Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 18: Fist to Fist

Before encountering the Chaos Tide, Dionysus finally realized the method of mass-energy conversion after a battle with Li Anping. He called it the so-called Void Creation.

Theoretically speaking, he can turn any matter into energy, and he can also turn energy into any matter.

All matter in the universe stores invisible internal energy, and the amount of this internal energy is far beyond human imagination. But if you use the mass-energy formula, you can understand it very clearly.

e=mc^2, which means that the internal energy stored in an object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by the square of the speed of light.

So even one gram of matter can be converted into energy equivalent to 25 million degrees of electrical energy in the hands of Dionysus.

Dionysus, who has mastered this ability, can destroy the entire human race of the Magic Star with just a snap of his fingers. Even if he wants, destroying the entire planet will only take a little more effort.

If he continues to strengthen himself by absorbing the internal energy of matter, he may eventually become a super life form that surpasses stars, star clusters, nebulae, and even the entire Milky Way.

At this point, Dionysus thought he had found the strongest path until he met the Chaos Tide and read the information it gave him.

According to Dionysus's understanding, what was recorded in it was a super life form called Buddha, and their method of making combat puppets, which were called the Great Dark Sky.

This combat puppet had powerful power. In Dionysus's view, it was probably a terrifying weapon that could only be used for wars with the starry sky as the battlefield.

Originally, although Dionysus had a method of mass-energy conversion and could create things in the void, in terms of offensive means, it was equivalent to adding a new antimatter bomb, winning purely by the accumulation of quantity.

But when the Chaos Tide gave Dionysus the method of refining the Great Dark Sky, he didn't need to know too much. He only needed to provide endless energy for the Great Dark Sky, and then he could command this powerful weapon to launch various magical powers beyond imagination.

After having the refining method, it was too simple for Dionysus, who had mastered the void creation and possessed infinite energy. This also doubled his destructive power.

So when Li Anping burst out with enough power to push the stars and pushed the Great Dark Sky tens of thousands of kilometers away, Dionysus was a little surprised, but not panicked at all.

For him, the tide of chaos and the Buddha who invented the war weapon of the Great Dark Sky. These lives are his future goals. As for Li Anping in front of him, he is just a frog in the well who still has his eyes on the planet and the earth.

"Do you want to change the battlefield? I naturally have no objection to this."

For Dionysus, all the creatures on the Mondo continent are far less precious than his own life. But if he can keep the continent as his hometown, he will naturally not object.

At the same time as he finished speaking, countless substances on the body of the Great Dark Sky directly detonated his internal energy, and the next moment. With tens of millions of particle streams and flames spraying out, the huge body of the Great Dark Sky has already flown into the endless void at sub-light speed.

Even with his huge body comparable to that of a planet, he is just a speck of dust in the vast universe.

When the Great Dark Sky was more than 10 million kilometers away from the Magic Star. Dionysus looked at Li Anping who was still standing on the fist of the Great Dark Sky, sneered, and launched an attack.

"Infinite Light!"

On the head of the Great Dark Sky, millions of eyes opened at the same time. Inside each eye, countless photons were forcibly aggregated and then turned into various rays. The light ball, even the shape of lightning, rushed to Li Anping's position at the speed of light.

The pure white light looked like a gift from the gods, but it had enough destructive power to penetrate the continental shelf.

"Cannon fire formed by photon stream? Is this what attacked the floating aircraft carrier?"

Just as the cannon formed by photons covered Li Anping, his fists were already swinging, and the light-speed fist collided with the photon stream. A huge explosion occurred on the fist of the Great Dark Sky, directly blasting his fist, which was larger than the entire Baiyue, into countless fragments.

But in Dionysus's disdainful eyes, endless energy was released directly under his control, and then the entire fist was gradually restored by the method of void creation. This super-fast regeneration ability has far exceeded the so-called regeneration, and it should be more accurate to say that it is remodeling.

At the same time, the other five arms that were tens of thousands of kilometers long slowly stretched out, and the five huge fists swung out a punch at the same time, just like the sky falling and the earth collapsing, pressing towards the position where Li Anping was.

While swinging his fists, the gravity ripples that were enough to cause serious space-time interference had torn everything around Li Anping into the most basic particles. Also because of the serious space-time disturbance, the light could not propagate in a straight line, so that Li Anping lost the opportunity to leave by photochemical transformation.

The next moment, the sixth fist that had just recovered, with enough force and gravity to distort time and space, blasted towards Li Anping, who was so tiny that he could not turn into light and leave.

But with Li Anping's courage, facing the fist that hit him head-on, even if the fist was larger than a hundred moons, how could he retreat?

No need to photonize, let alone dodge, Li Anping showed a sneer on his face, and the next moment, countless zero-point energies in the void had already gathered towards his arms, enhancing the electromagnetic force in his body at an incredible speed.

Li Anping was able to control the annihilation of positive and negative matter two years ago, and used this principle to perform a positron cannon, but now the Dionysus, or the Great Dark Sky, facing him, is a monster that can also release the energy of matter to achieve the same effect as the annihilation reaction.

In terms of the mass of matter, with the same means, Li Anping can never release more energy than the Great Dark Sky, so he chose the vacuum zero-point energy, which is more efficient for him.

But this is still just adding some power. For Li Anping now, each cycle will double, and the entire combat power will grow at 2^x, which is his strongest weapon.

When he returned to Earth, Li Anping alone was enough to adjust the orbit of a planet and change the gravity of the Earth.

So how powerful can Li Anping be now, who is 2^8 times stronger than he was then?

In quantum theory, the coupling constant is used to characterize the strength of interaction. The coupling constant of the strong interaction force is 100 times that of the electromagnetic force, 100,000 times that of the weak interaction force, and 10^40 times that of gravity.

If a person can release all the strong interactions in each of his particles and still maintain his own existence, he will become a superman, and each of his punches will be enough to tear the sky apart.

At this moment, gravity, electromagnetic force, strong interaction force, and weak interaction force not only grow wildly under Li Anping's operation, but also break through their own scope of action, completely releasing this terrifying power.

The particles that make up Li Anping's entire fist seem to have turned into a dense chaos at this moment.

And the next moment, two fists, one large and one small, that are not on the same order of magnitude, have collided without any fancy.

Time seems to be still at this moment, and space seems to be crumbling under this punch.

When Dionysus received Li Anping's punch, he truly experienced what it meant to carry the weight of the earth and what it meant to have a fist as heavy as the earth.

Just because Li Anping's punch was really heavier than ten magic stars!

Silently, the fist that had just been repaired had turned into the most basic particles under Li Anping's punch. Not only the fist, but under this truly earth-shattering force, the entire arm of the Great Dark Sky disappeared, and even his entire body had a tendency to disintegrate under this force. And flew completely uncontrollably to the back of the body.

And Li Anping still stood in the same place, except for the arm that had turned into its original state, the whole person looked unchanged.

"Ah!" Dionysus's thought fluctuations turned into furious electric waves.

The next second, countless flames rose from the back of the entire Great Dark Sky. It was an antimatter explosion. Through the force of the antimatter explosion, the Great Dark Sky, who was punched away by Li Anping, not only stopped retreating. He also rushed towards Li Anping in return.

His body changed dramatically like a Transformer, and he embraced Li Anping like a hug.

At the same time, in Li Anping's eyes, countless gravity ripples and virtual particles rippled in the space, interfering with this piece of time and space to prevent him from escaping.

How could Li Anping escape? He just sneered and watched the Great Dark Sky transform into a planet-like existence, completely wrapping him up.

According to the information given to Dionysus by the Chaos Tide, this move is called the Infernal Hell. It is a move created by those creatures called Buddhas to fight and seal the Heavenly Demon. The entire Great Dark Sky is used as a cage to seal off the planetary area.

In the vast square, Dionysus laughed loudly: "Li Anping, this is the Infernal Hell. Here, you can't extract any vacuum zero-point energy, nor can you perform any unnatural energy conversion. The only thing you can rely on is your own body."

After saying this, Dionysus was holding a magic wand more than two meters high, and slowly walked towards Li Anping's position.

"I admit that your strength is a little beyond my imagination. Although your energy is lower than mine, you can hurt the Great Dark Sky with one punch."

"But here, you can't reproduce any supernatural reactions, and you can only have the original power of your body..

Although I can't extract energy to release magic, my body can be strengthened by countless formations in the Great Dark Sky." What Dionysus didn't say was that in order to maintain the Infernal Hell, the Great Dark Sky itself could no longer make any attacks, otherwise how could he stand up and kill Li Anping directly from a distance.

"Let's fight like two warriors." At this point, Dionysus suddenly smiled and said, "Also, although this enclosed square is larger than the entire Mondo continent, I advise you not to run away. It will only reduce your low chance of winning."

Li Anping showed a look of surprise on his face, and said with a bit of amusement: "You want to...fight with me?"

Dionysus snorted coldly and rushed towards Li Anping: "I will let you know that your arrogance is the biggest reason for your defeat." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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