Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 34: Doomsday

On the White Earth, Li Anping looked at the endless white land and communicated with Bai Xinghe: "I have activated those things. With them, there should be no crisis on Earth."

Bai Xinghe asked: "If you encounter danger..."

"Quantum communication uses the principle of non-locality of entangled states. Through the particle states prepared by me on Earth, you should be able to contact me at any time." Li Anping said calmly: "If you can't contact me, you can decide how to use the things I arranged according to your own judgment."


"Okay, I'm leaving."

After saying this, Li Anping turned into a beam of light and flew towards the No. 1 boundary gate, which is the north of the boundary gate leading to the solar system.

According to the map given by the Chaos Tide, the entire White Earth is vast and boundless, and it is growing every moment. The location of the No. 1 boundary gate is located in the southernmost position of the current White Earth.

As the earliest native race in the White Earth, the main territory of the Evil God Clan is naturally in the center of the White Earth. It was unknown how far it was from the southernmost No. 1 Crossing Gate.

They traveled long distances using something called the Red River.

But even so, it took a long time to reach the No. 1 Crossing Gate from the territory of the Evil Gods, and one of the places they had to pass through was Li Anping's current destination, an Evil Gods' stronghold.

As the edge of the White Land, this place had never been noticed by various high-level demons, and the Evil Gods only sent some lower-level demons who were not from the Evil Gods to manage the stronghold here.

If Seagram had not been too weak among the princes, he would not have been driven here.

A few hours later, a fortress built of white earth and stone appeared in front of Li Anping.

Before he got close, a stench had already swept over.

Flying over the top of the fortress, Li Anping looked at his feet, and the entire fortress looked like countless garbage dumps. Hundreds of strange creatures were piled together without any rules, and they stayed in the fortress, looking at Li Anping who had flown into the sky with surprise.

"It's a human!"

"It must have escaped from the gate!"

"Catch him!"

The next second, dozens of monsters that looked like bats flapped their wings and rushed into the sky.

Seeing their bloodthirsty and excited appearance, Li Anping just glanced at them coldly. The next moment, these demons had exploded into blood flowers in the sky, and a blood rain was sprinkled on the ground.

All of a sudden. All the demons in the whole fortress were alarmed. Some of them rushed up with a roar, some retreated cautiously, and some carefully observed Li Anping in the sky, wondering what they were thinking.

These demons had no concept of army and discipline at all. Apart from the terrifying power, these demons under their feet were no different from gangsters.

As more and more blood flowers exploded in the sky, no demon could get within a hundred meters of Li Anping. The remaining demons saw this situation. All of them stopped sprinting, but ran away in all directions, and their fighting will was worse than Li Anping imagined.

Seeing this situation, Li Anping was also a little strange. Although the lower-level demons at the edge of this white paper land should be the cannon fodder soldiers of the entire evil god clan, they are also too weak, with an average of only about the fourth energy level. There is not even a fifth energy level.

A few minutes later, Li Anping finally knew what was going on.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and felt the information in the other party's brain. He murmured, "Have you discovered a new cross-world gate?"

"Yes... yes." A demon who looked like a stone said tremblingly. Looking at the more than ten headless corpses under Li Anping's feet, he was even more scared. He just saw with his own eyes that this human in front of him bit off the heads of more than a dozen demons like eating snacks.

Li Anping nodded. According to the memory he read, the demons here recently discovered a new cross-world gate and discovered the existence of humans there. So the person in charge of this fortress, who is also the strongest, the fifth-level demon Xitingsi, has led more than a thousand of the most elite demons to the newly discovered cross-world gate.

This is also their job here. Just like the Earth before, the demons in the base here will constantly send two or three demons in a group to search for the gates around the base. However, most of the gates are often connected to barren worlds where life cannot exist.

Once a rich, civilized, or even human world is discovered, Sitings will lead a large army to enjoy it, or destroy it.

When Seagram forcibly occupied the gate of the Earth and disappeared later, he did not mean to gloat over it. Of course, he would not rush to a world where Seagram never returned. He just reported the situation and waited quietly for the upper warriors of the evil gods to investigate the matter.

However, his men have been looking for new gates during this period, and they found another human world, which made him very happy.

And it's not just him. The level 8 evil god warrior who arrived here today also rushed over after knowing that Sitings had discovered a new human world, saying that he wanted to have a good time there before looking for Seagram.

Obviously, for him, enjoying himself in that world is much more important than investigating the disappearance of Seagram. After all, devouring humans is the nature of almost all demons, and a world where they can eat humans is very rare.

As for those left in the fortress, they are naturally some old and weak soldiers who are not qualified to follow.

Knowing these situations, Li Anping has also seen the chaos and corruption of demons, or the evil gods.

He looked at the trembling demons in front of him, stretched out his hand and pointed, and turned them all into dust that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. At this moment, there were no more demons surviving in the entire fortress.

Next, Li Anping walked directly to a huge blood pool. This blood pool in the center of the fortress is the so-called Red River. Through it, the evil gods can cross a long distance and quickly reach any base derived from the blood river.

Looking at the blood pool under his feet, Li Anping slightly squeezed his palm towards the body of a demon. The demon, which was already dead, had hurriedly stood up, shaking his head, as if adapting to his own corpse.

With Li Anping's current strength, this kind of magic of reanimating corpses is completely at his fingertips. In addition, he can compile consciousness algorithms. Such resurrected corpses are far beyond the so-called zombies. They are not only dominated by instincts, but also have the ability to talk and remember. It is just like resurrection.

Li Anping ordered him: "Watch here. If anyone comes out, tell him that I attacked here. I went to find Xitings later."


Seeing the corpse nodded, Li Anping flashed and disappeared completely the next moment. He has left a particle state on the corpse. Because of the non-locality of quantum theory, the correlation between two particle states cannot be explained by classical information.

So no matter how far away, he can know if there is a problem with this corpse.

The cross-boundary gate this time is only about 180 million kilometers away from the fortress, which is much closer than the No. 1 cross-boundary gate. Obviously, this is also the reason why the eighth-level warrior gave priority to finding Xitings.

Ten minutes later, the light of Li Anping's incarnation went into the cross-boundary gate.

The gate is located on a wide road.

When Li Anping crossed the gate, what appeared in front of him was a city like the end of the world.

The high-rise buildings turned into large ruins, and the earth was broken and shattered.

Hundreds of thousands of monsters roamed in the city, tearing every human who appeared in front of them into pieces.

From time to time, some fighters and bombers passed over the city, but they were soon hit by various rays, flames, and even stones, and turned into huge fireballs and fell down.

This is a human world that is somewhat similar to the earth, and it has also entered the modern civilized society. But now, because of the invasion of demons, it has become a hell.

As soon as Li Anping appeared outside the gate, he obviously attracted the attention of nearby demons. These demons were left to guard the gate. Li Anping's human appearance made more than a dozen demons pounce on him as soon as he appeared.

These demons were still chewing the flesh in their hands, and some human broken arms and limbs were scattered all over the ground. When they rushed towards Li Anping, Li Anping could even clearly see the human fingers bitten in their mouths, the eyeballs in their hands, and the blood all over their bodies.

He frowned, and a blue electric light turned into a light arc and shot out from his body. All the demons nearby were completely vaporized by the terrifying high temperature in an instant.

In a cage made of reinforced concrete, several men covered in blood looked stupidly at the spotless Li Anping. It was hard to imagine that the invincible demon in their eyes was killed so easily.

Li Anping took a look at the rough cage. It was obviously built by the demons guarding the gate. As for the reason for building it, it was really simple, nothing more than to keep the food fresh.

Compared with the boredom of the corpse, listening to the screams of humans while tearing each other's bodies can make these demons more excited.

The men in the cages looked blond and blue-eyed, and they looked a bit different from the people in the Federation. When they saw Li Anping looking at them, they immediately started shouting and speaking a language that Li Anping had never heard of.

However, after just a quick scan of their heads, Li Anping already knew everything about them.

This is a planet that belongs to humans.

The country under Li Anping's feet is called the United States, and the location of the gate is a place called Manhattan in this country.

The entire planet has become a doomsday world under the invasion of demons. (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!

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