Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 3: Countercurrent Chapter 32: Crushing

The explosion happened right in front of Li Anping. He didn't even have time to dodge. He just endured it.

The shock wave swept through his body, and a stream of blood spurted out. He vomited a mouthful of blood, and even some internal organs were mixed in. The internal organs are always the weakness of the human body. Even a strong person like Li Anping cannot overcome it. And the explosion just now obviously caused him internal injuries. Most of the internal organs in his body were ruptured. Ordinary people would probably have died long ago.

Kano obviously would not miss this opportunity. In a wild laugh, the water dragon had already rushed over and shook its tail to roll towards Li Anping's body.

However, what greeted him was a straightforward punch without any fancy moves.

The power of this punch was not reduced at all compared to the previous one. It directly smashed the water dragon's tail. When the water dragon regrouped and rushed forward again, Li Anping had already dodged. Whether it was speed or strength, there was no decrease at all, and there was no sign of injury at all.

Li Anping also has the ability to heal himself. Although his self-healing depends on swallowing souls, the number is limited. Before the battle, he still had 30 souls, and the explosion damage just now consumed 5 souls.

However, Kano didn't know that when he saw Li Anping's lively appearance, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes. The man in front of him was stronger than he thought. But he didn't think he would lose.

Whether it was his self-healing ability or his ability to devour abilities, it showed how powerful he was. If the explosion didn't work, then try another one.

Kano rushed up again, but the difference was that this time there were bubbles coming out of the water dragon's body, and the entire liquefied body looked like it was boiling. Before getting close, you could feel a heat coming towards you.

This is Mo Qiuyan's ability to control body temperature, which is now used by Kano and combined with the liquefaction of the body. It is equivalent to turning the body into boiling water at 100 degrees. It's not that Kano doesn't want to increase the temperature, but the boiling point of water is 100 degrees. If it's higher, he will evaporate.

Li Anping's face was solemn. This time when he saw the water dragon rushing over, he didn't fight back, but kept retreating. It's not that he didn't want to fight back, but the water dragon in front of him was covered with boiling water. He punched it, and Kano only needed to regroup his body, but he was burned.

Even if he was accidentally entangled, he would be boiled in boiling water at 100 degrees. The threat was much greater than his venom attack just now.

So the field suddenly fell into a stalemate, and Kano became a boiling water dragon, chasing Li Anping. But Li Anping was faster than him, and he couldn't catch up. But Li Anping couldn't attack, and the water dragon chasing behind him couldn't do anything.

On the road, there were constant loud noises. Li Anping was fine, just dodging the water dragon's attack, but Kano's water dragon didn't have any scruples. With a few sweeps of his tail, he overturned the car parked on the side of the road. Following Li Anping into the store on the first floor of the building and then coming out again, I don't know how many walls and counters were damaged.

Fortunately, the people nearby were dispersed by the police before. It was originally to prevent the competition of the three firepowers from hurting innocent people. Now it has reduced Kano's killing.

In the office, Han Wei looked at Li Anping who was jumping up and down to avoid Kano's attack, and suddenly sneered.

"I see... So, Qiu Yan has also sacrificed..."

A subordinate beside him said anxiously: "Captain, what should we do? Do you want us to help him?"

"Help? What can you help with?" Han Wei scolded: "After liquefaction, ordinary light weapons can't do anything to him. Flamethrowers, liquid nitrogen, rockets, he has the ability to restrain."

"What about electric shock? There are high-voltage wires nearby..." someone suggested.

"Who will wrap the high-voltage wires around this monster? Do you go or do I? Jet flames, air bombs, and venom, can you stop it? Or do you expect him to get in by himself?"

"Look!" During the argument, one person suddenly shouted.

Han Wei immediately turned his head to look in the direction of Li Anping and exclaimed: "Is he going to die?"



During the chase and escape, Kano kept roaring, the ground was smashed, cars and shops were destroyed by his brute force, and everywhere he passed was a mess. While rushing around, he kept yelling at Li Anping:

"Boy? Aren't you going to kill me? Aren't you going to wipe out the Lone Wolf? Why did you run away?"

"Hahahaha, the women in your Daxia are very durable, and their skin is better than ours, and they are easy to train. Every time I catch them, as long as they sleep for a few times and get a few injections, they will be more obedient than the other."

"Boy, do you know how fun the women I sent to the cave are?"

"They kept begging me, serving me, and wanted me to let them go. Each one is more cheap than a sow."

"When I kill you, I will rebuild the Lone Wolf and expand its scale tenfold, a hundredfold, and I will make all the women in Daxia kneel at my feet."

Kano wanted to continue scolding, but suddenly stopped. He saw Li Anping, who had been fleeing all the way, suddenly turned around and looked at the rushing water dragon face to face.

"Hahaha, kid, you finally stopped running?" Kano said happily, knocking aside a large truck and rushing over: "I'm going to cook you and eat you!"

With a bang, his voice stopped abruptly, and he punched the water dragon's head, smashing his upper body into pieces. However, the streams of boiling water immediately gathered again, trying to transform into a dragon.

But just as he was transforming, another fist hit his face, breaking the water dragon again.

Roar! Kano roared angrily. No one knew how he roared after his body liquefied and turned into a water dragon. Anyway, he was beaten apart by another punch halfway through his roar.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Li Anping punched Kano's liquefied body one after another like a pile driver. As long as the opponent had a little bit of that part to gather, he would punch him and make the water ball explode and turn into countless water droplets.

Li Anping's fists were bloodstained, the surface layer of skin had rotted, and the muscles and nerves inside were also severely burned. However, while being hurt, the devoured soul also began to heal his injuries.

As for the body not being able to gather, Kano was not anxious at all. Watching Li Anping constantly smashing his body, he just sneered in his heart.

Is it useful? No matter how many times it is broken, this liquefied body can be restored to its original state. It can gather or disperse. This is the characteristic of water.

Idiot, he defined Li Anping in his heart.

Human power is limited, and he didn't believe that Li Anping could keep fighting like this.

But the sneer soon turned into anxiety, and then into fear.

Li Anping fought for more than 20 minutes. Kano didn't even have a chance to take shape.

"How is it possible?"

"Isn't he tired?"

"Doesn't his hands hurt?"

There is a time limit for body liquefaction. A person, or a carbon-based creature, cannot be a water-like existence for a lifetime. If the liquefaction is not lifted after the time limit, then the ability user will become water forever, real water, lose consciousness, and lose his soul.

Although Kano's ability is much stronger than Liu Jun, he cannot get rid of the limitations of this ability. The time for his liquefaction is coming. But now his body is torn into pieces and turned into a mass of water. At this time, he will transform...

Is he going to die as a pool of clear water? Or transform into a human form to bear Li Anping's anger?

He seems to have no choice.

After barely gathering a small ball of water, Kano abandoned most of his body and finally turned into a human body again. He looked only about 1.45 meters tall, and because only part of his liquefied body could be restored, his entire body had shrunk by more than half compared to its original appearance.

With a bang, Li Anping also threw a punch, and this punch finally hit Kano's body. A hole the size of a bowl was directly blasted out of Kano's chest, and his heart was instantly shattered.

Li Anping's eyes condensed, and he immediately blasted at Kano's head again. Finally, before the energy for healing his hands was exhausted, he forced Kano out, how could he let go easily?

Until this time, he still had the energy of three souls left.

With a snap, Kano's head was blasted, and brain fluid splashed on Li Anping's face. He showed a grim smile and punched Kano's stomach again.

Several blood thorns sprang out from his chest and stabbed towards Li Anping's eyes, but this speed was too slow for Li Anping. With a wave of his hand, the blood thorns were slapped away. The fist had already beaten Kano's intestines and stomach into a paste.

"Do you think I will give you a chance to breathe?" Li Anping reached into Kano's body and grasped the opponent's spine.

With a hiss, mixed with Kano's screams, Li Anping pulled out the opponent's spine.

Kano's self-healing ability cannot be used when liquefied. This is the result of Li Anping's previous observation.

No matter how he smashed Kano's liquefied body, the size of the water dragon did not change. But when the flame evaporated part of the water dragon, Kano's body became smaller, but never changed back.

Li Anping understood two points in an instant. One is that Kano cannot control the gasified body, and the other is that after liquefaction, he no longer has the ability to heal himself, and cannot regenerate the gasified and lost parts.

It's normal to think about it. The flesh and water are originally very different. The self-healing ability can heal the flesh, but it doesn't mean that he can also heal the liquefied flesh.

At the same time, Jennifer, Lei Jiao, Han Wei, everyone looked at Li Anping stupidly. After pulling out Kano's spine, Li Anping still didn't stop. He punched Kano's broken body one by one. The roar of the pile driver made everyone pale.

And Kano was no longer in human form. He looked like a pile of broken pieces of meat put together. From time to time, he stretched out a few blood thorns, or sprayed a few flames and venom to resist. But it was like a child resisting an adult.

No one spoke, everyone just watched Li Anping punch Kano into a meat paste. The meat paste barely regenerated and gathered together, but it would be smashed to pieces by Li Anping again.

"Eat him!" Hei shouted.

"He is immortal. Even if he turns into powder, he can be resurrected after recuperating for a period of time!"

"Eat it. Only when you absorb it can you really kill him!"

"You will become stronger! Closer to your ideal!"

Hei shouted wildly: "Eat him! Eat him! Eat him quickly!"

Under Hei's urging, Li Anping's eyes became redder and redder, like a clear ruby.

"Shut up!" Li Anping shouted in a low voice, and reached out to the rotten meat that was squirming on the ground.

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