Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 4: Genesis (4)

Two days later, a flash of white light appeared, and Li Anping appeared in the Royal Academy of Sciences.

The next thing he had to do was to deal with humans. And once anything had to do with humans, even with Li Anping's current mobility, it would obviously take a lot more time. Because it was difficult for ordinary humans to keep up with his mobility and calculation ability, in order to accommodate them, Li Anping had to slow down his pace in many places.

Shi Wen, the doctor, and a large group of Royal Academy of Sciences staff who had been waiting on the side saw Li Anping appear as agreed, all bowed their bodies and shouted in awe: "Your Majesty."

"No need to be polite." Li Anping waved his hand, walked to Shi Wen and asked: "I gave you the information a few days ago, have you finished reading it?"

"I've finished reading it." Shi Wen nodded, pointed to a middle-aged man on the side and introduced: "This is..."

"I know." Li Anping interrupted Shi Wen's introduction directly, and countless data flashed in his mind: "The person in charge of the original folding gate project, Yuan Guozhong." He blinked his eyes and continued: "All your questions are gone It is necessary. The key technology will be completed by me manipulating the nanoworms, and you will be responsible for the installation work. "

When Li Anping saw Yuan Guozhong's surprised look, he suddenly came to his senses and said, "Sorry, I'm a little used to reading thoughts directly recently."

Although Yuan Guozhong was a little surprised that Li Anping answered him before he said anything, he still said with trepidation when he heard Li Anping's last sentence: "Your Majesty, you are too kind. But about this simple folding door, I don't know..."

"My goal is to turn the front door of every household into a folding door in the future." Seeing that the people in front of him still didn't understand what he meant, Li Anping decided to take this opportunity to simply tell everyone briefly. After all, they will help Li Anping implement this project in the future.

The light and shadow flashed in front of the crowd, and a virtual image appeared in front of them.

Li Anping's voice accompanied the video, telling them his plan:

"I spent a few minutes a few days ago to design this simple folding door. Because the device is relatively simple, its transmission distance is probably controlled within 300 kilometers. But its advantages are easy installation and low price. It also uses very little energy."

"My goal is that every household will be able to install this folding door in the future, making it as common as computers, the Internet, and mobile phones."

"In the future, in all cities, towns, and villages, almost all means of transportation will be eliminated. Where will everyone go when they go out? If you want to go to a certain place, you just need to input the number of the other party's folding gate into your own folding gate. "

"Whether you want to go to a shopping mall, school, restaurant, hospital, friend's house, or folding center, you only need to input the coordinates and open the door. "

"All transportation within the city is replaced by simple folding gates, while transportation between cities still relies on the large folding gates in the folding center. "

"All subways, streets, elevated roads, tunnels, and highways will be transformed and used for other purposes. "

Hearing Li Anping's introduction and seeing countless people passing through the folding gates and arriving at various destinations in the holographic image, all the staff of the Royal Academy of Sciences were excited. They didn't expect that Li Anping's goal was to reform so thoroughly.

This has completely changed the way the entire human society operates. I don't know how many people will lose their jobs because of this.

But Li Anping didn't care about it. For him who can artificially synthesize all elements on the earth and extract endless vacuum zero-point energy, he is already the richest man in the world. Resources and energy can no longer restrict his development for the time being.

According to his idea, all humans will not work in the future. Every month, the government, that is, Li Anping, will provide them with basic living supplies and money to meet their survival needs. Even if they do nothing, they can live well.

And if you want to enjoy better. Then work hard and make money yourself. However, under Li Anping's transformation, the direction of human efforts in the future will be different from now.

Looking at the excited people in front of him, Li Anping did not say much, but was ready to start making simple folding doors. These doors will be sold to the people at cost price, about one hundred to two hundred each. As for the installation work, Li Anping handed it over to the Royal Academy of Sciences, and the Academy of Sciences will arrange it step by step.

In the eyes of Shi Wen and others, this is already a big step in human transformation, but in the eyes of Li Anping, this is just the first small step.

The folding door is just the beginning, and it is an entry point created by Li Anping to promote the next Xuanwang.

The so-called Xuanwang is a monster born from the combination of the original Internet on Earth, the later spiritual network and the current nanoworm network.

Li Anping is the master and foundation of this network, and all human beings will be users of this network.

When people get used to using the folding door, Li Anping will launch this mysterious network.

At first, its function is just to display on the folding door. It will obey human commands by analyzing human brain waves, that is, consciousness.

In other words, when people open the folding door in the future, they don’t need to input manually in advance. When he grabs the door handle and thinks about where to go, the ubiquitous mental network has read his consciousness, and then the nano network adjusts the folding door and sets the destination.

And what humans have to do is open the door and step over it.

When the Xuanwang becomes popular with the folding gate, Li Anping will slowly release more and more related functions.

First of all, all humans will be able to surf the Internet directly through the Xuanwang with brain consciousness at any time and any place on the earth.

When a person encounters a problem, he can directly ask for a solution online through brain consciousness.

Mobile phones will be completely eliminated, because through the nano network, as long as a person has another person's Xuanwang ID, he can directly communicate with the other party through the Xuanwang.

In Li Anping's vision, the Xuanwang will become a real second world.

Just like shopping, people can shop in virtual stores with consciousness. If they need to go to a physical store, they can open the folding gate to get there.

Other things are the same, such as eating, buying a house, and even working and seeing a doctor.

When these become popular again. Li Anping will once again open up the functions of the Xuanwang.

According to the level of authority of each citizen, they will be able to directly apply for and call the ubiquitous nanoworms on the earth, and even apply for a part of Li Anping's computing power resources.

However, this obviously requires a fee and approval from Li Anping. By that time, paper money may have been eliminated, and everyone will use electronic money.

With Li Anping's computing power, the time required to approve the applicant is probably calculated in microseconds or even nanoseconds.

So they apply to call on the power of nanoworms and Li Anping's computing power, and everyone will become a rare genius and elite in a century.

They can follow the programs set by Li Anping in advance or set by themselves. Use various superpowers or magic to reproduce various physical phenomena in the universe. Everyone can practice, study and work at an unprecedented speed.

The only prerequisite is that you have enough authority in the Xuan Network and enough electronic currency.

As for how to earn electronic currency and obtain higher authority.

According to Li Anping's current ideas and calculations, there will probably be various people who design superpower programs and magic programs who can sell these programs.

Or call on computing power to make virtual online games, and you will also earn electronic currency.

And then you can also go to outer space or the White Land and various gates to adventure. Colonization, war.

Many old industries will be eliminated by history, but more emerging industries will emerge. Among them, electronic currency can be inherited, but permissions cannot.

And at that time. Everyone will adapt to Xuanwang, but at the same time they will be changed by Xuanwang unconsciously, that is, they will be changed according to Li Anping's requirements.

Under the new law, no human will commit a crime. They have no internal struggles but only competition, and they will remain highly consistent when dealing with the outside world.

Simply put, when all earthlings treat earthlings. They can only choose to be a good person, and then they can choose what kind of good person they want to be.

With the existence of the White Land and the entire universe, plus the help provided by Li Anping. All conflicts between earthlings will be pitifully few because of almost unlimited resources.

When there is gold everywhere on the ground, how many people are willing to take the trouble to rob others of their gold.

When material life is satisfied, everyone will pursue spiritual life.

After this change, Li Anping will open up the deeper functions of Xuanwang again.

Li Anping will provide them with the exchange of consciousness transformation. For example, if someone feels lazy, as long as the authority is sufficient, he can spend electronic currency to change his laziness into diligence.

Those who want to be warriors can add courage, caution, sacrifice and other spirits to their consciousness.

Everyone can change themselves according to the person they want to be.

Of course, these exchanges are provided by Li Anping, and will not include evil and negative types of choices.

Li Anping's final goal is to maintain the bottom line of the human world and raise this bottom line.

However, it is just the beginning of the folding gate. Li Anping plans to spend half a year to a year to complete this plan. At the same time, there are also earth transformation, white earth exploration, and the third stage of quantum computing and the next stage of the plan.

While thinking about these, Li Anping also began to make a simple folding gate.

Under his control, in the Royal Academy of Sciences, in the workshop specially vacated by Shi Wen and others, countless nanoworms began to use the materials prepared in advance to make folding gates according to Li Anping's command.

At this time, a message flashed in Li Anping's eyes, leaving a message for everyone. The nanoworms continued to create the warp gate, and he had already turned into a beam of light and disappeared into the sky.

When the omnipresent nanoworms continued to spread throughout the earth, until they spread to a trench in the center of the Five-Star Ocean, they finally found the person or object that Li Anping had been looking for during this period of time. (To be continued. Please search for Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!

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