Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 3: Against the Current Chapter 22: Chasing

Looking at Kano's unscathed body, Mo Qiuyan's eyes showed solemnity.

"Kano, now that things have come to this, I must kill you. Letting a monster like you live will be a huge threat to Emerald City. I will kill you here completely."

"Humph, what are you talking about?" Kano looked at the other party with disdain and ridicule.

Mo Qiuyan stopped talking. Facing the overwhelming force, he calmly accepted the fact that the other party was powerful and made up his mind to destroy the other party, even at the cost of his own life.

Mo Qiuyan roared wildly and rushed towards Kano in front of him.

With a puff, Kano reacted quickly. At the moment when Mo Qiuyan rushed over, he punched out and pierced his chest. But Mo Qiuyan did not react at all. He let Kano punch through his chest and just hugged Kano tightly.

"Are you here to die?"

Just as Kano was wondering, he found that Mo Qiuyan's whole body turned red and emitted bursts of high temperature, as if it was cooked.

"So that's how it is. Not only your hands, but your whole body can emit high temperatures. But what's the problem?" Kano smiled, and did not break free from Mo Qiuyan's arms. He said calmly: "I can change the structure of my whole body. Even if my whole body is attacked by high temperatures, I will be fine. You are just wasting your efforts by doing this."

Mo Qiuyan just hugged Kano tightly and said nothing. He knew that Kano was right. He saw that the epidermis of his body was constantly falling off and growing, and soon replaced with a layer of insulation. In this way, although Mo Qiuyan's body temperature was high, it could not burn him. Maybe it would be okay for a longer time, but Mo Qiuyan's ability was not without limit. Keeping the body in a high temperature state for a long time was also a huge burden for him.

Thinking of this, Mo Qiuyan did not hesitate. He saw a large amount of mind energy surging out of his body, and then the temperature of his body rose again. He actually used mind energy to enhance his ability.

Visible to the naked eye, Mo Qiuyan's whole body emitted bursts of white steam. That was the result of a sharp rise in body temperature, even exceeding the limit of his ability, resulting in large areas of burns in the body and a large amount of water evaporation.

"Are you crazy? Let go!" Kano felt it at the first time. The heat insulation layer of the epidermis could no longer resist the high temperature, and the donated blood and body fluids were almost boiled in an instant.

The high temperature spread throughout Kano's body in an instant, and the flesh reached the ignition point in the first time. The fat and muscle turned into fuel, turning Kano into a human torch.

"You lunatic!" Looking at Mo Qiuyan's withered face under the high temperature, Kano cursed.

He hit Mo Qiuyan who was holding him frantically, but no matter how hard he dragged, the other party held him tightly. As his body continued to burn, Kano's strength gradually decreased.


The three people outside the cave listened to Kano's screams and looked panicked. Just as they wanted to rush into the cave. A stream of thought came over and knocked them away again. And Suomi's mobile phone was also broken in this collision.

"Get out of here!"

Then a large ball of fire rushed over, flew past them, and fell directly into the woods in the distance, burning fiercely. After the fire, Kano, who was in a mess, also walked out of the cave.

In the eyes of Suomi and the other two, Kano at this time could no longer be called a human. His whole body was covered with burns, and his skin was all charred, revealing pieces of muscle and bones. His face looked more like a skeleton than a person.

The skeleton's mouth moved, as if he wanted to say something, but found that his tongue and vocal cords had been burned long ago, and he couldn't speak.

Kano made an angry gesture, let out a silent roar, and rushed into the woods where the fire fell.

Mo Qiuyan in the woods was like a dried corpse, and his whole body was injured at this time. Not only was one of his hands broken by Kano, his chest was pierced, and when he was holding Kano, the other party hit, threw, and twisted him. At this moment, his body was broken and he couldn't even stand up.

The high temperature of the body gradually decreased, but the surrounding woods were still burning.

In the flames, Kano's zombie-like image suddenly appeared in front of him, looking at Mo Qiuyan with an ugly smile.

Looking at the other party slowly reaching out his hand, Mo Qiuyan thought: "Failed... This monster... Can't he be burned to death like this?"

Then his eyes went dark, and his head had been twisted off by Kano. Kano roared silently at the sky, and then smashed Mo Qiuyan's head to pieces. Then he looked at Mo Qiuyan's almost burnt body on the ground, stepped on it a few times, and tore the other's body into pieces.

The three people outside the woods looked at Kano's crazy look, and with Kano's monster-like appearance at this time, they were silent. The three looked at each other and regretted Kano's acquisition of abilities for the first time.

A few minutes later, when Kano walked out of the burning woods again, his zombie-like horror again scared Suomi and the other two, and they couldn't help but take a step back.

"Boss, are you okay?" Suomi called out bravely, but no matter how he looked at it, Kano didn't look like he was okay.

Kano waved his hand, indicating that he was fine. He walked up to the three people and looked at them strangely, wondering what they were planning.

Suomi and the other two looked at each other, and finally Suomi bravely said, "Boss, what are you going to do now? You can't speak? Why don't you write it on the ground..."

Kano reached out to stop Suomi from talking. He looked at the other three people. With half of his head turned into a skeleton, he stared at Carl and Bezos with a strange light in his eyes.

Finally, he raised his finger towards Carl and motioned him to come over.

Carl's heart skipped a beat. He felt that being stared at by Kano was like being stared at by a beast. He glanced at the other two. Although Carl felt very strange, his habit of working under Kano for many years still urged him to walk towards the other party.

"Chief, what's the matter?" Carl looked at Carl's head that looked like a zombie skeleton and asked a little at a loss.

Kano moved his mouth, but no sound came out, so he raised his hand and then waved it hard.

Bang! Carl's head soared into the sky, and the headless body left behind was still standing on the ground. Blood spilled out like a fountain. Until his head fell to the ground, he still had a stunned expression on his face.

Kano on the other side had already pounced on the corpse, biting and sucking fiercely at the wound on the neck of the corpse.

"Chief, what are you doing!"


Somi and Bezos were shocked and angry, looking at Kano lying on Carl in disbelief. The other party did not intend to answer their questions at all. He just kept lowering his head to suck the blood from the corpse.

Then Somi and Bezos saw a terrible scene. As Kano kept sucking blood, flesh grew back on his body, his injuries gradually recovered, and his skull head returned to its original appearance. In less than a minute, when Kano wiped the blood from his mouth and stood up, he looked intact.

No! It was stronger than before. His body was rebuilt again, becoming more suitable for fighting. The two small bags on his head were gone, and two small horns grew out instead. The muscles of his arms and torso became stronger, and his face became younger and more weird.

At this time, Kano was no longer the same as before.

Feeling the more surging power in his body after sucking blood, he laughed out loud.

When he was half burned to death just now, he was worried that he was really finished. Who knew that even if most of his body was burned, his strength was not much weakened, and his movements were not affected. And when he crushed Mo Qiuyan to ashes in a rage, he was attacked by waves of hunger.

When he saw Suomi and the other two, this feeling became particularly strong. Until the end, when he couldn't bear it anymore, he killed Carl and drank his blood.

Then his body recovered at an unimaginable speed, and he even felt that his body was stronger than before. Since he got the ability, the tyranny that he had always had has also weakened a lot, and he became rational again.

Kano looked at the forest that was burning more and more fiercely. He suddenly took a deep breath, and then waved his palm towards the forest with all his strength.

Boom! Like a typhoon passing through, the airflow generated by just waving his arm actually blew down a large area of ​​forest directly. What's more terrible is that under the terrible wind force, the flames that were just burning were blown out in one breath.

Clenching his fist, Kano looked at Suomi and the other two who were like frightened birds, and smiled evilly: "Don't worry, it was an emergency just now, I won't eat you. Let's go."

He waved his hand and walked towards the woods. Suomi and the other two looked at each other behind him, and felt a chill coming out from behind. They could only bite the bullet and follow.



On the other side, the fire caught Li Anping's attention. After knocking Ye Wenbin unconscious, he rushed into the woods and encountered fog after a few hundred meters.

But he didn't even hesitate, and plunged into the fog. With his amazing memory and sense of direction, he kept rushing towards the direction of the fire in his memory. No matter what the terrain is, it can't stop him at all, climbing mountains and jumping off cliffs.

As long as the direction is confirmed in advance, the fog can't stop Li Anping at all. At this time, whether it is strength, speed, perception, smell, touch, or sense of direction, reaction, and memory, he is already a monster far beyond ordinary people.

Taking a deep breath and smelling the burnt smell in the air, he knew that he was approaching the target.

However, he didn't know that because he walked almost in a straight line and completely ignored the terrain, although he walked very fast, he missed Kano and his group who followed the mark and took a detour.

So Kano and Li Anping did not meet. When Li Anping came to the entrance of the cave, he could only see the destroyed forest.

"Is it Kano? Looking at the destruction of this forest, did someone fight here just now?" Li Anping squatted down and observed the destroyed trees on the ground.

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