Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 16: Ten Days

In the battle of the fortress, the strongest resistance force in the entire Mondo continent was disintegrated. The Mage Guild was occupied by the Earth Army, and countless magic-related materials, books, and materials were all taken over by the military.

There were also some magicians who had fled with excellent mage apprentices before the war and kept the fire for the Mage Guild, and they were all wanted by the Earth military.

As the result of the battle of the fortress was announced, the entire continent was shaken again. Countless mages will call this day the end of the law. Countless originally fragmented resistance forces gave up resistance after learning that the Mage Guild was also defeated.

Only a few diehards still insisted on resisting, but under the encirclement of the Earth Army, their failure was only a matter of time.

In general, the entire Mondo continent has been completely unified by the Earth Army.

In the southwest of Mondo Continent, in a medium-sized city called Klinlo.

Walter and more than a dozen soldiers were following a soldier wearing nano armor and walking towards the square in the center of the city. Because of the rule and propaganda of the Earth military, at least now in public, no one dares to call the Earth soldiers silver demons again, but call them Tianwei, the guards from the God Realm and the Heaven Realm.

Although there are still occasional attacks on Earth soldiers by local natives, in fact, for most ordinary people, because of the huge amount of food provided by the Earth, plus the low tax rate they have revised, and the magic education that will soon be popularized, their lives after the war are much better than before.

This makes many poor people believe in Li Anping, the king of the legendary God Realm, more.

Walter followed behind Tianwei, watching the poor people around him put fear, envy, jealousy and other eyes on them, and couldn't help feeling a little proud in his heart.

Unexpectedly, his extremely reluctant surrender to the Earth Army has become the most correct thing he thinks he has done in his life.

But every time at this time, he always thinks of Ed.

It was he who gave up the position of team leader to the other party. Think about it, now the God Realm has unified all the indigenous troops as the security forces, and Ed has become a high-level sheriff. He regretted more and more that he had refused to help the team leader.

At this moment, the Tianwei in front stopped and put the huge instruments on his back on the ground. They were two strange cubes. After being put on the ground, Tianwei pressed a few times on their surfaces, and saw a series of deformations. One of the two instruments began to release light and the other began to spray mist.

Although Tianwei didn't say anything, the Tianwei itself and the two strange machines were enough to attract the curiosity of the natives.

As more and more people gathered around, Walter and his companions were responsible for alerting and standing around to prevent the crowd from getting too close to Tianwei and the two instruments.

"What is that? He is exhaling!"

"Maybe it is a divine beast in heaven. The air means he is breathing, and the other one that is glowing should be his eyes."

Ordinary people were talking about it, and two people in robes in the crowd also looked at the Tianwei and the instruments in the square with vigilance. They are members of the Anti-Demon Alliance, a force established by the remaining magicians who are still resisting the rule of the earth.

Both of them are mages. They recently fled to the city of Klinlo because of the pursuit of the ability users.

One of the mages with a younger face asked: "There is only one Tianwei. Do you want to take action?"

The older mage shook his head: "Don't alert the enemy. We haven't been here for long. Don't attract those lackeys." The lackeys he mentioned are naturally the earth ability users who are responsible for encircling and suppressing the resistance of mages.

The young mage nodded. But his eyes looking at the Tianwei were still full of hatred. He clearly remembered how his teachers, seniors, and classmates died under the enemy's artillery fire. He will always remember how many mages who were more powerful than him chose to commit suicide in despair on the day when the headquarters of the Mage Association was breached.

The young mage said fiercely: "What do you think they want to do?"

"I don't know." The older mage shook his head. What the two mages didn't know was that while they were observing the actions of the Tianwei here. In all large and medium-sized cities across the continent, there were soldiers from Earth doing the same thing.

If the Mage Association is the holy place in the minds of all mages in Mondo Continent and the spiritual symbol of all mages, then the demigod Dionysus is the saint in the hearts of all mages in Mondo Continent and another spiritual symbol.

The destruction of the Mage Association headquarters caused a large number of mages to give up resistance. Among the remaining mages who are still resisting, except for a small number of them who are tough and unyielding, most of them rely on their expectations of Dionysus to persist.

They believe that as long as Lord Dionysus appears again, he will be able to lead them to defeat the evil demons and rule the world with magic again.

Under the gazes of all kinds of eyes around, the earth soldiers slowly operated the instruments on the ground.

These two instruments are a projection system and an air screen system. They were specially designed by Li Anping for the next action of the magic continent.

The projection system can be connected to the camera shooting in the distance via satellite. However, here, the signal sent by Li Anping is directly received through the satellite. The images around Li Anping are projected.

The air screen system uses electronic and thermodynamic systems to inhale air, convert its imaging characteristics, and then release it to create a large-scale water vapor fog wall. It uses the principle of mirage imaging and the uneven molecular vibration between the fog wall and the air to form a specific image.

A few minutes later, the huge air screen was assembled in the sky. With the flashing of the projection system, Li Anping's figure appeared directly in the sky. Almost all the citizens of Krolin could clearly see Li Anping's figure in the sky. Behind him was the endless void and the gray earth.

All the citizens looked at the unique image in the sky with curiosity and surprise, guessing who the identity of the man in the image was.

The same thing happened in all large and medium-sized cities across the Mondo continent. In addition to countless civilians who heard the news and walked out of the door to look at the sky, there were countless magicians, whether they surrendered to the Earth Army or insisted on resisting the Earth Army, all looked at Li Anping who appeared in the sky.

They all vaguely guessed that the other party might have some big moves again.

The older wizard hiding in the crowd of Krolin frowned. He said, "It seems to be an image formed by some kind of water vapor, which feels a bit like a mirage."

The young wizard nodded and said, "I also don't feel any magic elements. Is it the technology of the God Realm again?"

Because the technical level of the Earth is far ahead of the Mondo Continent. Therefore, although the magicians of the Mondo Continent have seized and studied weapons and various equipment from the Earth many times, the results are really not great.

Especially, the principles of each of these equipment are too extensive, and they also have various advanced authority systems, network systems, and DNA systems to manage. Many instruments are used well in the hands of Earthlings, but they cannot be used in the hands of wizards.

Some wizards believe that it is important to learn their strengths and technologies in order to defeat the evil demons. However, some wizards believe that all technological products belong to the magic of the silver demon. Its essence is also a kind of magic, but only the silver demon can use this spell.

The older wizard didn't think so. He always thought that the weapons of the demons should be similar to alchemical products, which are things that everyone can use. It's just that there are some secrets in them that they haven't discovered. Maybe this is the key to defeating the demons.

Amid the heated discussions and gazes of the crowd, Li Anping began to speak after confirming that all the projection systems and air screen systems were operating normally.

He used the common language of the Mondo continent. With Li Anping's computing power. Naturally, he could master this language in an instant without the need for language-savvy spells. Listening to his accent, there is no difference between him and the locals who have spoken the common language for more than ten years.

Only Li Anping's voice was directly transmitted through the speakers under the projection system, and countless loudspeakers installed in advance by the Earth Army also began to release his voice.

These loudspeakers originally installed by the Earth Army were for better education and rule of the Mondo continent, to publicize some deeds of the gods or some basic enlightenment education.

Now Li Anping's voice has also spread to every corner of the city.

"The place that appears in the picture is the Devil's Second Moon above your head, which is what you call Netra. (One of the moons of the magic star)"

"I am Li Anping. Your ruler."

When Li Anping finished this sentence, all the cities in the Mondo continent were filled with exclamations. The magicians hidden in the crowd looked at the expressionless Li Anping in the image with fear and hatred.

"It's the King of Gods!"

"The ruler of the world, please forgive our ignorance!"

"You are our master!"

In the square of Krolin, countless believers who now believe in Li Anping knelt down first. Of course, whether they really believe or are afraid, or have received contact from the Earth Army in advance, that is unknown.

In short, as they took the lead in kneeling, the Nano Soldier Alliance and the security forces also knelt down. Then other civilians saw this situation and had to kneel down.

Only a small number of people who were far away from the projection system and not near the square had the opportunity not to kneel down.

The older mage also knelt down. He pulled the young mage beside him and said, "Kneel down first, don't attract too much attention."

The young mage looked at the sky with a stubborn face, but when he saw that everyone around him gradually knelt down, and finally he was the only one standing on the ground, and even the Sky Guards looked over, he sighed secretly, cursed the evil god in his heart, and finally knelt on the ground.

Everyone looked up at the sky and listened to Li Anping's voice and continued, "I will bring you a life of food and clothing, and give everyone the opportunity to receive education.

Although there is still inequality in the entire Mondo continent, it will at least be hundreds of times fairer than before."

"But there are still some of you who want to go back to the past and live in that corrupt rule."

'Demon words confuse the public. 'The young mage looked at Li Anping in the sky fiercely, wishing to defeat him right now and then step on him hard. But he knew he couldn't do it because the gap in strength between the two was too big. So he endured the anger in his heart and continued to listen to the other party.

"Dionysus, I know you can see me now and hear what I say."

"For ten days, I will live broadcast here and wait for you for ten days."

"I'll give you a fair chance to fight me."

"Of course, if anyone else wants to challenge me, they can come over. I'll be waiting for you here."

After listening to what Li Anping said, the old wizard's heart sank. If no one could defeat Li Anping's deterioration in these ten days, if even Lord Dionysus failed, or even didn't show up for the appointment, he couldn't imagine what a heavy blow this would be to the wizards of the entire continent.

On the other hand, the young wizard on the side was full of excitement and began to look forward to the battle between the two. (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!

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