Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 41: Magic (8)

The cold air that Jonah exhaled was enough to freeze an ordinary person to death in an instant, but as soon as the cold air came out, Li Anping took a deep breath.

The next moment, all the white cold air rushed towards Li Anping's mouth and was sucked into his lungs.

Jonah, who was standing aside, looked at Li Anping stupidly as he sucked away the ice shock he released.

To be honest, Jonah was a high-ranking mage in Mondo Continent. Before he was captured, he was also a member of the palace mage corps and had seen countless strong men.

Many of them could resist his ice shock, but if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that someone like Li Anping could break his attack with just a breath.

The other party's body was as strong as the legendary ancient dragon.

On the other side, Li Anping had been quietly observing the other party's magic release process. Just as the opponent was spewing cold air, he could clearly sense that several nodes on the opponent's body, from the forehead to the navel, began to spin faster, and the torsion field generated by it caused some kind of electrochemical process, which then stimulated the vacuum, thereby extracting zero-point energy.

"Interesting ability." Li Anping looked at Jonah and said, "Show me another magic."

The opponent's magic ability was completely different from what he expected. He didn't expect it to use vacuum zero-point energy.

The so-called vacuum zero-point energy is a kind of energy that exists in a vacuum. This is an energy imagined from the uncertainty principle, one of the cornerstones of quantum theory, and was later confirmed by experiments.

In quantum field theory, the fabric of space can be regarded as composed of places, and the field is a quantized simple harmonic oscillator at each point in time and space, and there is interaction between adjacent oscillators. In this case, each point in space has its own contribution, resulting in technically infinite zero-point energy.

In the eyes of Li Anping, who has mastered electromagnetic force, strong interaction force and weak interaction force. The entire vacuum, the entire universe is full of fluctuating energy seas. In every tiny period of time, countless energies disappear or appear in the space.

In the eyes of magicians, this is the omnipresent magic element, the source of their magic release.

But unlike Li Anping, who stimulates the vacuum and extracts zero-point energy through the collision of high-energy particles. Jonah in front of him extracts vacuum energy through the spin of his own particles. Using the torsion field mechanism.

When Jonah heard Li Anping say to do it again, he put away the surprised expression on his face, raised his hands, and began to spit out mysterious bytes from his mouth.

At the same time, countless cold air appeared around, and a huge ice cone appeared above Jonah's head. Like a huge battering ram, it was aimed at Li Anping's position.

"Oh? Can you also increase your power through language and meditation?"

Just as Li Anping finished this sentence, a huge ice cone over four meters long had already hit Li Anping's position fiercely. Wherever the ice cone passed, white air was left in the air.

This big ice cone has both physical and ice attacks, and once it hits the target, it will explode like a bomb. When it produces double physical damage, it freezes the opponent with amazing cold air. It's like a popsicle being smashed by a hammer.

After Jonah released this magic, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood. He was too weak now. But he still raised his head and looked at Li Anping's position, so the next moment, his pupils continued to expand again, as if he saw a miracle.

Facing the huge ice cone that hit like a train. Li Anping just gently extended a finger and tapped the front of the ice cone. Just like pressing the pause button on the movie, the ice cone that was like a meteor falling from the sky in the last second has completely stopped in mid-air at this moment.

Then it completely shattered and turned into countless ice chips scattered in the air.

"Okay, let's stop the magic test here." Li Anping stretched out his hand towards Jonah, and black energy emerged from his palm: "So. Can you feel the energy?"

When the black energy appeared in Li Anping's palm, Jonah's face changed, and he couldn't help but take a step back and said: "What kind of power is this? Such evil..."

Energy is the unity of body and spirit. Every ability user's energy is full of his own will. When Jonah saw the other party's black energy. It was like feeling that hell appeared in the world. In the other party's power, he only felt countless deaths, destruction, despair and fear.

It was like countless undead screaming in his ears.

"Sure enough, can you also feel the energy? But it seems that you have to release a lot of energy to feel it." Looking at Jonah, Li Anping raised his hands, and a trace of black energy rose from his arms like a black flame, burning like a flame.

"According to you, the strongest mages in your area are called wizards, and the strongest among the wizards is Dionysus, who is called a demigod by the world."

The next moment, the black energy had spread all over Li Anping's body, and then it rushed in all directions like a volcanic eruption.

At this moment, all the ability users in Tianjing couldn't help but look in the direction of the palace. Each of them could feel that a terrifying power was rising from there.

Jonah was completely surrounded by the black aura. He looked at Li Anping in disbelief. This guy, who he had previously regarded as a mortal, was now showing a power that was completely above his.

Li Anping looked at Jonah and said, "Let me ask you a question. Have you ever seen Dionysus? Do you think who is stronger, me or him?"

Feeling the aura displayed by Li Anping and the breath like hell, Jonah had to hold on so that he would not fall to the ground under the pressure of this breath.

Facing the strong man who showed extraordinary power in front of him, he spoke slowly in an unprecedented calm tone: "Your power is indeed very strong. It may be the strongest among all the mages I have ever seen.

But if you want to compare with Lord Dionysus, it is like a firefly in the bushes trying to compare with the moon in the sky."

"Is that so?" Hearing what Jonah said, Li Anping was not angry, and there was no change on his face. He just put his hands down. The black aura that filled the surroundings also began to slowly dissipate.

"Okay, I'm fine." As he spoke, Li Anping pointed his finger lightly, and the electric shock collar that had broken into two pieces and fell to the ground flew up by itself and buckled on Jonah's hand again.

"Send him away."

The guards outside the door came in and took Jonah away.

Yang Guang also came in. After glancing at Jonah who was taken out, he respectfully said to Li Anping: "Sir, about the question of magic..."

Li Anping shook his head: "Ordinary people, no, it should be said that people here basically can't learn it. Their magic is essentially a kind of ability. You can think of them as people with abilities. The ability is to extract vacuum zero-point energy, and the so-called magic is just a different way of using zero-point energy.

I can use it myself, but magic can't be promoted here."

He looked at Yang Guang and said: "Then let him tell the detailed effects of each magic, and then reveal the information about magic to Xia Liekong and others. I want the senior officers in the army to understand every magic.

This way, if we fight in the future, we can know ourselves and the enemy."

Yang Guang heard what Li Anping said. He immediately asked, "Sir, do you think we will fight with them?"

"I have a hunch..." In Li Anping's eyes, there seemed to be countless stars and data flowing: "There will be a battle between us and them."

Yang Guang nodded and took out a list from his arms: "Sir, these are the members selected from the Great Xia Dragon Bird, who will participate in this investigation of the magic world. Lord Bai Xinghe asked me to take it to you for review."

"You just need to grasp this kind of thing. Why do you want me to see it?" Although Li Anping said so, he still took the list from Yang Guang's hand. The next second, he already knew why Bai Xinghe wanted to show him the list.

He pointed to Li Qian's name on it and said, "Who asked her to go?"

Yang Guang couldn't hear any tone from Li Anping's mouth, so he could only say more respectfully: "It was Miss Li Qian who insisted on going by herself."

As Li Anping's nominal woman, Li Qian's position in the Great Xia Dragon Bird has always been very complicated, in addition to being responsible for intelligence work. Bai Xinghe usually wouldn't give her any other work, let alone such a dangerous task as investigating the magic world.

This time, Li Qian asked to join the investigation team on her own, which Bai Xinghe thought was a woman throwing a tantrum. He naturally wouldn't argue with Li Qian himself, but directly kicked the ball to Li Anping.

Li Anping looked at the remaining people on the list. He said to Yang Guang: "Add Yan Bei, Jin Guang, and Fang Haojie, and ask them to come to me in three days."

Then he pointed to Li Qian's name on the list and said: "Remove her name and ask her to come to see me now."

"Yes, sir." With that, Yang Guang bowed and left.


An hour later, Li Qian, who had dressed up carefully, slowly walked into Li Anping's study.

At this time, she had long black and shiny hair, and a blue and white Daxia Dragon Bird uniform. Under her own changes, she was serious and playful. A pair of blue stockings with her slender legs can arouse the reverie of countless people.

However, since entering the palace, her face has been very cold, as if it were ice that had not melted for ten thousand years, so that people who wanted to greet her along the way did not dare to come up.

Opening the door of the study, Li Qian saw Li Anping sitting behind the desk, with several brick-sized books floating around him and turning pages.

"You're here?" Li Anping raised his head and glanced at Li Qian, and all the books around him automatically flew back to the bookshelf. He stood up and walked towards Li Qian: "How are you recently? Are you busy with work?"

Li Qian turned her head away and said lightly: "How long have we not seen each other?"

"Five months, twelve days, three hours and forty-seven minutes..."

"Enough, you still remember that we haven't seen each other for such a long time." Li Qian raised her head, tears faintly flowing in her eyes: "What on earth are you..."

Li Anping didn't let him finish the rest of the words, and hugged her directly, holding her tightly in his arms. Li Qian, who was originally on edge, immediately panicked, and her delicate cheeks flushed a little.

Li Anping's breath suddenly filled her body, and his voice turned into a stream of hot air, ringing in her ears.

"I'm sorry, I'm really busy lately."

"Don't go to the magic world this time."

Li Qian stayed in Li Anping's arms, feeling as if she had turned into a piece of soft candy, and hummed softly: "Hmm."

Li Anping looked at Li Qian, who closed her eyes in his arms, and did not take any further action. For this woman who has been following him from the beginning, Li Anping was unwilling to use any special methods to control her unless it was the last moment.

And now that the prophet system and the global intelligence network have gradually unified. Li Anping had a new idea in his mind about Li Qian's placement.

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