Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 4: Boiling Chapter 5: Conversation and Cultivation

"What do you think of this country? What do you think of us?" Xia Liekong asked.

"Why are you asking me this?" Li Anping asked in surprise.

"I know what you are thinking. We, those of us who are high and low, only know how to fight for power, corruption, and maintain stability. We let the evil people go unpunished, and let the rich occupy more than half of the country's wealth. We let the poor be exploited, oppressed."

"Isn't it?" Li Anping looked at Xia Liekong coldly.

Li Qian on the side became nervous again, fearing that the two of them would fight again.

"Let me show you something." Xia Liekong walked to the living room and brought a tablet computer and placed it in front of Li Anping.

Li Anping clicked on it and looked at it, and found that it contained information on some senior officials being secretly arrested and their property frozen. There are also many cases where wealthy people are under house arrest for fraud, tax evasion, misappropriation of national assets, and suspicion of insider trading.

"We are not what you think, we haven't done anything. On the contrary, we have been doing it, quietly and secretly." Xia Liekong said from the side: "It's just Daxia Longque, except for the main battle. There are more than 10,000 intelligence officers with superpowers in the country. Together with other disciplinary inspection commissions, anti-corruption bureaus, investigation bureaus, military intelligence bureaus, etc., there are at least more than 150,000 intelligence officers across the country. There are more things than you think, but knowing the problem doesn’t mean we can solve it.”

Li Anping looked at the information on the tablet seriously, and heard Xia Liekong's voice.

"We also know that Shang Anguo has a problem, but can we kill him so straightforwardly? What bad impact will this have? Not to mention that everyone in the officialdom is in danger, even in Zhongdu, Shang Zhenbang has fallen , you know how much we need to do to deal with the aftermath."

Li Anping frowned, but did not answer in a hurry.

"What official doesn't want his country to be strong? What's more, when we are in our position, how many people are always thinking about fighting for power? But our country is too big, with 10 million square kilometers and a population of more than 2 billion. Any decision affects tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people. This is not as simple as killing a few people."

"So we can only make changes bit by bit and plan bit by bit. Because we are serving the 2 billion people in Daxia, we cannot take risks."

Seeing that Li Anping didn't speak, Xia Liekong continued: "And we are not the only country in the world. Ice Castle has border frictions with us in the north every month. In the south, Baiyue, Fulun and other more than a dozen countries have already The war has stopped and everyone is staring at us. There are also the Sun Islands in the West Sea and the issue of Dongyang and our sea rights has been unresolved. "

"Under this situation, if there is some domestic turmoil, it will cause a new round of changes in the international situation. Maybe the entire Daxia regime will be overturned. But now, at least the lives of most people are getting better and better. Do you think that in this situation, we can take risks for such a small group of people? "

Seeing Li Anping nod, Xia Liekong looked at him solemnly: "I don't want to imprison you or control you, I just want this country to become better."

"I understand what you said." Li Anping looked at Xia Liekong seriously: "But I can't bear the growth of evil in front of me. I also think that simple compromise will not lead Daxia to become stronger."

"Of course." Xia Liekong said: "We also support you in fighting those villains and scum. I believe that as a person, you will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Nor will you deliberately cause social unrest and give us Opportunity for neighbors.”

After saying that, Xia Liekong stared at Li Anping closely. Li Anping looked at him for a while, and finally couldn't help but turn his head.

"Don't worry. I promised you I wouldn't go too far."

"Thank you." Xia Liekong smiled: "On behalf of the country and the people, I thank you."

So next, Li Anping promised Xia Liekong that he would not kill people randomly again, at least he would give enough reasons to kill the other party before killing him again. Especially for famous and status officials, rich people and others, even if he kills them, he will notify Daxia Longque as soon as possible so that they can deal with the aftermath as soon as possible and calm down all the impact of the incident.

"Then I will send a team of people to contact you in a few days. They will be responsible for the communication between you and Daxia Longque from now on."

Li Anping said coldly: "No need. Don't worry, I will abide by the agreement."

Xia Liekong smiled and said: "Li Anping, you are a person with super powers. If you really want to do something in Daxia and Tianjing, you will definitely not be able to get around Daxia Longque."

Li Anping thought for a while, glanced at the same Li Qian and said, "Then let Li Qian be responsible for this matter."

"Oh?" Xia Liekong glanced at Li Qian in surprise, as if he didn't expect that the relationship between the two was not bad, and he said, "Okay."

'Sure enough, it was right to send a beautiful woman there. After all, Li Anping is still very young, and Li Qian is also very beautiful. If the two of them can be together, the bond between Li Anping and Daxia Longque will be even higher. In this case, Things to come...'

Xia Liekong shook his head and lamented that he was thinking too much now. He said, "Speaking of which, is this your first time to Tianjing? How is it going? Where do you plan to go? Nanshan Park, Jiuxing Bridge, Art Museum, Tianjing There are a lot of fun places here at Beijing University.”

"Not interested." Li Anping's answer was not what Xia Liekong expected: "When will you start teaching me how to read Qi?"

"If you're in such a hurry, let's start tomorrow. But you really should go out for a walk more often. Otherwise, if this continues, you will become more like an old man than me."

Li Qian on the side also helped: "It's time to go for a walk, so that you can familiarize yourself with the terrain and understand the people's sentiments." She really wanted to go out with Li Anping, and a date would be even better.

Li Anping looked at Li Qian in embarrassment and said, "Let's talk about it then."

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot." Xia Liekong suddenly took out a black credit card from his arms and threw it to Li Anping: "The annual quota is 100 million, and each transaction cannot exceed 10 million. It should be It’s enough for you.”

Li Anping didn't say much and just accepted it. He knew that the government was afraid that he would do something for money. I also want to monitor his behavior through transaction records.

"And this." Xia Liekong handed Li Anping a dark mobile phone: "The Nokia Model 3 developed by the military is resistant to falls, explosions, and impacts. It is most suitable for people with close combat abilities like you."

The next morning, on the lawn of the courtyard.

Li Anping and Xia Liekong stood opposite each other.

"From ancient times to the present, people have divided abilities into mutation, parasitism, bloodline, field, ancient and external, based on their different sources and causes." Xia Liekong talked eloquently.

"Although the reasons for the abilities of the six major departments are different, there is one thing they have in common."

"Nianqi." Li Anping said softly.

"That's right, it's Nian Qi." Xia Liekong nodded: "As long as you are an ability user above level 0, no matter which of the six major systems you have, you will have Nian Qi. It represents the evolution of the body and spirit. Although it is still There is no scientific method that allows ordinary people to detect mind energy, but it does exist in our world. "

"Ability is a talent, and Nian Qi can maximize your talent."

As he spoke, Xia Liekong raised his right hand, and Li Anping felt the energy of thought running out of his body and gathering on his right hand.

"The thought energy you have at the first level can enhance the physical strength of your body, improving your destructive power and defense. But it cannot improve your strength and speed. What is the speed of pure physical strength? , after covering the mind energy, the power will not increase out of thin air.”

Then, Xia Liekong's right hand was covered with more and more thought energy, burning like a blazing fire in his hand.

"After reaching the second energy level, your body and spirit will improve again, and the quality of your thoughts will also increase. You will find that your thoughts can begin to enhance your abilities."

"After reaching the third energy level, quantitative changes finally led to qualitative changes." Xia Liekong said as he punched forward with force. I saw the ball of thought energy in his hand, like a falling meteor, hitting the lawn at his feet.

boom! It looked like a landmine explosion. The place where the air ball hit exploded, throwing up countless grass and rocks.

"After reaching the third energy level, the mental energy you possess can begin to independently affect the material world. You no longer need the physical body. Just use pure mental energy. At this level, there are even masters who use mental energy to resist bullets."

Li Anping thought of Kano, whose thought energy seemed to be able to interfere with the material world independently.

"And at the fourth energy level, there is a new difference." Before Xia Liekong could finish his words, his raised right hand suddenly shot out a bolt of lightning. The lightning was like a sword of light, shooting out a distance of fifty meters and then becoming still.

Xia Liekong waved the fifty-meter thunder sword and said: "The fourth level of mind energy is more closely integrated with your ability. For example, like now, my simple discharge ability, through mind energy, has transformed the world. One of the most violent forces in the world is condensed into a sword of thunder. Focus your thoughts on your eyes."

When Li Anping heard the words, he immediately followed the instructions. The sword, which was made of thunder and lightning, suddenly changed in his eyes. In the sword, there was not only thunder and lightning, but also a large amount of thought energy. It was the thought energy that turned the thunder and lightning into a solid-like existence. But at the same time, the lethality and characteristics of electricity have not changed much.

Li Anping could imagine that once he was hit by this thunder sword, not only his body would be cut, but the paralysis and high temperature effects of thunder and lightning would also appear at the same time.

"This is the simplest application of mind energy superimposed on abilities to produce changes. After reaching the fourth level, due to differences in abilities, personalities, experiences, and thinking, the shape and form of abilities will change in various ways. Ability users The strength will also be greatly improved at this stage.”

Li Anping thought: 'My ability is to strengthen myself by devouring souls and bodies. I don't know how to change through mind energy after the fourth energy level. ’

When Xia Liekong said this, his eyes suddenly looked complicated when he looked at Li Anping.

‘Although Nian Qi can increase the strength of the ability user through practice, personal talent is probably the guarantee of where the ability user can go in the end. ’

He suddenly sighed: "You are still a level one ability user, right?"

Seeing Li Anping nod, he continued: "When you were at the first level, you already had strength comparable to that of a fourth-level ability user. Your ability seems to be at the first level."

Xia Liekong thought that this was the superiority of Li Anping's ability, which had a great bonus on the body. But I never imagined that Li Anping became stronger by eating people. The level of ability cannot measure the strength of Li Anping's combat power at all. Even if he remains at the first level, as long as he eats enough people, Li Anping will be invincible.

"First sequence? What is that?" Li Anping asked.

"Hehe, I said before that the talent of the ability user represents his limit. Sometimes, as long as the ability is strong enough, even a level 0 ability user can defeat a level 3 ability user. In order to distinguish the threat level of different abilities, more than 20 years ago, major organizations jointly issued an ability sequence." Xia Liekong said: "Like animal communication, fluorescent body are the weakest abilities, ranked in the fifth sequence, and the most powerful abilities are all in the first sequence."

"Oh?" Li Anping's eyes showed curiosity: "What is the most powerful ability of the first sequence in the world now?"

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