Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 48: Library

After passing through several corridors, Li Anping walked along the underground corridor towards the military folding gate under Daxia Longque.

Along the way, countless people with special abilities and staff knelt down to salute him, looking like a person riding the wind and waves.

In order to be able to directly send troops to the underwater base and cross the cross-world gate, the alliance established two folding gate halls in the virtual number agency and the Daxia Longque base respectively, which can transport the earth's army to the underwater base at any time and anywhere, and then cross the folding gate and enter the other world.

As Li Anping walked along, his figure had been captured by countless cameras and transformed into various signals to be transmitted to countless senior officials.

Li Qian's information was the first to be accepted by Li Anping.

"Your Majesty, where are you going?"

Li Anping replied casually as he walked: "Didn't you say that you lost contact with them? I'll go find them."

Li Qian hesitated for a moment, but still said: "But according to the analysis of the General Staff, Your Majesty, it's better not to go too deep into the magic world."

The so-called General Staff was recently formed by Li Anping himself, and a group of top elites from all walks of life were selected to help him plan some strategies for the other world.

Because considering that he may face many different worlds in the future, although Li Anping has strong brain power, it is impossible to always think completely, so he needs such a group of elites to assist him. Help him set many strategies.

In general, the General Staff is responsible for helping Li Anping to make plans, but the specific decision is still left to Li Anping.

As for the countermeasures for the magic world, the General Staff and Li Anping are unified on one point. That is, Li Anping's body must not go deep into the magic world, or even go to the magic world to carry out various battles and attacks.

There are two main considerations for doing this. One is that it will easily drag the two worlds into a complete war. The General Staff believed that it was very unwise to act rashly before the situation between the enemy and us was clear.

The second one was more practical, that is, the so-called strategic depth.

As long as Li Anping's mind incarnation could sit in the gate of penetration, Li Anping himself could reach the underwater base and the White Land at any time through the folding gate. Then the Earth side could put the most intense battle on the opponent's territory.

And once the opponent pulled the battlefield to the Earth, considering the destructive power of Li Anping and Seagram, it was very easy to cause the situation that even if the battle was won, the Earth side would still suffer heavy losses.

The same is true for the magic world. Even if they want to fight, they must put the battlefield opposite the gate of penetration and fight on the magic star. For example, the worst case scenario. Li Anping went to the magic world, and the so-called demigod, Dionysus, whose current strength is unknown, came to the Earth.

Then compared with the medieval society of Mondo Continent, the Earth side must suffer more heavy losses.

And as long as Li Anping still guards the gate of penetration, the Earth side will have an absolute advantage whether it fights or retreats.

Of course. If even Li Anping cannot withstand the opponent's attack and can only retreat to Earth, then there is nothing to talk about.

Li Anping agrees with this strategy of the General Staff.

But his style of doing things has always been straightforward and unstoppable. So after learning that the expedition team lost contact, he wanted to know what happened immediately.

And this does not require him to really go deep into the magic world, just need his body to guard the gate. The mind Qi incarnation goes there, or the body crosses the gate, but does not go deep, both methods are OK.

So Li Anping replied: "Let the troops at the gate send reconnaissance robots to search for the situation of the expedition team. I will be there soon, don't worry, I will not go deep into the magic world.

The expedition team suddenly disappeared, and all our satellites were attacked. This situation is definitely unusual. If someone is against us, then I will find them first."

Since Li Anping has made a decision, Li Qian also knows that he can't stop it.

"I understand, I will notify the outpost immediately."

A minute later, Li Anping had crossed the gate of the submarine base and arrived at the White Land. The general and the incarnation of the mind energy of the outpost here appeared in front of him.

Li Anping directly took Seagram out of his arms. Then he threw it into the body of the incarnation of the mind energy.

"You stay here for this period of time and don't cause trouble."

A large group of people on the side saw Seagram's appearance, although they were surprised, but Li Anping didn't say anything. They naturally wouldn't ask.

The general on the side stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft has crossed the gate and set off from the temporary camp."

Before Jin Guang and others left, the temporary camp in the magic world had already hidden the entire gate with optical camouflage and fortifications, becoming a temporary base.

This is also to prevent the existence of people like Jonah who accidentally discovered the gate again on the opposite side.

Hearing the general's report, Li Anping nodded and walked towards the location of the gate.

He thought about it along the way just now, and decided to go there in person by himself, and release high-frequency electromagnetic waves through his own strong magnetic field to find the traces of the expedition team.

According to the data from the satellite, the planet where the magic world is located is about four-fifths the size of the Earth. In addition to the so-called Mondo Continent, there are two relatively small continental plates and countless islands.

Although this time it is not as obvious as the missile last time, the search targets are all on the surface, which makes it significantly more difficult.

But Li Anping knows the communication channel of the other party's nano armor. If he searches by electromagnetic waves, even if it takes several hours, it is much more convenient than flying over to find it by himself.

This is also the reason why Li Anping plans to let his original body go there.

So under the attention of everyone, Li Anping directly stepped over the gate.

But after stepping out of the gate, what appeared in front of Li Anping was not the imagined base or Amarra Basin.

What appeared in front of Li Anping was a huge, empty library.

Boundless, row after row of bookshelves filled Li Anping's sight. But the words on the cover of the book were not any kind of words that Li Anping knew.

And a hundred meters in front of Li Anping, a man with silver hair had his back to him, sitting upright on a chair, reading something carefully. Judging from the speed at which the other party turned the paper, the other party's reading speed was very fast, and it could be said that he could read ten lines at a glance.

With his super eyesight, Li Anping could see that there were many books on the other person's desk, and the words on them were very familiar to him. He was even familiar with the contents of the books.

Third-grade natural science, first-year junior high school mathematics, and high school physics.

They were all textbooks of this kind.

The silver-haired man stretched and said in fluent Daxia language: "I didn't expect to catch a big fish the first time I pulled in the net."

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