Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 4: Boiling Chapter 17: The Calm Before the Storm (3)

When Sun Hao returned to the door of the training room, he heard the whistling of the wind from a long distance away. He walked to the door and looked towards the place where the sound came from.

He saw a black shadow shuttled at high speed among more than a hundred dummies, and red sword lights were stirring in the air. Because the speed of the human and sword shadows was too fast, they looked connected, like lasers, cutting the dummies into countless blocks, and then being blown into the air by the whistling wind.

Within a few seconds, a hundred dummies were cut into pieces by the red sword light like lasers and rolled into the air. In the flashing sword light, the terrible sharpness could be felt by Sun Hao from a long distance, and even made him feel a slight sting on his face. Sun Hao knew that it was an illusion caused by the sword being too sharp and the air being stirred, but he still couldn't help but step back a few steps.

The figure stirring the sword light had stopped at this time. It was Li Anping.

He held the sword in one hand and looked at the fragments floating in the air and about to fall slowly.

Just when Sun Hao thought it was over and was shocked by the opponent's sword skills. Li Anping's other hand also grasped the hilt of the sword. A huge sense of threat rushed towards him.

For Li Anping, it was just the momentum of "serious" practice of sword skills. For Sun Hao, it was already a terrible pressure that was enough to threaten his life.

The muscles of the body subconsciously tightened, the mind was unprecedentedly concentrated, and the bioelectric current took over the control of the body in an instant, manipulating the body to retreat according to the pre-determined program.

Under the unprecedented sense of threat, Sun Hao's concentration and insight reached the limit in an instant.

So in such a moment, he also clearly saw Li Anping's movements.

In Sun Hao's perception, the space of the entire training room seemed to slow down. In his eyes, the fragments in the air were slowly falling at an extremely slow speed.

Li Anping's other hand slowly touched the hilt of the sword, forming a posture of holding the sword with both hands. This slow illusion, on the contrary, shows that Li Anping's movements have almost reached a limit.

In Sun Hao's eyes, Li Anping 'slowly' swung his sword towards the fragments in the air. The supersonic slash, coupled with the sharp cut surface of the high-frequency knife, formed a sharp shock wave visible to the naked eye.

Such a shock wave may just pass by like a gust of wind.

But before one shock wave dissipated, a second shock wave appeared, followed by a third and a fourth.

In Sun Hao's sight, the one-meter range in front of Li Anping had become a blurred red shadow. His hands slashed at the air again and again at a speed beyond Sun Hao's imagination.

The atmosphere was hissing! The space was shaking!

Countless air turned into shock waves and superimposed together, like a storm of sword blades rushing towards the air.

The next moment, Sun Hao's senses returned to normal again, and at this time he took a small step back. The training room in front of him had become a vast expanse of white. The white shock waves, or sword energy, sword energy, weasel sickle, etc., rose like countless tornadoes, sweeping up all the fragments in the air.

A terrifying friction sound rang out, like a monster swallowing the air.

A few seconds later, all the fragments in the air had disappeared, and Li Anping still maintained the posture of holding the sword with both hands. It seemed that his previous movements were just illusions.

Everything happened in a short time, not even a second. If there was an ordinary person here, he could only see Li Anping holding the sword with both hands, and then a burst of white sword light swept across, and the fragments in the sky had turned into powder.

If it had been a hundred or two hundred years earlier, Li Anping would have been regarded as a sword immortal or a sword cultivator.

This sword skill, which was modified based on the information of the empty palm and the Great Xia Dragon Bird, was called sword energy fluctuation by Li Anping.

When Li Anping put the high-frequency sword back into the scabbard, he turned his head and looked silently in the direction of Sun Hao. The other person's heartbeat and breathing were so loud, how could he not notice it?

Sun Hao came out from behind the door and looked at Li Anping with a look of regret: "Hehe...Hehe...I came back because I forgot to tell you something. There will be a small dinner tomorrow. You can come with me."

Li Anping looked at Sun Hao coldly, and when he saw that the latter was a little creepy, he said lightly: "Don't talk nonsense."

"Don't worry, I will never tell anyone." Sun Hao said hurriedly: "I am a famous zipper mouth, secret terminator, and gossip crusher. No one else will know about what happened today except me."

After saying a lot, Sun Hao said with some anticipation: "Will you attend tomorrow's party? You should take a break after training every day."

"Anyway, I can't enter the training room without your work permit." Li Anping paused and said: "You can pick me up tomorrow."

"Okay, okay, okay." Sun Hao nodded excitedly: "I will pick you up at ten o'clock tomorrow morning."



At ten o'clock the next morning, Li Anping got on Sun Hao's car and went to the gathering place.

The location was in a forest park, where members of the Daxia Dragon Bird were having a barbecue together. Most of them were people with special abilities. Because the forest park was large and not crowded, they could just pick a corner and chat or play without any pressure.

When Li Anping and Sun Hao arrived, they could already see more than a dozen men and women sitting in a circle.

The two most eye-catching people were a middle-aged man who looked honest and courteous, and a young man who looked like an aristocratic young man. The reason why these two people are the most eye-catching is because Li Anping found that every move of the dozen or so people around him was centered around these two people, consciously or unconsciously.

Sun Hao whispered in Li Anping's ear: "The one who looks like a farmer is called Shen Dong, and he is our old man. The one who looks very rich at first glance is called Qian Duoduo, and he is a little stronger than me. We are all part of Boss Xia’s group. There are many people who followed Boss Xia to the north and did not stay in Tianjing.”

Li Anping nodded and walked towards the crowd.

Sun Hao greeted a few acquaintances. With his strength, he was obviously very popular among Daxia Longque. While greeting people, he introduced Li Anping beside him.

"This is Li Anping, the person that Boss Xia values, he is very powerful."

Everyone just nodded towards Li Anping without paying too much attention. It was as if there was an invisible wall between Li Anping and them.

Shen Dong, on the other hand, glanced at Li Anping indifferently and said, "Are you Li Anping? I am Shen Dong, I guess I am your senior. I heard that you have been asking our people to wipe your butt for you recently?"

Feeling that Shen Dong seemed to have some inexplicable hostility, Li Anping replied casually: "If you are talking about the aftermath of killing someone for me, then that should be the case."

"Hahahaha, then you are really proud of yourself. Does Xia Liekong raise you as his own son?" Shen Dong laughed a few times, then his face suddenly turned cold, and the air around him seemed to have turned cold.

Several colleagues on the side seemed to sense Shen Dong's abnormality and kept looking at Li Anping and Shen Dong. To be honest, although they have never met Li Anping, they all know what Xia Liekong did for Li Anping and what Li Anping did in Tianjing recently. Several of them were even part of the staff responsible for dealing with Li Anping's aftermath.

Naturally, Li Anping's attitude is different. There are those who hate it like Shen Dong, and there are those who appreciate it like Sun Hao. Of course, there are also those who don't care and don't take it seriously.

For example, Qian Duoduo, when everyone focused their attention on Shen Dong and Li Anping, he didn't even raise his head. He just stared at the food on the table, wondering what he was thinking.

In his eyes, both Shen Dong and Li Anping are just small waves in the sea. It might stir up a stir, but not enough to tip the scales.

Shen Dong saw everyone's eyes turning, and then said: "Why, you don't answer? I heard that you have been using our training room recently? You haven't joined the Great Xia Longque yet? You have to use ours and spend us Yes, you still want us to wipe your butt, Lao Xia really thinks of herself as your nanny."

Li Anping was too lazy to pay attention to Shen Dong. The other party's doubts were indeed reasonable, but he had no obligation to explain to the other party.

But Sun Hao stood up and said: "I think Li Anping is enough to earn this respect. I have been training with him recently, and I can only say that Boss Xia is not wrong at all."

Shen Dong glared at Sun Hao: "Mouse, what do you have to do here? Just because you said he is qualified, he is qualified? Do you think you are the best here? I have worked hard for so many years to build it with one knife and one gun. Unlike a certain These people..." After saying that, he glanced at Li Anping coldly.

Except for Sun Hao, who was on Li Anping's side, the people around him and colleagues who were close to Shen Dong all looked at Li Anping with scrutiny.

Sun Hao argued a few more words, but they were all blocked by Shen Dong.

At this moment, Qian Duoduo, who had been in a daze, looked at Sun Hao helplessly.

‘This guy, why can’t he get rid of his good old habits? The old man gives power to newcomers. This is the same everywhere. Isn’t he meddling in other people’s business? In this way, his power was not established well. If Li Anping joins the Great Xia Longque in the future, life will only be more difficult, and it is impossible for Boss Xia to protect him for the rest of his life. ’

Thinking of this, Qian Duoduo stood up and said, "Is that enough? The old man bullying the newcomer is almost done. Shen Dong, you have been working in Daxia Longque for so many years. Are you going to have trouble with a newcomer today?"

Shen Dong wanted to retort, but when he saw the coldness emanating from Qian Duoduo's eyes, he trembled inexplicably, as if he remembered something terrible, and turned away muttering.

‘Asshole, Qian Duoduo, you little brat, wait until I get under the hands of the prince and see how I can torture you to death. Just stay under the dead tree of Xia Liekong and wait for death. ’

When Qian Duoduo saw that Shen Dong was silent, he didn't pursue the matter further. After all, the other party had much more seniority than him, so he couldn't be too rude. He looked at Sun Hao winking at him, shook his head, sighed, and sat back down. As for Li Anping, he didn't even look at it. He only interrupted to save Sun Hao.

Next, a large group of people started having a barbecue, but while eating and talking, everyone except Sun Hao, intentionally or unintentionally, moved away from Li Anping.

Their ideas are nothing more than the following.

Some people think: 'Although Li Anping is good in strength, his qualifications and combat experience are far inferior to Shen Dong. Since Shen Dong can't stand Li Anping, why risk offending Shen Dong to befriend Li Anping at this time. ’

Some people thought of their past: ‘Another arrogant newcomer. Basically, everyone who joins Daxia Longque will go through this process. Before joining, they thought their abilities were unique and invincible. Then, after joining, they saw real monsters one after another, and their confidence was constantly destroyed. They either became discouraged or tried their best to become stronger. ’

Some people have a very strong opinion of Li Anping’s actions and think that he is a dangerous person: ‘Being too extreme is not a good thing. Li Anping is like this. He keeps killing people like this. Even if he kills all bad guys, he has already placed himself above the law and the country. Both his thoughts and his actions are too dangerous. If one day he gains control of huge power, no one knows what will happen. But in Daxia Longque, he really has such an opportunity. ’

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