Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 3: Against the Current Chapter 29: Overcoming the Others (5)

I saw that one of Kano's arms was cut off by the thunder dragon, but then some blood vessels, muscles and other things grabbed his arm and raised it to the sky.

Then circles of flames and air sprayed out from his exposed trachea and gathered on his palm.

It was the ability of air explosion and flame jet. The Four Heavenly Kings had used the explosion he produced to stop Fang Qi before. But now it was used by Kano, and the power was far beyond before.

Heart-pounding fluctuations came from Kano's palm, and it seemed that it would explode at any time and anywhere, so the thunder dragon ignored him and rushed to Fang Qi, wanting to take Fang Qi away first. He still didn't realize the threat of the monster in front of him like Jennifer.

But a ball of black mind energy blocked him in front of him.

It was not until this time that Kano used the mind energy that he had been hiding. If he had been using mind energy to protect his body just now, I am afraid that the thunder dragon would not be able to plot against him.

The effect of mind energy was also very significant. Although the thunder dragon dodged at the first time, he also lost the opportunity to save Fang Qi.

In Kano's palm, the air and flames were constantly compressed, and it looked like a small sun that was dazzling. The black terrifying spirit also emerged from his body, covering Kano's body. When Lei Jiao returned and chopped him, the spirit was like countless layers of cloth stacked together, making it difficult for him to penetrate.

"Level 4 ability user!!" Lei Jiao said in horror.

When Kano used the bomb in his hand to force Lei Jiao away, and then used the black spirit to stop him from coming back, the blood thorn did not stop working. Kano also seized the time and finally caught all the corpses in front of him, and merged them with his own body in one go.

The black spirit rushed into the sky, and the fire in Kano's hand became brighter and brighter. With a strong wave of his arm, the fire had been thrown out of the window. The new body has been completed, and he no longer needs a fireball to force Lei Jiao back.

The horrifying explosion sounded from midair, causing countless people to exclaim, and the shock wave caused by the explosion immediately swept the entire reception room.

The hurricane was raging, but none of the living people present paid attention to the explosion. Except for Fang Qi, who was injured in the eye, everyone stared closely at the blood and flesh of several corpses.

A brand new human body crawled out of the blood and flesh.

A strong body over two meters long, with marble-like muscles, thicker black horns on the head, and a slender tail at the end of the coccyx.

The new Kano appeared in front of everyone again like a demon.

But he didn't look at anyone.

Instead, he focused his eyes on his clenched fist.

Blood drops squeezed out of the skin of the fist and covered the entire fist.

Lei Jiao and Jennifer looked at Kano in doubt, not knowing what he was going to do. They could only feel that Kano seemed to become more terrifying and more evil after absorbing four corpses. The black mind that soared into the sky was like the flames of hell, making people dare not look directly at it.

After the blood covered his fist, it turned into blood-colored armor. Then Kano shook his arm, and rows of blood-colored punctures appeared on the armor. Then his arm suddenly became red hot, and the blood was vaporized, and then disappeared without a trace. Kano's arm turned into liquid again. After a burst of air explosion, the liquefied arm burst into countless water droplets in the air. After a few seconds, all the water droplets gathered back to his arm, and he grew another arm.

Everyone stared at Kano in amazement, not knowing what to say.

The power of Kano in front of them was beyond their imagination. In addition to the ability to liquefy and control blood, he also had the ability to control his body and regenerate super quickly. No one on the scene could defeat him.

But at this desperate moment, a voice came from the broken window.

"Finally found you, Kano!"



Time went back to 30 minutes ago, Li Anping ran along the highway like a breeze. Every time he passed a ramp, he would stop and carefully distinguish the smell in the air, but until now, the smell of Kano has continued to the front.

Suddenly, the highway ahead began to be jammed, and all the cars stopped and did not move. Li Anping also slowed down in confusion. He quietly entered the highway and walked forward like an ordinary driver getting out of a car.

"What's going on? Why is there such a jam ahead?"

"I don't know, it seems that there was a big car accident, and more than a dozen cars collided with each other."

Li Anping's sensitive hearing allows him to collect information effortlessly. Hearing that there was a car accident ahead, he instinctively felt that it was related to Kano who had passed by before.

After jogging for a kilometer, he finally saw the scene of the car accident.

The police had not arrived yet, and there were crowds of onlookers everywhere. More than a dozen cars rear-ended each other, and the scene was more tragic than expected.

The cries of children and women were heard, and there were figures calling for help everywhere. Some people had broken bones, some had their hands cut off, and some had their heads knocked unconscious. This was still considered good. The worse ones were those whose bodies were directly shredded and torn into pieces. It was a horrible sight.

Li Anping walked all the way to the front car, which was a sedan and the culprit of the car chain collision. The driver of the car had fallen to the ground with blood all over his head and was no longer breathing.

The front half of the car had been completely deformed, like a ball of mud being squeezed together, but Li Anping could still see a pair of footprints on the hood, leaving a dent of more than an inch.

"Ka... Nuo." Li Anping smelled the other party's unique smell and gritted his teeth to pronounce the name. Then he turned his head and walked towards the scene of the car accident.

"What are you going to do? Are you not going to chase him? Hurry up and catch up and eat him!!" Hei said anxiously.

"I have to save people first." Li Anping said as he lifted up an overturned truck and pulled out the injured inside.

"Stupid, you are dawdling here. What if he escapes? You must catch up and eat him quickly."

Li Anping was unmoved and just continued to save people. He was fast, strong, and had good hearing enough to hear the survivors' cries for help and even heartbeats.

He would first save those who were in the most danger.

Once again, Li Anping tore open the door of a van and rescued the trapped family of three. In the face of others' thanks, he said nothing, just silently saving people.

Some people who were not injured or whose cars were blocked behind saw Li Anping doing this, and exclaimed, as if they were surprised by his strength. Some people took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and some people called the police.

Several men stood up and followed Li Anping to rescue people and carry the wounded with him.

Such actions seemed to slowly calm Li Anping's anxiety, and the desire to eat Kano seemed to have weakened a little.

"Kano, what has become? Why can I feel his presence, feel his smell, why is he so powerful, why are there traces of eating people at the entrance of the cave. Hei, tell me."

Li Anping looked at the police car coming in the distance, refused everyone's thanks, and silently withdrew from the crowd. He ran directly on the highway.

This time he was faster, and he didn't worry about showing his strength in front of ordinary people. A driver only saw a black shadow passing by, and then saw a man in the distance running faster than him. He blinked his eyes, and when he looked again, he found that the man had disappeared.

Not only him, countless people on the highway that day saw this magical scene.

"Hei, whether Kano has become the same existence as me, answer me." Li Anping didn't care about these, he just asked Hei again.

After a while of silence, Hei slowly said: "My memory is a little incomplete, and for many things, I can only answer some of what I know and tell you."

"Go on."

"First of all, he is absolutely different from you. My ability is unique, so yours is the same. He is just a test product at most."

Hei continued: "Humans, you are not alone. There are more than one intelligent life on this planet, and Kano is their masterpiece."

"What do you mean, tell me clearly." Hearing what Hei said, Li Anping was shocked.

"I only remember this much, Li Anping. If you want to know more, then become stronger. Only with enough power can you be qualified to know the truth of the world." After saying this, Hei kept silent. No matter how much Li Anping asked, he would not say more.

After hearing this, Li Anping felt even more confused. But he knew that he was helpless now. The most important thing at the moment was to find Kano.

Whether it was the bloody murders of the lone wolf or the brutality of Kano, Li Anping had a thousand and ten thousand reasons to kill him. The anger burned in his heart all the time. It would burst out with infinite power if it needed an opportunity.

Suddenly, Li Anping's eyes condensed and looked at the toll gate of the highway in front of him. A sports car was queuing up to pay the toll. It was the sports car that Li Anping originally drove to Heilongshan.

He moved his feet and appeared in front of the car. Looking at Suomi and the two people in the car, he frowned and said, "Where are the Kano people?" The smell of Kano was not emitted by these two people.

Suomi and Bezos panicked when they heard what Li Anping said. At Suomi's signal, Bezos spit out a large wave of mucus from his mouth. The mucus secreted from his mouth can stick anything together, and it is also a means of trapping the enemy that is not easy to attract the attention of ordinary people.

But the next moment, Suomi knew that they were wrong, and they were wrong outrageously wrong.

The mucus didn't hit Li Anping at all.

Then amazing power burst out from Li Anping. Suomi's superior physical fitness made him the first to react, but he didn't even have time to move.

And Bezos, he didn't even react to the opponent's attack.

Bezos widened his eyes and vaguely felt that something seemed to hit his chest. Then a force burst out from his chest. In his eyes, the whole world seemed to be going backwards. His body passed through the windshield of the sports car, through the railings, and across hundreds of meters. Bezos flew into the air, and his terrified expression had not even fully formed, twisting into a ball in the squeeze of the wind.

The next moment, Li Anping appeared in front of him again. Time seemed to slow down at this moment. A hand slowly pressed on his head while he was stunned.


Bezos flew from oblique upwards to vertically downwards and hit the ground.

A huge air wave appeared between him and Li Anping. When Suomi opened the car door, he could only see that Bezos had turned into a pool of rotten meat, and his entire head was hit into the chest cavity.

At this time, Li Anping in mid-air slowly retracted his palm and turned to look at him.

"Ah!" At this time, Bezos's last scream sounded in his ears. Suomi's face turned pale and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva. His companion was beaten into a meat paste in front of him, but he didn't even have the courage to transform into a beast.

The gap is really too big.

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