Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 58: War (3)

Early in the morning, on a plain ten miles away from the Amarra Basin.

Hundreds of huge portals were opened, and countless soldiers and wizards emerged from the portals like ants. They were like the cold weapon army of the Middle Ages, holding swords and guns, wearing armor, and exuding a sense of wildness.

But their subsequent behavior was completely different from that of the ancient army.

Under the joint spells of countless magicians, rows of huge earth walls several kilometers long and more than ten meters high rose up. That was the temporary camp of the coalition forces. After the transformation of magic, there was no problem for millions of troops to live in it. Moreover, after the solidification of magic, the defense of these earth walls was comparable to steel, and even bombs might not be able to blow them open.

And there was one biggest difference between this coalition and ordinary ancient armies. He said one million, and it really was one million people. All of these one million people were brave and good warriors. After being blessed by magicians with a series of magic such as bear power, leopard speed, steel skin, and perseverance, they were simply a group of war machines.

In addition to them, there are dozens of huge steel puppets more than eight meters high, which are quietly pushed out of the portal. They are war puppets made by magicians who are good at alchemy. This time, they were also sent here because of the emergency conscription of the Magic Guild.

More than one million troops do not need any logistics around them, nor do they need any supplies, because hundreds of portals are right next to them, and countless servants will come out of the portals at any time to distribute food to them. Take care of weapons and armor.

Even captain-level soldiers will be distributed to magic devices made by mages, which have more powerful power.

And these millions of troops. All are commanded by the magicians' mental magic layer by layer, making the entire military camp, although huge, like a huge ant nest, appearing well-organized and without the slightest chaos.

In the center of the huge military camp on this plain, another five-meter-high portal rose up, and countless warriors in golden armor came out of it, which immediately caused an exclamation among the soldiers around.

That is the trump card of the Saint Laurent Empire. The Golden Guards. Each of them is an ultimate warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles and is fearless of death. After undergoing magic surgery, their combat effectiveness has increased significantly again.

Each Golden Guard has two hearts, and all the bones are infused with mithril, and countless regeneration and defense magic spells are engraved on them.

These spells can not only make them have steel-like skin and spider-like sensitive touch at all times. Even when they are seriously injured and dying, they can maintain most of their physiological functions to continue to maintain their combat capabilities for more than a day and a night.

And on their epidermis, thousands of magic arrays connected in circles are engraved with dragon blood. Even if they have no magic talent, they can cast magic of level one to three through these magic arrays. Even through the cooperation of three to ten people, they can cast powerful magic of level four to six.

At the same time, these magic arrays can also enhance their magic adaptability, making the buff magic bestowed on them by the mages of the same camp have a more powerful effect.

If the golden guards only surprised the surrounding soldiers, then the person who came out of the portal next made all the surrounding soldiers cheer.

It was a man in a black robe, with gold-edged patterns on his robe and clothes. The golden six-pointed star on his chest symbolized his identity. The king of wizards, the wizard with the strongest combat power in a country. The magic marshal.

And he appeared with the golden guards of the Saint Laurent Empire, and it was naturally the magic marshal of the Saint Laurent Empire, von Sabelius.

But just after the appearance of the magic marshal Sabelius, four black-robed gold-edged magicians came out of the portal again. It turned out that the magic marshals of the other four empires appeared at the same time.

Although the action of the coalition this time was said to be jointly led by the five marshals, according to past habits, it was never really seen on the battlefield More than two magic marshals, and now the battle has not started yet, the five magic marshals have gathered in advance and walked out of the portal together.

"It's incredible."

"Do we need to take the demons so seriously this time?"

"Of course, I heard that the demons have the power of wizards. Once they all escape from the gate of hell, they will overturn the entire Mondo continent."

The leader Sabelius looked at the huge earth wall more than ten meters high in the distance, turned his head and said to an old man: "Isa, please."

"It's just a piece of cake." The speaker was a middle-aged man wearing a monocle and having a very good appearance. Magicians can use various magic and materials to fix their appearance forever, but because of their different temperaments, their fixed appearance may not all be young and beautiful. This elegant old man in front of him is obviously the case.

As he spoke, his right foot had already gently kicked the ground under his feet a few times.

The next moment, the entire earth shook, and under the reverent gazes of the surrounding soldiers, a huge stone pillar made entirely of mud and stones, with a diameter of more than ten meters, shot up into the sky, sending all five magic marshals high into the sky, until it gradually stopped at a height of more than 150 meters.

Sabellius walked to the edge of the stone pillar and looked at the Amala Basin ten miles away. With his current height, combined with the far-sighted magic, he could see most of the Amala Basin.

He murmured: "I heard from the outpost troops that silver demons have appeared in the woods of the basin. Those guys have killed many scattered adventurers, mages and scouts."

Next to Sabellius was a young woman with dark skin and long hair. The gold-rimmed black robe on her body had been specially modified. Not only did it not cover her body, but instead exposed most of her round breasts. Breasts, and a pair of slender and straight legs, the wheat-colored thighs look extremely sexy.

But the five people present are all old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years. Things like beauty are no longer what they pay most attention to. Compared with the woman's appearance, the other person's identity and the words she said are more arousing. their attention.

"Lord Adam hasn't come yet. According to him, he and the demigod will hide in the dark in order to deal with the demon king." The woman murmured: "Sabellius, I heard that you caught a silver Demons, let’s talk about what kind of creatures they are. I’ve never seen such a thing before.”

Sabellius frowned and said: "He was blown to pieces before I could see it. But there is one piece of their skin, which I still keep."

As he spoke, Sabellius had already taken out a piece of nano-armor that had been peeled off Lauren's body from the space bag.

The young woman is Michelle, who is also the Grand Marshal of the Five Demons.

Michelle took the nano-armor handed over by Sabellius and released various magic rays in his eyes, scanning the silver-white nano-armor in front of him.

"Strange fur, I feel like this fur is still alive."

Sabellius was noncommittal about this, and just added: "Their fur or scales are stronger than the dragon's skin, and they also have the ability to refract light, which allows them to enter a state of invisibility at will.

According to the magicians on the front line, invulnerability, immense strength, and the ability to become invisible are abilities that every silver demon possesses.

As everyone knows, they also have a method that is still unknown to us, which can cause large-scale explosions and curses. Even the level of magicians must be careful about this. "

Just as Sabellius was saying this, a child-like Sorcerer Marshal stood up from the side. He looked like a cute ten-year-old boy, but the sound coming from his throat The voice was like that of an old man over a hundred years old.

"It's so troublesome. They're just a bunch of beasts that don't even know magic. Are you worth making a fuss about?" As he said these words, powerful magic power surged from his body.

"Just let me finish them off once and for all."

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