Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 48: World-Class Crisis (2)

In the underground training room, Li Anping was thinking about Wu Xiang's plot while punching and kicking from time to time. Every vibration of his limbs would bring up a series of afterimages, making it difficult to see clearly.

Because he was leaving for Dongyang as an envoy in a few days, Li Anping did not intend to continue with the next system transformation, but instead studied the secret martial arts he had obtained.

Li Anping specifically looked at the three secret martial arts that he might meet the requirements. Among them, the Fei Phoenix Flame-Destroying Slash requires a long period of accumulation of heat energy in the body, while the Immortal Thunder Aperture involves the transformation of the internal blood vessels and muscles of the body. Li Anping is not interested in it for the time being. Going to practice. On the contrary, Wuxiang Yinsha is a martial art. The previous parts are all about physical fitness training. The real content can be used after you have enough physical fitness.

The so-called Wuxiang assassination is a series of powerful assassination techniques. The very beginning is about how to meditate, collect one's mind and energy, and deeply hide one's murderous intention and hostility.

After that, various illusion techniques are used through body movement, light and dark changes, and the use of the environment to try to hide one's whereabouts.

Wuxiang Yinsha, who has mastered the practice, can not only completely hide his murderous aura, but even after attacking the opponent, people will not feel his hostility at all, and even ignore his own existence.

Although this secret martial art did not conform to Li Anping's always upright, hard-hitting style, it also aroused his interest.

Li Anping was seen motionless on the field, his breathing gradually became weaker, and it seemed that his whole person began to feel insignificant.

At this moment, the door to the training room opened, and a staff member walked in holding a long sword made of Edelman alloy, but he turned his eyes and looked at the entire training room hall, and shook his head: "Huh? Where is your lord?"

Li Anping was clearly standing motionless in the center of the hall, but he seemed unable to see him. Shaking his head in confusion, the staff member turned his head and went out.

Just then. Li Anping said: "Give me the sword."

The staff member hurriedly turned around and ran towards Li Anping: "I'm sorry, sir, I didn't see you just now. Here is your sword and the sword belt you requested to order."

"It's okay." Li Anping had just used Wuxiang Insidious Kill to avoid the reaction of ordinary people, so naturally he would not blame him. After taking the alloy sword and sword belt, Li Anping casually tied the sword belt around his waist, and then pinned the alloy sword to the sword belt around his waist.

This time Li Anping went to Dongyang to deal with both the Divine Realm and the Dongyang government. Although he was confident that he would not be hurt. But he will not be blindly arrogant. After all, once the chest is injured and super-fast regeneration is used, the modification of his respiratory system will be in vain.

So he deliberately planned to bring the alloy sword this time. With the strength of Edelman alloy. Coupled with Li Anping's strength and speed, he is simply invincible.

After picking up the sword, Li Anping's breathing became vague again. The staff member suddenly opened his eyes wide and shouted in disbelief: "Sir? Where are you, sir?"

He frowned and left while rubbing his head.

"It's strange. Why has the master disappeared again? Is it a new ability?"

Li Anping on the side didn't care at all. Relying on his strong physical fitness and the amazing control over his body after acquiring the 'Blood Body', Li Anping mastered Wuxiang Yinsha in a short period of time. But after all, the time was too short. If he wanted to maintain this state, he had to keep his entire body still.

And with his current cultivation level of Wuxiang, he can only hide it from ordinary people at best. Let ordinary people completely ignore his existence. The spirit of an esper is far stronger and more sensitive than that of ordinary people. Now Li Anping's Wuxiang assassination has no effect.

However, there are still a few days left before leaving Daxia. Li Anping believes that if he practices seriously, he should be able to improve.

Li Anping was still breathing vaguely in the field, but his body began to move. Every movement seems to bring up an afterimage, and the whole body looks blurry, like a ghost.

With great mental power and body control. Li Anping's progress is getting faster and faster, and he is becoming more and more proficient in hiding aura and hostility in Wuxiang's secret killings, and using the changes in light and darkness to hide his figure.

But after all, he was just practicing this thing for fun. What he really wanted to do was to improve this secret martial art and reduce its difficulty. Let more people learn from him.

However, it seems that the most important thing for Wuxiang Yinsha is physical fitness and highly condensed spirit and concentration. Generally, to achieve these, I am afraid that I have to persist in martial arts training or meditation for more than ten years, which is really not worth the loss.

‘Perhaps, the physical fitness of all civilians should be improved first. Consider both biotechnology and esoteric martial arts. Let everyone's physical fitness be improved and lay an excellent foundation. ’

Just thinking about practicing like this, four hours passed in the blink of an eye, and Li Anping gradually got some ideas in his mind. But it still needs time to perfect.

While Li Anping was practicing Wuxiang's assassination, Emma, ​​Hansen and Pinky had already taken a plane to Kyoto. The two of them were Emma's subordinates when they were in Hades. After joining Daxia Longque together, they were all assigned to Emma's subordinates.

The current Daxia Longque, Liu Sheng is responsible for the overall management, and Yang Guang is responsible for the security of Tianjing City and the training of new members. Liu Feng is responsible for intelligence and external publicity. There are also Xingzi, Zuomai, and Yanbei who are responsible for external battles.

Although Emma is powerful, she is not interested in power. Whenever there is an emergency, she will be asked for support. However, no one looks down on her for this.

After all, the strength of a level 5 ability user is there. If Li Anping is not counted, she is the strongest person in Daxia Longque now.

But as the three got off the plane, countless news about them had been passed on.

Silently, a killing storm that will be set off in Dongyang has quietly begun.

In the center of Kyoto, bustling skyscrapers stand here.

Takeuchi Qingta is just an ordinary office worker, but in the past half month, the nightmare-like experience has completely overturned his worldview.

In the coffee shop, Takeuchi Qingta's brows were tightly furrowed as he casually moved the spoon in the coffee cup.

At this moment, two men of about his age walked towards where he was sitting.

"Qingta, why did you think of looking for us?"

"It's been more than a year since we graduated from college."

Among the visitors, the tall and handsome one is called Aihara Sokai. The other one is thin, relatively feminine, and wearing a pair of black-framed glasses, and that's Chiba Ichi.

Both of them look tall and handsome, and look young and promising. One year after graduation, they have been working in a large company in the city center.

Compared with the ordinary-looking Takeuchi Qingta, they are like people from two different worlds.

But the three of them were classmates in the same dormitory in college. Although they haven't seen each other for a year, they have been in touch online. They are also Takeuchi Qingta's most trusted friends.

The three of them exchanged a few pleasantries, and Takeuchi Qingta listened to the two of them talking about their experiences after graduation, and his face showed envy.

The tall Aihara Sokai said, "Qingta, didn't you study computer science in college? Do you want to come to our company? Our IT department is just short of people. I can introduce you to it."

Takeuchi Aota quickly declined, "No, don't bother. You know me, I've finished college, and my computer skills are only good enough for playing games."

The slightly thin Chiba pushed his glasses and looked at the gloomy Takeuchi Aota, and asked with concern, "Qingta, do you have anything to do? If you need help, tell us, and we will do our best to help you."

Aihara Sokai also affirmed. But in the face of the persuasion of his two good friends, Takeuchi Aota just shook his head: "Actually, I came here this time to see you one last time. I'm going back to my hometown tonight."


"Why? Didn't we agree to do something in Kyoto?"

But no matter how the two asked, Takeuchi Aota just shook his head.

Seeing the two people's angry look, Takeuchi Qingtai thought about it, and finally couldn't help asking: "Do you... believe in supernatural phenomena?"

Aihara Canghai and Chiba Yi looked at each other strangely.

"What do you mean?"

Takeuchi Qingtai then asked: "That is to say... superpowers, for example, what do you think about humans having superpowers?"

Although Chiba Yi showed a puzzled look on his face, he still answered seriously: "Superpowers have always been considered a fantasy. But there are many such rumors recently."

Aihara Canghai also nodded: "Qingtai, do you want to talk about the recent rumors in Daxia? It seems that a person named Li Anping has the superpower to trigger a tsunami."

Chiba Yi also said: "Recently, the news in this regard is very hot. I also watched the video, but it is still unbelievable."

Qingtai looked at the discussion between the two, smiled awkwardly, and finally kept the secret in his heart and didn't say it out. (To be continued...)

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