

Paimon looked left and right, then flew to the tree, picked a few sunset fruits, and gave half of them to Ying.

"Let’s eat some sunset fruit first, um... it’s almost evening, let’s take a rest, and then we’ll make dinner!"


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