Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 37: Hero (Part 2)

Chiguo, along the coast of the South China Sea.

The originally beautiful beach now looked like a battered girl. Large areas of submerged beach, buildings, and roads all showed that a serious disaster had just occurred here.

After receiving the alert, the Red Alliance immediately sent two members here.

One was a strong man wearing a Kevlar assault suit, carrying a bunch of bullets and a long gun on his back. He got out of the jeep, stepped on the sand under his feet with his military boots, and looked at what had become a field in front of him. In the vast world, he said with some lingering fear: "Who did it? Are the tsunami and typhoon really caused by those monsters?"

Next to him was a huge tiger more than three meters long. The tiger's tail whipped in the air, making crackling sounds from time to time. The tiger's mouth opened, and he actually spoke human language: "It has nothing to do with us anymore. Anyway, we can only deal with some small monsters. Monsters that can cause such changes in the sky are not something we can handle. ”

"I know." The sturdy soldier took out his binoculars and scanned the sea level, and found many corpses of human monsters floating in the sea: "But since the higher-ups gave the order, let's come over and take a look. Anyway, if we see We will run away from level three monsters.”

After months of resistance, the humans on this planet have some clear classifications of the demon's strength. Ordinary monsters are first-level monsters, while elite monsters are second-level monsters. Those whose appearance is strange and different from humans are all collectively called level three monsters. Each level three monster is extremely powerful and can crush the army head-on.

"But it seems that these monsters are also fighting among themselves. This tsunami and storm killed many monsters." Just as the strong man finished saying this, he suddenly heard a series of low roars from the tiger beside him.

He put down the telescope and saw a young man in white appearing on the sea without knowing when. He was two meters above the water, floating quietly in mid-air. From time to time, blue electric sparks sputtered out from the body, shining and flying in the air.

The tiger on the side arched his entire back, his hair stood on end, and said nervously: "This guy is so dangerous, and his murderous intent is so strong."

"Say hello first." The strong man on the side also became serious in his eyes. He first unhooked the long gun on his back, turned on the safety, and then shouted to Li Anping on the water: "Friend, are you also from the Red Alliance? ? I am the 'King of Soldiers' Chen Luo."

After speaking, he pointed to the tiger beside him: "He is the 'Reborn Tiger' Lei Yun."

Li Anping just glanced at them, and the other person's memory was completely displayed in front of him.

Chen Luo is the most powerful war machine in the legend. The feared king of soldiers in the dark world.

But an accident forced him to retire sadly.

Living in seclusion in Huadu, he originally just wanted to live a peaceful life away from the smoke and blood. However, a commission from his comrades forced him to protect a wealthy and unruly daughter.

From then on, hot police beauties, beautiful celebrities, cool teachers, and blonde spies came one after another, and Chen Luo had to embark on a glamorous and exciting adventure in Huadu.

'what the hell. ’ Li Anping’s eyes widened and he gave Chen Luo a strange look.

The King of Soldiers and the Rebirth Tiger on the other side were just glanced at, and they felt that their blood seemed to have stopped beating, and every breath seemed to have countless blades tearing at their lungs. Just when they feel like they're going to collapse.

‘Although these two guys are a little strange, they are not evil people. ’

Li Anping withdrew his eyes, and his voice sounded softly in their ears: "Keep your people away from us."

The next moment, the entire sea level rose. A loud noise like the collapse of heaven and earth reached the ears of one man and one tiger, followed by a shock wave that blew the two of them several kilometers away.

The King of Soldiers and the Reborn Tiger had no time to react. They only felt that their vision went dark and they were completely unconscious.

When the Red Alliance rescue team arrived. They could only find one person and one tiger who had suffered extensive fractures all over their bodies, suffered cardiopulmonary failure, and fell into a coma. As for the place where they originally stood, it has completely turned into a mirror-like sea surface.

Northern United States, Minnesota.

A small fighter jet streaked through the vast woods, then stopped in mid-air. Through the flames sprayed from the bottom of the plane, it slowly reduced its speed and drifted forward a little bit.

William on the plane looked solemnly at the barren land, with the woods behind him as the dividing line. The land in front of him seemed to have been hit by an asteroid. The trees were either buried by earth and rocks, or were directly blown away. Fly, tear.

There are also countless huge cracks in the ground that can't be seen to the end, standing at William's feet as if they lead to the underground world.

Although William had seen countless similar scenes in the three northern states on this day, he could not help but be surprised as to what could cause such huge damage.

A few minutes later, William hovered the fighter jet in mid-air. Wearing metal armor, he jumped out of the cockpit of the aircraft and fell to the ground.

Under his feet was a huge fist mark three to four meters deep, as large as a human being.

Seeing his entire body fall into this crater-like fist mark, William had an incredible expression on his face.

"What the hell is going on."

Just then, a deep voice sounded from behind William: "It seems that some terrifying monsters have appeared."

"Who?" William turned around and saw a man wearing a cape, a mask, and wrapped in black armor slowly walking out of the shadows.

The man said in an extremely low voice: "Should I call you Metal Man? Or William Xiao."

"Night Eagle?" William asked: "When did you come here?"

At the same time, he remembered the other party's information in his mind.

Night Eagle, or Victor, was originally an invisible rich man in Kansas. But a year ago, he suddenly fell seriously ill and was in a coma for three days and three nights. As a result, after waking up from a sleep, Victor seemed to have changed into a different person.

Not only did he make several miraculous investments in the next year, increasing his assets by dozens of times. And in William's information, the other party secretly unified the entire Kansas underground world.

He has amazing close combat ability, is proficient in martial arts and fighting skills from various countries, and his strength and speed have reached an almost inhuman level. It is simply a humanoid Tyrannosaurus Rex, and even has a record of killing a level 3 monster by himself.

Standing in front of such a destructive machine, even the latest developed armor on his body cannot make William feel safe.

In addition to the amazing combat skills and financial talents, what surprised William the most was that the other party had hoarded a large amount of supplies before the monster appeared, as if they had known that this disaster would happen.

Like Superman and him, Victor also became a member of the Hexagon, and wore the equipment developed by himself, and was called Night Eagle by the world. He is a member of the American League of Heroes.

Nighthawk didn't seem to expect that William would think of so many things in one sentence. He just faced the other party's question with his usual cold tone: "I arrived a few minutes earlier than you." He pointed to the huge fist mark that caused the terrain change beside him and said: "What do you think?"

William felt that the other party's words were a little nervous. After thinking for a while, he said: "Theoretically, there is no creature on the earth that can cause such a degree of damage. Even among those monsters, there has never been an existence that caused such a large-scale earthquake. But I think the person who took action this time may be helping us."

"Why do you think so?"

"On the way here, I asked Ah Fu to check the information on the Internet. Just after the earthquake here, various natural disasters occurred on a large scale around the world, and the monsters died the most in these natural disasters.

So I suspect that it was a human like us who used a weapon beyond modern technology. To attack those monsters."

Just then, Nighthawk pressed his ears, as if he was conducting some kind of remote communication. After a moment, he said to William in front of him: "It seems that your speculation is wrong."

"What?" Just then. There was a tremor in the ground, and when William looked up, Nighthawk had disappeared from his sight.

At the same time. Alfu's electronic voice came from the communicator in the armor: "Master, Los Angeles has been attacked by unknown humanoid creatures."


Two hours ago, Los Angeles, USA.

As the base camp of American Superman, Jack, the material living conditions here are much worse than before the end of the world, but compared with the disaster areas in other parts of the world, it is already a paradise.

Every day, there are always long lines of refugees waiting to enter the city at several checkpoints in Los Angeles.

The 310-meter-high Federal Bank Building, as the tallest building in Los Angeles and even in the entire California, was not destroyed in the war with the devil because of Jack's protection.

Now, this skyscraper overlooking the scenery of Los Angeles has naturally become Jack's palace.

Jack, who returned to Los Angeles on a private plane last night, was lying on the top floor of the Federal Bank Building, on a huge soft bed, with floor-to-ceiling glass just a few meters in front of him, and he could clearly overlook the scenery of Los Angeles.

Pulling his body out from the surrounding pink breasts and **. One of the blonde girls hugged her with a drunken look on her face. Seeing that girl's face was confused, it seemed that she had not yet woken up from the madness of last night.

Jack took a handful of granular pills from the bedside and stuffed them into her mouth, then pushed her back to the bed. Seeing the other party's twisted limbs and a silly smile on her face, he smiled maliciously, and then took a handful of pills and stuffed them into his mouth.

Compared with the harm of ordinary humans taking drugs, Jack now has no side effects from taking drugs with his superhuman immunity, but the pleasure he gets is not as strong as that of ordinary people.

Just as he was looking at the girls lying on the bed, thinking about whether to do some early exercise, a terrifying explosion sounded in the sky, and a silver light flashed, like a thunder across the sky of Los Angeles.

Jack rushed over immediately, his eyes fixed on the sky that kept making a piercing sound, and muttered: "What? Fighter?"

The next moment, he had jumped off the building and rushed towards the place where the sound exploded.

But at the moment he jumped, a gust of wind blew in his face, and the terrible shock wave immediately swept him out and crashed into the Federal Bank Building. Even all the glass in the entire building was shattered at this moment, and the steel bars and concrete began to shake, as if it would collapse in the next moment.

Jack stood up with his face covered in blood. While his wounds continued to heal, he wanted to run out of the building. According to his experience, if the building shakes to this extent, it will collapse immediately. As for the people inside the building, he was even less likely to waste time saving them.

But who knew that he had just taken a few steps when the entire building seemed to flicker. Some unknown method had stopped the shaking and even strengthened the building to prevent it from collapsing.

Then Jack saw a man in white floating quietly in the air outside the building. He seemed to have noticed Jack's gaze. He glanced slightly. The look in his eyes was like looking at an ant, which made Jack feel special. accurate.

But the next moment, the other party frowned, and the cold light released from his eyes made his body feel like being pricked by needles, making him unable to move at all.

Jack could only watch helplessly as the other person's fingers moved inch by inch, and then pointed towards his position.

Jack's body instantly entered an explosive state, and Black's roar resounded in his heart, but he couldn't hear anything.

The opponent's speed was so fast that he couldn't do anything at all. He could even see the shadow of the opponent's movements in front of him, which was already his limit, and then he felt a destructive force coming out of his body.

The whole process, whether it was the other party's eyes or movements, was as casual as squeezing an ant to death, stabbing Jack's inner self-esteem to blood.

Before he lost consciousness, he could only feel that there seemed to be some black shadow that knocked away the man in white, causing the man in white to move his finger slightly. The next second, Jack completely lost consciousness.


"Jack, wake up!"

In a daze, Jack opened his eyes. At this time, most of his body had disappeared, and even only half of his brain was left. He only felt the heartbreaking pain spreading to his brain. The regenerative energy in the body has also been consumed.

A strong man named Mark was putting the wound on his wrist to his mouth and letting him suck his blood. He is Jack's most loyal subordinate and Jack's only friend in high school.

Seeing Jack open his eyes, Mark said excitedly: "Jack, are you awake?"

But his excited expression didn't last for even a second before it completely solidified.

Jack ripped out his heart and stuffed it into his mouth.

He looked up and looked around. The original building and the blocks surrounding the building had turned into a huge crater.

There were hundreds of injured men gathered around him, looking at him while eating with fear on their faces.

Hei's voice sounded in his ears: "We have been dead for almost ten minutes. I have to say that I originally despised your behavior of telling people close to you about your abilities, but now it seems that human beings are better than I thought. It's even more stupid, but it will prepare some spare rations for us."

Jack said angrily: "What's going on? Who is that man? Am I not supposed to be the strongest person on this planet?"

"That's because you haven't grown enough." Hei's voice was full of temptation: "As long as you reach the fourth energy level, you can be as powerful as the guy in white, or even stronger than him. Do you want revenge? That's it. Let’s eat all these people. Anyway, we can blame them all on the guys who just attacked us.”

Thinking of the look in the white-clothed man's eyes, the way he looked at him like an ant or an insect, Jack roared with rage and rushed towards the crowd, causing a bloody storm. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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