Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 62: The Battle of the Century (13)

All substances in the world have mass.

The greater the mass of an object, the stronger its mass field and the stronger the distortion of space-time. Space-time is like a sea surface squeezed by heavy objects, and will be distorted by matter with large mass. As the degree of distortion of space and time changes, the so-called universal gravitation is caused.

So in the gravitational field, the properties of space-time are determined by the mass distribution of the object. To put it simply, where the density of matter is greater, space-time is more distorted, the so-called curvature of space-time is greater, and the gravitational force generated by the distortion of space-time is greater.

There are countless examples of this in the universe. The most common one is that when light passes through some massive celestial bodies, its route will become curved because it will advance along the space-time curve after the massive celestial body distorts space-time.

The black hole is the ultimate creation in the universe where the curvature of space and time is large enough to a certain extent. Its mass is huge, but its volume is infinitesimally small. Not even light can escape from the distorted space and time.

The black sphere in Li Anping's palm is naturally unable to reach the level of a black hole. As a simulated black hole, his power is probably not even one billionth of that of a real black hole, but it is already powerful enough for the current underworld.

And this time, it was the first time that he used pure power to distort time and space.

The originally invisible black sphere turned into an existence about the size of a fingernail after swallowing countless stones, soil, and vegetation.

The terrible suction force continued to come from inside him, and his power to swallow the surrounding materials became stronger and stronger. The ground under Li Anping's feet. Large chunks of land were constantly being lifted up and then sucked into the black sphere. The entire land is disappearing faster and faster.

Paladin looked at the disappearing land in disbelief, and his originally smooth face was filled with surprise.

"Does he want to destroy the entire land of Hades? What's the point?"

Pluto laughed, but there was no joy in his voice.

"Don't you understand yet? He is simulating a black hole and wants to use powerful force to forcibly create a high-density, high-quality celestial body." Pluto's voice seemed to tremble: "The space of the Hades world cannot be like the real world. The space is so solid. If the quality and density of the things he creates are indeed large enough..."

The words have not yet fallen. The suction force of the simulated black hole in Li Anping's hand increased again, and the ground with a radius of dozens of kilometers began to tremble. Countless pieces of earth and stone rose into the sky and flew towards the simulated black hole.

At this time, the simulated black hole has grown to the size of a finger after absorbing so much material.

Li Anping felt the material above his head. The suction force coming from it became stronger and stronger, and with a push, the simulated black hole flew towards the sky under the influence of him and the incarnation of his mind energy.

As he ascended into the air, the area affected by the ground beneath his feet became larger and larger in just a few minutes. Even the earth and rocks hundreds of kilometers away began to float.

Seeing the sphere slowly moving towards him in mid-air, Paladin said angrily: "Think of a way quickly. According to you, if this thing continues to strengthen like this, it will directly break the space channel from the underworld to the real world. ”

Hades brooded. But like Paladin, he couldn't think of any solution. Li Anping in front of me. The limit of its power has already reached a level unimaginable by others.

Now, he is relying on the naked violence of "chiluo" to forcibly carve a way to the real world. They had no choice but to hope that Li Anping's power would be exhausted and he would be unable to do this.

When more than five hundred square kilometers of land disappeared, only countless black substances could be seen appearing in the original location of the earth. That is the scene at the boundary of the entire Hades space. The land of Hades is only a few kilometers deep in total. Once the earth and rocks on it are peeled off, you will see this scene.

At this time, the simulated black hole in the sky looked like a round stone, about one-fifth the size of the blood moon, but the gravity coming from it was far beyond the blood moon.

As his mass increased and his position got closer and closer to the Blood Moon, Paladin felt a strong suction force that seemed to want to pull him over. If he hadn't used all his strength, his feet would have stepped deeply. After entering the surface of the blood moon, he might be pulled towards the simulated black hole anytime and anywhere.

"Li Anping..." Looking at the simulated black hole that was getting stronger and closer, Paladin opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but after just saying the three words "Li Anping", no matter how he said it, nothing came out. No more words could be uttered.

Pluto sighed in his heart. He knew that although the simulated black hole in front of him could not swallow light, it had reached the point where it could swallow sound.

The Paladin on the blood moon was shaken slightly, and his whole body was pulled out of the blood moon by a huge force, heading towards the simulated black hole in mid-air at high speed.

The next moment, his entire body would be like a pack of ketchup, as if someone had pressed it directly on a simulated black hole, and a pool of red would burst out with a pop.

Then his body just lay on the surface of the simulated black hole. In just an instant, under the strong pressure, it directly turned into pieces that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and was then directly covered by the mud and rocks coming from behind.

But before all this happened, Li Anping had caught him and came to the back of the simulated black hole.

As the simulated black hole intensified and approached again, the rock layers on the blood moon have been completely peeled off.

If you look from below, you can see that the entire blood moon seems to be deforming and becoming slightly flatter. In fact, its size has not changed, but the time and space it is in has begun to be distorted. This is because the underworld, as an artificial space, is far less solid than the space in the real world.

The next moment, the space seemed to begin to break, and the simulated black hole that had become the size of a house directly hit the blood moon. With endless breaking sounds, the space near the entire blood moon seemed to be rippled.

A bright light shot out from the center of the blood moon, and then more and more light shot out. A one-person-sized passage appeared in the center of the blood moon, and the scene of Tianjing could be seen from inside.

With the appearance of this passage, the entire underworld world was like a bungalow that had been violently demolished. It began to tremble violently, and black cracks began to appear in the surrounding sky.

The simulated black hole was about to destroy the entire underworld space.

At the same time, a black shadow was seen cutting through the atmosphere like lightning, and Li Anping had already grabbed Paladin and rushed towards the passage.

Tianjing, Hades screamed, and Li Anping had already rushed out of his chest holding Paladin. After returning to the real world, Li Anping immediately summoned the incarnation of mind energy back. He didn't want the incarnation of mind energy to perish with the entire underworld.

As for the Paladin in his hand, Li Anping grabbed it and pulled it out. A series of huge impacts had already knocked him unconscious.

And Hades knelt directly on the ground, and cracks began to appear on his body. Black gas came out of those cracks. At this time, even if Li Anping took away the incarnation of mind energy, the destruction of the underworld was irreversible.

Hades was like a porcelain doll that was smashed to the ground, with large areas of cracks on his body.

When he stopped screaming, he raised his head and looked at Li Anping in disbelief. There was still a black crack on his face, which directly split his head in half.

"The underworld has disappeared..." Hades laughed bitterly, not knowing whether he was laughing at himself or at Li Anping: "Without the underworld, I have lost my ability, but because of the country of Huangquan, I am still alive for the time being."

"Li Anping..." Hades looked at Li Anping steadily: "From now on, I will be a pure spectator. Let me see whether you have defeated the whole world or the Queen of Heaven and others have destroyed you.

With your power, how far can you go?"

Li Anping ignored Hades, his ears moved slightly, and all kinds of information had been transmitted to his mind.

Then the black incarnation of the mind moved slightly, and it had turned into a black line, rushing towards the direction of the airport.

And Li Anping shook the Paladin in his hand, and seeing that the other party woke up, he imitated Paladin's previous words and said with a mocking face: "Paladin, right?

My name is Li Anping, the Lord of the Great Xia Dragon Bird, the King of the East Continent.

If you are willing to be my subordinate now, then I can let you go."

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