Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 4: Malice

Just when an anomaly was discovered on the earth, it took seven years for the Silver Shadow Empire fleet to finally reach the outer reaches of the solar system and began to collect information on the people on earth.

Just after waking up from the sleep cabin, fleet commander Russell shook his uncomfortable neck, exhaled, and asked viciously: "How is it? How many resource stars are there in this galaxy, and are there any indigenous people?"

Being sent by the empire to this barren and remote star field was already a big unlucky thing for him. If he couldn't harvest anything here, it would be even more unlucky. He has wasted more than ten years in vain without reasoning.

He can't blame the superheroes in the entire empire now. There must be something wrong with Reinhardt.

The adjutant on the side said: "According to the results of the detection array, this galaxy has a total of one star, eight planets, and one hundred and seventy-three satellites. There are a total of thirty-two planets that can be used as resource stars.

Traces of intelligent life have been found on seven of the planets. "

He pointed at the star map in front of him, and after holding his hands for a moment, the third planet in the solar system appeared in front of Russell: "This planet has the largest number of people among them. At present, it seems that their appearance is similar to ours, and their body structure It is also very close and should also belong to the human race. "

"Is it also a human race?" Russell nodded. This is not the first time that the Silver Shadow Empire has encountered a human race. Although they look similar, Russell will not regard these natives as his own race. They are slaves or cannon fodder. The best place to stay.

“How civilized are they?”

The adjutant said: "The photon brain has been connected to their electronic circuits. At present, it seems that they have set up an internal network and are connecting to the language library to translate their information. However, it is conservatively estimated that they already have the most rudimentary Interstellar colonization capabilities, in addition to this planet, the two planets and four satellites that have found signs of civilization should be their colonial stars. "

"We have just started to colonize the planets in the planetary system. Does that mean they are very weak?" Roland sneered: "Let the people in the engineering class quickly open the star gate and create artificial wormholes. I don't want to waste several years on the return journey. on the way.”

"As for the humans in this planetary system..." Russell pointed to the position of the earth on the star map and said: "Send a hound-class spacecraft to their main star and give them a month to surrender unconditionally."

The reason why only a small spaceship was sent into the solar system was because the fleet of the Silver Shadow Empire was too massive. If it entered the planetary system rashly, it would cause changes in the gravity of the entire planetary system.

But even so, an Imperial Hound-class spaceship is twenty-two kilometers long, with the main gun and protective cover mounted on it. It was enough to sweep away these country people in front of me.

Thinking of this, Russell added another sentence: "Also, let them not go too far. I still need these natives to help us find things."

With technology that has surpassed thousands or even tens of thousands of years, the empire's expeditionary forces always have a bad attitude towards various indigenous civilizations, and various incidents of cruel nature, such as killings and insults, occur one after another.

Russell had no intention of restraining his subordinates, he just asked them not to go too far.

On the other side, the Earth has also noticed some of the other party's movements.

"Sir. According to Zhinao's report, the other party has connected to our network."

"Sir, they sent a spacecraft into the solar system, heading towards the Earth. It will arrive in about ten hours."

"Block their network connection." Xia Liekong frowned and said, "Send ten unmanned detection ships to meet them and send them signals to find out their intentions."

"Also. How is their spaceship technology?"

In the command room, a large amount of data on the opponent's spacecraft based on detection was displayed. This expeditionary force of the Silver Shadow Empire has a total of more than two million spaceships.

The largest main ship is 500 kilometers long. The smaller ships are about a hundred kilometers away, and the largest remaining ones are the type of warships that Russell calls the Hound class, which is about two million ships.

According to the intelligence brain's analysis of the opponent's movements, the opponent may also have force field shield technology, controllable wormhole technology and curvature engine technology.

When these data appeared in front of everyone, Xia Liekong also frowned deeply.

The technological level of the other party is unsurprisingly high. An alien civilization capable of intergalactic navigation cannot have weak technological means. Although it is not yet known how their technological level compares to humans, but it is just the curvature engine technology. You can be sure that they are definitely not simple.

There is also the number. It is necessary to find out whether more than two million spaceships are more or less in the eyes of the opponent, whether they are full strength or vanguard.

Just when these things flashed through Xia Liekong's mind and he forgot all about his great-granddaughter Qiao's family, the other party had already sent another electromagnetic wave signal.

"Sir, it's the Daxia language." The adjutant beside Xia Liekong said, "The other party has already analyzed our language."

"What did they say?"

The adjutant said hesitantly: "They said surrender or perish."

Then, another large section of the signal was captured by the Earth's army.

"Humans of Earth, we are the 23rd Expeditionary Team of the Galaxy Legion of the Silver Shadow Empire. In ten hours, our Hound-class spacecraft will stay over your home planet. You have one month to prepare for unconditional surrender and then accept it. Our domination.

You will be fortunate enough to become part of the Empire's territory. Thank you for the Empire's kindness, Earthlings. "

Just when humans first came into contact with alien civilizations in this universe, in Chaoge City, Li Nian and Li Sisi were happily walking around the Chaoge Market.

Unlike the earth, the entire planet has been covered by mysterious nets and nano bugs. All shopping, work, and life can be carried out in the virtual world.

In Chaoge City, there are no densely populated nanoworms, and you still need to use a personal computer or communicator to access the Internet.

Moreover, in addition to the earthlings in Chaoge City, there are many other immigrants who came to Chaoge City to do business, work or cooperate with the earthlings after being colonized by the earthlings. Among them were businessmen, officials, and royalty.

There are knights carrying sword cases and robes, and mages holding staffs and wearing high hats. There are even subraces of people with wolf heads and human bodies, elves with pointed ears and slender bodies.

Chaoge City is the center of jump gate transmission among the 7,200 nearby sectors. Its superior geographical location and the good order maintained by humans have made it the best area for communication between countless worlds, and it has also become a The largest and busiest market.

In this city, humans on Earth are the undisputed kings. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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