Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 26: Insects

Just when Li Anping and Chaos Tide finished their conversation.

On a planet countless light years away from Earth.

Hundreds of huge space battleships surrounded the entire planet. They continuously released colorful flames toward the surface of the planet, causing waves of huge explosions.

On the surface, countless armored vehicles, interstellar infantry, and space mechas, with the support of the battleships' guns, launched rounds of attacks against the enemy.

And their enemies were overwhelming alien creatures that looked like insects.

Insects as big as a bull's head, crawling on all fours like hunting dogs, swarmed in. Every second, thousands of their companions were torn to pieces by shells, but soon more insects stepped on the bodies of their companions and rushed towards the human soldiers, completely drowning them.

A truck-sized beetle drilled out from the ground, directly overturned the human chariot, and crushed the surrounding infantry into meat sauce. But he was immediately blasted into pieces by the artillery fire from the outer space spaceship.

But then more than a dozen giant beetles came out from nearby. Their hard shells made ordinary beams and particle weapons completely ineffective against them, but the plasma flames ejected from their mouths could easily melt the armor of tanks and interstellar infantry.

Just when this human army was about to be destroyed.

In the sky, hundreds of fighter planes sent by humans broke through the air, and the intensive carpet bombing instantly covered the entire land. The high temperature directly turned the surface into a crystallized state, and the Zerg that originally covered the entire ground disappeared in this round of bombing.

"This time, at least more than one million were destroyed at once."

"Don't relax, let's go to area a23 for support. The bunker there has been surrounded by more than 20 million hound bugs."

"Damn, it's a group of white dragons!"

The whole sky was suddenly covered by countless shadows, and thousands of white monsters with four wings and caterpillar-like bodies surrounded the fighter group.

They ejected thousands of parasites from the mouthparts at the bottom of their bodies. These parasites have sharp shells and can release deadly toxins and radioactive substances, which can easily pierce the armor of fighters and destroy their engines.

With just one salvo, more than 80% of the fighters were directly destroyed.

"Go! Go! Go! Use ground mode, you can't fight them in the air! Escape to the tunnels dug by armored beetles!!"

In a large area of ​​flames, the only five fighters crashed into the ground. They deformed during the fall and all turned into mecha warriors more than two meters tall, and then drilled into the tunnels dug by the bugs.

Countless white dragons sprayed parasites in the sky to chase them. But in the end, three mechas still drilled into the surface. These creatures called white dragons obviously couldn't chase creatures below the surface, so they could only roar and then rush to another battlefield.

"They're gone." The pilot in the mecha said, "It's too dangerous underground. Let's go back quickly."

"No." Another person said, "The white dragon's compound eyes can observe scenes tens of kilometers away. Once they find us, it will be bad. The underground space here has been cleaned with high-energy explosives. There should be no bugs. Let's go west along the tunnel for 20 kilometers and find a way to get back to the mothership."

"Damn, I really want to use the star destroyer to burn these bugs to death at once."

"It's useless. Simple high temperature or vacuum environment can't kill them completely. It will only cause countless meteorites to carry them and spread out. We must find the queen to end this war."

The three of them walked along the tunnel in silence. They were pessimistic about the outcome of this war.

These Zergs who came from nowhere defeated humans as soon as they appeared. In just fifty cosmic years, the overwhelming Zergs have covered hundreds of planets within tens of thousands of light years.

The ground forces of the coalition have no advantage in facing these endless bugs.

The only time a star destroyer was used to directly destroy an entire planet. But it caused a bigger disaster. Those bugs disguised as meteorites spread in all directions, and the existing human detectors had no effect on them.

The victory of a planet led to the destruction of more than ten resource stars.

From then on. The human fleet began to take steady steps and kill the bugs one planet at a time. But even with the support of space battleships, the ground forces were still no match for the bugs. Even after discovering human tactics, a kind of bug that could spray photon streams from its tail appeared in the swarm, and the interstellar fleet had lost tens of thousands of warships for this.

In the next two hours, the three drove the mechas in the underground passages, killing small groups of bugs from time to time. Just when they were about to reach their destination, a series of violent vibrations came from all directions.

"It's a swarm!"


The three mechas rushed to the ground at the same time, but the last mecha, when his upper body just drilled out, four or five tentacles had broken out from the ground and directly wrapped around his body.

Blue electric light was released from the tentacles, and the entire mecha was dragged back into the ground without any resistance.

"Damn it!"

With a curse, the remaining two pilots had completed the transformation, turned into fighter planes, and rushed into the sky, but before they flew a hundred meters, a photon stream had pierced the sky directly, turning a mecha-transformed fighter into a huge fireball.

The last person roared, and all the small missiles in the fuselage, hundreds of them shot out from his wings, drowning the hound bugs around the ground.

When he wanted to attack again, another photon stream pierced his left wing. This time, the photon stream seemed to deliberately control the power, and only a small hole was broken in the left wing of his fighter.

The fighter had to transform into a mecha again and make an emergency landing on the ground.


Just after completing the emergency landing, seeing the hound bugs swarming around, the driver roared and controlled the high-energy particle gun in his hand to start fighting back. Unfortunately, the missiles and explosives he carried had been used up in the previous bombing and battle. The only high-energy particle gun had exhausted its energy after killing more than 500 hound bugs.

Pulling out the high-frequency dagger on the side of the mecha's leg, Reinhardt's heart was already filled with despair.

"Are I going to die here?"

Just when he thought he was going to die. The swarm stopped around the mecha, and in Reinhardt's puzzled eyes, a giant worm with a height of more than five meters and a body length of more than twelve meters had grabbed the mecha and dragged Reinhardt away.

"What do they want to do?" Seeing that the swarm had no intention of killing him, Reinhardt hurriedly turned on the communicator, but found that he could not contact the mothership at all.

"Did they block my signal?"

Just as Reinhardt was confused and nervous, the swarm escorted the mecha deep underground, into a huge cave.

Several hound worms climbed onto the mecha and bit open the door of the cockpit. Under their pushing and dragging, Reinhardt had to leave the mecha and follow them to continue walking into the depths of the cave.

After passing through a long corridor of several kilometers, Reinhardt looked at the scene in front of him in shock.

Tens of thousands of hound worms appeared in front of him, and in the center of them were twelve black worms standing still like rocks. This worm named Tyrant by the human military is the strongest Zerg army known to humans.

Not only can they break through the atmosphere and fight in space, they even defeated the ace mecha troops of the coalition in several human-insect battles, indirectly causing the defeat of the coalition.

Reinhardt never thought that he would see this super dangerous life form with his own eyes, even in this bare-handed situation.

But if the appearance of the Tyrant only shocked Reinhardt, then the huge worm that appeared among the twelve Tyrants. The group of crawling like a meat mountain almost stopped Reinhardt's heart.

Being able to get the protection of the Tyrant and hide so deep underground.

Could this be the Zerg King Worm guessed by the human staff?

In Reinhardt's desperate eyes, the King Worm opened his mouth. More than ten tentacles stretched out directly towards Reinhardt, dragging him over.

"Little bug, stop. You already know the information in this human's mind. Call your master, I have something to talk to her."

But before the king insect took the next step, a sudden voice suddenly came out of Reinhardt's mouth, frightening the king insect and shaking directly, and threw Reinhardt to the ground.

"Chaos Tide, you pervert, villain, the first madman in the multiverse, why are you here!" The king insect's body emitted a crisp childish voice, but looking at Reinhardt, who was floating in the air with confused eyes and bursts of green light, he couldn't help but tremble constantly.

"Oh, it seems that the last game has left you with some trauma." Reinhardt still seemed to be unconscious, but the voice of Chaos Tide kept coming out of his mouth: "As long as there is chaos, there is me. Do I need to explain this?"

With a cold snort, rays of light shot out from the eyes of the King Worm. The next moment, a cold female voice came out: "Qing, if what you say next does not arouse my interest, I will directly drag you out of the Chaos Sea and put you in an unexploded singularity to let you know what pain is."

The Chaos Tide smiled awkwardly and said: "I know that your power is too strong. Just a consciousness call will cause the possessed King Worm to temporarily lose some of its abilities.

But I came here because I found a warrior who can help you and Huang attack the White Universe."

"Oh ? "

Hearing that his words had aroused the other party's interest, Chaos Tide continued: "It won't be long before he kills an eighth-level warrior of the Evil God Clan. I think this record is enough to join the vanguard of you and the Yellow Organization."

"Go on."

Chaos Tide smiled and said: "But he is a native of this universe. If you want him to work for you willingly, you might as well give this universe to him. Anyway, I see that you only sent a king insect to attack here. This war is just your after-dinner game, right?

Giving up a boring game and getting a powerful warrior is a very cost-effective plan. "

Hearing this, the other party snorted coldly: "You think you can convince me, so you talk to me through the king insect. Even if I don't agree, the war in this universe will be delayed because of the weakening of the king insect? "

"Hehe, I think that the human space forces will relax their vigilance against your pets because of their successive victories and fall into internal strife again. In this way, even if you disagree with this plan, after the king insect recovers, it will be easier to conquer this universe."

"Hmph, unnecessary conspiracy and tricks, the sea of ​​​​insects does not need to use brains, just use absolute numbers to overwhelm everything. Numbers are the key to victory or defeat."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Chaos Tide nodded perfunctorily and asked again: "Then do you agree?"

"Within one stellar cycle of this planet, bring the warrior you mentioned to see me. During this period, I will stop invading this universe."

"A wise choice." Chaos Tide added: "But I came to see you through this human for one more thing.

How about letting me control this human body to kill this king insect? If you want to attack this universe, just send a few hundred king insects next time."

"Qing, don't push your luck." The king insect's body trembled, and it was obvious that the other party was a little angry about what Chaos Tide said.

"I know humans well. Once they find that the Zerg has been destroyed, the loose alliance will immediately collapse. The next time your army comes to this universe again, the war will become hopelessly disadvantageous for them.

And don't you think the war between Zerg and humans has no beauty? Only the war between humans and humans, the kind of spiritual madness, hypocrisy, and cunning can make people feel excited, which is much more fun than you, the Zerg who don't even have self-awareness."

"Chaos Tide, you want me to stop this game, but you started your own game on your own initiative. Has anyone ever said that you are a pervert among perverts."

Chaos Tide said seriously: "No, I'm just a gentleman who loves art."

The next moment, in the crisp screams of the King Bug, the King Bug, whose combat power is comparable to Seagram or even Dionysus, was torn into pieces by Reinhardt, who was controlled by the Chaos Tide, with his hands, and the purple-red blood dyed Reinhardt into a bloody man.

At the moment when the king worm died, the swarms on hundreds of planets immediately stopped, as if they had lost consciousness, and were reduced to ashes by human artillery fire without any resistance.

The bodies of Reinhard and the king worm were also discovered by the human coalition a few hours later. He will become a superhero of countless star clusters, known as the strongest man in the universe, and supported by countless humans.

Looking at Reinhard lying on the ground, Chaos Tide smiled slightly, and he stretched out a finger to point at the other's brain.

A consciousness wrapped around the coordinates of the sun and the earth, and turned into a memory stored in Reinhard's mind.

"Hehehe, this is more interesting."

The next moment, accompanied by a low laugh, only Reinhard fell to the ground covered in blood, and around him, there were countless swarms of worms standing still in place. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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