Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 40: Seven Days

In the huge conference room in the Hexagon, more than 70% of the members of the League of Legends were present. In addition, there were the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and other members. Even some people who were unknown to the audience appeared in the meeting.

Next to Metal Man William, a young man in a robe smiled and said to him: "William, do you know why so many people came here today?"

"I heard that Jack conquered Manhattan. Why does Pawson look so bad now?"

William glanced at the young man and said slowly: "Los Angeles was attacked by unknown humanoid creatures. Jack is dead."

At the same time, he remembered the information about the superhero next to him.


Lin Dong, an ordinary young man in the 21st century.

After breaking up, he climbed Mount Tai and jumped off the cliff. He accidentally got a bronze ring. It turned out that the bronze ring came from another world. The owner of the bronze ring was a lifelong treasure of a magic god.

Facing the school beauties, celebrities, rich people, and politicians who flocked to him, Lin Dong said, "I just want to live an ordinary life."


When Lin Dong was traveling in the United States, he encountered a demon invasion. In the end, in order to protect his beloved, he had to stand up and finally joined the League of Legends. Because he often cast magic through the bronze ring, he was also called the Green Ring Man.

When Lin Dong heard William's words, his eyebrows shrugged and he said in surprise, "That bastard is dead? How is it possible? With that guy's vitality, I'm afraid even a nuclear bomb may not be able to kill him."

William did not answer, but just nodded at the front of the conference room. Lin Dong turned his head and saw that Bao Sen from the Ministry of Defense had stood up. Started to speak.

"Everyone, you are all members of the League of Legends, American superheroes, each of you is a miracle creator, an immortal myth, and a legend of mankind." Bao Sen's face was full of seriousness. Although every superhero sitting down knew that he was just an ordinary person, they were all infected by his serious expression and aura, and listened to the other party's speech seriously.

"But today, an unprecedented and terrible opponent has appeared." Pawson gestured. The assistant underground began to play the image on the monitor in the conference room.

"Everyone, maybe you already know that Manhattan was recaptured by American Superman, but just twelve hours ago, Los Angeles was attacked by unknown humanoid creatures, and American Superman died."

As Pawson explained, a series of portraits began to play on the display screen.

First, the Federal Bank Building was attacked and turned into ruins, and finally, of course, it was American Superman. Jack's body.

When his body appeared in front of everyone in the conference room, almost all the women screamed, and some women even lowered their heads and vomited directly.

Other superheroes. Even cold-blooded as Nighthawk and rational as Metal Man, they all couldn't help squinting their eyes or raising their eyebrows.

Beside Metal Man William. Lin Dong looked at the image with a pale face, but seeing William looking at the body with an unchanged expression, he also forced himself not to shake his head. But his eyes couldn't help but glance around.

He said, "Fuck, it's all jam, how big a grudge is this? Jack, didn't he kill someone else's mother?"

Although Metal Man's eyes were a little surprised, his expression was very calm. He still maintained his usual calmness and said, "Jack has the ability to regenerate super fast, but this regeneration ability is obviously not infinite.

Theoretically, if you want to kill him completely, you must continue to injure him and finally let him use up the energy for regeneration."

At this point, Metal Man changed his tone and said coldly, "And this regeneration ability becomes a source of pain when facing an enemy that is ten or a hundred times stronger than himself. Judging from the state of the corpse and the difference in the color of the regenerated flesh, the perpetrator is not only a master, but also very proficient in the structure of the human body. He made Jack feel the pain and torture to the maximum extent and with the highest efficiency."

Just when Lin Dong felt a chill listening to what Metal Man said, Bao Sen on the stage had already proved what Metal Man said.

"As you can see, this is the body of the American Superman." Paulson's eyes seemed to be sprayed with flames: "According to the forensic identification, the American Superman was tortured for 40 minutes before his death. Because of his super-fast regeneration ability, his limbs, chest, and head were repeatedly destroyed.

The murderer is a person who is very familiar with the human body structure, familiar with interrogation, and skilled in sadism..."

The people in the audience listened to Paulson's speech. Although they were a little surprised that the American Superman Jack was tortured to death, they all felt that it was too much of a fuss to call them all for such a thing.

Some people even knew that Jack liked to eat people and torture civilians, and they were happy about his death.

Lin Dong also had a similar view. Jack was very powerful and the American Superman was very famous. His death was indeed a blow to the current morale of the United States. Los Angeles also needed to deal with the aftermath. At that time, I am afraid that there will be a new round of competition.

But what does it matter? It's the end of the world now. How many people are dying every day on the entire earth?

Famine, demons, internal strife, natural disasters, death is a very normal thing for the human beings of this era, even for Superman of the United States.

"Really, can't a conference call be enough?" Lin Dong touched his queasy stomach: "I have no appetite for dinner."

The Metal Man on the side heard what Lin Dong said, but shook his head: "Since Baosen invited us here, naturally it won't end so easily. I'm afraid this matter has already had a follow-up."

"Follow-up?" Lin Dong asked, "Did you find the guy who killed Jack?"

"Maybe Paulson and the others discovered the other party's traces. But..." Metal Man William narrowed his eyes, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes: "A more troublesome situation is that the other party finds us."

"Find us?" Just when Lin Dong was thinking about what Metal Man meant, Bao Sen on the stage spoke again.

At the same time, the picture on the screen changed and a video started to play.

"Everyone, six hours ago, the murderer who claimed to have killed Jack came to the White House..."

Only the sky above the White House can be seen in the picture. A dark shadow slowly came closer. When the shadow revealed its true appearance, everyone present exclaimed.

"It's an aircraft carrier..."

"It's the Nimitz!"

"Hell, he lifted the Nimitz to the White House."

As the camera zoomed in, an Asian young man with black hair and white clothes appeared in front of the camera. It was he who held the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier high with one arm in his left hand and flew the 100,000-ton aircraft carrier to the White House. above.

"Damn, what is he going to do!" Lin Dong's eyes bulged as he looked at the picture of Li Anping raising his mother with one arm, with disbelief on his face: "Really or not, this can't be a computer special effect."

It seemed that he heard what Lin Dong said. Paulson on the stage said coldly: "Everyone, this is not a movie, let alone an animation. This man not only hijacked the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier, rushed all the members on the ship to the Hawaiian port, but also personally lifted the aircraft carrier into the air. Arriving over the White House..."

As Paulson said, an even more incredible scene appeared on the screen. Li Anping stretched out his other hand and began to squeeze the Nimitz aircraft carrier with his left and right hands at the same time. The hands become as fragile as origami. It was squeezed and deformed in a few clicks.

Not only the places where his hands touched, but the entire Nimitz aircraft carrier began to deform under his terrifying power, as if a pair of invisible hands were kneading it, slowly compressing the aircraft carrier.

Superheroes in the conference room. The top leaders of the government were all looking at the screen stupidly, as if they were watching a fairy tale.

Watching the aircraft carrier being compressed and shrunk in Li Anping's hands, they seemed to be able to hear the harsh sound coming from the metal.

Less than a minute. Li Anping then crushed the entire USS Nimitz aircraft carrier into an iron ball the size of a palm. Watching Li Anping swing this pitch-black iron ball around like an ordinary tennis ball with one hand, the conference room was filled with the sound of swallowing saliva.

at last. Li Anping slowly flew to the lawn in front of the White House and casually placed the iron ball in his hand on the ground.

Under the heavy pressure of the iron ball, the entire ground continued to crack. The iron ball seemed to have created a whirlpool, sinking towards the ground continuously, causing terrifying cracks in the surrounding lawns.

The White House is already surrounded by countless soldiers, tanks, and even superheroes.

But they just watched Li Anping finish everything quietly, and no one dared to make any unnecessary moves.

At the end of the shot, all you can see is that a USB flash drive suddenly appeared in Li Anping's hand. He threw the USB flash drive to a White House official, and his whole body turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

It wasn't until the video stopped completely that the sound of gasping could be heard throughout the conference room. No one spoke or moved. Everyone looked at Li Anping's last disappearing figure on the screen with a sad look on his face, silently.

After everyone saw this video, they felt ridiculous and frightened, and had no idea what to say.

In the silence, Metal Man William's voice rang out: "This man, let's call him a man for now, with the power he showed, if he wants to destroy us, I'm afraid a few fists will be enough.

But he did not do this. Instead, he carried out a typical military deterrent over the White House. This means that he can communicate and that we have something this man needs. So what is the content of the USB flash drive he left behind? "

Baosen nodded: "You are right. In that USB flash drive is a message he left."

"The general content inside tells us that he is an alien from outer space, and his enemies who pursued him came to the earth. And those monsters that suddenly appeared are creatures called demons, and they are him enemy."

"The various natural disasters that have occurred around the world in the past few days are the aftermath of his battle with a demon general."

"In just a few days, just yesterday, he had eliminated more than 90% of the demons on the entire earth."

When everyone heard this, they all became happy, and some even shouted excitedly.

"No wonder I can't see those monsters these days. Have they all been destroyed?"

"Great, this alien is here to help us!"

Only Metal Man and Nighthawk Man had no change in their expressions, still listening to Bosen's speech as cold as ice.

"But he lost the trace of the demon general he had been chasing all the way. He said that the demon general had disguised himself as a human, and we must help find the demon general."

"If he can't find him within seven days, then he will take special force..."

"Destroy the entire earth."


In the sky, Li Anping was emitting various fluctuations, and blue electric currents jumped out from time to time and dissipated in the air. He kept using various methods to scan the entire planet, but he never found the other party's trace.

Black's voice came out: "Hehehehe, Li Anping, if seven days are up, will you really destroy this planet?"

"That depends on what I, Rekenos, and the humans on this planet can do within these seven days." (To be continued. Please search for Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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