Mondstadt, Knights of Favonius.

Jean looked at the information on the table... um, a report? Or something similar. Anyway, she frowned, and a sense of uneasiness emerged in her heart.

""Qin, what's wrong? Why are you in such a hurry to find me? I haven't even had time to drink afternoon tea."

The purple witch pushed the door open and walked in. Lisa glanced at Qin sitting at the desk, and then glanced at the conspicuous letter on the desk. She couldn't help but feel curious.

"Lisa... do you know the Zeroth Seat of the Fatui Executive?"

"The zeroth seat?" Lisa was stunned for a moment."Aren't the seats for the Fatui executives from one to eleven? Where does the zeroth seat come from?"

"I originally thought so, but……"

Qin pushed the letter on the table slightly towards Lisa.

"Take a look."

Lisa picked up the letter doubtfully and began to read it.

But soon, an expression of disbelief appeared on her face.

"There really is a Zero Seat, and he appeared not long ago... Who is he and what kind of ability does he have to be able to stand above the [Clown]?"

"I don't know." Qin sighed,"But just now, the envoy of Zhidong came to tell me that the Sage of the Zeroth Seat is coming to visit Mondstadt."

Lisa frowned.

"In the name of winter?"

"No, in his personal name, but considering his position as the 0th seat, it should be not much different from using the name of Zhidong."

Qin showed a bitter smile on her face.

"The Grand Commander took most of Mondstadt's combat forces on an expedition and has not returned yet. We were already overwhelmed by the arrival of the Eighth Seat of the Fatui, and now here comes the Zeroth Seat... What is Winter Solstice planning?"

"Do you need my help to test it out?" Lisa glanced at her best friend,"How about I go and contact that [Sage]? After all, with that name, he should be a knowledgeable scholar. As a scholar of the Order Academy, I should be able to talk to him."

"……Isn't this a bit too risky?"

After all, he is an executive officer, and he is not a fool. Lisa's blatant probing may cause displeasure to him.

"I have to give it a try and find out something, such as the other party's purpose of coming to Mondstadt."


""Oh, Jean, I am also a member of the Knights of Favonius. When Mondstadt is in trouble, I have to help them."

Lisa stretched her body, revealing her beautiful figure in front of Jean, and then she spoke lazily.

"Hmm... In that case, Jyn, when will the Fatui's executive officer arrive in Mondstadt?"

"Tomorrow is coming."

Tomorrow? Isn't the time too tight?"

Lisa thought for a moment.

"……Is there any solution?"

Qin looked at Lisa, hoping that she could come up with some clever plan.

"How can you come up with a solution so quickly, Jean?"Lisa said helplessly,"Anyway, let's take it one step at a time. I hope this Mr. Sage is not someone who is difficult to contact."

If it weren't for Grand Commander Falgar taking away 80% of Mondstadt's elite, Mondstadt wouldn't be suppressed by Winter.

Jean sighed again, hoping that Grand Commander Falgar would return triumphantly soon.



The next day.

At the gate of Mondstadt, Lin Mo and Linnet changed out of their Fatui uniforms and put on their favorite outfits.

"I heard that in Mondstadt, we Fatui have a bad reputation?"


As a servant, Linnet needs to first understand the situation of the place she is going to, such as the current Mondstadt

"According to the survey, the Fatui have a bad reputation in Mondstadt, because the Lady in charge of Mondstadt often puts pressure on the Knights of Favonius and acts ostentatiously. The people of Mondstadt are very dissatisfied with this, but they have no way to resist."

"Rosalin... For her, she was born in Mondstadt, but she hated Mondstadt. Perhaps, dying five hundred years ago was also a kind of destination for her."

Lin Mo shook his head lightly.

"Where is the Fatui stationed?"

"The largest hotel in Mondstadt, the Goethe Hotel, was booked by the Fatui as their base in Mondstadt.

Lin Mo nodded thoughtfully and looked at Linnet.

""Hmm... before you go to the base, do you have any place you want to go, or do you want to visit Mondstadt?"

Linnett was slightly startled.

Lin Mo treated her very well, not like a waiter at all, but... he even asked her about her schedule?

As if he understood Linnett's expression, Lin Mo chuckled.

"For me, nothing matters, so instead of following my ideas, I would like to ask you if there is anything you want to do."

"……For my personal advice, I suggest you go to the Goethe Hotel to meet [Madam] first, and then make other plans."

After all, Lin Mo and Rosaline are colleagues, so it's better to say hello when you come to the place she is in charge of.

"Well, as you said, let’s go give them a call first, and then we can go shopping... Are there any special products from Mond?"

"Cecilia flowers, as well as Mond's dandelion wine, are famous throughout Teyvat."


Lin Mo thought about it

"Well... I can consider it, and then I'll help you change into Mondstadt-style clothes. That's it for now."

Linnet lowered her head.

"Yes, your will"

"Okay, lead the way, let's go to the Goethe Hotel first"




Goethe Hotel, ninth floor.

This is the Fatui meeting room and reception room, so Lin Mo met Rosaline here.

""Hello, Rosalin."

Lin Mo sat casually on the chair opposite Rosalin, as if he was at home.

Rosalin sat opposite Lin Mo, and for some reason, she was a little overwhelmed at this moment, even though she was always so arrogant.

"……Hello, [Sage] Stellius."

She looked at Lin Mo with her purple eyes, pursed her lips, and then slowly spoke

"What brings you to Mondstadt this time?"

"……Miss Rosalin, you seem to be nervous about something.

Lin Mo noticed her discomfort and smiled casually.

"Although I am upset with some people in the executive team, please rest assured that you are not one of them. If you have anything to say, you can speak directly."


"As for the question just now, I can answer you."

Then, under Rosaline's gaze, Lin Mo stood up, walked to the window, and looked at the false sky of Teyvat.

"Destiny has reached its starting point. Soon, the gears of fate will start turning and everything will unfold... I want to witness it all."

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