Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 74: Full Fire (2)

The spirit gem allows the user to possess the fifth level of power of the Queen of Heaven within 12 hours.

A tool that can turn mortals into gods.

Li Anping threw the spiritual gem into his mouth, and felt that the extremely strong spiritual gem instantly turned into streams of cool air after entering his mouth.

A unique power slowly flowed through Li Anping's body. An inexplicable brilliance emerged from Li Anping's eyes. The whole world seems to have changed.

Li Anping has never seen the world so clearly as he does now. Consciousness scanned hundreds of kilometers around it in an instant. With the change of attention, every atom, every molecule, various rays in the air, as well as magnetic fields, electric fields, and even radiation of various energies. All of this was displayed so clearly before Li Anping's eyes that he felt like his eyes could see through everything.

"Is this the world in the eyes of the Queen?" Even though countless tentacles were close at hand, even though the fatal threat was in front of him, there was still no confusion in Li Anping's eyes, let alone the slightest bit of panic.

There was only curiosity in his eyes. At this moment, Li Anping was like a newborn baby, looking at the whole world with curious eyes.

His right hand gathers the power of the void force field, and his left hand is the spiritual force field belonging to the Queen of Heaven.

Li Anping didn't know how the Queen used her abilities, but he knew that he could do it himself.

I saw Li Anping stretched out his palm and gently brushed the previous air. Wherever he passed, layers of virtual force fields wrapped the air in front of him, with the help of the mental force field. Things that were originally difficult to detect with the naked eye were scanned by mental power, and now appeared in Li Anping's mind at a glance.

Molecules, atoms, nuclei, protons. Neutron, electron.

Oxygen, nitrogen, radon, helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon in the air.

All of this seemed to be vivid in his mind, and Li Anping could even wrap them with his own virtual force field, and then start to move. Collision, convergence, and suddenly, incredible power rose from Li Anping's palm.

A little light shines from the ground, and the next moment, it lights up the entire sky!

Amestrian Federation. City in the sky.

All five ability users of the Imaginary Number Agency were present, or in other words, through high-definition projection and the Internet, the images and sounds of the five ability users of the Imaginary Number Agency were all gathered into the conference room of the Sky City.

On the round table in the conference room, the only empty seat belonged to Jane.

The one at the head was a man wearing a monocle and his snow-white hair was meticulously combed. Wearing a straight female outfit, she is the leader of the Imaginary Number Agency. She is over seventy years old, but her behavior is still notoriously tough. One of the fifth-level ability users of the Imaginary Number Agency, Judy Em.

She said: "I think everyone knows what this emergency meeting is about. Since the butcher appeared, a series of huge changes have taken place in the Eastern world.

The changes in Dongyang this time are obviously inseparable from him. "

A blond man, wearing a tuxedo and gold-rimmed glasses. The young man who looked like an ancient aristocrat said: "Do you doubt that what the Queen of Heaven said is true? According to satellite images, large-scale unknown creatures have appeared throughout Dongyang. They are indeed similar to human beings and monsters."

This man's name is Lestat, and it was he who participated in the last meeting held by the Queen. He and Judy were the only two people present in person at this meeting.

Regarding what Lestat said. Judy Emme was noncommittal: "There is no definite evidence yet to determine whether the strange incident has anything to do with Li Anping.

But the power displayed by Li Anping at this moment has seriously threatened the balance of the world and the safety of every citizen in the Federation.

The President has spoken to me personally, and the Commonwealth cannot tolerate the continued amplification of this uncontrolled threat. "

"Are you going to start a war?" A middle-aged man dressed like jeans chuckled. As he spoke, he picked up the wine bottle in his hand and took a sip: "Li Anping is only one person after all. Although he is very capable, , but also single. In comparison, I think the Queen's side is more difficult. The number of level five ability users in the Star Alliance is still a mystery.

What exactly is Shang Zhenhai’s ability is, the Star Alliance has kept it secret until now, and we don’t know. "

"No, I think Li Anping is the biggest threat." Lestat said: "Although the Star Alliance is powerful, its strength is at most comparable to ours, but Li Anping is different. In the past year, everyone has seen the increase in his power. Right? If in the next year, as long as his growth rate remains above 30%, I am afraid we will not even have a chance to fight with him in the future. "

Just as the senior officials of the Imaginary Number Agency were arguing about Li Anping's attitude, a staff member suddenly broke in. As soon as he came in, he felt two huge pressures on his body, making it difficult for him to move even an inch. It seemed that the next second Bell, he will die a violent death.

However, the pressure came and went quickly. Judy glanced at the staff, frowned and said, "Didn't I tell you that we are in a meeting? If there is anything, we will talk about it after the meeting."

"Sir, a new situation has occurred in Dongyang." The staff said in a panic.

Judy asked: "What's going on?"

"Kyoto... Kyoto, a high-energy reaction has occurred. According to the test, a large-scale nuclear fusion reaction and explosion has occurred." When this sentence was finished, the faces of the five people present had changed at the same time, and the terrible pressure came from Judy and Lestat again.

The staff member could only tremble and continue: "According to the calculation of the working group, its explosion power is equivalent to the explosion of a 50 million ton hydrogen bomb."

At this moment, the entire conference room was silent.


The terrible explosion occurred with Li Anping as the center.

The shock wave instantly crushed the flesh and blood around, and the high temperature of more than 350 million degrees melted everything in front of it.

A huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and everything within a radius of hundreds of kilometers, whether on the ground or underground, turned to ashes in an instant. All the monsters were also directly melted by the flames.

The air turned into a raging storm, and the hurricane swept across most of Dongyang Island. The terrifying mushroom fire cloud was tens of kilometers high, and even Yang Guang could see it.

The electromagnetic disturbance caused by the thermonuclear reaction swept across the entire planet in an instant.

Within 3,000 kilometers, all aircraft, missiles, radars, and communication equipment were affected. Countless aircraft temporarily lost contact, and Yang Guang's aircraft carrier formation was the first to bear the brunt. The entire electronic system was damaged on a large scale, the radar could not be operated, and the communication was interrupted.

Such a terrible explosion, but Li Anping, who was at the center of the explosion, was unharmed. Not only was he unharmed, but the area within one meter around him was like a calm harbor at the same time. Just one meter away, infinite light, heat, and shock waves were constantly sweeping back and forth.

Shock waves are the lateral movement of gases. Temperature is the intensity of molecular thermal motion.

Li Anping's void force field can be operated at the atomic level with the help of the Queen's spiritual force field. Whether it is high temperature or shock waves approaching him, the rioting molecules are instantly calmed down and return to calm.

Within one meter around him, it is like the eye of a storm, even calmer than anywhere else on this planet. Whether it is temperature or airflow, there is no ripple.

Above Li Anping's head, all the tentacles and flesh had disappeared, and the previous crisis had been completely resolved.

But under Li Anping's feet, within a radius of hundreds of kilometers, the pink meat mountain was only vaporized to a depth of a few kilometers. The gray under his feet, even if it was only the core part, was as large as a mountain range. Such a violent explosion was just a cut for him.

From that moment on, the difference in strength caused by the size was as obvious as that between the gray and Li Anping.

At this time, the gray had already shown the word "huge" to the extreme. The strength generated by his huge body made Li Anping's series of attacks unable to take him down.

What's more troublesome is that as the explosion slowly stopped and the high temperature and heat gradually disappeared, the surface of the meat mountain has begun to wriggle again, and layers of dead skin and dead meat have been replaced. The speed of gray's regeneration seems to have become faster.

However, Li Anping didn't put his hope on this attack. His mind received the information from the incarnation of the mind. His eyes seemed to have seen through layers of space and came to the lowest level of the meat mountain.

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