Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 3: Countercurrent Chapter 36: Destruction

On the ring highway of Emerald City, a black car was driving at high speed. The red letters on the license plate showed the military identity of the car. The people in the surrounding cars couldn't help but show a trace of awe in their eyes.

Because of the long-term battle with the Ice Castle in the north, the Daxia army now has a much higher social status in the country than before, and the weight of their words is also heavier than before. In particular, the temperament and bravery brought by the army's long-term battles have made the Daxia army always strong and elite in the impression of ordinary people.

Li Anping was sitting in the co-pilot seat at this time, looking at the scenery outside the car window with his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking. Li Qian sat on his right and drove the car. Seeing Li Anping's careless look, he couldn't help but say: "It's better not to make this operation too bloody. I know they all deserve to die, but that will have a bad impact."

Li Anping didn't answer. It had been a week since they last met. During this week, Xia Liekong had already left. Hearing that the northern front was in danger, he went back to support.

And Li Anping communicated with Xia Liekong through Li Qian and reached many conditions. Xia Liekong did not simply ask Li Qian to help Li Anping clean up the criminals. Instead, he took another approach...

"Have all the people in the special service team been cleaned up?" Li Anping came back to his senses and turned to Li Qian and asked.

"Yes." Li Qian nodded: "According to the information you provided and the evidence we have, all the people in the team who have colluded with the underworld and lone wolves have been sent away. Including Han Wei, I used the opportunity of interrogation to "interview" him in advance, and you may never find him again. And now I am the boss of the Jade Branch of the Special Service Team. Are you happy?" As she said, she took out a small stack of newspapers from her arms and handed it to Li Anping.

And during this week, Li Anping also confirmed another thing, that is, Li Qian likes him, I don't know if it was stimulated by something, or disguised, or for some other reason. Li Qian showed her obsession with him, as if she worshipped an idol and could do anything for him.

But Li Anping still needs more tests, because this kind of thing is too incredible for him.

Li Anping took the newspaper and started reading. There were not many words on the newspaper, only a few lines, and the rest were blank.

‘On the first day, Han Wei was covered with his head and taken to the train. Although he knew that all his crimes had been found out, he was full of despair and sadness, but he still did not have the courage to intervene and resist the government. He did not sleep all night, worrying about his future...’

‘On the second day, Han Wei was sent to the hospital and felt that his brain was getting duller and duller. He knew that he was fed with medicine. But he did not know when, yesterday's breakfast? Or dinner? . It doesn't matter, this is the routine process of Daxia Longque. The convicted ability person will be fed with poison. In a few days, he will be rescued and become an idiot to prevent him from telling secrets that he should not tell...’

‘On the third day, Han Wei felt that the whole world became upside down and his memory began to become fragmented...’

Li Anping read a few more lines and found that Han Wei had gone crazy in the end. The rest of the newspaper was all written with all kinds of crazy words, so he tore the newspaper into pieces and spilled it out of the window.

"It's nothing. If Xia Liekong hadn't put pressure on us from the top, we wouldn't have been able to catch them even if we had more evidence. In the end, I had to kill them myself. And compared to going crazy, maybe they would be more accepting of being killed by me."

Li Qian continued, "The Emerald City Special Service Team is missing half of its staff all of a sudden. There will be a vacuum period next. You have to support me well and don't just leave."

Seeing that Li Anping didn't mean to answer, Li Qian didn't care. He had gotten used to Li Anping's state in the past week. The other party rarely spoke, and most of the time she was talking and Li Anping was listening. But this feeling with Li Anping made her feel very comfortable.

Originally, because of the murder case, Xia Liekong took her into the Great Xia Dragon Bird. She thought her life was already dark, but she didn't expect to meet Li Anping again now.

Li Qian secretly glanced at Li Anping staring at the window, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"Also, remember, call us quickly after you kill someone, don't always forget. For example, why did you tear the man in half yesterday? You could just stab him to death with one finger. Do you know how bad the impact will be if he is discovered by civilians?"

"He deserves to die." Li Anping said coldly: "He dismembered his own daughter, and it's easy for him to tear this kind of person in half."

Li Qian sighed helplessly, and had to urge: "Then you have to remember to call us and let us deal with it quickly. The scene is too bloody and will cause a bad impact. By then, you will be wrong even if you are right."

"I know." Li Anping said indifferently, and then he suddenly turned his head to look at Li Qian and asked: "Aren't you afraid of me when you see these things every day?"

"No, don't you kill bad people?" Li Qian smiled at Li Anping: "I saved me, I believe you."

Li Anping's eyes moved, but he didn't say anything after all, and lowered his head to look at the documents in his hand. This is the goal of their operation this time.

This is also the condition discussed by Xia Liekong and Li Anping. Li Anping stopped attacking the state forces in Emerald City. But he could bring down those officials and police with evidence. As long as the evidence was conclusive, Xia Liekong promised not to follow the normal process and directly let the special forces handle it.

Li Anping will get support from the special forces, which will provide him with information and whereabouts of various criminals. But in turn, Li Anping must also provide military assistance when the special forces are insufficient.

There is one last point, that is, there is no absolute need, don't take action against the three major forces first, because that may cause turmoil in the entire Emerald City. After all, there are 100,000 younger brothers behind Zhongyi Hall, and Violet is an international group with investments throughout Daxia. And the leader of the Qilin Group, Fang Qi, has the ability of Qilin blood, and is suspected to be related to the Baiyue Royal Family.

At this sensitive moment, Xia Liekong does not want any variables that affect the international situation in Emerald City. Simply put, these three major forces have backgrounds that make Xia Liekong temporarily cautious.

But this is what Li Anping disdains. He plans to use the power of Daxia Dragon Bird to clean up Emerald City first. As for the last three organizations, if he finds out that they deserve to die like Lone Wolf, he will not care about the overall situation. Kill if you should kill, and destroy if you should destroy.

Today, Li Qian sent Li Anping to a large drug manufacturing den. The raw materials were transported from the Indo-Western country in the south, and then manufactured in Daxia.

This large den itself has super-strong military equipment, and it had an unclear relationship with the special forces of Emerald City in the past. Now the special forces have been cleared from top to bottom, and it is time to wipe out this den. However, the special forces are currently short of manpower, and the firepower of this drug manufacturing den is very strong. In order to reduce casualties, it is time for Li Anping to go out.

As time passed, the car came down from an exit and drove more than ten kilometers. Unknowingly, it was getting more and more remote. There were no people and traffic around, just like entering a place isolated from the world. The road under the wheels also changed from concrete to dirt.

After a bumpy ride, Li Qian parked the car on a muddy and rugged path. She pointed to the woods on the side and said, "Just go another five hundred meters this way, the vanguard should have arrived."

Li Anping nodded to show that he understood, opened the car door and walked into the woods. Behind him, Li Qian was walking with a briefcase.

Not long after walking, Li Anping saw a three-story villa in the woods. The whole villa was surrounded by a three-meter-high concrete wall, which was covered with glass and iron wire. The main door was a solid iron door, and you couldn't see inside at all. Li Anping could still hear the barking of dogs inside. It was like a small bunker.

When Li Anping was about to move forward, two men in blue and white uniforms and fully armed suddenly rushed out and pointed machine guns at him, shouting: "Who are you? There is a military exercise here, get out of here..." Before they finished speaking, they shouted behind Li Anping: "Captain?"

Li Qian walked out from behind Li Anping and said with a smile: "Okay, Qin Yong. You let the brothers back off and leave it to him."

Qin Yong looked at Li Anping suspiciously. Although he was full of distrust in his heart, the relationship between superiors and subordinates forced him to obey and led his men back into the woods.

Li Anping had already noticed that there were 20 fully armed soldiers in the woods, vaguely surrounding the villa. But when he saw Qin Yong and his uniform, he frowned: "Why did you let ordinary people join in?"

"Not enough manpower. Anyway, I let them come with your support this time, and it can be regarded as training." Li Qian explained: "This Qin Yong has a sense of justice. He dared to break into the lair of the lone wolf alone. Didn't you save him? I thought you admired him very much."

Li Anping did not answer. He glanced at Li Qian and walked straight to the gate of the villa.

'Haha, you obviously care about others but don't want to say it. 'Li Qian looked at Li Anping's silent appearance and laughed in her heart: 'I didn't expect Anping to have such a side. '

The 20 people in the woods were shocked to see Li Anping walk up so openly without even a gun or a bulletproof vest.

"Is this guy looking for death? Why did the captain let such a man go straight up?"

"Boss, should we go up and drag him back?"

Qin Yong shook his head and looked at Li Anping in confusion: "Just watch, I don't think the captain will let him go to die."

Li Anping also heard their conversation, but he didn't care at all. When he slowly approached the iron gate for five meters, he found that someone on the other side had discovered him, so he suddenly accelerated and rushed to the front of the iron gate in the blink of an eye.

Then he punched the iron gate.


The turbulent airflow rushed towards him like a wave. Li Anping's violent punch was like a bomb explosion. The thick iron gate weighing several tons collapsed in the first time and shot towards the back of the gate.

The criminals behind the door were pierced by countless iron blocks the next moment. They didn't even react before they died.

"Someone broke in!"

"The other side has a bomb!"

The alarm sounded in the villa, and a few seconds later, fierce gunshots echoed throughout most of the forest, and almost all the firepower was concentrated on Li Anping at the door.

But the bullets only passed through a residual image and shot on the ground behind Li Anping.

The next moment, a series of screams rang out in the villa...

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