Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 70: World-Class Crisis (25)

Dozens of kilometers away from Mount Fuji, in a square full of ruins.

A dark portal suddenly appeared, Bai Xinghe stepped out of the portal and looked around, his eyes mixed with awe, disbelief and doubt.

When he turned his head and saw Mount Fuji, he was immediately stunned. Awe, doubt, sigh, all emotions turned into one.

That is shock.

It was like seeing a miracle between heaven and earth, which was an endless worship of the ultimate power.

Just when he was staring at Mount Fuji, a voice came from the portal: "What's going on? Is it safe?"

Bai Xinghe sighed, his eyes still staring at Mount Fuji, and said, "No problem, come out."

I saw more than a dozen embassy staff, doctors, nurses came out of the portal one after another, as well as Hansen and Krahn, all unconscious on stretchers.

The last person was naturally Emma, ​​who was pale and dusty at this time. The ponytail had already been spread out, turning into long hair draped over the shoulders. She was still wearing a white hospital gown, looking like she had just escaped from the hospital. Her beautiful face made her look even more pitiful.

After she passed through the portal, she closed it completely. At this time, a large number of people gasped in shock.

"What happened?" Emma turned her head with a vigilant look, and in front of her was a scene like the end of the world.

As far as the eye could see, all man-made buildings had turned into ruins, and the entire city had become a tomb of reinforced concrete. And Mount Fuji, which had collapsed two-fifths, became the most desolate background.

Looking at all this with shock on her face, Emma opened her mouth and said, "This... was all done by adults?"

"I'm afraid it was Li Anping who did it." In Bai Xinghe's eyes at this time, the burning ambition has replaced the shock: "Individual power can actually reach such a level. I am not alone..."

Emma didn't think about these. Her eyes quickly passed over Mount Fuji and came to the corpses mixed in countless ruins. The densely packed corpses may be more than the people Emma has seen in her life.

There has never been that moment. Death, so shockingly presented to Emma. The gap between powerful people with abilities and ordinary citizens is so deep.

How fragile are ordinary people in front of the strong.

Just as everyone sighed, mourned, was shocked, and expressed their different emotions in their hearts, a black line suddenly appeared in the distant sky, silently. The black line was falling at a terrifying speed, as if it was going to split the entire sky in two.

And the ultimate goal of the black line is Mount Fuji on the ground.

Because the speed was too fast and the sound was too slow, no one could hear the sound of the black line moving during the whole process.

Among the crowd, Bai Xinghe had the best eyesight and was the first to discover the black line. Just as he was thinking about what the black line was. A terrible thought came into his mind.

‘Damn, the battle is not over yet. No, it should be said that the Black Devil and the World-Destroying Beast. How could their battle end so quickly. ’

His face changed wildly, and he turned his head and yelled at Emma: "Open the portal quickly!"

Emma looked at Bai Xinghe with a puzzled look, frowned and said: "What's wrong? We should find a place to replenish first, and then contact the fleet."

"Shut up!" Bai Xinghe interrupted impatiently. Pointing to the direction of the black line in the sky, he shouted: "They are going to continue fighting!"

Emma's face changed, and he immediately opened another portal and yelled to everyone: "Go! Enter the portal! Let's get out of here quickly!"

Compared to other ordinary people in Kyoto. Emma and the others were undoubtedly lucky, because they had Bai Xinghe to discover Li Anping's attack in advance, and Emma opened the portal to speed up their escape.

In contrast, the other survivors in Kyoto had no idea what the rapidly falling black line in the sky represented.


Nuclear weapons are one of the ultimate forces of mankind, but because of their high pollution, high maintenance costs, and insignificant effect on underground fortifications, many countries are developing new strategic weapons.

And the Rod of God is one of them.

On the satellite platform, a six-meter-long, several-ton titanium rod is thrown into the atmosphere at an initial velocity of 11 kilometers per second. This high-density metal rod, with the help of rocket boost and the huge kinetic energy generated by free fall, can carry out precise strikes on high-value strategic targets in any region of the earth at any time.

It does not rely on any ammunition, but relies entirely on kinetic impact, but its attack effect can be comparable to a nuclear bomb in some aspects.

When the top leaders of various countries saw what Li Anping was doing, they all thought of the Rod of God.

Various monitoring devices kept scanning Li Anping, but the data they got was pitifully small because the opponent was too fast.

Under the continuous acceleration of gravity and the void force field, Li Anping's falling speed had reached an incredible level. Even he himself could no longer control his direction, his eyes were blurred, and the speed in front of him had completely exceeded the limit that his nerve reaction speed could control.

When the black line in the sky fell, the entire sky was divided into two. Everyone looked at the black line that fell on the top of Mount Fuji, and it seemed that the world was quiet.

But the quiet time was only a short moment, and after this moment, there was an earth-shaking explosion.

The earth rolled like a domino, and the terrible shock wave swept in all directions with Mount Fuji as the center, until it gradually dissipated hundreds of kilometers away.

The earth cracked, and countless city debris sank into the ground along with the rolling ground. And many underground buildings were crushed into pieces and thrown onto the ground.

With Mount Fuji as the center, everything within thousands of square kilometers around was destroyed.

It was like the end of the world. At this moment, human civilization seemed so vulnerable and fragile under this naked violence.

Smoke and dust rose into the sky, covering the entire sky, and even formed a huge mushroom cloud, covering Mount Fuji.

The strong vibration could even be felt throughout Dongyang.

The terrible explosion and vibration lasted for more than 20 seconds before gradually stopping. Just when everyone thought the battle was over, a shocking roar came from the location of Mount Fuji.


The huge roar set off a series of hurricanes, blowing away all the smoke and dust around. The terrible roar was like the scream of some wild beast. Ordinary people would be frightened and weak just by hearing it. Those with weaker constitutions would go insane the moment they heard the roar.

Accompanied by the roar, countless wolf-like wild beasts appeared in the entire Dongyang. They came from all directions and tore all the creatures they saw into pieces. Only a few people with abilities could resist them slightly.

They devoured all creatures and injected the power of flesh and blood into the body of Hui.

In this way, a terrible killing took place in the entire Dongyang.

The gradually awakened Hui began to harvest the grain of the entire Dongyang, just like a hardworking farmer, to collect all the straw in the field.

The cracked ground and collapsed mountains across the country all showed that Hui's **, which had been sleeping for thousands of years, was slowly waking up.

Things were heading in the worst direction.

And the one who was under the greatest pressure was undoubtedly Li Anping, who was facing Hui's naked killing intent head-on.

Standing above the completely disappeared Mount Fuji, Li Anping's right half of his body had completely disappeared in the collision. Tens of thousands of soul energies were helping him regenerate his body, and buds of flesh emerged from his remains.

Bones, nerves, lymph, blood vessels, his body was constantly regenerating with great power.

Even his chest cavity had become a pile of minced meat. Weeks of transformation efforts had vanished at this moment.

But Li Anping didn't care about these at all. As long as he could destroy the gray in front of him, he didn't care even if he was more seriously injured. Not only because of instinctive disgust, but also because the monster in front of him was powerful enough to threaten the safety of the entire human world.

Li Anping could never tolerate this situation. Transforming the human world was his goal. Before he achieved this goal, he would not allow any creature to destroy the human world.

Looking at the rolling flesh and blood under his feet, Li Anping's eyes showed a cold light.

The true body of the gray was the aggregation of countless flesh and blood. Shape and form had no meaning to him. If he wanted, his body could be transformed into any shape he could think of.

So he doesn't have limbs, a trunk, eyes, ears, mouth and nose in the human sense.

But he can grow countless hands and feet, countless eyes, countless mouths, and all the organs he wants to grow from his flesh and blood.

But Hui still has a core organ, which is like the human brain. It stores all his memories, personality, and even soul, and controls everything in the whole body.

Without this core, he is just a pool of dead meat without consciousness.

And Li Anping's target is this core.

The two consecutive hits just now have penetrated Hui's body surface, and also penetrated and tore the steel skin under the surface. The core flesh of Hui is exposed to the air.

It is a large mass of pink meat. There are wrinkles and lines on it, which looks like a strange brain that has been magnified countless times.

But it is countless times stronger than the brain, and the size is comparable to half of Mount Fuji, which makes it even more difficult to start.

But Li Anping had no time to wait. With the two blows just now and the negative emotions injected by Takeuchi Qingta before, Hui's true consciousness had slowly awakened in the rage.

Once his body was fully awakened, even Li Anping would not be able to completely kill him just considering his size. So he had to hurry up and destroy Hui's brain as soon as possible.

But just when his body was about to regenerate, the pink meat mountain began to slowly sink, and dozens of huge tentacles stretched out from the ground, each of which was hundreds of meters thick and dozens of kilometers long, all with enough power to overturn the river and sea, and lashed towards Li Anping in mid-air. (To be continued...)

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