Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 34: Storm

That night, the imagined bloody storm did not come. But whether it was Liu Sheng, Yang Guang or Liu Feng, they were all in a state of tension, tossing and turning.

Once Li Anping used thundering means to find Anna, the war of the century could break out at any time and anywhere.

In the current East and West world, the combat power of the ability users is superior to Daxia because of Li Anping's existence. And the conventional combat power, as well as the armed forces of the army, as well as the economy, logistics, and number of people, are all comprehensive advantages of the Western Continent.

Although the contradictions between the East and West worlds are becoming more and more serious because of Li Anping, the Western world is constantly resisting the ideological waves from the East Continent while constantly studying ways to deal with Li Anping. A new round of arms race, an ever-increasing military budget.

It can be said that the two major forces are now like a tight string, which may break at any time as long as a little force is applied. It is only because of the existence of nuclear weapons that the two major forces are still restrained and do not force each other too much.

But when Liu Feng and others thought of the current situation, they were worried that Li Anping would go to the Western Continent regardless of anything to find Anna. If Li Anping went to the Western Continent in person, it would be too threatening for the Federation and other countries.

At that time, it is likely to intensify the contradictions and even cause conflicts.

Thinking of this, words such as nuclear war, doomsday, and human extinction popped up in Liu Sheng's mind.

However, after a night, what made Liu Sheng and others happy was that Li Anping did not disappear after reading all the Federation information he needed. Instead, he continued to go in and out of the palace as usual and continued to prepare for the coronation ceremony.

Perhaps Bai Xinghe was the only one in the whole Daxia who knew that Li Anping's mind incarnation had stopped the research on secret martial arts and the Ten Fist Sword last night and handed them all over to Bai Xinghe himself.

The mind incarnation had already left Xindongyang. It crossed the atmosphere all the way to outer space and then headed towards the direction of the Western Continent.

With the coronation ceremony. A storm sweeping the entire world will unfold in the Eastern and Western worlds at the same time.

Amester Federation, Kanvis City.

As a city less than 60 kilometers away from Liberty City, Kanvis City has well balanced the contradiction between urban development and environmental protection.

The green coverage rate here is the highest among all cities in the Federation. Not only is the environment beautiful, but there are also a variety of modern facilities, plus good public security, and it is only 60 kilometers away from the prosperous Liberty City. And in Kanvis City. There is also one of the best universities in the Federation, the Federal Central University.

This can be said to be the rich area of ​​the Federation, a place that rich people like.

And the entire Federation is the country with the most millionaires in the world.

These millionaires, from ordinary millionaires to super-rich people with billions and tens of billions of funds, including their children, parents, and relatives, account for about 1% of the total population of the Federation, but dominate more than 60% of the wealth of the entire country.

Their savings add up to more than 70% of the total deposits of all ordinary residents. Their average residential area is dozens of times that of ordinary people. They have 4.5 private cars per capita.

These people are collectively called the Three Hundred Aristocratic Families. Of course, the three hundred here is an imaginary number. The general meaning is that the entire Federation is economic and political. Whether it is military or any other field, everything is controlled by these three hundred families.

To exaggerate, if an ordinary citizen of the Federation goes to the street to start shopping, then at least nine out of ten chain stores he enters belong to the three hundred families.

For people in the dark world, the three hundred families not only represent power, but also represent infinite power. Because among these three hundred families, more than one-third belong to the bloodline family of the ability user.

What they have. Is the power to call the wind and rain in the entire Federation.

Compared with Daxia, the system of combining ability users and the powerful here is more mature. The distribution of wealth and power is more concentrated. Of course, the gap between the rich and the poor is also more obvious.

However, as one of the three traditional powers in the Western Continent, the per capita income and living standards of the citizens of the Federation are still far higher than those of other countries.

At this time, the sky in the Western Continent has just dawned. Compared with the sky in Liberty City, the morning air in Kanvis is fresher. It seems that even the sky is a little bluer.

At this moment, in a villa on the outskirts of Kanvis, Robert walked around the living room anxiously. Thinking of what happened yesterday, he still felt a little uneasy.

He asked the servant beside him: "Where is the eldest brother? Didn't I tell him to come out quickly? How long will he take?"

The servant whispered: "The eldest young master is washing up, please wait a little longer."

Robert sighed. He walked back and forth impatiently for a few times.

Just then, a man in a bathrobe and holding a cigar in his hand slowly walked down the stairs in the hall. His face looked somewhat similar to Robert, but more mature.

When Robert saw the man appear, he hurried over and said angrily: "Victor, did you do anything?"

The man called Victor smiled and said: "My dear brother, you came to me early in the morning just for a woman?"

Robert said seriously: "Victor, if I didn't say it clearly enough, then I will ask again now, Xia Yunyun, was she taken away by you?"

"Hmph, a woman from Daxia." Seeing Robert like this, Victor was also unhappy: "You'd better take care of yourself. The family didn't train you to play with women in Central University. What's more, it's just a cheap yellow woman."

Robert rushed up directly, grabbed Victor's collar, and said angrily: "Where did you catch him? I know there is no possibility between her and me. She and I are just ordinary friends. Let her go for me."

Seeing his collar being grabbed, a cold light flashed in Victor's eyes. He coughed lightly, and Robert felt a heavy blow on the back of his head. Then his eyes went black, and he couldn't help but loosen his hands and retreated behind him.

Behind him, I don't know when a big man in sunglasses had stood up, and he was slowly retracting his hands. Robert was hit on the back of his head just now.

Seeing Robert's dizzy look, Victor just straightened his collar, and then said coldly: "Robert, if you were not my brother, you would have been killed by Poison Eye just now."

Shaking his head, Victor's eyes flashed with contempt: "Don't worry about the matter of that Daxia woman. This matter has already involved Master William, and you can't interfere."

Hearing Victor's words, Robert resisted the dizziness in the noise and raised his head: "William? The William of the Four Elements Family? Did he also attend the dance yesterday?

But Xia Yunyun is also protected by someone. It seems that Li is a special soldier of Daxia, and she can be selected as an exchange student. Her identity is not simple. Now at this sensitive moment..."

"Enough." Victor glared at Robert coldly, his eyes full of disappointment: "What about Daxia? Can it afford to hire retired special forces? So what if she's a bodyguard? I've checked. She's just an ordinary woman in Daxia. She has a little money at most.

You should understand what the Four Elements Family represents. They are giants hidden in the dark. They hold power beyond ordinary people.

Anyway, I finally got in touch with Master William. Don't mess it up for me. "

Shaking his head, Victor walked back upstairs and sighed, "Don't you have a big picture? As long as you can get in touch with the Four Elements, a woman is nothing. You disappoint me so much.

Robert, I will ask my father to help you drop out of school next semester, and then you can come to me to help. It seems that your college years have been wasted. "


At the same time, in the sky on the other side of Kanvis, a black light that ordinary people can hardly see passed by, like a black meteor, flying towards the dormitory area of ​​Central University.

A few minutes later, in a single-family villa dormitory, a blond young man slowly climbed up from the floor.

He touched his head: "Why did I fall to the ground?" He recalled in his mind, and only remembered that something seemed to hit his body, and then he fainted.

Just as he was confused, a voice sounded in his ears: "Tony Abel?"

The young man was startled: "Who?"

The voice sneered: "Don't be afraid, you should be happy to be chosen by me."

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