Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 2 Blood Sea Chapter 19 Funeral (2)

In the auditorium, more than a hundred men and women attended the funeral. As the elite class of Zhongdu, every move made by any one of them has a huge impact on Zhongdu.

They either hold billions of wealth or are in charge of a powerful party. We are gathered here just because the protagonist of this funeral is Shang Zhenbang, the most powerful man in Zhongdu, the son of Shang Anguo.

Men and women gathered together in twos and threes, talking to each other. This funeral is also a rare communication gathering for them. Only Shang Anguo can bring together so many powerful people in Zhongdu City.

The two brothers Huo Qing and Huo Fei stood alone in a corner of the auditorium, looking out of place with the atmosphere of the entire auditorium.

Looking at the men and women chatting around him, and listening to the terms they used such as investment, rate of return, yachts, and golf, Huo Fei's expression became more and more disdainful.

Seeing his appearance, Huo Qing chuckled and said: "Xiao Fei, don't look down on them. Do you think you can kill all the people in this auditorium alone? Yes, that's true. But killing can't solve the problem. .You kill any one of them and our whole gang will be wiped out the next day.

On the contrary, if they want to deal with you, they only need to use their mouths, and there is no risk at all. Remember, those who fight bravely and rely on ability and skill to get ahead are just the anger of a common man and can never be compared to the power brought by power and money. The anger of an ordinary man will cause blood to splash five steps; the anger of the emperor will cause millions of corpses to be laid down. Which one do you think is more powerful? "

Huo Fei was silent for a moment, then said coldly: "I know, but I just can't stand how hypocritical they are. Saying one thing and doing another is really disgusting."

"Lies and hypocrisy are the best lubricants in this world. Without these, the entire order of human society will collapse in less than three days." Halfway through his words, Huo Qing suddenly turned his head thoughtfully, Found that Huo Fei had disappeared. He smiled, raised his hands to signal to the men on one side, and walked over.

"Director Wan, long time no see."

On the other side, Anna and a middle-aged woman were also in the auditorium. The middle-aged woman next to her raised her eyebrows and had her hair tied up. At first glance, she looked like a powerful and resolute woman.

A woman's skin looks fragile, and she has definitely spent a lot of time and money on maintaining it. Her face is vaguely similar to Anna next to her, but she is Anna's mother, Liu Qian.

At this moment, she was talking loudly with several ladies, while Anna beside her stood obediently, silently. She was knocked unconscious by Alang in the hospital and suffered a slight concussion. She has been staying in the hospital since then. During this period, the police also came to take notes, but they were blocked by her mother.

"Qingqing, your daughter is so cute. I heard that she is currently studying finance at Tiancheng University? What, do you plan to let her inherit your husband's company in the future?"

"Hehehehe." Liu Qingqing laughed: "What kind of company does the girl belong to? I really hope that she will calm down and find a good husband to marry, so I brought her here today. It will save her old age. It was with her college classmates."

"Haha, everyone has their youth." Another lady said: "Nana, look over there. The young master of the Liu family has inherited the ancestral shipping business at a young age. He is young and promising. He is still young. Next to him was the second son of the Fan family, a master of law who had returned from studying in the Amestrian Federation. He came back this year to take over the family's import and export business.

And Mr. Wan on the left is the son of Director Wan of the Public Security Bureau. I heard he is also from Tiancheng University and happens to be an alumnus of Nana. "

Hearing what her mother and several ladies were talking about, Anna's face became a little ugly, and she felt more and more disgusted in her heart. Liu Qingqing frowned when she saw Anna's expression. After the ladies left, she began to teach Anna a lesson.

"Nana, what's the matter with you? I'll bring you here to meet the upper class in Zhongdu and gain experience. Don't make a bad face for me. This is not your home. Everyone is waiting for you."

Anna knew that her mother had not cared about her in the past few years, but she suddenly brought her out today. I want him to find a young master to marry, as a marriage tool for the family. This was something she never wanted to agree to.

She knew that if she didn't start to resist now, it would be too late to resist later. So she plucked up the courage and said, "Mom, you haven't cared about me since I was a child. Why do you care about me now that I'm older? I have someone I like, and I don't need you to arrange it."

After listening to what Anna said, Liu Qingqing's face became even more ugly. She was used to having everything in her own hands, and what she couldn't stand the most was when someone in her family opposed her arrangements.

When several guests on the side saw the two people arguing, they secretly pricked up their ears and planned to watch the show. Do they know that this Liu Qian is a powerful woman. In his twenties, he married Anna's father, who was already in his fifties. After giving birth to Anna, he devoted himself to joining the upper class.

With her sharp teeth and long sleeves, she is good at dancing. Nowadays, in the wealthy circles of the central city, everyone will give her some face. Anna's father's company grew bigger and bigger, and this woman also had some credit for it.

"Okay, okay, okay." Liu Qian had a dark face and whispered to Anna: "I still don't know who you like? That Li Anping has died long ago, and even if he hadn't died, he would have ended up on the run.

I will take you to meet a few gentlemen in a moment, all of them are real good people. Today is the beginning of your entry into the upper class society. Don't make trouble for me later, got it? If you don't behave well for me, I'll go back and ask your dad to take care of you. "

"I'm not going." Anna turned her head and ignored Liu Qian: "Mom, you didn't care about me before, don't care about me now."

"Okay, your wings are strong, right?" Ye Qian's face became darker and darker, and her eyes narrowed slightly, which was a little scary: "Are you going?"

Anna exhaled. Although she was overwhelmed by her mother's momentum, she kept her head down and did not answer.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll take care of you when I get back." Liu Qian looked around, obviously not wanting to really quarrel with her daughter here, that would be too embarrassing.

"Aunt Liu, long time no see, who is this?"

At this moment, a young man in a suit and leather shoes with an extraordinary temperament walked towards Liu Qian and her daughter. This man walked like a dragon and had a slender and powerful figure. At first glance, you can tell that he has an extraordinary background, and he is not an ordinary second-generation ancestor who relies on his parents. He is a wealthy young man with his own ideals and ambitions.

"Hehehehe, this is my daughter Nana." Liu Qian covered her mouth and smiled, not looking unhappy at all. Showing her proficient social skills, she pointed at the young man and said, "Nana, this is Mr. Quan, the son of Lawyer Xu's family. He just came back from the capital. The chain of supermarkets he runs has assets of more than 20,000 yuan in just one year." Yiyi, absolutely young and promising.”

"Aunt Liu is so complimentary. There are so many young talents here today, how could it be my turn? It's a pity that Zhenbang left too early. Alas, I think he also grew up playing with me when he was young."

After saying this, the two of them observed another moment of silence.

Then the man known as Mr. Quan looked at Anna, with a glint in his eyes: "Miss Nana is indeed Aunt Liu's daughter. She is even more beautiful than the rumors say. Aunt Liu, you two mother and daughter stand together today and bring all the girls together." The guests are all in competition.”

"Mr. Quan, you are the one who deserves the prize. Nana hasn't graduated yet and is still a little girl. I brought her here today to see what upper class society is like. You two are young people. If you can get closer to her, Nana, if he can If you learn a little less, you won’t be able to use it all.”

Hearing the conversation between the two, Anna's face became colder and colder.

Mr. Quan saw Anna's expression, but the corners of his mouth turned up. He stretched out his hand to Anna: "Xu Quan, chairman of AC Group. Nana, when will you graduate? Do you want to come to our group for an internship? You can learn in school. No matter how much, it’s better to go to the front line and experience it in person. I was the same way.”

Xu Quan's words were full of confidence. He is no more than 27.8 years old, but he already owns a company with a market value of over 100 million. Compared with the achievements achieved by other second-generation ancestors by inheriting their father's business. No wonder he has such strong self-confidence. Of course, he would not calculate how much his father Xu Lichuan helped his company.

For an ordinary woman, he just needs to hook his fingers and go to bed on his own. The uncharacteristic behavior of Anna in front of him actually aroused his interest.

Seeing Xu Quan's hand stretched out in front of her eyes, Anna's brows furrowed. The thing she despises the most is this kind of second generation ancestor, Young Master. Relying on their family's wealth and power, they have done well whether they are involved in officialdom or running companies. There is a condescending confidence deep in his bones. Especially looking down on ordinary civilians.

He usually behaves gracefully, but once the mask is taken off, he is more vicious than the most ferocious jackal. When Mr. Quan first moved into the retail business in Zhongdu City, he forced countless shops to go bankrupt and jump off their buildings. It was only thanks to the power of his father and the mayor to engage in monopoly and vicious competition that the company could develop so well in a short period of time.

Liu Qian on the side kept winking, but Anna didn't respond at all. This made Xu Quan, who stretched out his hand, extremely embarrassed.

At this moment, the door to the auditorium opened.

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