Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 3: Countercurrent Chapter 9: Heaven

A basement on Diamond Street. Li Anping followed two Indian and Westerners to the elevator.

One of them asked: "Sir, is this your first time here?"

"Well, Vicky introduced me here. He said that there is an auction here every night." Li Anping said in proficient Indo-Spanish: "I didn't expect that you can buy female slaves in Daxia. I'm really excited."

Hearing what Li Anping said about Vicky and his proficiency in Indo-Spanish, the man seemed more assured and introduced: "Sir, you picked the right place. There is nothing you can't find at our Lone Wolf auction." Dishes. Wife, students, models, even well-trained female slaves, beautiful dogs, we can tailor them for you.

You can state your requirements and what kind of dishes you want to find, including body shape, height, and appearance. "

"Oh? You can mention it?" Li Anping didn't believe it: "Can you find any woman here?"

The man smiled and said: "Haha, because we accept reservations in advance, as long as you make a request and pay enough money, we will definitely help you find it. Not only that, we also launch related training commissions. Sir, not only can you request the other party's You can also ask for the other person’s temperament in terms of appearance. Whether you want a mature lady, a young lady, or a masochist, we can satisfy you.”

Li Anping sighed: "It's really amazing. I wonder who the big shot is behind the lone wolf? I would have died ten or eight times if the background was not strong." Li Anping asked the question in his heart, if the lone wolf If he can really do this, it is obvious that the power hidden behind him is more dangerous than Li Anping imagined.

"Sir, of course we have our own strength." The man could not tell Li Anping so simply. He smiled mysteriously and said, "Sir, I wish you a pleasant stay."

The elevator door opened, and a stage appeared in front of Li Anping amid the light. He walked out of the elevator and found that the round tables under the stage were already full of people. Then a waiter walked up to him and led him to an empty seat. On the way, he asked if he needed a mask.

Only then did Li Anping realize that under the dark stage, almost everyone was wearing a mask, obviously not wanting others to know their identity.

Li Anping casually took the white human mask handed by the waiter and put it on, and sat down. He looked towards the stage with his eyes and listened to the sounds around him.

He found that no one around him seemed to be interested in talking, and there was almost no sound from anyone. Either looking at the phone, being in a daze, or watching the juggling performances on the stage.

As for the sound insulation device behind the stage, Li Anping had no way of hearing the sound there. So he patiently waited for the auction to begin.

Behind the stage, a man with slicked back hair sat on a lounge chair, smoking a cigar. There were several bodyguards in black standing beside him. At this time, a waiter suddenly rushed in in a panic and shouted in Indian and Spanish: "Brother, brother, something is wrong. Liu Haotian and Kuai Dao Jialan had a quarrel and killed Kuai Dao Jialan."

"Why are you so anxious?" The man with the back, who was called the eldest brother, stood up and said disdainfully: "The dead person is not some Kuai Dao Jialan, that is a dead person. Just send someone to throw him into the trash can."

The man behind the scenes is named Coto. He is the second-in-command of the Lone Wolf and is in charge of the female slave market on Diamond Street all year round. During this period, although Lone Wolf's main force was concentrated on Paradise Street, he still stayed on Diamond Street to manage his business.

The younger brother on the side asked: "What will happen if the Qilin Group pursues the case?"

Kotto said impatiently: "Pursue Mao, tell them to go to Zhongyi Hall. It has nothing to do with us. I didn't kill the person."

After saying that, he ignored the matter. Instead, consider its recent lone wolf course of action. During this period, the leader of Lone Wolf focused almost all of his attention on the incident on Paradise Street. He gathered all the people there and took away a group of high-quality girls at once, which directly led to other incidents. Businesses are either closed or struggling to survive. Even here on Diamond Street, people are criticizing because the quality of the goods is getting lower and lower. Cotto also began to worry.

"What on earth is the boss doing? If this continues, it will be troublesome if other forces interfere in our business."

In addition, Kotto was also troubled by the battle between the Zhongyi Hall and the Violet Group in the city. Not only has it affected their business, both parties have been asking them to join, but the leader of Lone Wolf has always remained neutral on this. Cotto absolutely disagrees with this. A neutral will only face the wrath of the winner in the end.

And judging from the recent news, Fang Qi's combat power is very strong, and I am afraid that no one in the lone wolf can defeat him. The Zhongyi Hall side is not simple either. Their boss, the father of Liu Haotian who caused trouble in the auction house just now, is named Liu Jun. It is rumored that this man once had a head-on fight with Daxia Longque.

However, the top leaders of the Dark World knew that all these were just rumors boasted by Liu Jun. He had indeed fought against the Daxia Longque people, but he was only seriously injured by a soldier of the other side.

The three giants of Daxia Longque, Long Xiang, Zhu Rong, and Fei Jiang, are all capable of destroying cities and countries. If Liu Jun could really fight with any of the three of them without dying, there would be no one in the Emerald City to fight with. He fought and gave it to him.

But the opponent is Daxia Longque after all, so Liu Jun's strength is still worthy of recognition. And his performance in the Emerald City has not disappointed.

As for Violet, the strength of the multinational group cannot be underestimated. It is said that they have asked for help from the headquarters and experts will be sent over soon.

Thinking of this, Kotto sighed, hoping that the boss really had some hidden trump card to prevent them from being torn into pieces by these three major forces.

"Is it really the Shadow Cult..." Kotto subconsciously thought of the rumor again.

At this moment, the waiter from before suddenly rushed in again and shouted: " boss."

"What's wrong?" Before Kotto could finish his words, he heard screams coming from the auction venue.

Auction hall, ten minutes ago.

Just after Li Anping sat down, several more guests walked out of the elevator one after another. All of them had put on masks before getting out of the elevator. They obviously came here often.

Hei asked: 'You want to wait until all the customers have arrived before you start? ’

‘These people bidding for female slaves are obviously not good people. I’ll just wait a little longer and then kill them all together. ’

‘Hehehehe, Li Anping, you are becoming more and more murderous. ’

Li Anping was stunned. Just when he was about to retort, the elevator door opened again, and a man who looked very fat, silly, and like a ball walked in. This man didn't wear a mask, and as soon as he came in, he attracted almost everyone's attention, because he actually held two naked and half-clothed women in his hands.

The two women's hair was disheveled, their eyes were dull, and their bodies were covered with traces of being violated. It was obvious that he had suffered serious injuries both mentally and physically. For a moment, all eyes were attracted to these two naked women, and the whole venue was filled with whispers.

"Look, it's the grand finale at the end of last month, twin beautiful dogs. This fat guy is really rich."

"He is Liu Haotian, the only son of the boss of Zhongyi Hall, so naturally this is not a problem."

Some people said with envy: "Tsk tsk, those twin beautiful dogs are really good things. Even here in Lone Wolf, I'm afraid I can only see them once a year."

"Hey, such a good thing was really ruined by this fat man."

On the other side, the fat man Liu Haotian picked his nose, kicked the beautiful dog at his feet, and cursed: "Quickly go, I was fucked by Wangcai at home today, right? Hurry up, or I will go back and send you to the dog room."

Hearing this, the beautiful dog at his feet trembled and quickly crawled forward. The other beautiful dog kept rubbing its body against Liu Haotian, as if to please him and plead for his sister.

Liu Haotian led two beautiful dogs and swaggered towards the empty table closest to the stage, which was obviously the seat he had reserved long ago.

A man suddenly stood up, pointed at Liu Haotian and asked, "Fat man, I bought these two beautiful dogs of yours. Please give me a price." As soon as he finished saying this, he saw that all the whispers around him stopped. They stood down and looked at the man with wide eyes, as if they were saying you are a fool.

"Huh?" Liu Haotian also stopped and turned to look at the man: "You called me...fatty?"

"Why fat man? I am Kuai Dao Jialan of the Qilin Regiment. Think about it clearly. Do you want to sell me or not?" The man asked arrogantly as if he was unsheathing the long sword in his arms.

"It turned out to be Kuai Dao Jialan." Someone whispered in surprise: "He is the number one swordsman in the Qilin Regiment. Legend has it that he can cut incoming bullets with a knife."

Some people were looking forward to watching the fun: "It's him. Now there's something good to watch. The people from Zhongyi Hall and Qilin Group have never dealt with each other. It's another fight between dragons and tigers."

"Fang Qi just defeated the Four Heavenly Kings of Zhongyi Hall some time ago. Liu Haotian will surrender this time."

Hearing the whispers of the people around him, Kuadao Jialan looked at Liu Haotian with a proud expression, while Liu Haotian on the side ignored them completely.

"Fat... you actually called me fat." Liu Haotian roared angrily: "No one can call me fat." After saying that, Liu Haotian's body suddenly swelled, and his body, which was already like a ball, became even fatter and bigger. Then it rushed over like a cannonball.

"Damn fat man. Don't blame me for your own death." Jialan, the sharp knife, cursed in shock, drew out his long knife and slashed at Liu Haotian. Unexpectedly, when the long knife struck Liu Haotian's body, a strange force came out. The blade was hit by the opponent's fat flesh and was shocked, unable to penetrate the flesh at all. The next moment, he was knocked against the wall by Liu Haotian with his knife.

After a loud bang, only a pool of human flesh and blood was left on the wall, slowly falling. Everyone in the venue was surprised, and seemed to be frightened by Liu Haotian's amazing destructive power. Several people who obviously came with Kuai Dao Jialan saw that one of them was instantly killed by Liu Haotian with one blow. Some of their original thoughts were immediately given up, and they sat down silently and stopped talking.

A few minutes later, several staff members walked out from behind the auction house and swept the bodies on the wall into the trash can. As for Kuai Dao Jialan, who was so majestic just a few minutes ago, he will be forgotten in a few days.

"You bastard, you dare to call me fat. Even my father can't call me that."

Liu Haotian picked his nose, walked back to the original place, picked up the two beautiful dogs, and walked towards the seat. The two beautiful dogs seemed to be particularly afraid of the angry Liu Haotian. They trembled all over when being led, kept running back and forth, and barked to please each other.

Li Anping on the side withdrew his gaze, but there seemed to be a red light slowly brewing in his eyes.

Hei gloated: ‘Hehehehe, I feel that the fire in your heart can burn the entire Emerald City. This is the stupidity and greed of human beings that never change. ’

Li Anping said coldly: ‘Yes. When all the people for this auction are here, I will start. I don’t want to wait even a minute or a second. ’

After waiting for a while, some customers came one after another, and the auction finally started. A neatly dressed host walked onto the stage and began to introduce: “Thank you all for participating in today’s auction. Today, our product catalog has been placed on the table in front of you.

Okay, without further ado, let’s invite the first item to the stage…”

Before he finished speaking, a chair suddenly flew up, and with a whistling sound, the chair leg pierced the host’s eye socket, and then he fell down with a look of astonishment on his face.

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