Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 3: Countercurrent Chapter 42: Destruction

The next day, Li Qian parked the car on the street. After a while, she saw Li Anping coming up from a distance. He threw a rectangular package to Li Qian.

"What is it?" Li Qian asked.

"Someone gave me a high-frequency knife. Can you help me check if there is any tampering inside."

Li Qian was surprised and said, "High-frequency knife? Can this thing be carried around? Who gave it to you?" Although she didn't know much about the current technological development of the Daxia army, in her impression, most high-frequency knives are currently used for industrial and medical purposes, and there are no high-frequency weapons that can be mass-produced and miniaturized.

"I don't know, it shouldn't be tampered with, but you should still check it. This way I can use it with more confidence."

Li Qian nodded to show that she understood, and Li Anping on the side added again: "Don't let others know."

"I understand." Then Li Qian took out a bag of folders and handed it to Li Anping: "This is what you want to check, information about Violet, Zhongyi Hall and Qilin Group. It took me a lot of effort to find it."

Although Li Qian's ability is excellent, such real-time monitoring is mainly aimed at current events, and there is little knowledge about what the three major organizations have done in the past. And the information and evidence in this regard have been hidden by the police officers who colluded with the three major organizations in the past. After all, in the past, even if the evidence was sent to the police station in Emerald City, it might be sent back to the table of those underworld bosses the next day.

Li Anping nodded, opened the file bag, and began to read it.

Li Qian on the side started the car directly, walked into the traffic, and glanced at Li Anping cautiously. She had read the information about the three major organizations beforehand, especially the part about Zhongyitang and Qilin Group. Both Fang Qi and Liu Xian were already qualified as scumbags.

Liu Xian was a local veteran who was good at fraud, extortion and robbery. Even his daughter-in-law was robbed. Otherwise, how could a beautiful college student from a prestigious university marry a fool with an IQ of less than 80.

As for Fang Qi, he should have a deep relationship with the Baiyue Royal Family. He was arrogant and domineering to the extreme. And the entire Qilin Group was a war profiteer. In the more than a year since they came to Emerald City, there have been 142 casualties in the records alone. Not to mention that they had been renting girls from Lone Wolf to be comfort women for the group members.

Sure enough, when Li Qian secretly looked at Li Anping, she found that his brows were getting tighter and tighter. It seemed that she felt Li Anping's anger. Li Qian couldn't help but swallowed quietly, and the car slowed down unconsciously.

After a long time, Li Anping put the information back into the file bag. His face was calm, and he could not tell whether he was happy or angry. Li Qian subconsciously lowered her voice to say something, but Li Anping had already taken the lead and said, "No need to say, I will go to them tonight. I can ignore the younger brothers at the bottom of Zhongyi Hall, but I will not let any of the damned people in his file go."

Li Qian would not pity those scumbags, but for Li Anping's safety, she had to consider the position of Daxia Longque in this regard. So she did not persuade Li Anping to change his decision, but asked directly, "What about Xia Liekong?"

"Call him." Li Anping decided to talk to Xia Liekong. If the other party did not lie to him last time, and the clone really only had one-eighth of his strength, then he would not be sure of winning against Xia Liekong in his full state. And there are at least two or three strong men of this level in Daxia Longque.

The call was connected...

"Hello, you're looking for me?" Xia Liekong's tone sounded like he was in a bad mood: "It just so happens that I have something to tell you. Come to Tianjing next week."

Li Anping took the phone: "Let's talk about going to Tianjing. I have something to tell you now. I will go out tonight. All the people in the Qilin Group must die. People like Liu Xian in the Zhongyi Hall must also die."

Death-like silence came from the other end of the phone. When Xia Liekong spoke again, his words were full of coldness: "Do you know what it means to put the overall situation first? In this situation, I don't want to see any chaos in the south. Once the top leaders of the Zhongyi Hall are killed, what if more than 100,000 of his younger brothers take the opportunity to cause trouble? Do you know how many eyes are staring at Daxia?

As for the Qilin Group... I can allow you to kill them all, but Fang Qi must stay. He has the blood of the Baiyue royal family... I don't want to give the Baiyue Kingdom an excuse at this moment to let them interfere in the affairs of the Emerald City. When the two fronts go to war, Even the Great Xia Dragon Bird can hardly afford it. "

"Bad people must be punished for doing bad things. And these scums, their punishment is death penalty, which will be carried out by me personally." Li Anping said word by word: "I am not interested in the overall view you mentioned. If I knew what they did earlier, I would have killed them all when I killed Kano. Because every extra minute they live is a huge harm to others."

"You!" Xia Lie said in an airy voice: "Do you think you are acting? Or a comic? Do you think you are a superhero? Reality is not that simple. Do you think you are a good person just because you killed Liu Xian? Is it right? Have you ever thought about what will happen to Liu Xian's parents and his children? Have you ever thought about what will happen to those innocent people who were hurt when Zhongyi Hall was in chaos and his brothers made trouble after his death?

And are all the people in Zhongyi Hall bad? Those accountants, drivers, cleaners, security guards who worked for him, those ordinary people lost their jobs because of your momentary pleasure, how can they support their families? How can they make a living?

And what about Fang Qi? What if a dozen small countries in the south are all eyeing us? Usually they lie in front of us like dogs, but now we are fighting with Ice Castle, it would be good if they don't hold us back. If you kill Fang Qi, wouldn't it give Bai Yue an excuse to intervene? Once Bai Yue intervenes, the other Fulun and Yinxi will come up one by one to take a bite. Then the whole Daxia will be covered by war. If the situation deteriorates like this, do you know how many people will die?

Li Anping, let me tell you, it's not that I don't want Fang Qi to die, and I don't want to support Zhongyi Hall, but they must be stable now. Once Ice Castle withdraws its troops, I promise you that I will destroy them as soon as possible. "

After saying this, Xia Liekong sighed. If Li Anping still doesn't change his mind after saying so much, then he can't do anything. Just do what you have to do.

Xia Liekong quietly waited for Li Anping's answer. Finally, the other side spoke.

"Some people do evil, and the consequences of their evil deeds are not a reason for us to indulge them. Those who want to start a war and make trouble are wrong. Good people should not pay for their threats, and the citizens of Emerald City should not be threatened by the Qilin Group and Zhongyi Hall at all times. "

Li Anping continued: "This matter is not negotiable. Can he be allowed to do evil because of his background? "

"You bastard. "Xia Liekong said, but then he said: "I lost to you, so do you think this will work? You can kill whoever you want, but Zhongyi Hall cannot be in chaos. Let our people take over. Don't worry, we will guide him in the right direction.

As for Fang Qi, at least keep him alive. We are useful. "

"Okay. "Li Anping thought for a while and replied.

"Then it's settled. "

After hanging up the phone, someone next to Xia Liekong chuckled, which came from a landline.

"Old Xia, it's not like you to be so polite, he doesn't appreciate your kindness. Is it worth it for you? For this Li Anping, Song Bang is getting more and more demanding. "That was the voice of the flying general.

"He is excellent and has great potential. He is not afraid of the powerful and has the power to support him. As for the old man..."

Xia Liekong laughed: "It's okay. He wants the command of the north, right? Just give it to him."

"But it's not good for him to keep inserting his own people into the army. There is still a year before the imperial election begins. The royal families have already started to act. Song Bang seems to want to support his son to take the throne."

"The other eight royal families are not vegetarians either. It is not so easy for the Song family to take the throne. Does he really think it is so easy to be an emperor?"



On the other side, after Li Anping hung up the phone, he asked Li Qian to stop the car. He didn't get out of the car, just looking at the roadside.

Li Qian felt a little curious. She looked in the direction he looked and saw a scarred strong man beating a young man.

In the restaurant, the giant bear knocked a waiter to the ground with one punch, and then pointed at the people around him and said lazily: "What? Disobedient? I tell you, if you don't pay the management fee today, you can't keep your store open. "

"But you just came to collect the management fee yesterday." A fat female cashier asked tremblingly.

The giant bear looked at him and laughed. He walked to the woman step by step. Seeing that she lowered her head and didn't dare to look at him directly, he slapped the woman on the head: "You paid it, right?"

Pa pa pa, he slapped the woman's face one after another, repeating: "You paid it, right?"

"We came to collect it yesterday, right?"

"You don't want to give it, right?"

The female cashier cried and said: "No, you didn't collect the management fee." The people on the side looked at the giant bear angrily, clenched their fists, but no one caught up. Whether it was the opponent's scar, body size, or the fierce reputation of the Qilin Group, they all dispersed their courage.

Seeing that his threat had taken effect, the giant bear laughed and walked to the door.

"Someone will come to collect it tomorrow. If you still drag your feet and don't pay, I don't know what will happen. "After saying that, the giant bear laughed wildly and walked out. He felt very comfortable in his heart.

Originally, it would never be the turn of a high-level person like him to collect protection fees. But the giant bear likes this kind of free food and drink. In the past, when he was a mercenary in the south, he had to fight for money with his life. It's not as comfortable as here in Emerald City. There are so many weak chickens and sheep, and you can easily get money from them.

Suddenly, the giant bear stopped and looked in the direction of Li Anping. When he saw Li Anping and Li Qian sitting in the car, he grinned and walked towards them.

The giant bear knocked on the car window in front of Li Anping and saw that the other party didn't open the window. He didn't care.

Glancing at Li Qian in the driver's seat, the giant bear said to Li Anping: "I know you can hear it. Tell your girlfriend that we have arrested so many people in the past two days. It's enough. Don't meddle in other people's business. Otherwise, if something happens, we will not be responsible. "

Li Anping did not answer him, but the giant bear saw the other party's 'trembling' shoulders, 'frightened eyes', and 'pale face' showing an interesting expression. If it was on the battlefield in the south, he would probably not be able to help but grab this pretty boy and stab him a few times.

The giant bear finally raised his middle finger to Li Anping and left.

But who knew that he had just taken two steps when he felt a powerful palm grabbing his neck from behind, making him unable to move.

"Let's start with you. "

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