Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 57: The Battle of the Century (8)

The moment Li Anping returned to Tianjing again, he did not try to attack Shang Zhenhai and the others. Instead, he sprinted downwards and directly broke through countless floors and came directly to the underground.

At the same time, the incarnation of thought energy behind him flew back, broke through the glass, and went directly to the sky outside the building.

The next moment, in Shang Zhenhai's sight, the whole world slowly stopped again. Whether it was the incarnation of mind energy or Li Anping who rushed into the ground, they all stopped again.

Seeing Li Anping disappearing, Shang Zhenhai's face looked a little ugly.

However, he first grabbed the shoulders of Yulia and Barnis with his hands, waking up the two people who were frozen.

Yulia frowned and asked first: "Where is Li Anping?"

Shang Zhenhai raised his chin, pointed at the big hole in the ground that was knocked out by Li Anping, and said, "Rush down there."

As they spoke, the three level five ability users swept downstairs with their physical thoughts, and discovered that Li Anping had broken through seven floors including the underground parking garage, almost as if he had dug a curved underground passage. Same, fifty meters deep underground.

Shang Zhenhai's ability requires very high response. Especially to deal with super-speed warriors like Li Anping, he had specially trained his reactions. So it only took about 0.05 seconds from when Li Anping appeared to when Shang Zhenhai reacted and activated his abilities.

But in just 0.05 seconds, Li Anping rushed out a distance of hundreds of meters, especially fifty meters of which were dug out of the ground.

Yulia urged: "He rushed so far? Let's go down quickly, otherwise it will be bad when the duration of your ability is up."

Barneys nodded too. Pulling Shang Zhenhai along, he wanted to go downstairs.

But Shang Zhenhai stopped them, his face a little solemn.

"Can't go down."

"Why?" Yulia shouted: "It's a waste of time waiting here. Once he drags you past the duration of your ability and lets him escape, we are all finished."

But Shang Zhenhai shook his head: "He is hiding underground. There is no light there. You can't see him and you can't aim at him."

Yulia smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if there is no light, we just get a flashlight."

Seeing Shang Zhenhai looking at her strangely, Yulia frowned and said, "What? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

Shang Zhenhai sighed: "Our present is the future of the entire universe. All matter is the past for us. Everything we do can become the future after our abilities end, but we do not The past cannot be changed.”

Yulia asked: "So?"

"The same is true for light. We humans observe objects by feeling light, but even light itself has speed. Usually because the speed of light is too fast, we can't feel it, but now under the influence of my ability, The relative speed of light is zero for us. We can see the light that has been generated, but we cannot feel the light that is about to be generated. "

Shang Zhenhai explained: "That is to say, if there are other things moving in this space, we cannot see it. We can only see their past movements.

If we go to a dark place now, we won't be able to see anything except darkness. "

Barnes said: "Then we can't shine it with a flashlight?"

"I said this. In this universe now, except for us, everything is still, and so is light. Even if we dig up the entire ground and expose Li Anping to the sun, we still can't see him. All you can see is darkness.”

Shang Zhenhai's abilities are divided into two parts. Those that can be used actively are called the unchangeable world, while those that can be used passively are called inviolable boundaries.

In the universe we live in, time is never absolute.

Even if the same creatures are in different positions and have different speeds, time will pass differently on them. Human beings observe the world with their eyes and ears, and can never even observe the creatures that are in the present at the same time as themselves.

Because light has speed, sound also has speed.

Whether it is an image seen or a sound heard, to the observer, it is the past of that thing. All humans can observe is always the past. It’s just that the speed of light and sound is too fast for ordinary people to detect it.

Shang Zhenhai's "Unchangeable World" is to regard himself as an observer of the entire universe. For him, everything in the entire world is just the past, but for him, for the entire universe, he belongs to the future.

During the duration of his ability, everything he does cannot change the past, but it can weave the future.

This is Shang Zhenhai's own understanding of his abilities.

When Yulia heard Shang Zhenhai say that it was impossible to see Li Anping no matter what, her brows furrowed even more: "Then what should we do? There is no way to see him. If I aim at him, my surefire bullet will not be able to hit him." May be activated."

Hearing Yulia's question, Shang Zhenhai touched his chin and suddenly his eyes changed: "How is it possible..."

"What's wrong?" asked Barnes.

Shang Zhenhai suddenly said with a solemn face: "Li Anping, you may already know my abilities."

Yulia didn't believe it: "How is this possible? You have only activated your abilities a few times in total? How could he understand what your abilities are so quickly?"

"Then why did he run underground?" Shang Zhenhai narrowed his eyes: "If it was simply to increase the distance, find cover, or to avoid your bullet, he had too many ways to use, but he chose to dig a road underground."

Shang Zhenhai said slowly: "If he really realized that my ability is related to time and space, wait... I understand." A hint of understanding flashed across Shang Zhenhai's face: "He has doubts, but he is not completely sure of my ability. He is testing.

He has fought with Yulia before and already understands your ability.

If we didn't attack him underground. Then he would understand that we can't aim at him in the dark.

He would understand. The things that we suddenly appeared in front of him before, or suddenly disappeared in front of him, distorted time, not space."

Thinking of this, Shang Zhenhai sneered: "But even if you know it, what's the matter, you follow me. Let's try another way."


When Li Anping was exiled to the Barnes alien world for the second time, he had guessed Shang Zhenhai's ability.

The other party disappeared strangely and appeared suddenly. They appeared and disappeared like teleportation, but they dodged his ability just in time and attacked him.

Especially during the second exile in another world, Li Anping stared at the three people, but the three people suddenly disappeared and appeared without any movement track. When they appeared, the woman named Yulia had completed the aiming and shooting.

The first thing Li Anping thought of was an illusion. Either the opponent's speed was faster than his, or time was suspended.

The illusion was ruled out at the first time.

Then he also understood that the opponent's speed could not be faster than his. The key was that he did not see any trace of the opponent's movement at all. If the three opponents could really be so fast, then there was no need to fight him so secretly.

The only phenomenon that best fits Li Anping's eyes is that time is suspended.

But Li Anping immediately denied this possibility. The energy that can stop the time of the entire universe. It is enough for the opponent to kill Li Anping countless times, and there is no need to be so troublesome.

As for regional time stopping, it is even more impossible.

That is equivalent to temporarily stopping the molecular movement of all the surrounding matter, reaching the concept of absolute zero.

After more than a dozen other possibilities were ruled out by Li Anping, Li Anping temporarily believed that the other party did not stop time. Instead, he distorted the time and space he was in, causing the relative time to change.

So after he returned to Tianjing again, he immediately rushed underground and hid in the darkness.

This was to test the extent to which the other party had distorted time and space.

And his mind incarnation rushed out of the building. After seeing the position of the sun in the sky and the time on the building, he once again confirmed that the other party did not have the ability to stop the regional time.

The rest was to confirm the extent to which the other party had distorted time and space.

Time and space are originally one, and the mass of matter can distort time and space, just like a bowling ball stuck in the sofa.

The time and space of the entire universe is originally curved under the distortion of countless planets.

And based on the other party's performance, Li Anping guessed that Shang Zhenhai should have distorted the time and space he was in, achieving an effect similar to time dilation.

And what the effect of the distortion is, is what Li Anping wants to confirm next.

First of all, for Shang Zhenhai, light is still constant at the speed of light, or has become a static existence.

This is related to what state Shang Zhenhai is in in the distorted space and time. This is also what Li Anping wants to confirm. Depending on the confirmation results, Li Anping can use different methods to deal with Shang Zhenhai.

So he rushed into the underground and waited for the opponent's reaction.

The passage that Li Anping dug underground was a tunnel that first went vertically downward and then horizontally to the right.

The moment Li Anping rushed into the underground, a huge light directly illuminated the entire horizontal underground passage.

Li Anping turned around and found that Shang Zhenhai was holding a huge searchlight to shine on him. Under the investigation of the incarnation of mind energy and mind energy, Yulia stood on the top of Shang Zhenhai's head, on the hole that Li Anping had crashed into.

One thought after another sounded in Li Anping's heart like lightning: 'Have you used your ability? So light is also a static existence for you?

His ability has been used, and now it should be cooling time. If the ability does not need to be cooled, then the previous things will not happen at all.

Yulia is above the cave entrance. Is he trying to lure me over and then hit me again to exile me?

Did he forget that I have a way to attack from a distance? ’

As the thought flashed through his mind, Li Anping instinctively punched Shang Zhenhai in the air.

Shang Zhenhai was completely unaware. His body could not sense this speed, but the thoughts in his mind were no less than Li Anping's.

‘He will definitely attack me. When I came here and shone the light on him, he should have confirmed the assumption that I have a similar ability to stop time. Regardless of whether he thought about the interval between the use of the ability, in order to prevent me from escaping, he will definitely attack me at the first time under instinctive reaction. ’

‘As long as you attack me, you will lose, Li Anping. ’

‘You will lose. ’

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