Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 24: Chaos

After finishing breakfast, Wang Ke simply took the two of them to a nearby clothing store to buy clothes.

It is also a clothing store without salespersons. After entering the changing room, everyone can choose a variety of clothes. There will be a mechanical mouth in the changing room to spit out the clothes directly for customers to try on.

Olivia walked into the changing room and heard a female electronic voice: "Dear customer, the body shape data will be measured now. Please do not move at will to avoid errors."

If she hadn't received training on Earth knowledge in advance on the Mondo continent, Olivia would have really thought there was a woman talking here, and would have been worried that someone was hiding somewhere to watch her change clothes.

But now Olivia won't have such thoughts. She knows that this should be using some kind of technology to store the sound. So she followed the female voice's prompts and stood still.

Soon she saw several green rays of light sweeping across her body repeatedly, and in the blink of an eye, her body shape data was listed on the electronic screen in front of her.

Then the screen turned, and countless various costumes and their pictures appeared on the screen for Olivia to choose from. It was dazzling to see so many, which she had never seen before, some were gorgeous, some were dignified, or some were sexy. Olivia's eyes immediately lit up. The materials and styles of the clothes here were much more than those on the Mondo continent.

Half an hour later, Bartok had already changed into a T-shirt and jeans, and was sitting boredly at the door of the store, waiting with Wang Ke for Olivia, who was still trying on clothes.

While waiting, he said to Wang Ke apologetically: "Sir, I'm sorry, I didn't expect Olivia to spend so long and keep you waiting. How about I go and hurry him up."

"It's okay. Wait, pretty girl, I don't care." Wang Ke looked at Bartok. The young man in front of him was considered an outstanding young man in terms of appearance and conversation. But every move he made was filled with flattery towards himself.

Thinking about it, there is nothing we can do about it. The gap between Earth and Mundo is too big. Not to mention that the entire Magic Planet has been colonized by Earth, there is a huge gap in military force between the two, not to mention other aspects of technology, culture, education and living standards.

Even if Bartok doesn't show it, his inner inferiority will always affect his behavior to some extent.

Wang Ke said with a smile: "I'm just relaxing and lazy today. His Majesty's wedding will be held the day after tomorrow. If I still work today, I won't even be able to eat."

Bartok said somewhat cautiously: "Your Majesty's wedding must be very large, right?" For people on the Mondo continent, the earth is the world of gods. Li Anping is the king of the gods. If Wang Ke hadn't taken the lead, it would have been impossible for him to discuss Li Anping's matter in front of Wang Ke.

"Of course." Wang Ke said: "Not to mention the global broadcast, all kinds of fireworks and fireworks are piled up in the entire warehouse. Tickets for the wedding have been sold to 500,000 each."

"Wedding tickets? Can such things still be bought and sold?" Bartok said with some difficulty. In his mind, this behavior was not a kind of blasphemy against Li Anping.

"The seats in the auditorium are limited, and 100 have been randomly distributed to civilians. These 100 seats can be bought and sold. In fact, even if the seats of other high-level people are sold, I think His Majesty will not mind. But so far no one has done so.”

Wang Ke smiled and shook his head: "You have just come to Earth and you are not used to it yet. You will know it later." At this point. There was a strange expression on his face and he asked: "By the way, your position can also be sold. 500,000 can buy you a lot of things to take back, including the wedding content. You can watch the live broadcast in the room."

Bartok quickly shook his head in fright: "How can this be done? Even a sword cannot force me to do such a thing that is blasphemous to His Majesty."

Wang Ke saw Bartok, who was startled by his joke, laughing. At this moment. Olivia walked out of the changing room. I saw that she had changed into a long white dress, which made her whole body as beautiful as a lily.

Seeing Wang Ke and Bartok sitting there, Olivia said with a red face: "I'm sorry to keep you waiting." If she didn't know that there were two people waiting outside, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to help it. Try on a dozen more outfits.

"It doesn't matter, you look beautiful in this outfit."

Next, Wang Ke took two more people to buy mobile phones, and then booked a hotel in advance.

In just a few hours, the appearance of the two medieval men and women has become no different from modern people.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, in the hotel, Olivia and Bartok each had a room.

Olivia jumped onto the bed, sinking into the softest bed she had ever felt. She likes everything about Earth so much, even the bathroom in the hotel room here looks cleaner than Mundo's palace. She really wished that she was a mage so that she could stay and study in the magic school here. You can always enjoy the modern life of the earth.

Olivia was lying on the bed when a dazed feeling suddenly invaded her heart. The next moment, her mind relaxed and she fell asleep completely.

Just after Olivia fell into a deep sleep, a cyan light slowly emerged from the center of her eyebrows, like some kind of cyan crystals slowly extending out. These cyan crystals continued to multiply rapidly in the air. Finally, it was completely separated from Olivia's body.

They continued to combine and splice in front of the big bed in the hotel, and finally transformed into the shape of a man. The man sat on the sofa while humming an unknown piece of music.

He just snapped his fingers, and the hot water bottle and instant coffee on the table began to fly into the sky by themselves. The wall-mounted TV also turned on by itself and began to jump among channels.

When the TV jumped to a variety show, two cups of finished coffee were already placed on the table in front of the sofa.

The man watched the variety show on the TV and laughed. But the strange thing is that no matter how loud he laughed, Olivia on the bed seemed not to hear it and fell deeply into sleep.

For more than two minutes, there were bursts of rustling sounds in the air around the young man, and countless tiny particles were continuously combined. Those were the ubiquitous nanobugs in the air. They combined with each other and turned into a giant insect in front of the man. Countless lumps of metal were made, and then these lumps of metal were combined with each other to form individual bodies, and finally turned into Li Anping's figure.

Li Anping sat in front of the man, looked at him carefully, and asked directly: "Did you provide the weapon built by Dionysus?"

"Oh? Don't you ask me who I am?" The man smiled: "I did provide the Great Dark Sky to Dionysus, but I didn't expect that he was even stupider than I thought. All situations will fail.

But it doesn’t matter, it’s this unpredictable chaos of the human heart that makes me put it down. "

With that said, the man picked up the cup of coffee in front of him, drank it, and said slowly: "Your little pet just spent more than two hundred ways to scan my body. Is there any result?"

Li Anping frowned, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Seeing him like this, the man said: "Don't be nervous, I'm not protesting with you, let alone fighting with you. If that's the case, why would I come to the earth secretly?"

Li Anping narrowed his eyes and said nothing. When the other party first appeared in the hotel room, he had already discovered the other party through nano bugs, but when he used various detection methods, the man exceeded Li Anping's expectations.

The other party is like a piece of chaos and a singularity that appeared before the Big Bang. Neither time nor space can leave the slightest trace on his body. It also seems that matter and energy have been blended into one ball. He is simply like a danger. It’s a powder keg at the extreme, and here it is the earth.

Because of this, he chose to talk rather than directly fight, capture the opponent, or directly dissect the opponent.

Thinking of this, Li Anping secretly decided to strengthen the earth's defense system again to prevent this from happening.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Chaos Tide, the Demon God from the White Earth." Feeling Li Anping's flash of murderous intent, Chaos Tide added: "But I have no interest in fighting, destruction or anything like that. No."

Li Anping said coldly: "Then what is your purpose of coming to Earth?"

"It's nothing, I'm here to help you."

"Help me?"

"Just like helping Dionysus, I spread the seeds of chaos in the multiverse. I prefer to help the weak than the powerful."

A mysterious smile appeared on Chaos Tide's face: "The White Land has been peaceful for too long. I don't like this situation. If there are some forces that fight against demons and even demon gods, then the entire multiverse will become It’ll be even more chaotic.”

Hearing the other party's answer, Li Anping was stunned: 'If he is telling the truth, then this guy is a typical pervert, harming others without benefiting himself, and a super troublemaker. ’

Seeing Li Anping's expressionless look, Tide of Chaos shrugged: "I can give you clear information. A high-ranking evil god warrior at the eighth level will arrive at the Realm Crossing Gate in eight months. You It shouldn't be a problem to kill him, but after killing him, the earth will really attract Hong's attention, and the evil gods are not so easy to deal with. "

Chaos Tide took another sip of coffee and continued: "Let's talk about Hong first. Although this guy is not the most powerful among us, he is the one who is most eager to pursue the ultimate. He is also the so-called heart of seeking the truth. The most intense one spends most of his life in seclusion.”

After saying this, Chaos Tide sighed, and said with a look of compassion: "Once he is released to fight you, the consequences will be unpredictable." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better Update faster!

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