Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 32: The World I Want

Twelve years have passed since Li Anping returned from the Chaos Sea. Under his rule, humans have become one of the most powerful races in the multiverse. In just twelve years, their footprints have crossed tens of thousands of universes and conquered hundreds of thousands of races, and this speed is still accelerating.

However, with the increase in the number of humans, the growth of territory, and the strength of military force, various problems gradually appeared in front of Li Anping.

For example, the issue of dealing with indigenous races in front of him is one of the most prominent issues.

Originally, according to the policy set by Li Anping, humans on Earth were first-class citizens and enjoyed all rights and obligations. Colonized indigenous peoples were second-class citizens and enjoyed some rights and obligations. All other creatures that were not included in the Earth's notification were third-class citizens with no rights or obligations.

And because the material resources on Earth were fully satisfied, the spirit was guided by Li Anping, and all the weapons were completely monitored by Li Anping, so that they would not fight internally, and could not fight internally. But for the indigenous life of each world, there are not so many details.

Especially in recent years, various abuses of third-class citizens, slaughter and trafficking of indigenous creatures have occurred from time to time, causing anxiety to a considerable number of humans. They have formed a group to establish the Aboriginal Protection Association to protect some native lives in the backward world.

Although they cannot fight directly with humans who abuse, capture and sell indigenous people, they can prevent other humans from slaughtering or abusing them by helping indigenous lives and sending them supplies. For indigenous lives, they are like gods, guiding them to avoid the pursuit of the devil.

And a crack has gradually opened in the human camp.

Humans who enjoy the life of slave owners, like to abuse, capture, and sell third-class indigenous lives, and treat indigenous people as private property. And humans who protect local creatures. Respect indigenous culture. Although the two parties cannot fight directly, the contradictions are getting deeper and deeper.

They are also smart, talented, excellent, outstanding, and honest, enthusiastic, and kind to their compatriots. But because of different ideas, they have the same contradictions.

The only thing that can be temporarily relieved is that most humans are still living on Earth. The games, movies, cartoons and various cultivation contents on the Xuanwang have made many humans happy every day.

Only about 10% of people are really interested in experiencing the unknown world and going to the White Land for adventure. Among these 10%, only about 5% will go there in person, and the rest will travel by operating robots, avatars and puppets.

However, Li Anping can still imagine that even if this ratio does not change, as long as the number of people on the Earth continues to grow. The number of people in the two camps will increase.

Although as long as he is still there, they will not really fight each other, but once he leaves, a war between countless races across countless universes may break out.

And as various indigenous life forms gradually enter the Earth, such as slaves such as elves, fairies, girls, and princesses, the proportion of the two camps in human society will inevitably rise.

The prophecy of the tide of chaos has gradually appeared in front of him. If he is destined to give up humans after all. Then the later he gives up humans, the stronger humans will develop, and then when they collapse or split. The greater the impact on the entire multiverse.

The most crucial point of all this is the so-called indigenous creatures. In Li Anping's mind, what kind of relationship do they have with the humans on Earth?

At this moment, a girl jumped into the study room. The girl had silver hair, snow-white skin, and big eyes like a sapphire lake. She looked like a cute doll. But because she was wearing a T-shirt and shorts, her two long white legs were exposed, giving people a feeling of youth.

The girl walked to Li Anping in two or three steps, then sat beside Li Anping, grabbed Li Anping's arm and said, "Dad!"

The girl was Li Sisi, who was already 19 years old. She grew up in the palace since she was a child. Because of the love of Xia Yunyun and others, although there were teachers to teach her, no one sent her to the virtual world to study and spend her childhood. She just lived a fairy-tale life every day. It can be said that everyone in the palace watched her grow up little by little.

Because of Li Sisi's identity, she could not come into contact with many people and many things, so that although she was 19 years old, she was still very simple. Of course, this simplicity does not mean that she is not smart. In fact, her IQ is very high. It's just that she has lived in a fairy tale world like truth, goodness and beauty since she was a child. She doesn't know much about cruelty, evil, darkness, competition, and elimination in this multiverse.

She pouted, held up her plump little chest, shook Li Anping's arm and said, "Dad, I went to a continent with Jin Yao to adventure with biochemical people today. I saw many races, and those races were so pitiful."

"They can only live for seventy or eighty years, can't fly, can't teleport, and don't even have a mysterious net. They just work and sleep every day. They can't even eat ice cream every day. Eating too much will make you sick..."

Li Anping nodded, didn't speak, just listened to his daughter's words little by little. Li Sisi was also used to her father's not liking to talk. Instead, she felt that her father was very cool to listen so quietly. After all, in her heart, her father is the coolest man in the world.

As for Jin Yao, she is Jin Guang's daughter. She is the type of child whose parents let her develop. She graduated directly from the virtual world at the age of seven and cultivated her body into a hot and sexy lady in her twenties. What she likes most is to go on adventures in different worlds.

Three years have passed, and she is only ten years old now. However, after all kinds of adventures and battles in the other world alone, she looks even more experienced than her father Jin Guang. After all, Jin Guang spends most of his time in the army, unlike his daughter who has come into contact with many people from all walks of life.

In the past year, Jin Yao got into trouble in a high-level civilization, so Jin Guang caught her and asked her to stay on Earth and receive special training arranged by Jin Guang every day for a total of twenty years.

However, because of this, she became good friends with Xiao Hui. She would take Xiao Hui to remotely control the cyborg and adventure in the other world whenever she had something to do.

Li Anping's mind flashed the other party's information. I thought to myself, "So, Jin Yao is in favor of protecting the indigenous people, and wants to influence me through Xiao Huilai."

Li Anping touched Li Sisi's head and said, "Xiao Huilai, since they are so pitiful, I will give you the planet as your birthday gift this year.

You can list out how you want to govern the planet and what materials you want to give them and send them to the intelligent brain."

"Thank you, Dad." Li Sisi hugged Li Anping with both hands and shouted excitedly.

Li Anping felt his daughter's swollen breasts accidentally rub against him, and sighed in annoyance. His children. They will grow up eventually. And their identities also destined them to be extraordinary in their lives.

What's more, with the current human lifespan, even those who don't practice anything can live for thousands of years with the help of longevity oral liquid. Li Anping can imagine that his children will continue to multiply, and the number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren will increase, even if they are all kind and upright because of Li Anping's spiritual guidance and control. There is no bullying of the same kind.

But once their ideas change, the impact and power they can bring will inevitably exceed that of ordinary earthlings. The sheer number of such people will cause a series of problems in the future.

The moon waxes and wanes. People have joys and sorrows. The more Li Anping transforms the world, the more he finds that every time he solves an old problem, more new problems will arise in human society.

Universal longevity. It brings a series of population and ethical problems. As time goes by, maybe two men and women who look equally young. Maybe they are great-great-great-great-grandfather and great-great-great-great-granddaughter, which will cause a long series of ethical problems. And regardless of whether they are men or women, facing thousands or even tens of thousands of years of age, can they really be faithful to one person? Or get married dozens or even hundreds of times? Or even have no concept of marriage in the future?

Although the time is still short and the problems have not yet erupted, Li Anping can already foresee these problems.

And comprehensive cultivation, becoming stronger, and black technology equipment will bring a huge impact on other races, and once these races are taken back to Earth as slaves or pets by humans, they will cause various problems. For example, if some men and women want to marry a foreigner, or they especially love a foreigner, maybe they will help the relatives and friends of that foreigner, or even help the entire foreigner.

It is possible that some earthlings slaughtered important members of other races, causing other races to go to war with humans. As time goes by, as long as humans come into contact with more and more universes and races, there will be more and more hostile races. Do they have to exterminate them all?

Li Anping has turned the entire world of human beings on Earth into a kingdom of God, but this kingdom of God still cannot get rid of the constant emergence of new problems, and cannot perfectly match Li Anping's own moral values, making him feel perfect.

He is increasingly aware that the perfect kingdom of God he wants is just a country that conforms to his moral values. It's like the world that politicians want, the world that murderers want, the world that ascetics want, and the world that magicians want must all be different.

Because they grew up in different environments, have different moral values, and different life goals, they naturally think that the standards of so-called "good" are also different. Maybe one person thinks that killing is normal, while one person thinks that murderers should be sentenced to death, and another person thinks that murderers only need to go to jail.

Li Anping understood more and more that the country he wanted must gradually unify the moral values ​​and values ​​of all human beings with his. He wanted the whole world to conform to his values ​​and worldview and run according to his will.

This is destined to be a long process.

With the great abundance of materials, humans can make almost everything they want with the help of void creations, so everyone has the best conditions that are as good as they can be, resulting in a world that is infinitely close to fairness and justice within the human race. They are born and grow up in almost the same environment, and more and more people will have similar values ​​and moral standards. One day, this ratio will eventually approach 100%.

What Li Anping has to do now is to constantly guide humans and become the ultimate guarantee of the earth so that it will not collapse halfway. This will be a very long time.

A few days later, a new decree on the law of protecting native life was personally issued by Li Anping to the terminals of all human beings on Earth. The main content is that unless the target is voluntary or there are unavoidable reasons, such as war, other unlimited hunting and buying and selling of native life are prohibited.

Obviously, this is the judgment made by Li Anping based on his own values ​​and moral standards.

But similarly, not everyone on Earth agrees with this policy. (To be continued...)

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