Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 4: Boiling Chapter 19: Stormy

(Because there is a small recommendation this week, there will be three updates every day until Sunday at 10:00, 4:00, and 22:00. However, the current performance of this book is really bad, and the collection has not exceeded 300.

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The next day, Li Anping received a call from Li Qian early in the morning.

"Wei Shishi's matter is a bit strange."

"Oh? What a strange method?" Li Anping asked. Wei Shishi's matter was something he asked Li Qian to investigate some time ago. This was a trace of his past in Zhongdu. Li Anping originally asked Li Qian to investigate the whereabouts of Wei Shishi, and then he went to take revenge himself.

"I checked Wei Shishi's file, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it. But after sending people to visit her, I found that all her experiences in high school, junior high school, and elementary school were all fake. I sent people to visit her. I checked in my class and no one knew her at all.”

Li Anping's eyes narrowed, like a hunting tiger.

"Does that mean it can't be found?"

"I haven't found it yet. I checked further and found that Wei Shishi... may be related to a certain government department."

Li Anping said: "I don't care about this. As long as you find her, you can use any method. No matter what the relationship is or what the reason is, this woman... must die."

"I see."

Li Anping hung up the phone and recalled what happened in Zhongdu again. Thinking that Wei Shishi was not dead yet, he couldn't help but feel a violent feeling in his heart.


The landline phone next to him was directly cracked by Li Anping. He took a deep breath and threw the phone directly into the trash can.

At this moment, footsteps were heard on the stairs, and Xia Yunyun walked down anxiously.

"What's wrong?"

"Grandpa... Grandpa, something happened to him." Xia Yunyun looked panicked: "Grandpa was ambushed by the Flame Dragon Pioneer and was seriously injured. I want to see her."

"Where is he? Let me go with you."

Xia Yunyun got dressed in a hurry. When she heard Li Anping's words, she shook her head: "He was sent to a secret hospital. You can't get in. I'm leaving first."

Looking at Xia Yunyun's hurried away figure, Li Anping once again had a bad feeling.

He was about to call Li Qian, but the other party had already called him.

"Something happened. Pluto, the strongest leader of the Flame Dragon Pioneer, teamed up with Thunder Emperor, White Dwarf, and Blood Demon to ambush Xia Liekong. Although he escaped in the end, he was seriously injured and on the verge of death."

If any one of these four names is announced in the north, the hearts of those who hear it will tremble. They were the only four level five ability users in the Flame Dragon Pioneer. No one would have thought that they would ambush Xia Liekong at the same time.

"How is it possible? Xia Liekong's dragon elephant reincarnation can be resurrected in a complete state as long as there is a clone. How could he be ambushed and seriously injured?" Li Anping didn't believe it.

Li Qian's voice sounded very worried: "I don't know, that's not the problem now. Shen Dong was transferred with a group of people ten minutes ago. Xia Liekong now has more than half of his people missing. In addition, he himself was seriously injured and on the verge of death. , I don’t know if we can be saved or not, now our position is very awkward.”

Li Anping thought for a moment and said, "Don't be nervous. You can continue to pay attention to these things and contact me at any time. Don't worry, I'll be there for everything."

"Yes." Li Qian hung up the phone.

In the next few weeks, things took a turn for the worse and developed faster than Li Anping expected. Xia Yunyun goes out early and comes back late every day. She doesn't know what she is busy with, but Xia Liekong's health seems to be deteriorating, and existing medical methods cannot cure it at all. The men he brought with him were also killed in the battle where they were ambushed.

But on Tianjing's side, it rained all night, and Shen Dong led a group of people to join Song Bang. The group of people under Xia Liekong immediately fell apart, and many rights that originally belonged to Xia Liekong's side fell apart. , positions, and power have all been eroded. Only a small group of people are left, led by Qian Duoduo and Sun Hao, who are still encouraging and supporting.

At the same time, the families, companies, and various forces that had good relations with Xia Liekong also became cowards. People who used to try their best to flatter Xia Yunyun in the past are now avoiding Xia Yunyun in various ways. Xia Yunyun, a woman, could only watch helplessly as Xia Liekong's rights and positions were divided up in an instant.

What's even more troublesome is that Xia Liekong lost the battle this time, resulting in the death of countless soldiers and hundreds of millions of losses. Suddenly, there were constant voices of condemnation in the army, and his property was immediately sealed, and even Xia Yunyun, Sun Hao, and even Li Qian were under investigation.

"Yunyun, I'm sorry, I have to prepare for the exam to study abroad. My mother asked me not to go out recently. Let's make an appointment next time."

"That's it. Uncle is too busy recently. I'll come back to you when I'm done."

"No, Yunyun. This time things have become big. Your Majesty is furious. Even Prince Song has been scolded bloody. No one dares to come forward."

"Song Tian, ​​please help me." Xia Yunyun looked at Song Tian pitifully. In the past, she was always available to the man at her beck and call. This time, she waited at the door of his house for a full three hours before waiting for him.

Unexpectedly, Song Tian just smiled and said, "I'm sorry, but you have to know that the Northern Front is so tense now. Mr. Xia lost the battle again this time. My grandfather is also under great pressure. At this time, Mr. Xia's How can the position be vacant?”

"I know and understand this. But my grandfather must get the best treatment now. They want to withdraw him from the Leaders Hospital and transfer him to a general hospital." Xia Yunyun grabbed Song Tian's arm and begged: " Just let Uncle Song say it. My grandfather is really seriously injured. If he is transferred to a regular hospital now, it will kill him. Moreover, my bank card has been frozen, and I can't afford the medical bills now."

Song Tian smiled, put his mouth close to Xia Yunyun's ear, and whispered: "You sleep with me for one night, and I will help you."

Xia Yunyun was stunned, and then swung his palm towards Song Tian, ​​but Song Tian caught it casually. Seeing Xia Yunyun staring at him with eyes full of fire, Song Tian smiled and said: "Xia Yunyun, I chased you before, but it's not Because you have a good grandpa? But let me tell you now, your grandpa is finished and dead. But if you ask me now, you can still sell it for a good price. In a few days, you won’t be able to sell it for even this price. ”

"You bastard." Xia Yunyun waved his other hand towards Song Tian.

With a snap, Xia Yunyun touched his cheek and fell to the ground, looking at Song Tian in disbelief.

Song Tian laughed and said, "Do you think you are still the eldest lady you were before? Let me tell you, if your grandfather hadn't been Xia Liekong, do you think I would have pursued you so wholeheartedly? Do you think you were beautiful? Tell you, I've been to this level since I was sixteen."

After sneering a few times, Song Tian crossed Xia Yunyun and left, still saying: "Call me when you have figured it out. You know my phone number, hahahaha."

Xia Yunyun returned home in a state of despair, not even noticing that it was raining.

Li Anping watched Xia Yunyun stumble towards the stairs and stopped in front of her: "What's wrong with you? It's raining and you don't hold an umbrella. You're all wet."

"It's all over, haha, no one can rely on it, not a single good thing!!" Xia Yunyun yelled: "They are all a bunch of bastards who eat people but don't spit out bones!!"

Li Anping just watched Xia Yunyun scolding his former friends, sisters, and uncles until he was hoarse.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay. I'll go up and rest for a while." Xia Yunyun said expressionlessly.

Seeing Xia Yunyun walking up the stairs, Li Anping couldn't help but said: "If you need help with anything, tell me and I can think of a way."

Xia Yunyun suddenly turned around, looked at Li Anping steadily, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that I thought I usually have many friends, but in the end, you were the only one willing to help me."

The next moment, Xia Yunyun shook his head again: "Thank you for your kindness, but I will solve it without your help now. I will tell you when I need you." Xia Yunyun does not think that the current matter can be solved by Li Anping. 'Level 1' ability users can handle it. She said this just because she didn't want to hurt Li Anping's good intentions.

In the next half month, things got worse and worse. Another fifth-level ability user who was close to Xia Liekong, the flying general, was still fighting on the northern front. I heard that he and Zhu Rong had joined forces, but they were constantly being attacked by the other party's blood demon. , White Dwarf, and Thunder Emperor are at a disadvantage, not to mention that the opponent's strongest Pluto has not yet dispatched. Daxia Longque is already preparing a troop to reinforce the northern front, but the gap of a fifth-level ability user cannot be filled so easily.

Ordinary people still think that they are living in a peaceful era, but among the senior officials in Tianjing, the smell of war has become stronger and stronger, and a feeling of imminent rain has filled the entire Daxia Longque.

However, Li Anping still lives a life similar to before, surfing the Internet every day and killing bad guys, but now except Li Qian, no one can deal with the aftermath for him. Sun Hao didn't have time to take him to the training room, so he could only practice casually at home every day.

Coupled with previous gains, his current physical fitness has reached strength 6.4, speed 5.3, and physical fitness 7.2.

"How is it?" Li Anping asked Li Qian on the other end of the phone.

"It's not optimistic. The doctor has sentenced Xia Liekong to death, saying that he will probably remain in a vegetative state from now on." Li Qian said, "Although Qian Duoduo and Sun Hao have been holding on, they are now on the list. They will They were sent to the northern front together, under Zhu Rong’s command.”

"Xia Liekong's ambush was very strange. After something happened, a bunch of people immediately fell into trouble, and Shen Dong followed him. Don't you think it's a coincidence."

Li Qian was surprised and said: "You mean there is a conspiracy?"

"I don't know, I just think it's a bit too coincidental. And what about Wei Shishi?"

"It's a little strange. I can't find her previous information. Either she doesn't exist, or all her information has been deliberately destroyed. If anyone can do this kind of thing, I'm afraid in Daxia The position in the government is not low.”


In Song Bang's office, Shen Dong was standing in front of the office, looking at him with a flattering face.

"Sit down, I have something to ask you."

"You say, you say, I will just stand."

"Li Anping, do you think he is worth recruiting?" Song Bang looked at him and said, "When I was cleaning up the garbage left by Xia Liekong recently, I read some information about him, and I have to admit that I was a little mistaken. ”

"No way." Shen Dong became excited, but he calmed down immediately. He knew that being too excited would appear to be problematic, so he said calmly: "To tell you the truth, I originally thought this was the case. Li Anping has great potential, and I wanted to make friends with him, but it turns out that this kid is a total white-eyed wolf. He doesn't take us seniors seriously at all, and he came to challenge me alone. "

"Oh, he challenged you?"

"Yes, one person came here secretly. Just the two of us." Shen Dong said confidently: "In the end, it was solved in two or three strokes. I think those reports about him are all exaggerations. His ability is good, but It’s just that he’s strong, fast, and not much else. And he’s inexperienced, so when he encounters someone with a certain ability, he’ll be blinded immediately.”

"Yes." Song Bang nodded: "I understand, you can go."

"Okay, then you can go about your business and come to me anytime if you need anything."

Seeing Shen Dong leaving, Song Bang looked at Li Anping's information on the computer again. After looking at it for a few minutes, he opened another document, which contained data about Li Qian, especially the ones she had recently borrowed. Documents, and archives that have been turned over. When he saw the words Wei Shishi, a cold light appeared in Song Bang's eyes.

He thought for a while and finally deleted Li Anping's and Li Qian's documents. Now that he has made his decision, the information of these two people is meaningless in his eyes.

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