Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 3: Countercurrent Chapter 14: Hot Blood

On the other side, long before Jiang Lin and others discovered and stopped Li Anping, they had already sent police officers to monitor the lone wolf's building, but the purpose was...

"What, you want us to retreat?" A police officer in plain clothes said in disbelief. He looked about 27 or 28 years old, and although his face was haggard, he still looked tough. At this moment, he looked at his superior with some disbelief.

The middle-aged man in uniform in front of him said, "Okay, Qin Yong, I know you are a little emotional about this because of your brother, but these are orders from above. You have to consider the overall situation and not act on impulse because of a little emotion."

"I act on impulse?" Qin Yong said angrily, "Just now, at least two groups of people each brought a group of women to the lone wolf's lair. Do you want us to watch it? You asked us to watch here in the middle of the night, just to let us escort these scumbags to commit crimes?"

The middle-aged man did not speak. He naturally would not tell Qin Yong that this was an order from Jiang Chuan's gang. They were sent here not to monitor the lone wolf, but to protect the lone wolf, to stop Li Anping before he caused more trouble. And this involves the division of interests between the lone wolf and the police, which is even more dark and messy. Now that Li Anping's location has been discovered, they naturally don't need to stay here any longer.

So he said, "I don't need to explain anything to you. You just need to obey orders now."

Qin Yong panted and glared at the middle-aged man fiercely, but the other party did not give in. Qin Yong said stubbornly, "Chief Zhang, do you want me to watch these scum abuse people? At least I want to go in and rescue them."

"You have no evidence. Without evidence, I will not send people in to search." Chief Zhang still shook his head and said, "Qin Yong, you'd better know who you are. You must take people away now."

Qin Yong gritted his teeth and looked at several colleagues around him who kept shaking their heads and winking at him. He was also very conflicted. Morally speaking, he really couldn't just watch a group of criminals get away with it. Every time he faced the parents and relatives of the victims, he felt ashamed.

But the officer in front of him is a typical academic, and he has always been somewhat incompatible with a practical man like him. Since he took office, Qin Yong has contradicted him many times. If he doesn't obey orders again this time...

Thinking of his meager salary and his increasingly dissatisfied girlfriend, Qin Yong slowly lowered his head. Maybe the passion of youth is still there, but the economic burden and the reality of life can no longer make him pay for his extravagant passion.

The middle-aged man, that is, Officer Zhang, looked at Qin Yong with contempt and bowed his head. He had expected the other party to surrender. Seeing this, a few people who usually didn't get along with Qin Yong whispered: "If you knew it would be fine, why are you holding on."

"What kind of hero are you pretending to be? You make us look like bad guys."

It seems that you can feel the contemptuous eyes of Officer Zhang, and the colleagues on the side are either gloating, pitying or sympathetic. Qin Yong clenched his fists tightly without knowing when.

"Is it really right for me to do this?"

Qin Yong lowered his head and suddenly thought of his brother.

He remembered that night, Qin Wu went out as usual, but never came back.

He had always wanted to ask his brother whether he regretted sacrificing himself to punish crime. And in a place like Emerald City, can justice really be served?

But at this moment he seemed to have figured something out. Some things might not succeed or have no results. But someone has to do it.

His fists slowly loosened, and his voice was not loud but surprisingly firm.

"Chief Zhang, you take them away, I'll go there myself." After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the lone wolf's building without waiting for the other party's answer. Only a group of people who were surprised, regretful or angry were left behind.

Chief Zhang behind him shouted: "Qin Yong, if you go today, don't think about coming back." Seeing Qin Yong's unresponsive look, he stomped his feet fiercely, looked at the men around him and said: "What are you looking at, do you all want to help? Why don't you follow me to collect the team?"

Qin Yong was in plain clothes and did not attract the attention of others after entering the building. He knew that in this place, the identity of a policeman would only cause hostility. With the ruthlessness of the lone wolf, it is not impossible for them to kill the police. Moreover, he has now broken into the opponent's lair.

He can only move carefully, hide in the safety passage when others are not paying attention, and then walk upstairs while trying his best to avoid surveillance. He has been tracking the news of the lone wolf for several months. According to the information obtained from the informant, the building has a total of thirteen floors, and the floors below the eleventh floor have been rented out by the lone wolf as ordinary office buildings. Only the eleventh to thirteenth floors are where the lone wolf is.

With years of experience in handling cases and trained skills, he easily sneaked into the upper floors of the building and pushed the door of the safety passage. He found that the doors from the tenth to the eleventh floors had been sealed. The elevator must not be taken. There are their own direct elevators above the eleventh floor, which is the main defense place of the lone wolf.

So he looked around and aimed at the window on the side.

Qin Yong opened the window and climbed out. The ten-story building was a bit dizzy to look down. Qin Yong suppressed his fear, walked over the window sill, and climbed in through an open window.

As soon as he entered the room, Qin Yong quickly squatted down and took out his pistol. He looked around and found that this was a men's toilet. It seemed that the exhaust fan was broken, so he opened the window for ventilation.

At this moment, a phone rang from a single room in the toilet.

"Okay, I understand."

"I know, I'm in the bathroom."

"Okay, okay, I'll come over now."

A man sat on the toilet and hung up the phone helplessly. Suddenly he found the toilet door opened, and a strong man was pointing a gun at him.

Qin Yong said coldly: "Tell me the girls you just sent, where are they?"

"Brother, don't shoot. I'll tell you whatever you ask." The big man said nervously.

Qin Yong pointed a gun at the man's head, and then asked a few more questions. The man answered fluently, and he didn't know for a moment whether the other person was lying to him.

Just when he wanted to knock the man unconscious, he felt a huge force hitting him from behind. He felt a pain in the back of his head, and he fell from behind and fell to the ground.

He was dizzy in his mind and could only vaguely see a few people walking in and talking in front of him. He tried to point a gun at them, but found that the gun in his hand had been taken away.

One of the men saw that he was still trying to struggle. Another kick hit him.

Qin Yong's vision went dark and he lost consciousness.

When Qin Yong woke up, he found himself sitting on a sofa with neither shackles nor ropes on his body. He stood up directly.

In front of you is an independent office. Crystal lamps, ivory decorations, and some never-before-seen artworks. The entire office looks over 300 square meters, which is amazingly large. You can only see a desk until you reach the window.

A gentle-looking man with eyes sat upright on a chair. He kept flipping through the documents on his desk, as if he didn't notice Qin Yong.

Qin Yong wanted to do something, but several strong bodyguards in black around him made him dare not act rashly.

"Qin Yong, right?" The man with glasses said without raising his head: "You have been following us recently, which is a bit troublesome to be honest. I heard that you don't listen to Chief Zhang?"

"Are you the leader of the lone wolf?" Qin Yong asked.

The man with eyes was still reviewing the documents and said, "You can call me Wright. To be honest, I hate you police. How much money do you want to stop investigating the case?"

"I want you to let go of all the girls in your hands and disband the Lone Wolf."

"Haha." Wright smiled, and then the hand holding the pen slammed on the table. Several bodyguards gathered around and stared at Qin Yong fiercely. One of them even took out something from his arms. The pistol was pointed at Qin Yong's head.

Qin Yong looked at them fearlessly, and Wright's voice came to his ears.

"If you were not a policeman, you would have been sent to a dog cage by me and eaten by dogs." Wright's voice became cold: "I give you the top ten points of income every year, do you think it is useful for you to come here alone? I can So even if you have all the evidence about my business now, you can’t catch me because the evidence will disappear as soon as it reaches the police station.”

"What is the law? It is just a tool used by superiors to control inferiors."

"The environment of Emerald City is the general trend. It meets all the conditions for a hotbed of crime. The residents here are used to all this. Do you think you can change it by catching a few thieves? Naively... What you did is not only against me. , but also against your colleagues and your leader.”

"You will become the enemy of everyone."

"Officer Qin, I will give you two million now, which is money you will never earn as a policeman for the rest of your life. I only have one request, stop meddling in the lone wolf's affairs."

Silence... Qin Yong has not spoken. And Wright seemed to be very patient. He kept looking at the documents and seemed not worried at all that Qin Yong would not agree.

It wasn't until Wright felt a little impatient and frowned that Qin Yong slowly said: "My brother... his name is Qin Wu."

When he heard this sentence, Wright kept looking at the head of the document and raised it for the first time. He looked at the disappointed Qin Yong, shrugged and said: "I'm sorry about your brother. To be honest, I admire him a lot. He. But he was so excited that we had to deal with him. You know, we don't want to kill a police officer. That means we have to spend a lot of money on your leader.

I hope you don't follow in his footsteps. We can resolve this matter peacefully. "

"What about the girls?"

"Officer Qin, it's all business. Many people in Lone Wolf have wives and children. We understand that feeling, but business is business. To be honest, I will donate money to charity in private."

Qin Yong sneered. He was not talking, but looked at Wright with disdain.

Wright asked: "Are you really not thinking about it anymore?"

With a click, the bodyguard pointing the gun at Qin Yong pulled down the safety of the pistol. Looking at his posture, it seemed that as long as Qin Yong said the word "no", he would pull the trigger and kill Qin Yong.

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