Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 6: Purpose

The Ten Fist Sword can increase its absorption ability by one level each time it breaks through. For example, a fifth-level ability user can use the Ten Fist Sword to absorb five abilities. As long as he holds the Ten Fist Sword, he can use the absorbed abilities.

However, although the main body of the Ten Fist Sword is powerful, it also absorbs the mental energy of powerful men of all ages, making it difficult for ordinary people to use it. Because Nian Qi is the integration of body and spirit, the Ten Fist Sword, which has absorbed so much Nian Qi, also contains the spiritual will of various different people, and contains all kinds of positive or negative emotions.

Most people can persist just by holding a sword, but once they use the Ten Fist Sword, they will be eroded by the spiritual will contained in these thoughts. Or have their personality changed, or go crazy.

Therefore, the leaders of God's Domain have an alternative method, by creating replicas of the Ten Fist Sword, and using the replicas to absorb and use abilities. Unfortunately, the replica is much less powerful than the real Ten Fist Sword, and each sword can only absorb one ability.

But Li Anping has no such scruples. Mental attacks have no effect on him at all. Holding the Ten Fist Sword in his hand, he will not be affected at all and can use the demon sword in his hand without any worries.

At this time, Li Anping had reached the fifth energy level through the practice of Hell Map. Like other fifth-level experts, his body had also become inhuman. After completing the transformation of all six major systems, Li Anping's body now has unlimited possibilities for growth.

There are no bottlenecks, no obstacles. As long as he keeps exercising and keeps devouring strong people, his physical fitness will continue to grow indefinitely. One day, not to mention the entire planet, there may be nothing in the entire universe that can stop him. .

So Li Anping can now use the Ten Fist Sword to absorb five abilities. And when he came to Xindongyang this time, he wanted to find some with powerful abilities among the monsters here, and then absorb their abilities.

Originally, Li Anping could also directly find ability users to absorb it, but the Ten Fist Sword's absorption. In other words, the sealing ability is also defective. That is, the ability that is sealed into the sword body can never progress. In other words, the ability user who is sealed is at the third level, so the ability that Li Anping obtains will always be at the third level and can never progress.

As for the practice of the Ten Fist Sword, a person can only use five seal abilities. It cannot be modified or deleted, so practitioners need to choose carefully.

Li Anping also understood why Xinjun didn't absorb a lot of abilities. Obviously he didn't want to absorb low-level abilities, so he chose level five ability users for all the seal targets.

But Li Anping didn't want to absorb the fifth-level ability users on Dongda Road, nor did he think their abilities could increase his combat power. So he chose Xindongyang.

Among these monsters infected by ash. There are many powerful beings, many of which are even comparable to level five ability users, and if you choose them, you don't have to worry about backlash in the country, unlike if Li Anping directly chooses his ability users, it may cause people to panic.

In addition, the emergence of New Dongyang has also opened up endless opportunities to the whole of Daxia. Like Li Anping came to Xindongyang this time. There are several purposes in total.

The first natural thing is as mentioned above, choose powerful monsters and seal their abilities through the Ten Fist Sword.

The second is to use these monsters to study the Ten Fist Swords here. Li Anping hopes to find a way to break through the number of Ten Fist Swords. It is best to find a way to practice the abilities of the Ten Fist Swords.

The third is that while searching for monsters, he discovered that he could subdue a group of monsters. Many of the monsters in Xindongyang, such as the golden three-headed dragon and the black dragon in front of him, were all intelligent, and Li Anping wanted to subdue them. Enhance the strength of the entire Daxia.

After all, Takeuchi Seita is just a clone of Hui. He can restrain these monsters to stay in Dongyang with all his strength. It is impossible to let them fully obey his arrangements. In the final analysis, it is impossible. Or because he is not strong enough.

The fourth is that the environment here is more suitable for Li An's training in his normal stage. It can not only help him adapt to his increasingly powerful power, but he can also practice and experiment with various secret martial arts here.

The current situation between the two main camps in the east and west is very tense. In addition to becoming stronger himself, Li Anping also needs a powerful army to implement his will.

Think about it, if he has tens of thousands of people, each with a ten-fist sword, has practiced secret martial arts, and has an army of countless powerful monsters, then he will not be afraid of them playing nuclear binding, and it will naturally not take long to conquer the Western Continent. .

The last goal is still Hui's body. Although Li Anping's body no longer has bottlenecks, his current body is too powerful. On such a powerful basis, every improvement requires a huge amount of resources. The cost-effectiveness of ordinary clones is too low. In addition to replenishing soul energy, It has no effect. Now even if he eats for a year continuously, Li Anping will only improve by a few tenths.

Unless there is a new leap in cloning technology, this is beyond Li Anping's control. So he thought about whether he could swallow Hui's body.

But the result made Li Anping very dissatisfied.

He remembered the conversation he had with Hei again.

"Does it have to be a human being? Isn't it okay to eat animals?"

"Hahahaha." Hei Kuang laughed and said, "Try letting tigers eat grass and lions eat vegetables. Human beings are the food we need."

‘Is it necessary food? ’

Since arriving in Xindongyang, Li Anping has tried to eat the flesh of the gray, hunted various monsters, and then monitored his body all the time to see if there was any effect.

But it was useless. Although these foods would be absorbed and digested by his body and used to strengthen his body, it was just like ordinary people eating meat to grow flesh. There was no excellent effect brought by devouring humans. It was just that the nutritional value was much higher than that of ordinary pork and beef.

While Li Anping was thinking, he had already flown to the side of the two dragons. Looking at the two muddy dragons, he smiled coldly and shouted: "Why are you pretending to be dead? Get up."

Then he saw the black dragon and the golden three-headed dragon, which just looked like a pile of rotten meat, crawled up and lay in front of Li Anping like a pet dog, looking at each other with a flattering face.

Li Anping said lightly: "My patience is limited. This is the last time I ask you. Either die or be my subordinate." Seeing that the two dragons were still dodging and hesitating, Li Anping narrowed his eyes slightly and rushed towards the two dragons with a trace of murderous intent.

Although Li Anping was not interested in the abilities of these two dragons, their overall strength was enough to compete with level 5 ability users. No, it should be said that their capital was still above level 5 ability users, but they did not have as many skills and tricks as humans.

This kind of strength was already ranked in the top 20 in Xindongyang, otherwise Li Anping would not have spent time to subdue them.

At this time, the two dragons felt a trace of murderous aura released by Li Anping, and immediately trembled all over their bodies. In Li Anping's cold eyes, they finally lowered their heads that were proud in the past. After all, they are beasts, and they do not have as much self-esteem and integrity as humans.

Especially the black dragon, while lowering his head, he also screamed, as if to gain sympathy. The golden three-headed dragon on the side saw it, and was not willing to be outdone. He stretched all three heads towards Li Anping and opened his mouth as if he wanted to lick him.


Li Anping stretched out his hand to stop the golden three-headed dragon from approaching. Looking at the foul-smelling mucus on the other's tongue coating, he did not want to be licked by this thing.

The eyes of Talese and his companions were still filled with shock, looking at the two dragons as big as a small mountain that could easily kill them just now, lying in front of Li Anping like pets.

However, since Claudia's call of Li Anping just now, their eyes have been filled with admiration, especially when Li Anping came to the two dragons and everyone saw his appearance clearly, this admiration was even more full from their eyes.

After all, the East Continent is different from the West Continent. The ability users are openly present, and Li Anping, as the strongest among them, has gained many admirers after a series of power demonstrations and his unbending tolerance of social darkness.

The only ones who didn't have this look were Claudia and the family knights who came with Claudia.

Although Talese was not from Daxia, he also showed admiration and envy when he saw Li Anping training two huge beasts like training pet dogs.

He turned his head and looked at the money rat on his shoulder, which was still trembling with fear, and sighed. His pet was already very high-end in the eyes of others, but compared with Li Anping, it was so far behind that the taillights of the car could not be seen.

At this moment, Claudia on the side ran to Li Anping first, and no one in the team stopped her, because Li Anping was the target they were looking for in West District 69.

Claudia ran to Li Anping with an angry face, looked at his cold look, and thought about the hardships she had gone through all the way, and tears could not help falling from her eyes.

Such a beautiful goddess shed tears, and Tares and his group were depressed, and they wanted to comfort Claudia.

But Li Anping was on the side, how dare they do this, they could only look at each other with envy.

Li Anping didn't respond, but just asked, "How did you know I was here? Forget it, tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Claudia turned her head and wiped her tears, as if she didn't want Li Anping to see her weakness. Hearing Li Anping's question, she snorted coldly and said stiffly, "What else can I do? I came to ask you when you will marry me. How long do you want to delay it?"

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