Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 60: World-Class Crisis (14)

In front of Xinjun, there is something like a window, just like a display screen, showing the steel ruins on the East China Sea.

Jane, who was standing by, had regained her composure at this time, and took out the hemostatic spray from her combat uniform and sprayed it on the wound.

Since a person with the ability awakened, she has been using her ability for more than ten years or even decades, and the ability has long become a part of her body. Especially for a person with the ability like Jane who has been wandering on various battlefields for many years, the ability has become the support of her life. It is conceivable how much of a blow it was to her after she found that she could not use her ability.

It was like a peerless swordsman suddenly found that his hand was chopped off before the duel. Being able to regain composure so quickly also shows her strong psychological quality and mental tenacity.

While bandaging the wound, Jane looked at Xinjun from time to time, and then at the window in front of Xinjun, thinking in her heart: 'The ability, the mind, all can't be activated, but from the opponent's attack just now, he also did not use the ability and the mind, just pure muscle strength.

Or he has activated the ability, and his ability is to make others lose their abilities. ’

Just as Jian was thinking about the countermeasures at hand, Xinjun said to the window in front of him: "Did you see it? In two minutes, the entire Dongyang fleet was destroyed by Li Anping."

Under the unclear situation, Jian was also happy that the other party delayed time, giving himself more time to think, and said: "Li Anping? Are you saying that this window shows that Li Anping destroyed a fleet of warships?"

Xinjun said casually: "In the phase matrix, front and back, left and right, up and down, high and low. Far and near, all are given new concepts, even far away places can be seen instantly. During the time we are talking, this video should have been transmitted to Dongyang. Even all over the world."

"Why do you do this?"

Xinjun smiled: "Li Anping led the Daxia army to invade Dongyang, destroyed the navy, and attacked Kyoto. We killed him. Isn't it a perfect story?"

"You went to so much trouble just to frame him for the Kyoto incident?"

Xinjun shook his head. One hand swept across the window in front of him, and the entire window disappeared into the air.

"You won't understand." Xinjun looked at Jane with a pitying look and said, "The time has come. Aren't you surprised that I suddenly chatted with you? You have already lost your last chance just now."

"What time?" After saying this, Jane felt a sharp pain in her chest and heart, and then she screamed and couldn't help spitting a mouthful of blood on the ground.

Samurai sword. Slashing, wound on the right hand, these things flashed through her mind one after another, she looked at Xinjun angrily and said, "Is your sword poisonous?"

"Specially refined radioactive toxin, as the blood flows, it will completely destroy the structure of your protein, and there is no medicine to cure it." As he said. Xinjun walked towards Jian who was vomiting blood: "Modern medicine has no way to treat it. Maybe some people with healing abilities can treat it, but you may not find such people now."

Jane looked at Xinjun who was walking slowly with a ferocious expression, and said hatefully: "Don't you have any honor of a strong man?"

"Sorry, to achieve the goal, do whatever it takes. This is my life creed. It is also the fighting spirit of our nation. I was taught this way since I was a child. Your accusation is like a child's play to me."

As he said, Xinjun stood in front of Jian and said lightly: "In order to prevent the bodies of people with abilities above level 4 from being obtained by other organizations, the virtual number agency has installed a self-destruct device on the combat uniform of each high-level ability user. In addition to self-destruction when the heart stops beating, it can also be activated automatically."

Jane's expression changed. In fact, at least half of her anger and weakness were pretended. She just hoped to lead Xinjun to her and die with him. Because the ability of the man in front of him is too terrible. Once he gets close, I am afraid that all level 5 ability users will have no resistance.

Seeing the change in Jane's expression, Xinjun smiled faintly, and then put the samurai sword in his hand back into the scabbard at his waist. Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and another samurai sword suddenly appeared, as if it was summoned from nothingness, and came directly into Xinjun's hand.

Jane was shocked: "Is this some kind of ability? Is the previous guess that he can't use his ability wrong? He can use his ability, but he can restrict others from using their abilities? Or is this related to the phase matrix he just mentioned."

Just when she thought of this, her limbs suddenly went numb, and the whole person fell to the ground. She was anxious in her heart, but she couldn't feel any strength in her body, and she couldn't even move, and even her consciousness began to become drowsy.

Xinjun saw that the toxin had taken effect again, but he was not anxious in his heart. He just grabbed the new samurai sword in his hand and looked at Jane in front of him quietly. The radioactive toxin applied on his previous samurai sword would only make people completely incapable of action at first, and it would take two days to really kill people.

As time passed, two minutes later, Jane's pupils slightly dilated, and her brain began to gradually lose consciousness and fell into a coma.

Until this time, Xinjun did not give up caution, but waited carefully for another three or four minutes, until the other party's head tilted and completely lost consciousness, and then walked towards Jane step by step.

After confirming that Jane was really unconscious, Xinjun pointed the samurai sword in his hand at Jane's brain.

With a swish, the samurai sword was quickly inserted into the opponent's brain. But it was like inserting a phantom, and the tip of the sword disappeared in Jian's head. However, there was no wound or blood at the collision between the blade and the forehead.

Until this time, Xinjun showed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth: "I will accept your ability."

The next moment, the mind energy like the Yangtze River surged out of Jian's brain, and then all was sucked into the samurai sword in Xinjun's hand. As the mind energy increased, the whole samurai sword emitted a dazzling light.

This violent force directly set off a terrifying hurricane, blowing towards the surroundings. It seemed that even the atmosphere was whistling uneasy.

It was not until five minutes later that the surge of mind energy gradually disappeared, and the storm stopped raging. Looking at the samurai sword that had returned to its ordinary state, Xinjun showed a satisfied smile on his face.

He waved the knife in his hand a few times, feeling the new power, and said: "Doctor, are you there?"

A voice came from the air: "Yes."

"How long will it take for Li Anping to arrive?"

"He has arrived in Kyoto. He is heading towards the leader. It seems that he has indeed noticed something."

"Stop him and send everyone else to me."

The doctor said helplessly: "I will try my best. He is too fast. Even if I keep using the space maze and reverse the direction, I can't trap him for long. Wait, you said to send everyone here? Isn't it too anxious?"

The new king showed a confident smile on his face: "Who made our protagonist so impatient to appear so early? I can only speed up."


At the same time, the entire Dongyang border was full of news of war, invasion, and Li Anping's attack. Panic and fear filled the crowd. The strange thing is that the entire Dongyang government seemed to have disappeared completely. No policies were conveyed, and there was no action to appease the people.

Local governments can only find ways to appease the people, but without sufficient force and power, their actions have little effect.

In the Capitol, a samurai in a white uniform slowly put the bloody samurai sword in his hand back into the scabbard. At his feet were dozens of officials' bodies. The same situation happened to the top government officials in Dongyang. Almost at the same time, they were all controlled or killed directly by the ability users of the Divine Realm.

The whole Dongyang fell into chaos, and with the news constantly broadcast on TV and the Internet, everyone knew that the Dongyang Navy had been completely destroyed and Kyoto had been occupied by the enemy.

The Divine Realm was like an invisible big hand, pushing the whole Dongyang into panic.

In the cave of Mount Fuji, the leader's face was full of excitement. With the help of various news, he used the catalysis of his ability, and the whole Dongyang was full of panic. Anger, fear, and resentment.

Some people were afraid of the invasion of the Daxia army, some were angry at the invasion of the other side, and angry at Li Anping's cruelty. More people are afraid, afraid of being involved in the war, resenting the government and society.

Under the instigation of the leader's ability, the tiny emotions are magnified, and the words become actual actions. So the chaos is getting bigger and bigger, and all kinds of negative emotions are increasing.

Resentment! Fear! Anger! All the negative emotions are collected and passed to the leader's feet. A power that can destroy the world is slowly awakening.

The more he feels the huge power of the country's emotions, the more excited the leader is. Without his fifth energy level ability, without the help of the phase matrix, and without the support of the power under his feet, he would never be able to do such a thing, and he would never experience this god-like perspective.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! It's about to succeed, and a new era is coming!" The leader is like a cultist, and he murmurs neurotically: "The true God is coming! All those who betray God will be judged in the end!"


Emma hid in a tree hole to rest. Since the whole Kyoto changed its appearance, Samael has never appeared again. The other party seemed to have lost the means to track him because of this great change.

While resting to recover his strength, Emma thought: "What happened? Samael didn't come to chase me. I wonder how Hansen and the others are doing."

After resting for a while, Emma felt that her physical strength and mental energy had recovered by more than half, so she wanted to get out quickly. After all, Samael was too dangerous. If he met Hansen, Hansen and Takeuchi Aota would have no resistance.

Thinking of this, Emma stood up and stepped out of the tree hole.

But it was such a simple step, and the whole world seemed to change in an instant. This feeling Emma was very familiar with.

'Space teleportation? But I don't have the ability to use it? '

While thinking this, Emma looked around and immediately became alert. The place where she was standing now seemed to be on the playground of a university.

And Samael also appeared more than 50 meters in front of her. But at this time, he looked around and seemed to be very confused.

When he saw Emma, ​​he immediately became alert.

On Emma's left, there were Hansen, Takeuchi Seita and another young man whom Emma did not know. Opposite them, on Emma's right, was a young man with a heroic appearance. At this moment, the young man was holding the neck of a big man. The big man seemed to be in a semi-comatose state. His whole body looked bloody and mixed with countless steel fragments. It seemed to be part of some kind of armor.

And in the center of everyone, a long-haired man holding a samurai sword was standing there with a smile.

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