“Isn’t that nice? Tranx. Sun Wutian smiled bitterly.

“How? Don’t you want to play against adults? Don’t you want to try it on an adult? Tranx asked rhetorically.

“But my transfiguration… It’s not something you can change if you want to… Although I would love to try it too. Sun Wutian scratched his head.

“I was thinking, maybe your transformation needs to be constantly perfected in the process of fighting.” Tranx smiled.

Sun Wutian: “…”

Tranx, you really know me.

“Okay, that’s it.” Tranx smiled and sneakily ran forward.

Sun Wutian wanted to stop it too late.

Then let him go.

“Sir.” Tranx looked up at the masked man.

“How? Want to sign it? The masked man glanced at Tranx faintly.

“There’s a beautiful little sister over there who wants to talk to you, but she’s shy, so she asked me to come and ask you out.” Tranx pointed outside.

“What? Are you sure? Where is it? As soon as the masked man heard it, he was interested.

Have a pretty little sister?

It’s exciting to think about.

Where is it?

I’m about to go on a date with a beautiful little sister!

“This side and this side.” Tranx dragged the masked man outside and ran outside.

Soon, Tranx led the masked man to a place where there was no one.

“Where? Where’s the pretty little sister? The masked man looked around, looking for the fantasy beauty in his heart, “Is it really beautiful?” I’m very picky. ”


Tranx slapped the masked man on the back of the neck.

The masked man was dizzy.

Tranx dragged the masked man to a no-man’s land.

Sun Wutian followed behind, speechless.

“Quick, take his clothes off.” Tranx greeted.

The two hurried to take off the masked man’s clothes.

“Are we too small to show our feet?” Sun Wutian asked.

“Fool, of course two people wear it together.” Tranx smiled.

“Two people?” Sun Wutian was stunned.

“Or else?” Tranx was smiling.

A child is a child after all.

Gokuten, although you defeated me, you still have to listen to me.

Then, Tranx sat on Sun Wukong’s shoulder and dressed up.

“So it really won’t be discovered?” Sun Wutian asked.

“Of course not, I said no, for sure.” Tranx smiled.

With that, Tranx put his clothes down and covered the bodies of the two men.

“Nice and fit! Rest assured, it will not be discovered! Tranx said.

Sun Wutian cut two small holes in his eyes, revealing two large eyes.

“Let’s go! Gokuten! Tranx pointed forward.


Sun Wutian ran to the side.

“Stupid, wrong direction, wrong direction.” Tranx said hurriedly.


Sun Wukong and the others chatted for a moment before continuing to eat.

All in all, things look weird.

But everyone has experienced life and death, what terrible enemy has not been seen?

So soon, several people present were relieved.

Is there an opponent in this world that we can’t solve?

“It was delicious.” Sun Wukong eats a mouth full of oil.

“Yeah, the food here tastes so chic.” Sun Wu’s rice was also eaten.

“What’s so special about the Saiyan belly?” I really want to study it. Kling sighed from the sidelines.

After eating for a while, I finally ate it and enjoyed it.

Several people left the restaurant and headed outside.

“Wow… It’s too full…” Sun Wukong patted his stomach.

“Are you about to start the draw?” Kling groaned, “Don’t let me smoke that guy.” ”

At this moment, several people suddenly froze and saw two strange people appear in front of them.

Two people one tall and one short.

The tall man has red skin, white hair, and pointy ears.

The short man has a lilac complexion and the same silvery-white hair, but his body is suspended in the air.

The two looked at Sun Wukong and the others expressionlessly.

Sun Wukong: “…”

Bick: “…”

Several people were speechless.

One Saro was enough to give them a headache, and two more mysterious people appeared.

Saro is also a classmate of Sun Wuyi.

But these two people, Sun Wukong and others, had never seen each other.

“Hello everyone, you’re Sun Wukong, right?” The King of the Realm asked with a smile.

Sun Wukong was stunned for a moment and quickly asked, “Why do you know me?” ”

“I’ve heard about you and I’ve always wanted to talk to you.” The King of the Realm smiled, “I also successfully passed the preliminary round, if only I could play with you in a group.” Of course I don’t have the confidence to win you, but I’d love to know how strong you really are… Well, let’s shake hands first. ”

The King of the Realm God said and held out his right hand.

Sun Wukong was stunned.

Subsequently, Sun Wukong stepped forward and shook the hand of the King of the Realm.

The moment Sun Wukong held the hand of the World King God, he could clearly feel the powerful power of the other party.

This force is magical, and it seems to be different from the nature of the breath in his body.

Sun Wukong was slightly surprised.

The King of the Realms was smiling, smiling and groaning at Sun Wukong, and replied, “Sure enough, he is worthy of the name and has extraordinary courage.” ”

After saying that, the King of the Realm God took his hand back.

“Your son is a genius, and if I have a chance in the future, I can help you teach him well.” The King of the Realm smiled.

Sun Wukong: “…”

My son?

Sun Wukong subconsciously looked at Sun Wukong.

After all, in Sun Wukong’s heart, there is only one son, Sun Wuyi.

It is no wonder that Sun Wukong has not seen Sun Wukong since the day he was born.

Aside from being related by blood, there is hardly much affection between father and son.

Sun Wulian scratched his head in embarrassment.

Who is this man? Why praise me so much?

I’m embarrassed that you said that.

“This… I’m not…” Sun Wuyi smiled bitterly.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean you.” The Realm King God was a little embarrassed, “I’m talking about Sun Wutian. ”

Sun Wuyi: “…”

Sun Wukong suddenly realized.

After eating a meal, I almost forgot about Goten.

I also have a son named Goten.

“Goodbye.” After saying this, the King God turned and left.

Sun Wukong: “…”

“He… What is he? Old Sun. Bik looked at the back of the two and asked Sun Wukong.

“I don’t know, I’m also seeing it for the first time.” Sun Wukong sighed, “But for sure, the competition is not as easy as imagined, don’t forget that there is also Goku’s classmate Saro.” ”

“Is it?” Kling thought thoughtfully, “I don’t think the two of them seem to be anything remarkable, they just look like ordinary freaks. ”

“They’re not Earthlings.” Bik did not take Licklin, but said to Sun Wukong.

“Yes.” Sun Wukong nodded, which was easy to see.

These two men are completely different from Saro.

At least judging by their appearance, they are certainly not earthlings.

And the clothes on their bodies are also strange.

“I don’t know who they are, but why are there aliens?” Bik frowned, feeling more and more that this World First Martial Arts Conference was something extraordinary.

“Hmm, I don’t know if you’ve noticed a problem.” Vegeta spoke suddenly.

Sun Wukong and the others looked at Vegeta.

“Hair color.” Vegeta smiled.

“Hair color? That’s right! Salo also has silver-white hair, and so do the two of them, is there any coincidence in this? Sun Wulian said hurriedly.

“Yes, Goku saw it.” Vegeta smiled and nodded, “Maybe they’re in the same group.” ”

“Wouldn’t you?” Sun Wulian scratched his head.

The hair color is all the same, but it seems a little premature to draw conclusions by indicating that they are in the same group.

Does simply because of the color of the hair tell the story?

We’re all black hair.

White hair, although rare, is not absent on Earth.

“I believe that soon, this issue will be revealed at the world’s first martial arts conference.” Vegeta snorted.

“Okay, let’s go, the draw is about to start.” Kling urged, “The more this time comes, the more I don’t care who they are.” ”

“Goku doesn’t know where to go?” Sun Wutian looked around for Sun Wutian’s figure.

“There are 16 finalists in total, I don’t know what kind of guys it is? Probably except for Saro and the two weirdos, the rest are mediocre. Kling sighed.

“Don’t forget, there are also Cyborg 18 who are also in the competition.” Bick said lightly.

Kling: “…”

Soon, Sun Wukong and others appeared at the door of the contestants’ room.

“Ahh… Here it comes! The referee waved his hand in greeting, “There are still two players who have all arrived, the time is almost up, you will immediately draw lots to determine the opponent at the time of the game, and the player who has been called to the name please come forward to draw it.” ”

“God, please bless me on not fighting with my own people in the first round.” Kling closed his eyes in prayer.

“Isn’t God Dandy?” Bick asked from the sidelines.

Sun Wukong is also observing the many players present.

It seems that apart from those two people and Saro, the other opponents are not surprising.

Hey? Who are those two?

Their eyes are evil, and their bodies are strange.

Also, is that guy a player too?

Masked, the proportions of the body shape are a little wrong.

“Now let’s read the names in order.” The referee took out the list of players and began to read the name.

“Kira player.”


After the words fell, a burly black man stepped forward and drew a number plate.

“Number 14!”

The staff wrote down his name on the battle list.

“Next, Jebit player.” The referee continued.

Jabbit stepped forward and drew the number 7.

“Kling’s player.”

Kling reached out and drew a number card.

“Number 1!”

“Is it me in Game 1?” Kling felt that his luck was a little unlucky.

“Saiyan Masked Superman.”

Sun Wuyi stepped forward and smoked an 8.

Sun Wulian was slightly stunned, and found that the group with him was actually the red-faced guy.

It’s like Jebbit.

“Don’t take the enemy lightly, he’s not simple!” Sun Wukong instructed.

“Yes, got it!” Sun Wulian nodded, “I feel the same way.” ”

“Player 18 … Is that your name? The referee asked.

“The name doesn’t matter.” Number 18 had a cold expression and drew a number.

“Number 9!”

“Sheehan Player!”

“Yes!” The king of the realm answered and went forward to draw the number.

“Number 3!”

Sun Wukong silently looked at Sean’s back.


The name had never been heard of.

Not far away.

“Gokuten, what’s the name of this person of ours?” Tranx asked.

“Huh? I don’t know. Sun Wutian was speechless.

Didn’t you ask for your name at the time?

“It’s bad.” Tranx didn’t know what to do.

“Spooksbee.” The referee continued to pronounce the name.

After several consecutive readings, no one answered.

“Hey, no one answered, could it be this guy?” Tranx guessed.

“It’s possible… It must be him. Sun Wutian said.

“Hurry up.” Tranx proposed.

Sun Wutian quickly ran in the direction of the number plate.

“You… You’re a masked man, right? The referee was speechless.

Sun Wutian: “…”

Tranx: “…”

It’s so embarrassing, I put my hand in it.

“It’s me!” Sbubich stood behind Sun Wutian and said with a black face.

The two of them hurried away.

“Mr. Spooksbeech looks a little different from before.” The referee said, “Well, number 6! ”

Not far away, the King of the Realm God stood with Jabit.

“Lord God of the Realm, is that him?” Jebbit said.

“That’s right, he and the player named Yamu.” The World King God nodded.

“Are we going to control them now?” Jebbit asked.

“Don’t fight the grass and snake first, they should have some purpose in coming to the martial arts conference, and we will act according to the opportunity.” The King of the Realm groaned.

Jabit nodded.

“Next, Joehl.”

“Number 16!”

“Monkey King player.”

“Yes.” Sun Wukong stepped forward and drew the 11th.

“Next, Miss Biddy.” The referee said.

“That… Bidili has not yet come, do you want to wait for her for a while, and smoke someone else first? Sun Wulian found that Bidili did not come, and hurriedly said to the referee.

“It’s okay.” The referee nodded and said, “Saro.” ”

“Cough cough… Saro and Biddy are together, and it should be almost there. Sun Wulian had no choice but to go to the front again.

Referee: “…”

There was a moment of silence.

“Did they go on a date?” The referee asked gossipily.

“It seems to be…” Sun Wuyi scratched his head.

“All right, Vegeta.” The referee continued.

Vegeta stepped forward and drew the 12th.

“Huh?” Sun Wukong was deeply surprised and silently glanced at Vegeta.

And the contestant match table, also put the names of Sun Wukong and Vegeta together, which looks very eye-catching.

“Hey, Vegeta and Goku actually met in the preliminary round.” Kling was astonished.

Sun Wuyi’s eyes widened as well.

Bick didn’t say a word.

It’s time for two people to get a winner or loser.

Vegeta smiled even more excitedly, and the corners of her mouth drew a shallow arc.

Great, my opponent is actually the guy Kakarot.

I’ve been waiting for this day.

Today I’m going to beat you with my own hands, Kakarot.

Does that what Saro have to do with me?

There’s only you in my eyes, Kakarot.

“Vegeta.” Sun Wukong smiled.

“Hey, our two fathers are going to fight.” Tranx said, “Who of them will win?” ”

“My dad will win!” Sun Wu Tiandao.

“Fool, of course my dad will win, your dad is already a dead man.” Tranx replied, “I remember I said this to you. ”

“My brother said that although my father is dead, he is still working hard in that world.” Sun Wutian immediately said, “I also remember that I said this to you.” ”

“Gokuten, you’ve changed.” Tranx sighed.

“Hey, masked player, it’s up to you.” The referee said.

Sun Wutian and Tranx quickly ran over and drew a number card.

“Number 13.”


Bik stepped forward and drew the number 4.

Bik was stunned for a moment and immediately looked at the King of the Realm.

Didn’t expect to meet him!

Maybe you can take this opportunity to know his identity.

By the way, ask him if he knows Saro.

“Next… Miss Bidelli and Saro have not yet arrived? If you don’t come again, you can abstain. The referee looked at Sun Wuyi.

“This… Do you want to wait any longer? Sun Wuyi smiled bitterly.

“Here it comes.” Saro walked in with Biddyri.

“Sorry, we’re late.” Biddy quickly apologized.

“It doesn’t matter.” The referee smiled.

Biddy stepped forward and drew the No. 5.

Saro also went up to the draw.

And after seeing Saro start the draw, Klin’s face became ugly.

It seems that the remaining number plates are only numbers 2, 10 and 15.

This is very sad.

That is, Saro has a one-third chance that he will be in a group with me.

Kling began to pray again.

“Well, number 2.” Saro drew the number plate and smiled at Kling.

Klin rolled his eyes and turned pale.

Really thinking about what to come.

I would actually be with him!

And it’s Game 1.

“Kling, come on!” Son Goku faces Klingu.

Kling: “…”

Come on a yarn.

Isn’t Goku’s norm that he can’t hit him?

Can I hit him?

“Uncle Kling, don’t be careless, Saro’s movements are very fast.” Sun Wulian lowered his voice.

“You don’t talk…” Kling wanted to cry.

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