Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 65: The Battle of the Century (15)

Just a glance, both Krahn and Blood Demon felt suffocated.

‘What am I afraid of! ’

‘I am now immortal. With the power I can use without scruples, even Li Anping...’

Krahn thought of this and felt ashamed for his instinctive fear just now. He roared and rushed towards Li Anping.

The power driven by the rotation of the earth was continuously injected into Krahn's body. Based on the limit that this body can bear, even if the whole body will explode in the next moment, it is not a pity.

The brute force brought by this is also extremely fierce. Wherever Krahn's fist passes, a vacuum corridor is directly formed. The hurricane blowing can even blow down the surrounding trees. With his current strength, I am afraid that just waving his hand can blow away a street.

Feeling the power contained in his right fist that is enough to tear the sky, Krahn has never felt that he can be so powerful.

This feeling of satisfaction from being full of strength made him punch Li Anping's chest with great confidence.

Facing Krahn's punch, Li Anping also stretched out his right fist, without any preparation, without any accumulation of strength, and even without any feeling of exerting force.

He just used fist to fist, and his right fist gently hit Krahn's fist.

The imagined scene of a comet hitting the earth did not appear. Krahn was like a piece of tofu hitting a steel plate. After the fists collided with each other. He didn't even feel a trace of pain. His whole body turned into a pool of mud under the action of two huge forces. It burst out in all directions.

A squeaky scream sounded, and the blood demon on the side saw that Krahn was so easily blown up by Li Anping's punch. A horrified expression flashed across his face, and he immediately forgot everything he had just said.

The whole person has turned into hundreds of blood-colored bats, flying away in all directions.

Facing the fleeing blood demon, Li Anping suddenly opened his mouth and took a deep breath.

As Li Anping took a deep breath, the air around him was sucked into his mouth in a visible form. The whole forest was like a hurricane. Li Anping's mouth was like a bottomless black hole, turning all the air around into a strong wind and sucking it into his lungs.

Bai Xinghe, who was standing aside, even felt that he had difficulty breathing and felt that his body was about to be pulled up. He immediately lowered his waist and sat on the horse, holding the ground tightly with his feet.

Even the trees within a hundred meters were directly sucked up by this breath and flew into the sky. But before they flew a few meters, they were torn into pieces by the bursting airflow.

Between the inhalation and exhalation, the mountains and rivers changed color. Li Anping's breath was simply earth-shaking. With this breath, the blood bats that had already flown more than a hundred meters began to have difficulty walking, as if every meter they flew. They had to use up all their strength, like a small boat in a storm, unable to control their own life and death.

Even after flying a few meters, all the blood bats began to retreat, following the direction of the wind. Shooting towards Li Anping's position.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of blood bats were sucked into Li Anping's mouth. Swallowed alive.

When Li Anping stopped breathing, the whole forest looked like it had been hit by a strong wind. As far as the eyes could see, there was no intact tree.

A blood-colored bat emerged from Li Anping's mouth, as if struggling to crawl out. But when Li Anping's upper and lower teeth closed, the bat had turned into a pile of fragments and was swallowed directly by Li Anping.

On the other side, Krahn's body had been regenerated, his hands tightly grasping the ground, his eyes full of fear looking at Li Anping. He couldn't believe that the other party had eaten the blood demon alive.

At this moment, Li Anping had become a demon among demons in his eyes.

Seeing Li Anping looking at him, he felt a chill in his heart, even forgetting that he had died once, and shouted loudly: "Don't eat me, I surrender!"

Li Anping didn't plan to eat Krahn as well. After all, he just wanted to try to see if he could destroy these guys with immortal bodies by eating him. However, it seems that the immortality of the Yellow Spring Country is almost absolute. Although the blood demon was eaten by him, it kept making trouble in his stomach, always between being dissolved by his gastric juice and not being dissolved. Even if it was dissolved, it would grow out again immediately.

So Li Anping didn't plan to eat another one.

Just then he raised his eyebrows, and Samael, who was still under his feet before, had regenerated completely, leaving a series of afterimages and quickly flashing away to the side.

'Damn it! '

'What kind of monster is this guy Li Anping! '

'It's dead, whether it's the Star Alliance or the Virtual Numbers Agency, they are all finished this time. '

'This monster is simply not something that humans can destroy. ’

Before in Xindongyang, Samael had not felt the horror of Li Anping. Although he knew from reading the information that he was very strong, it was nothing compared to the horror he felt personally at this moment.

Now he only had one thought in his mind: to escape. He did not even look back.

His body flashed again, but his eyes were covered by a sudden shadow. It turned out that Li Anping rushed in front of him at an indescribable speed and put his index finger on his forehead.

At this time, Samael hadn't even reacted yet. He was still in a blank state after completing the teleportation. His eyes had received the image but hadn't yet responded to the brain.

With a bang, Li Anping's index finger flicked directly on his brain, and his brain was instantly blown up like a watermelon again. Not to mention his ability, he couldn't even make any movements.

Then he saw Li Anping grab his shoulder with one hand, and the void force field instantly squeezed Samael into a ball of flesh.

After weighing the ball of flesh in his palm, Li Anping looked up at the sky.

'What does he want to do? '

Krahn swallowed his saliva. Just as Samael and Li Anping were chasing and fleeing, he still had the idea of ​​escaping himself. Who knew that before he could think of this idea, Samael's head had been directly blown up by Li Anping's finger, and then squeezed into a ball of flesh.

Seeing Li Anping's actions, a bad premonition came to his mind.

His premonition was not wrong. Li Anping grabbed the meat ball that Samael had pressed into, took a step back, made a power-gathering motion, and then took a step forward, just like throwing a baseball, and threw the meat ball directly into the sky.

A wave of air burst out from Li Anping's hand.

The meat ball had already brought a line of blood straight into the sky, and the posture looked like an electromagnetic cannon, directly knocking a hole in the clouds in the sky and shooting forward into outer space.

If it were an ordinary meat ball, it would probably turn into ashes before flying far. But Samael was now immortal, so he was directly pushed by Li Anping's huge force, piercing through the entire atmosphere and flying towards the universe.

Then Li Anping's body flashed and grabbed the frightened Krahn.

The next action looked like an adult grabbing a primary school student, then forcibly squeezing the other party into a ball, and finally throwing him into the universe.

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