Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 22: Rage

Above the ruins of the base, armed helicopters, fighter jets and transport planes fly over from time to time.

The huge hole in the entire base has been surrounded by layers of walls, barbed wire, and isolation belts.

Countless heavily armed soldiers, dragon bird guards in uniforms, and researchers in biochemical suits have spread throughout the base.

With the arrival of Li Anping's body, countless men belonging to Daxia have taken over the ruins of the entire base. All kinds of materials, materials, and data in computers are constantly being unearthed.

In fact, this time the operation was originally for Liu Feng to pretend to be Peter Parker, while Li Anping's mind energy was possessed by Liu Feng, and Liu Feng himself was monitored by Li Qian's ability.

In this way, as long as the mastermind behind the scenes takes Liu Feng, the incarnation of Nian Qi can ensure that Liu Feng is safe and sound, and Li Qian's ability can also help Daxia Longque find the opponent's location.

Unfortunately, what Liu Feng was brought into was not the opponent's main base, and the so-called God King did not appear in person.

But even so, the level of technology contained in this base is enough for Daxia Longque to gain a lot.

Seeing the expert operating the blackened computer in front of him, the doctor looked both happy and distressed.

Fortunately, the technological level displayed by the other party is at least 50 to 100 years ahead of Daxia. What is distressing is that most of the base was destroyed by Li Anping's punch. Even with the ability of experts to control computers, less than one-third of the data was rescued.

But what the doctor cares about is different. Liu Feng on the side compares it. More concerned about the other party's intelligence.

"What about experts? Can you find out the locations of their other bases?"

The expert shook his head and slowly withdrew the thought energy on his fingers from the opponent's computer.

"They are all research machines. Their internal network is broken. To find the core information, I must find the server where they build the data warehouse."

Liu Feng sighed and looked up at the large ruins around him. It's really hard to give an expectation as to how much information I can find.

Not to mention that experts and doctors continued to collect information here, Liu Feng walked towards the inside of a transport aircraft.

There are several computers and two large display screens in the transport cabin, and many staff are busy working non-stop. It is the temporary command center of Daxia Longque here.

Li Anping sat in front of the screen. I kept clicking and drawing, and listed one list after another, showing the harvest of Daxia Longque this time.

Although a lot of things were lost due to his attack, once all the information and materials collected by Daxia Longque were digested, it would be enough to improve Daxia's technological level by more than fifteen years.

Just then, there was a flash on the display screen. Prompts that there is a communication request.

"Sir, there is an unknown communication request. We haven't found out where it comes from. Do you want to answer it?"

Li Anping said calmly: "Take it."

I saw a flash on the big screen, and the upper body of the God King appeared in front of Li Anping.

Seeing the leisurely Li Anping in front of him, the God King gritted his teeth and said: "Li Anping!!"

"God King? Or Dobda?" Li Anping said casually.

"Don't call me that name." The God King said disdainfully: "That name has nothing to do with me." He looked at Li Anping and said coldly: "Li Anping. And Daxia Longque, I'll count on you to be cruel this time. But you guys Destroy one of my sub-bases, don’t think it’ll be over that easily.”

"Let me ask you, is Christine in your hands?"

Li Anping nodded: "Yes, I'll let you meet me."

After a few minutes. Under the escort of several Dragon Bird guards, a pale-faced Christine was escorted in front of Li Anping. Christine burst into tears when she saw the God-King on the screen.


Seeing Kristine looking like she was about to cry, the God King was already furious, but when he found Kristine's empty sleeves, he was even more livid. He said word by word: "Chris Ting, where is your right hand? Did Li Anping do anything to you? "

Before Christine could speak, Li Anping had already waved his hand and had Christine escorted back again. Looking at the furious God King, Li Anping said calmly: "Dobda, right? This subordinate of yours doesn't know the rules of being a prisoner, so I took off one of her hands."

"I said, my name is not Dobda, my name is God King." God King's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and he roared like a furious monster: "Li Anping, Christine is my woman, if you dare Touch her again and I will make you regret living in this world."

"Oh? You care about her very much?" Li Anping smiled: "That's best. If you don't want anything to happen to her, just hand over Tian Haowen. As for the matter of the Eighth Research Institute, it's best to keep it rotten in your stomach for the rest of your life."

The God King was so angry that he trembled all over. Since he came to this world, he had never been bullied like this before. It was a shame and humiliation. Looking at the indifferent Li Anping in front of him, the God King turned off the communication directly.


With a roar, the God King punched the console in front of him, directly smashing the console into a huge dent and sending out balls of electric sparks.

"Trash! Li Anping, you trash!"

"I'm going to kill you!"

While roaring, the God King drew out the lightsaber from his waist and slashed the console in front of him into pieces with a few slashes.

Beside him, a young woman dressed as a maid was looking at the God King in front of her with fear. In her memory, no matter what kind of situation he encountered, the man in front of her always looked confident and had everything under control.

In fact, up to now, with the endless high technology, the God King has never failed. This is the first time the girl has seen the God King so furious.

The only similar time was last year, when a prince in Dallas flirted with Xia'er. As a result, the prince was assassinated by the God King the next day. Before he died, his lower body was cut off and he suffered all kinds of cruel torture.

But compared to this time, the God King's anger was more than a hundred times stronger.

Just when the woman was thinking about this, she suddenly heard the God King say coldly: "Dong'er..."

I saw that the God King at this time, although his eyes were still full of bloodshot, the rage had gradually subsided, and the only thing left was a bleak killing.

"Master!" A woman named Dong'er, dressed like a maid, bowed and said.

"Go and bring Tian Haowen here." After a pause, the God King continued, "Take T1000 with you. If he doesn't want to come, just catch him."

Dong'er hesitated and said, "Master, are we going to hand him over to Li Anping?"

The God King snorted coldly, "Just go when I tell you to go. What nonsense. Christine is my woman. I will never let anyone hurt her."

Dong'er nodded and wanted to say something, but seeing the God King's cold eyes, she bowed and retreated.

Only the God King was left in the room. He quietly looked at the big screen, which showed the last image left by Li Anping when he communicated before.

Looking at Li Anping in the image, a trace of viciousness flashed in the God King's eyes.

Women, this is the biggest reverse scale in the God King's heart. Anyone who touches his woman must die. Even if you want to, you can't think about it. This woman covers a wide range, including all those who are related to the God King, those whom the God King likes, likes, and even appreciates.

And Christine is one of the women that the God King particularly favors during this period, so he lets her preside over the disciplinary base. This is also a habit of the God King, handing over part of his foundation to the woman he favors to manage.

But now Li Anping not only caught Christine, but also broke one of Christine's hands. How can the God King not be furious and crazy?

"Just a native..." The God King gritted his teeth and said, "Now let you be arrogant for a while, and when I exchange the mothership, the Death Star, and the Gulanxiu, I want the entire Daxia Dragon Bird to be buried with you."

Thinking that the natives who were originally waiting to be surpassed and trampled in his eyes were now bullying him, the God King became more and more angry.

But what he didn't know was that he planned to "show mercy" and let others go temporarily, but others didn't plan to let him go easily.

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