Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 42: Conflict (5)

As soon as Beret heard what Li Anping said, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Seeing his frightened look, Li Anping snorted and didn't bother to let him drive him there.

Originally he didn't want to draw attention to Anna, but now it seems he has no choice.

Tony's body didn't move at all, and he shot straight into the sky without any movement of energy, paused briefly in mid-air, and then flew towards the Palace Hotel in the right direction.

Seeing the other party leave, the beret breathed a sigh of relief. His spirit went from being highly tense to relaxing, and he felt that his whole body was limp and unable to exert any strength.

He could only look at the direction Tony left, his eyes still full of awe.

That is the awe of powerful power.

Thinking of this, he suddenly took out the phone in his arms and said to his superior on the other end of the phone: "Captain, something went wrong..." While reporting, he turned his head to look at Robert who was kneeling on the ground.

The other party's eyes were dull, and he just stared blankly at the corpses on the ground, with no trace of fluctuation in his eyes.

Beret thought in his mind: 'This guy... is probably useless. ’

On the other side, Li Anping flew towards the hotel with Tony, the carrier of the void field.

The powerful force acted directly on Tony's body, causing his bones and muscles to feel bursts of pain. But he didn't dare to complain at all.

What Li Anping did just now not only scared Robert and others, but also scared Tony. A living human being was crushed so easily. This was the first time in more than twenty years that he had seen such a bloody scene.

At this moment, Li Anping was equated with the devil in his heart.

Fortunately, it was not far from the hotel. When Tony felt that his body was about to fall apart, his speed finally slowed down.

I saw a small black shadow in the sky slowly landing on the roof of the hotel. Didn't attract anyone's attention.

Tony just stood there and took the time to rest. He didn't ask Li Anping anything. Because he could feel that the creature in his body was in a very, very bad mood.

Li Anping was indeed in a bad mood, even though he had seized the time. But so far, more than ten hours have passed since Anna disappeared, and the other party has not been found.

In the silence, Li Anping's thoughts were released along Tony's feet, pressing down on the entire hotel in an overwhelming form. At the same time. The void field also started from Tony's feet and covered the entire building.

In the hotel bathroom, a cleaner put down the mop, turned and walked towards the window. He pushed the window outward with his hand, but found that the window did not move at all.

"Why can't the window open?"

Downstairs lobby. A man hurriedly walked toward the door with his head lowered. However, when he walked through the door, he felt as if he hit a wall with his head and let out a cry of pain. He raised his head and touched the opened door in front of him with his hand, feeling as if his hand had touched an invisible barrier.

The person in charge of the hunting team's operation put down the phone in his hand, with a frown on his face.

Forty-three members were sent to capture Tony. Forty-two people died, which was beyond his expectation. And Tony himself has also shown strength that far exceeds the first-level abilities mentioned in the data.

At this moment, a voice came from the intercom: "Boss, we found Viper and the others, at 1303."

The person in charge's eyes narrowed. No matter what happened on Tony's side, getting rid of the Viper first would always increase the say in the subsequent negotiations between the two companies. Thinking of this, he ordered: "Do it."

But not long after he gave the order, strange feedback came from all the team members.

"Boss. I can't get through the front door."

"You can't get in through the back door in the kitchen either."

"The gate to the parking lot is blocked by something."

News came one after another. Except for the team members who were already lurking in the hotel, no other members of the hunting team could enter the hotel?

At this moment, the adjutant on the side patted him on the shoulder, pointed in the direction of the hotel and said: "Boss, look over there on the roof!"

Hearing this, he looked around and exclaimed: "What the hell is that?"

A black thought energy started from the top of the building, like a flowing waterfall, and was covering the entire hotel building layer by layer.

"Is it Nianqi?"

At the same time, many people in the hotel obviously noticed something unusual, especially at the entrance of the lobby on the first floor, where dozens of people, including guests and staff, gathered. They tried to break through the blockade of the void field, but it was obviously impossible.

Some people who felt something was wrong had already taken out their mobile phones and started calling the police.

On the fifteenth floor of the hotel, a white man with black hair, "chiluo" his upper body, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the bedroom.

On the bed behind him were two disheveled women, still sleeping. If anyone from the Federation appeared here, they would probably scream because the two women on the bed were both well-known actresses throughout the Federation.

Feeling the black mental energy spreading from the top of his head, a hint of displeasure flashed in the blond man's calm eyes.

He snapped his fingers: "Alan."

The old man who had talked to Victor before walked into the bedroom silently. He lowered his head deeply, showing an unusually submissive look.

Compared to the arrogant look when facing Victor before, it was like two different people.

"What an arrogant guy." He said softly: "Master, do you need me to get rid of him?"

William shook his head, smiled and nodded at the glass window in front of him, and said slowly: "Although it is very arrogant, it is indeed an interesting ability, isn't it?"

Alan nodded and asked: "What do you mean?"

William chuckled: "There is no ability user for the sample required by the teacher this time?"


"Then use him instead."


As the changes in the hotel, the police from Kanvis rushed over immediately.

More than a dozen police cars stopped at the door of the hotel, and the yellow isolation belt pulled up all the nearby streets.

But no matter how they tried, they could not break through the void force field at the gate.

A police officer pointed his finger to the sky and shouted, "Why is there a helicopter there?"

The man next to him said, "It's an NNC plane. They came to broadcast live after receiving the news."

"Damn, the TV station's helicopter support is faster than ours?" He cursed and said, "Hurry up and let them leave."

"I understand."

On the other side, a female reporter in the helicopter was holding a microphone and explaining:

"Dear viewers, this is Cannes Live. We received a tip that an emergency occurred in the Palace Hotel in the city center. The entire hotel has been completely blocked inside and outside, and no one can enter or leave. The police are now trying to rescue the people in the hotel in front of the gate."

At this point, the cameraman pointed the camera at the police car and the crowd at the gate.

Then the female reporter next to him suddenly made a surprised sound and shouted, "Quickly shoot the rooftop."

"Dear viewers, we can see a suspicious man standing on the roof of the hotel..."

At this time, two helicopters belonging to the police also flew over the hotel and began to shout loudly to let the reporters leave. However, the guys from the TV station obviously ignored it, and instead kept their cameras pointed at the hotel.

At this moment, Li Anping's mind energy finally swept from the roof to the underground parking garage.

But no, from the top floor to the basement, there was no trace of Anna at all.

Seeing the helicopter flying around, Li Anping was annoyed, and directly controlled Tony to pick out a stone from the concrete floor with two fingers.

With a light wave of his right hand, the stone whizzed towards a helicopter belonging to the police.

With a bang, the tail of the helicopter was directly broken, and it had to make an emergency landing in thick smoke. Seeing this situation, the other two helicopters also instantly moved away from the rooftop and did not dare to approach again.

However, although Anna was not found, when the mind energy swept over the fifteenth floor, Li Anping still found the so-called Master William.

It was exactly the same as what he saw on TV.

"Say hello first."

Tony raised his right hand and picked up a stone from the floor. Then, just like throwing a baseball, he threw the stone in his hand towards the place under his feet.

A sonic boom exploded instantly!

At this moment, the place where the stone was launched and the place where Allen was standing formed a diagonal straight line.

Allen just nodded and said, "I understand, Master, please wait a moment..."

Before he finished speaking, the straight line drawn by the stone had passed through six floors and directly opened a big hole in his stomach. Then, the stone continued to move and passed through more than a dozen layers of obstacles, and directly hit the door of the hotel, leaving a small pit with a diameter of one meter.

As for the stone itself, it had already turned into powder in this process.

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