Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 30: Communication

On the blue sea, bubbles floated up from the sea one after another. These bubbles looked like ordinary bubbles at first glance, but if you look closely, you seem to be able to see scenes of the birth and destruction of worlds unfolding in them. . Not only the birth and destruction of the world, but also scenes of love, hatred, warmth and warmth in the world, which are extremely complicated.

Li Anping could feel that each of these bubbles seemed to contain a realm. These realms were born in the chaotic sea, and then floated out of the water as the bubbles floated out of the water. When the bubbles exploded on the sea level, the realms also disappeared.

The last time Li Anping came here, he was in a coma and did not observe the scene here. But now he looked at the endless blue sea below his feet, and there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

During his scan, the sea under his feet was completely a soup of energy. There was no force at all, be it gravity or electromagnetism. There was no force that could make up matter. There were no particles, no quarks, and no strings. There is not even any concept of time and space in the entire sea. It is completely pure energy, forming a chaotic ocean.

"Is this your true form? The tide of chaos..." Li Anping frowned: "All matter returns to chaos." He could imagine that once this kind of thing appeared in the universe and no one stopped it, it would probably be like ink. Just like infecting lake water, it is enough to infect the entire space-time into chaos, denying the existence of any pure matter, just like boiling the entire universe into a pot of porridge.

But what Li Anping doesn't understand is that if this is the ultimate pursuit of the so-called chaos by the tide of chaos, then what he has done in various universes before, such as provoking various wars and disputes, has no meaning. He dropped his true form into those universes quickly and conveniently.

So what is the purpose of what Tide of Chaos has done? This is something Li Anping has never figured out.

Just as Li Anping was thinking about this, rays of cyan light converged in front of Li Anping. A man appeared in front of Li Anping with a mean smile on his face. It was the tide of chaos that had transformed into a human form.

He didn't seem surprised to see Li Anping appear in the Sea of ​​Chaos, and asked casually: "Why do you want to come see me? I helped you back then, but you left without even saying thank you. By the way, I should Call you Li Anping? Or the Country of Delusion?"

"I don't remember when I became a demon." There was a chill in Li Anping's words. Even if one of the twelve demons stood in front of him, the highest-ranking existence in the universe, he seemed to be speaking inappropriately. The gesture of fists and kicks.

Hearing Li Anping's question, Chaos Tide smiled: "Hey hey hey. Did you know? Gold, blue and gray have all returned to their true colors. With the twelve demon gods from the past plus you, the number will soon be over." Got it together.”

"What number?"

"You will know this kind of question in the future. After all, we have infinite life, and we can always find the answer to any question in front of us." Chaos Tide did not answer Li Anping's question, but just raised another question: "But There is one question that remains unsolved even for us.”

Li Anping knew what the other party wanted, and it was naturally a question that the Twelve Demon Gods, or even the Ten Demon Gods including him, could not answer - the end. But he had no words and continued to listen to the tide of chaos.

"Because you and Bai made a ten thousand year agreement. A thousand thousand years later, the country you established will suffer an unprecedented disaster."

"Have you ever thought about the fact that the Kingdom of God you are building now exists entirely because of your existence. Ten thousand years from now, whether you are tired of playing with humans and want to abandon them, or you will come according to the agreement and meet us again If you fight, the country you built will completely collapse.

And in this process, the bigger the country you build becomes and the more prosperous it develops, the more terrifying the disaster caused by its collapse will be. "

"Do you have any idea?" Li An asked calmly. Of course, he knew that although Bai was an absolutely rational being and would not do thankless things, this did not mean that he would tolerate Li Anping's existence outside of him indefinitely, but he When the threat reaches a point where Bai cannot ignore it, Bai will take action.

Therefore, there will definitely be a battle between him and Bai in the future. And in the process of capturing Shang Tian, ​​he discovered something special. That is Shang Tian's ability, and behind him, there is probably Bai's shadow. His role seems to be to help Bai integrate Li Anping in various timelines, who has not abandoned his humanity.

Li Anping thought about his battle with the great god of heaven again, and I was afraid that his battle with Bai would not be resolved by fists and kicks. When you reach the level of a demon, fighting is no longer a battle in the ordinary sense. Under normal circumstances, physical damage and energy consumption are not of decisive significance. The most important thing is the grasp and manipulation of time and space.

Such a battle is destined to span countless years, and all creatures and layouts, as well as various major historical events, will become part of their fight to seize the timeline.

And now, Shang Tian has become a chess piece in the fight between Li Anping and Bai. This fight is destined to span countless time and space until the end of the entire multiverse.

Li Anping's eyes unconsciously shot out cold rays. At present, it is not easy for him to keep the entire human society and develop in the direction he wants forever. It may even be very unlikely.

At this time, Chaos Tide continued to speak, but this time he was no longer speaking human language, but a large amount of pure data. These data were received by Li Anping in the form of fluctuations. The amount was so huge that it was enough to cause any type of memory to crash.

Humans communicate with vocal cords, and the rate of information transmission is too slow. Now Chaos Tide wants to talk to Li Anping about something, which obviously has a lot of information, so he chose this way to communicate with Li Anping.

This is obviously normal. As a demon god-level existence, every plan, every action, and every goal of theirs may need to cross thousands of universes and spend hundreds of millions of years to achieve, just like when Li Anping was fighting with the Heavenly Venerable, the operations he performed on the timeline, the war, society, mythology, various immortals, mortals, monsters, and monsters, are enough to write tens of thousands of wonderful books.

As the Chaos Tide transmitted more and more information, Li Anping's face gradually showed a solemn look. He began to respond to the Chaos Tide in the same way. The huge data flow reverberated between the two people's consciousness algorithms, forming a silent communication. (To be continued...)

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