Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 41: Cells

In the eighth institute, in an underground laboratory, there was no one around.

Only Li Anping was lying naked on a high-intelligence operating table. The entire operating table was covered with a layer of glass, which played a role of sealing and sterilization.

His right hand was placed on the intelligent operating table, and a high-definition screen was hanging above his head, allowing him to lie flat and see the position of his chest.

Under his operation, an instrument arm slowly cut his chest with a scalpel.

But after the scalpel came into contact with Li Anping's skin, it made an unpleasant friction sound, like a knife poking on a stone. Li Anping turned the power of the mechanical arm to the maximum, but only left a red mark on his chest, and even a trace of blood could not be seen.

'Is it really like this? ' Li Anping looked at his chest on the monitor and showed a clear expression. After all, with his current physical fitness, even the wind blade at supersonic speed would not be hurt, and close-range machine gun shooting could not break his skin.

Ordinary scalpels would definitely not cut his skin.

But Li Anping had expected this and was already prepared. Under his operation, the robotic arm retracted into the operating table under him, and stretched out again after a few seconds, but at this time the scalpel in the robotic arm's hand had turned into a dark red knife.

This is a high-frequency scalpel. Originally, high-frequency knives were first used in medicine and industry. This high-intelligence operating table is naturally equipped with it.

Under Li Anping's control, the high-frequency scalpel directly cut into Li Anping's chest cavity, cutting a perfect straight line on his epidermis. However, this blood line disappeared quickly. Under the powerful regeneration ability, the wound healed directly in less than a second.

With the repeated use of soul power to regenerate **, it has almost become an instinct for Li Anping. Now he has to restrain this instinct again.

Another knife cut, but this time under Li Anping's intentional control. ** did not regenerate again, and a long wound appeared on Li Anping's chest.

Next, as he operated, the entire lung was gradually exposed to the air. It can be clearly seen that with every breath Li Anping took, the lungs would shrink once.

Breathing is a basic characteristic of all organisms known to humans. Low-level organisms directly exchange gases with the outside world through cell membranes, while higher-level organisms have evolved organs specifically responsible for breathing. The higher the organism, the more responsible its respiratory system is.

Different organisms have different respiratory systems because of different environments. For example, humans live on the land, while fish can breathe in water.

The Hell Map records a respiratory system called the Abyss Breathing Method. The ultimate goal of this respiratory system is to overcome all environmental influences and be able to exchange gases with the outside world in any environment.

Whether it is carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, or even those toxic and harmful gases. They can all be absorbed through the Abyss Breathing Method, and even in the lungs of the earth, they can breathe freely.

Unless the body of the organism is completely vacuum, any gas can be absorbed. Decomposed, and finally converted into nutrients for the body.

In addition, the complexity of this respiratory system, in addition to the role of gas exchange. It also greatly enhances the strength of the lungs and the ability to smell and hold breath.

But the Abyss Breathing Method is so powerful that it is obviously not easy to complete. In fact, Li Anping never thought that this thing could be completed in one go.

Li Anping was seen on the operating table. He manipulated the mind energy, soul energy and mechanical arms at the same time, changing the basic structure of the lungs bit by bit. Every cell inside, relying on the manipulation power of Li Anping's blood body, slowly combined with the mind energy. This made Li Anping's cells fundamentally changed and brought supernatural properties.

This is also the basis of the hell map, all ** practice, and ** transformation.

You must know that the mind energy is something that is difficult to observe by technology and cannot be seen by ordinary people. It is a supernatural power. Because it is originally the product of the combination of body and spirit.

What Li Anping is doing now is like the mind energy representing half of the body and half of the spirit. He combined the mind energy with cells through the ** half of the mind energy, and made his cells also carry certain attributes of the spirit through the side of the mind energy representing the spirit.

This made Li Anping's cells begin to have spiritual characteristics.

What is spirit?

The so-called how broad the heart is, the greater the world is. The spirit originally has no limit and is beyond the material world. But now, because of the ability, humans can understand the spiritual world, and even the mind energy is born, which can allow the spiritual power of all people with abilities to interfere with the material world.

The means in the hell map are based on the mind energy, and then trained through the blood body, combining the two to control the body cell level.

After all, as long as it is a living thing, ** has its limits. If you want to improve ** to infinite possibilities, you must make it bring spiritual attributes and break the barriers between the two.

To achieve where the heart is, the body will go.

However, ** exists in the real world after all. Even if it has some spiritual attributes, it cannot be as changeable as the human spirit. So after the cell and the mind energy are combined, this new cell still has to exist in a relatively fixed structure.

So the combination is only the first step. After the combination, it brings new plasticity to the cells and **, and the complete transformation of ** is the content behind.

If a person with special abilities is in the laboratory, he can feel that Li Anping on the operating table is losing his mind energy at an alarming rate.

This is the price of combining mind energy with cells, which requires an alarming amount of mind energy.

You should know that this is not simply to infuse mind energy, but a thorough and permanent combination. How powerful is it to break the barrier between the material world and the spiritual world for cells and organs?

And he needs to concentrate all the time and maintain the cell-level manipulation of organs. At the same time, he has to operate the mechanical arm and use special techniques to inject the special nutrient solution prepared in advance into the lungs to feed the new cells.

Because this kind of cell with some spiritual attributes combined with mind energy consumes more energy for daily maintenance. So when combining mind energy, a large amount of nutrient solution should also be injected.

It took Li Anping about two hours to consume all the mind energy in his body. But his brows were tightly furrowed.

Because he spent so much effort, he found that the modified area was only the size of a fingernail. And only the properties of the cells were modified, and even the structure of the lungs did not change.

'It's more troublesome than I thought. 'Li Anping thought to himself: 'Is it because my body is too strong, and the energy required for cell transformation is so much? If I only have the level of the first energy level, it should be much easier to transform.

Sure enough, the knowledge recorded in the hell map should be used at the first energy level. Even at the zero level, it should be learned. '

While operating the operating table, suturing his chest, and spraying disinfectant, Li Anping thought of another question in his mind: 'There is another troublesome place. These replaced cells do have amazing vitality and plasticity. But my body has not been completely transformed.

In other words, when these cells disappear, the regenerated cells are the same as the original ones. These new cells can survive for a very long time, and there is no need to worry about natural replacement for the time being.

But I can't let the transformed parts get injured easily. Once injured and regenerated, the cells will be replaced and return to their original state.

So, before completely replacing the cells and completing the transformation, I must avoid injury and avoid using super-fast regeneration. ’

Thinking of this, Li Anping snorted coldly: "It seems that I have to be more careful when I go to Dongyang this time."

However, Li Anping did not really take it to heart. After all, there was still a month left, and he was sure that he could at least complete the transformation of the respiratory system.

And even if he could not use super-fast regeneration, how many people on this land could be his opponents? How many people could hurt him?

Seeing that the wound on his chest had completely healed, Li Anping sat up, opened the glass cover outside the operating table, and walked out.

At the same time, from the distant south, a stream of mind energy was coming through the air to help Li Anping recover his mind energy.

That was the effect of the mind energy incarnation. The connection between Li Anping and the mind energy incarnation had surpassed the physical barrier. This was confirmed by Li Anping before sending the mind energy incarnation out.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to leave the incarnation with Baiyue Emperor so casually. Not only could he control the incarnation from a distance, but he could also let the incarnation help him recover his mind energy from a distance, and he could even directly summon the mind energy incarnation from a distance of thousands of kilometers from Baiyue Country. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature. The novels are better and updated faster!

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