The group returned to Mondstadt. Jean, Diluc and Wendy chose to go to the office of the acting leader of the Knights of Favonius to discuss how to restore Tevarin's sanity.

Ying asked Paimon to go with them to discuss, and she chose to go alone to the top floor of the Goethe Hotel where Lin Mo was.

When entering the Goethe Hotel, the Fatui who was in charge of the door glanced at her, and then nodded to her as a gesture.

This made Ying a little confused, but she could indeed feel the kindness from the Fatui, so she didn't think too much about it.

What she didn't know was that she had come to see Lin Mo once a day for the past three days. In the eyes of the Fatui, she was already someone Lin Mo liked and half of their superior. They definitely couldn't treat her the same way as they treated other people.

Unknowingly, Ying became"one of their own" in the eyes of the Fatui without even knowing it.

Skillfully coming to the top floor where Lin Mo was, Ying pushed open the door of the room.

"Lin Mo, here I come"

"Are you here?"

Lin Mo was sitting at the table. On the table was the tea that Linnet had brewed earlier. It was still warm.

Well, Linnet was standing aside, looking at Lin Mo with a slightly resentful look.

This pot of tea was brewed by her just now. The previous pot had been drunk up by Lin Mo, and she herself didn't drink much!

"Well, Tevarin was disturbed by the Abyss Mage, and Wendy failed to awaken Tevarin's mind."

Under Lin Mo's gaze, Ying sat across from the tea table, and Linnet subconsciously poured her a cup of tea.

"I know, that's why I asked Linnet to help you kill that blind Abyss Mage, otherwise you will be in a lot of trouble later."

Lin Mo paused, and took out a three-layer fantasy book from his pocket, which was thicker than the Dragon of Courage.

"Keep this with you first. After you solve Mond's problem, or after you make it recognize you, it will become your power."

"This is……"

Ying took the book from Lin Mo's hand curiously. The silver-grey border was like the armor of a fantasy book, full of majesty and heaviness. On the cover of the book was a picture of a man in grey armor, riding a dragon of courage, soaring in the sky.

"The first stage of the story is about to end, and it is time for the protagonist to grow up, but the story is just beginning, so it is only temporarily placed with you."

Lin Mo smiled

"Put it away for now, that is the main point. For you right now, what is more important now are these two books."

""What else?"

Lin Mo took out two other fantasy driving books that looked the same size as the [Dragon of Courage] as if he were performing a magic trick.

Ying first put away the Dragon Knight, then took the two fantasy driving books from Lin Mo's hands.

"[Storm Falcon] and [Journey to the West], you should have noticed when using the Holy Sword Scabbard Driver that there are three card slots on the driver."

"Well, I thought that the Courage Dragon could be moved to a different location to increase the power of different places."

"It's not like that." Lin Mo instructed,"Books of the same type will resonate with each other. Divine beasts, creatures, and stories, when these three books with the same power are used at the same time, a powerful force will burst out."


Ying pursed her lips.

The power given to her by the Flame Sword Liehuo and the [Dragon of Courage] was already very strong. It was no exaggeration to say that she was not afraid of Tevarin at all.

And now, Lin Mo had given her an even stronger power. From what he said, this kind of thing would happen more often in the future.

"Lin Mo, thank you……"

Ying's cheeks flushed slightly. This was the first time someone had been so kind to her since she woke up.

Just as she was about to say something, Lin Mo interrupted her.

"Let me make it clear in advance that this is not without cost. This time, you have to do something as a reward."

"Of course, please tell me, I will definitely do it."

Looking at the resolute expression on Ying's face, Lin Mo nodded slightly.

"You now know that Wendy's true identity is the Mondstadt's wind god, Barbatos, right?"

Ying was stunned for a moment. Although she didn't understand why he asked this, she nodded.

"Wendy and I have an agreement that after he has dealt with Tevarin's problem, he will have to hand over his Heart of God."

Lin Mo glanced at Linnett beside him.

"At that time, one of my colleagues will go to intercept. Don't stand by and watch. Just take action normally. Linnet will stop you."

Ying didn't come back to her senses.

"Um... does this matter?"

"That is to say, when I send someone to grab the Heart of God, you have to fight with Linnett." Lin Mo changed his words to a simpler one,"At that time, you will be beaten by Linnett and your transformation will be cancelled, and Wendy's Heart of God will also be taken away. After that, no one will be hurt. Do you understand?"

"I understand, it's a match-fixing, right?"

"Actually, it's not a fake match." Lin Mo added,"Even if you use the power of the three volumes, you still can't beat Linnet."


She opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything for a while. She could only pout a little dissatisfied and looked at Lin Mo without saying a word.

"Don't look at me like that."

Lin Mo drank his tea.

"There is also a gap between the holy swords. The diversity of the Fire Sword is far from comparable to the Smoke Sword, so Linnet will be better than you in terms of single-minded power, understand?"

Ying raised her head and thought about it.

Indeed, the Smoke Sword in Linnet's hand is different from hers. It does not have the holy sword sheath driver, and there is no way to use the power of the three fantasy driving books at the same time. Thinking about it this way, it makes a lot more sense.

"Do you understand?"

"Yeah, I understand."

"I understand. Then let's go to the Knights of Favonius." Lin Mo raised his teacup and gestured to Ying,"Oh, by the way, if you feel a little tired, you might as well come to my place to rest. Be careful not to get hurt."


She just felt warm in her heart.

"Yeah, I know."



After leaving the Goethe Hotel, Ying went straight to the Knights of Favonius.

As soon as she entered the leader's office, everyone's eyes were focused on her.

"Honorable Knight, you are here." Qin stood up and said,"We have discussed that we will go to the ruins of the wind dragon to help Tevarin cure the curse and poison."

"Is that so?" Ying nodded,"I see, when do we leave?"

Lisa raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, my little cutie, why do you suddenly become so confident? Has something happened?"

"Of course." Ying smiled confidently,"Now I won't lose to anyone!"

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