Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 4: Boiling Chapter 13: A Trial

"Song Bang?" Li Anping muttered to himself as he looked at the information sent by Li Qian in the mailbox. Song Tian's background is deeper than he thought. First of all, his grandfather Song Bang is the current leader of Daxia Longque and is considered one of the strongest ability users in Daxia. The Song family itself is one of the nine royal families. Other uncles, brothers and sisters are even more prominent in military and political positions.

In the election of the nine royal families next year, the Song family is also very popular to ascend to the throne. I heard that their people have been running around recently to pave the way for next year's election. And Song Tian's pursuit of Xia Yunyun is obviously also to contact a strong man like Xia Liekong. After all, in addition to Zhu Rong, Fei Jiang and Song Bang, there is only Xia Liekong, a level 5 ability user in the entire Daxia Longque.

And Zhu Rong originally leaned towards Song Bang, and Fei Jiang and Xia Liekong were friends of life and death. If Xia Yunyun became Song Bang's daughter-in-law again, it would have a positive meaning for him to completely control Daxia Longque.

After reading the information, Li Anping understood that the power of the Song family was so great that it was enough to scare ordinary people. If others knew that Song Tian, ​​whom he had offended, had such a strong background, they might have been scared and would have apologized immediately and left the villa.

But how could Li Anping care about these things? What's more, what he hated most was the second generation of rich people and the second generation of officials.

Rather than reconciling directly, he was more inclined to directly "deal with" Song Tian. If Song Tian did something he shouldn't do next.

A few minutes later, Li Qian also rushed to the villa and sent a bag of documents, which were all related to the True God Church. Song Bang was the leader of Daxia Longque, and Li Qian certainly couldn't get her information, so what she sent to Li Anping was all sorted out by herself. The True God Church's information was the internal archive of Daxia Longque. Obviously, Daxia Longque had been eyeing this largest religious organization in the country for a long time.

The True God Church has existed in the East Continent for more than a thousand years, and they are also the largest organization of people with abilities that has been passed down from ancient times to the present. In ancient times, when technology was not yet prosperous, superpowers were considered to be the power of gods or demons. There have been countless religions gathered by power in history. Obviously, the True God Church is one of the most successful ones.

Gather believers through power, and then use religion as a tool to gain wealth and power. This is also a common method used by most religions, but it has been tried and tested.

The armed organization of the True God Church, called the Holy Alliance, was responsible for protecting the personnel, property and believers of the True God Church at the beginning of its establishment. Now, the True God Church has apparently not recognized that the Holy Alliance belongs to them, but in fact it has been secretly supporting the Holy Alliance's illegal activities in Daxia.

The young man who can control the human body should be a member of the Holy Alliance. Similar folk superpower organizations, as well as Yiqidao, Fuxinghui, etc., are all due to various historical problems, which have led to the fact that Daxia Longque has not been incorporated, eliminated, or cannot be incorporated and eliminated.

Li Qian looked at Li Anping's serious reading of the information, with a hint of intoxication in his eyes. When he found that Li Anping raised his head and looked at him, he couldn't help but panic a little, and a hint of blush flashed across his face.

Li Anping didn't care about these and asked directly: "Have your abilities shown signs of upgrading recently? How is Daxia Longque doing?"

"I don't understand things like upgrading at all." Li Qian shook her head: "Daxia Longque has good treatment, the cafeteria is delicious, there is a free gym, swimming pool, game room, and high salary..."

Li Anping touched his forehead and stopped Li Qian from talking: "I'm asking you about their attitude towards you and me. Xia Liekong will rush to the northern line for support tomorrow morning. Without him in Tianjing, I'm afraid you will be under a lot of pressure."

"It's okay, my colleagues are very nice to me, and many people say you are good at killing. If they didn't have such uniforms, they would have taken action long ago. . However, some people are dissatisfied with your violent behavior and have been complaining about you to their superiors, but Xia Liekong suppressed them. But their attitude is against you, and it has nothing to do with me. Many people are still worried about me, afraid that you will kill me when you are violent. "

Li Anping nodded, and then said: "In terms of ability, I thought about it, maybe it's not enough to just use it to collect intelligence. Can't you control paper? You practice this ability every day, maybe this is the key to your inability to upgrade. "

Then Li Anping discussed with Li Qian about how to exercise his ability every day. Suddenly, he moved his ears and said, "Someone is coming, you go first."

Li Qian nodded and walked towards the back door. Before leaving, she couldn't help but glance at Li Anping's back. I don't know when Li Anping's back became more and more blurred. He is no longer as straightforward as before, and Li Qian is even a little unclear about what Li Anping's ultimate goal is.

But this does not prevent her trust in Li Anping. With a flash of determination in her eyes, Li Qian left from the back door.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door of the villa. Li Anping opened the door and found a sunny boy at the door. The boy looked like he was only in high school. When he saw Li Anping, he smiled.

The boy stretched out his hand: "Hello, are you Li Anping?"

Li Anping shook hands with the boy: "It's me, who are you?"

"My name is Sun Hao, Boss Xia asked me to come." Sun Hao's smile was full of kindness: "I heard that you want to find a sturdy place to train?"

"Well, he told me this morning that he arranged two people to train with me after he left. Where is the other person?"

Sun Hao scratched his head in embarrassment, showing the shyness unique to a young man: "Shen Dong has something to do... and can't come."

Li Anping nodded and said nothing. He knew that things must not be that simple, but Xia Liekong's arrangement was originally to strengthen his relationship with Daxia Longque, but Li Anping himself didn't care about this.

"Then just take me there."

"Okay." After saying that, Sun Hao took Li Anping into his car and drove directly to the training place.

Silently all the way, the car drove through the bustling center of Tianjing and headed towards the suburbs. The car drove further and further, and Li Anping almost thought that the continuous mountainous area in front of him was not Tianjing after all, when Sun Hao finally stopped in front of an open space.

He smiled sheepishly: "I'm sorry, all other places are occupied, and this is the only one left."

"It doesn't matter, but where is it?"

Sun Hao smiled mysteriously, got out of the car, and shouted a series of instructions towards the open space in front of him.

Then with a burst of mechanical sound, an underground entrance suddenly opened in the open space in front of Li Anping.

Sun Hao turned around and smiled: "Let's go, it's quite deep down there and the passage is very long."

Li Anping followed Sun Hao, passing three inspection devices along the way, scanning their retinas, fingerprints, and Sun Hao's work ID.

After walking about a few hundred meters, his eyes suddenly lit up. A vast underground space made of steel from top to bottom and left and right appeared in front of Li Anping.

Sun Hao stood in front of Li Anping and introduced: "It is a thousand square meters in total. It is wrapped with a radiation-proof layer and an impact-resistant layer. The entire training room is earthquake-resistant, pressure-resistant, heat-resistant, and cold-resistant. There are also various cold, Hot weapons for selection." After saying that, rows of weapon cabinets rose up next to Sun Hao, ranging from the simplest knives, swords, and daggers to pistols, submachine guns, and even rockets and sniper rifles.

"Of course, in addition to the one thousand square meters of actual combat space, there are many built-in training equipment for strength, speed, reaction, endurance, agility, etc. in the surrounding small rooms. I will not introduce them one by one. They are all used on the walls. Explanation. There are bathrooms and toilets at the door. The only drawback is that there is no canteen." After saying that, Sun Hao said with a proud smile, "How about it? Are you satisfied?"


Xia Yunyun yawned and walked down the stairs, looking sleepy.

She glanced subconsciously at the living room.

"Tch, where did you go fooling around again?"

Xia Yunyun walked into the bathroom and started brushing her teeth. Halfway through brushing, she suddenly walked toward the window sill in the courtyard.

‘Tch, I’ll just take a look and save you from damaging my lawn. ’

As a result, Xia Yunyun saw that there was no one on the lawn, and Li Anping was not there at all. So her face darkened, and she walked back to the bathroom with bang-dong-dong steps to continue brushing her teeth.

"This country bumpkin has been leaving early and coming back late these days. Where is he fooling around?"

Xia Yunyun suddenly stopped brushing his teeth and thought to himself: "This guy won't join the Great Xia Longque and go on a mission, right? He's only at level one. What mission can he do if he doesn't train well?"

No, he shouldn't be fooling around with that woman named Li Qian. That woman is not a good thing at first glance. "

Suddenly Xia Yunyun took a sip and spit out all the toothpaste in her mouth.

"Why do I think so much? He'd better disappear from my house as soon as possible. I'm relieved."

Xia Yunyun continued to wash up, but for some reason, she couldn't help but think of Li Anping, and then couldn't help but get angry.

In the underground training room, two phantoms pierced the air and continued to collide in the square. The impact of the fists and feet of the two people clashed caused waves of dull sounds in the underground space.

If anyone saw the fight between Li Anping and Sun Hao here, they would definitely be amazed by the fighting power of the two. Sun Hao, who was in the middle of the battle, would deeply feel the terror of Li Anping in front of him.

‘This Li Anping, every punch and kick he makes looks extremely fast and powerful, but with that ease of expression, he doesn’t use all his strength at all, but I’m almost at my limit. I am also a level four ability user after all. ’

'There are also those layman-like movements that look clumsy, but they are all meaningful. If he hadn't been specially trained in a kind of martial arts that mainly confuses the opponent, it would be his instinct at work. The terrible instinct to fight for a living. ’

'There is no need to know why, no need to know the reason for every action, he fights based on instinct. ’

‘Who is this Li Anping? ’

At this moment, the two figures collided again, and the dull sound of impact resounded throughout the training room. Li Anping stood firmly on the spot.

But Sun Hao flew out directly and rolled for more than ten meters in the open space before stopping.

Li Anping asked: "Are you okay?"

Sun Hao kept panting, and a large amount of sweat was discharged from his body surface. He said intermittently: "'s okay."

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