Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 32: Escort

A strange color flashed in Xi Lan's eyes: "So strong, they are all level 4 ability users."

I saw more than a dozen Dragon Bird guards wearing blue and white uniforms passing by, and walked into the green channel without attracting public attention.

All level 4 ability users. Although it did not attract the attention of ordinary people, the expressions of all the ability users in the airport changed.

People from small countries like Xi Lan looked at each other with solemn expressions on their faces. The team of Dragon Bird Guards just now had the power to subvert their country.

The green channel is located in the team of Dragon Bird Guards. The second person in line is a young man with a baby face. It was Wang Ke who followed Li Anping and visited Baiyue, an outstanding son of the Wang family.

He smiled and said to Zuomei in front of him: "Boss, there are really many powerful people in the airport. Mercenaries, agents, black market boxers, martial artists, soldiers, all kinds of monsters and monsters are here."

Zuo Mai knew that this was Wang Ke's ability.

The Wang family's bloodline ability is an ability called hypnotic wave, which can hypnotize ordinary people on a large scale, and can also read the scattered fragments of consciousness in human daily life. Apparently he just read some people when passing by the hall. Fragments of scattered consciousness.

Zuo Mai said casually: "Don't worry about them. Audrey is in charge of them. We just have to do our own thing."

"Yes." Wang Ke nodded.

After a while, several tall, polar bear-like blond men appeared on the other side of the passage.

Seeing these blond men who were overly strong and whose muscles swelled beyond those of normal humans, the Dragon Bird Guards were not surprised at all.

Because according to the prior notification, these people are members of the Knuvesen family among the four nobles of Ice Castle. This family's ability is originally called lycanthropy.

It is an ability that allows the user to transform into a half-wolf, half-human form after using it. This kind of ability user is in human form. It has super high strength, endurance, speed, and resilience. After transforming into a werewolf form, these values ​​​​will be greatly improved, coupled with sharp claws. Various secret skills have made the Knuvesen family one of the strongest families in Ice Castle for hundreds of years.

For example, Wolfe, whom Li Anping killed in the underworld, was a member of the Knuvesen family.

After the blond man at the head saw Zuo Mai, he immediately walked out and patted Zuo Mai on the shoulder. Smiled and greeted him.

Zuomai asked: "Ivan, are you at the back?"

The golden-haired man named Ivan smiled with his mouth open, just like a big bad wolf. He waved to his companions behind him, and saw a slender man with his hands and feet chained up, and a layer of black cloth covering his head, escorted by several strong men. In front of you.

I saw that the man's upper body was shirtless. There were many wounds on it, and you could see drops of blood oozing out from the wounds from time to time as he walked.

"Is it him?" Zuo Mai frowned.

"That's him, the leader of the blood source, the younger brother of the Blood Demon, Sergei Dachula." Ivan showed a cruel expression: "He is not easy to catch. He has lost many of our people. Fortunately, the Dachula family I have given up on him, otherwise it will be even more troublesome.”

Dachula is the family of the Blood Demon and one of the four nobles of Ice Castle. The Bloodborne is a resistance organization located in the Northern Ice Castle, like the Avengers and the Holy War. A series of assassinations and terrorist activities were planned specifically in response to Ice Castle's policy of embracing Daxia.

When he said this, Ivan smiled at Zuomai: "The patriarch said that this is a gift for His Majesty Li Anping to ascend the throne. All the members of the entire blood source have been cleansed by us.

We always welcome His Majesty's visit. "

"Thank you, Chief Knuvesen. Your Majesty is very satisfied with this gift." Zuo Mai nodded. Then with a wave of his hand, the dragon bird guards behind him had already surrounded him and took over Sergey.

What awaits him may be execution directly. It may also be sent to Xindongyang to give the research institute one more specimen.

In short, with his death, one less civilian organization with abilities opposed to Daxia has been lost. In addition to the Avengers that were eliminated before, the only one that still has some influence is the jihad organization in southern Xinjiang.

However, Yan Bei had already left for Baiyue last week, where Fang Yuhuang would also promise to personally lead the team to completely eliminate the jihad. Zuo Mai believes that before Li Anping ascends the throne, all resistance forces in the Eastern world will be wiped out. This is a general trend that cannot be stopped.

Ivan, who was on the side, escorted Sergei to Daxia. He seemed to be relieved and said jokingly: "I heard that after His Majesty ascends the throne, an unrestricted fighting competition will be held in two weeks? I wonder if we can participate. ?”

Zuo Mai replied: "Of course. There are no participation criteria for this competition. But if you participate, you can only participate in the ability group."

When Ivan heard this, he nodded excitedly and asked hesitantly: "I wonder if anyone from Daxia Longque will participate in this competition."

Zuo Mai knew what the other party was thinking about, so he said directly: "No one from Daxia Longque will participate in this competition."

After hearing this, Ivan and his companions behind him immediately became excited and looked like they were gearing up for the game.

Wang Ke on the side shook his head disdainfully. The things that these foreign ability users strive for, whether it is bonuses or secret martial arts, are all within easy reach for Daxia Longque.

You should know that Bai Xinghe had distributed more than a dozen sets of secret martial arts, including body protection flow and Qigong, a month ago. Let the Daxia Longque ability users choose to learn.

Among these martial arts, except for the specially recommended body protection flow and Qigong, the others are specially selected by him, which are easier to get started and basic. After the other secret martial arts are created, Daxia Longque will also be the first batch of people to practice.

Then it is the school of the Academy City and the nine royal families.

Finally, it is the ordinary people on the periphery. Even so, Li Anping estimates that people who are not from Daxia will definitely slow down their practice progress in the absence of guidance and various materials. There is nothing that can be done about it.

The only ones who can keep up with the progress are probably the disciples of the big sects like Baiyue.

But for Li Anping, these don’t matter. The entire East Continent, and even the entire world, will gradually merge together and become a country in the future. All people will live the way they should under his strict control.

This is his ideal country, and the promotion of secret martial arts is only to enhance the combat effectiveness of this ideal country and prevent it from being destroyed by external factors.

Star Alliance, Federation, Tyrael, etc., these forces have never really been taken seriously by Li Anping. Now, the only thing that can really make him pay attention is the demon clan.

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