Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 34: Magic (1)

Yan Bei is not the only one working hard.

The Royal Academy of Sciences in Xindongyang.

Thirty floors underground.

In a room made entirely of silver-white metal, Jin Guang was walking around with his upper body bare-chested, panting.

The golden energy of his whole body was surging, and he was already in a golden-haired, blue-eyed transformation state. And Jin Guang, who was already in a transformed state, had ten times the strength and speed of the original, but even so, he stumbled every step he took, as if he had just learned to walk.

Beside Jin Guang, there was a girl with short blue hair, holding the original Ten Fist Sword that should have been in Bai Xinghe's hands.

Seeing Jin Guang's difficulty in walking, she shouted, "Sir, do you want to lower the gravity?"

"No." Jin Guang flatly rejected the other party's proposal and continued to move under the constraints of multiple gravity. After walking for more than half an hour, his steps became more and more stable, and he had gradually adapted to the change in gravity.

During this period, sweat kept dripping from his body, almost turning his feet into a small pond.

Feeling the weakness coming from all over his body, Jin Guang took out a bottle of white reagent from his waist pocket and drank it directly.

That was the immortality potion extracted by the Royal Academy of Sciences, which can greatly enhance the vitality of the human body, but now it is directly used by Jin Guang to replenish physical strength and energy.

Of course, this is also due to the great progress of the current technology of the Royal Academy of Sciences. The extraction of immortality potions is not as difficult as in the past.

Jin Guang relied on the immortality potion to replenish the energy consumed by his body and exercised in a state of multiple gravity in a transformed state. And this state has lasted for a full five days.

He has never tried to maintain the transformed state for such a long time, desperately urging the potential in his body. But even with the supplement of the immortality potion, his energy was consumed very badly.

But when he thought of Yan Bei, and thought of that guy who defeated him in 30 seconds on the first day he returned from Xindongyang, he felt a sincere sense of shame.

"Not enough." Jin Guang turned his head and said to the blue-haired girl beside him: "Increase the gravity by one more time."


"Just do it. If there is any problem, I will take responsibility."

The blue-haired girl nodded helplessly, mobilized the mental energy in her body, and once again strengthened the output of gravity in the Ten Fist Sword.

Jin Guang groaned, and the sudden increase in gravity directly pressed him to the ground, kneeling on one knee.

"Sir. Are you okay?" The blue-haired girl immediately became nervous and planned to withdraw the ability to activate the Ten Fist Sword.

But she saw that Jin Guang had raised a hand to stop him.

"Don't stop. Just like that."

Jin Guang's muscles all over his body trembled, and the golden mental energy surged again. He actually stood up slowly with his whole body trembling.

'That's the feeling. '

When Jin Guang maintained the transformation state for more than twelve hours, he felt extremely tired.

When the time exceeded twenty-four hours, a feeling of reaching the limit kept pressing him. He wanted him to stop.

But he didn't stop, but chose to continue.

The feeling of almost collapse filled his body, until the fifth day, Jin Guang found something different.

His body began to change, an unprecedented feeling came to his mind, as if the mind energy in his body was melting with his body, and the burden of transformation seemed to be getting smaller.


On the same night, Xu Xinying quietly got up from the bed and walked towards the location of Central Park.

The entrance test of the Academy City has ended. Jason was tested to have the ability of the mutant system, and Xu Xinying was considered to be incapable, just like last time, and was rejected from the entrance test for incapable people.

Now, the woman who talked to him on the high-rise building has become his last straw.

Climbing over the wall, Xu Xinying walked carefully on the grass of Central Park, heading towards the artificial lake.

‘Will she be true? ’

‘Am I a person with ability? ’

At this moment, a palm slapped his shoulder, which scared him.

"Ah" he turned his head and looked behind him, and found a young man standing behind him, and took his hand back with an embarrassed look.

"Sorry to scare you." The young man smiled: "Are you going to the artificial lake too?"

"Yes." Xu Xinying nodded cautiously. Suddenly he remembered the barefoot woman's words, and he was not the only one coming.

He saw Nie Xin standing in front of him and nodded with a smile: "Then we will be classmates from now on, let's go together."

So Xu Xinying followed Nie Xin to the location of the artificial lake in a daze. He was innocent along the way. Nie Xin told him his identity and origin in a few words.

Then they saw two girls by the artificial lake.

The moment they saw Li Anping, both Nie Xin and Xu Xinying's breathing became heavier.

"Okay, let's start." Li Anping said directly to them after seeing Xu Xinying and Nie Xin arrive.

Nie Xin and another girl who looked only in her teens all sat cross-legged and closed their eyes.

Xu Xinying asked somewhat at a loss: "What should I do?" Being so close to the girl made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Do this."

Before he finished speaking, a page of paper floated into Xu Xinying's hands. On it was recorded something called the Diamond Spirit Refining Method. It was a method summarized by the Queen of Heaven to train mental power.

Although it was only the most superficial part, it was also very profound for the three people in front of him.

At that moment, the three people slowly practiced under the guidance of Li Anping, and under the scanning of the mental force field, Li Anping saw all the practice states of the three people.

The changes in human spirit and the operation of consciousness. Everything was recorded bit by bit.

The entire human world was like a machine with a full spring. Under Li Anping's will, it developed at an unprecedented speed. Various technologies that far exceeded this era entered people's lives one after another.

With the help of the folding gate, the whole world was closely connected.

Controlled nuclear fusion, and the vacuum zero-point energy extractor that Li Anping later made, almost solved all energy problems.

The various engineering robots developed by the Royal Academy of Sciences, which were derived from the technology of the God King, have gradually liberated human physical labor.

And superpowers have never been as well-known to all humans as they are now. They even appear in the daily lives of many people.

Three months after the end of the Western Continent Unification War, the global economy has grown by 20%. Because of the liberation of productivity and the inexhaustible energy, social welfare has greatly increased, and people no longer have to rush for work.

Human society has gradually entered an unprecedented prosperity, and some people call it the "Golden Age".

Code Country, under the frozen ocean.

The underwater world of nearly 12,000 meters is still silent.

But countless shining lights illuminate this land of death as if it were daytime.

At this time, the entire area around the cross-boundary gate has been completely covered by large areas of fortifications, and the cross-boundary gate is directly exposed to the seabed, because more than 12,000 meters of sea water is naturally the best means of defense. Under such pressure, most demons below level 5 are probably unable to survive in this environment.

Electromagnetic waves, infrared rays, sonar and other detection instruments covered the entire boundary gate and its surroundings. Once anything came out of it, it would send a signal to Tianjing, the headquarters of Daxia Longque.

The incarnation of mind energy sat directly on the seabed 50 meters in front of the boundary gate. The mind energy on his body also completely covered the boundary gate, and he kept a detection posture.

In this dead silence, Seagram, who was imprisoned in the chest of the mind energy incarnation, spoke.

"Li Anping, we have said everything we should say. When are you going to let us go?"

Seeing that the mind energy incarnation had no intention of answering them, Seagram's eyes showed a hint of cruelty, and he gave Gabu a look.

The next moment, a huge explosion occurred in the mind energy incarnation body, almost swelling his whole body.

"Self-explosion?" Li Anping tried his best to control the impact force in his body from leaking out. He didn't expect that Gabu's level 5 ability user would actually self-explode. And the power of his self-explosion was far beyond his expectations, much stronger than Gabu's own combat power.

The current incarnation of mind energy is much weaker than Li Anping's original body.

Once the explosive force breaks through his body, it will probably sweep the surrounding base into ruins. The incarnation of mind energy has to use all its strength to suppress the explosive force in its body.

Although it was somewhat unexpected, this explosive force can only delay Li Anping for two or three seconds at most.

But in the next moment, the red light on Seagram's body surged, and with the power of Gabu's self-explosion, he actually broke through the confinement of the incarnation of mind energy and rushed straight to the sea surface.

"You are looking for death."

Two seconds later, the incarnation of mind energy suppressed the impact of the self-explosion, and the whole body turned into a black light and rushed up.

The departure of the two made the entire seabed silent again. Only various instruments still faithfully executed the original plan. Scanning the situation of the seabed around again and again.

Because the environment of the entire seabed base is too harsh and there are incarnations of mind energy guarding it, there are no living people, and everything is monitored by machines and Li Anping.

Not long after the incarnation of the mind left, a foot stretched out from the gate. It looked like a human foot, but it was unscathed even though it was 12,000 meters deep in the seabed.

The next moment, a person emerged from the gate.

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