Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 21: Earth-shaking (2)

On the square in front of Baiyue Palace, Li Anping was sitting cross-legged on the ground, his left hand supporting his chin, his eyes looking at his right hand, a white air mass in his palm was changing.

This was the air mass formed by Li Anping compressing the air with the power of the void force field. The air mass looked soft and quiet, but Li Anping knew that it was pregnant with terrible destructive power.

The high-density air was forcibly compressed together by him with a force of 10,000 tons. Once released, I am afraid that half of the palace would be destroyed.

This is Li Anping studying the use of the void force field. The more he studied, the more he felt that it was full of mysteries.

And around Li Anping, who was sitting cross-legged, the square that was originally as white as jade was covered with layers of thick blood. The servants of the palace were holding mops and rags, constantly cleaning the blood on the square.

They were silent while cleaning, and their eyes were full of complex emotions. It seemed to be hatred, fear, and despair.

Today is the fourth day since Li Anping came to Qicheng.

On the first day, hundreds of challengers, including warriors, mercenaries, and civilians, came to the imperial city.

All the guards and servants in the palace will never forget that day.

The blood covered the entire square, and the field of vision was full of corpse fragments. The strong smell of blood seemed to linger on their noses forever, refusing to dissipate.

On this day, the cleaning work lasted all night. Only Li Anping and the area three meters around him remained in their original state, looking spotless, in sharp contrast to the sea of ​​blood around them.

When the news spread throughout Baiyue, its influence was like a magnitude 9 earthquake.

The TV station began to broadcast Li Anping in front of the palace 24 hours a day. Most civilians watched the live broadcast all day and cursed the man who stood proudly in the sea of ​​blood. But if they were asked to go to the palace to challenge Li Anping, they would not have the courage.

But even so, on the second day, more than two hundred people attacked Li Anping, who was sitting cross-legged in the square of the palace.

But from beginning to end, Li Anping in the live broadcast on TV did not even stand up. Without moving a muscle.

When the number of casualties on the second day exceeded one-third, the challengers began to retreat.

Their luck was obviously much better than their predecessors. Li Anping did not kill them all with one blow, but gave them a chance to escape.

On the third day, the number of people began to decrease. The warriors who had come from afar began to weigh their own weight after watching the live broadcast. Most of them went back silently with anger and fear.

And today, the fourth day. Challengers seemed to be even scarcer, and people began to complain about the government's inaction and the weakness of the army.

But when the detailed information of the eldest prince Fang Lie, the leader of the four major sects, who challenged Li Anping and was killed, was exposed, a kind of silence gradually began to spread in Baiyue. Looking at the TV. That voice that was like a demon, the people of Baiyue seemed to feel a little heavy even in their steps.

At the edge of the square, a cameraman was carrying a camera to shoot Li Anping who was sitting cross-legged. A male reporter spoke to the camera with a heavy face: "Everyone, so far, more than 700 challengers have died. Here we would like to remind the audience again that before you are absolutely sure, please do not approach the palace and do not challenge Li Anping..."

Just when the reporter was halfway through his words, a huge gunshot reached everyone's ears. The camera quickly turned to the direction of Li Anping, and Li Anping, who was sitting cross-legged, stretched out his left hand and placed it in front of his forehead.

The male reporter's words kept coming out from the TV: "It seems that there was a shooting just now. It seems that Li Anping caught the bullet with his bare hands. Incredible... He stood up."

On the TV, Li Anping suddenly stood up and took a step forward. A sonic boom sounded, and his whole person disappeared. The violently shaking camera turned around, as if looking for Li Anping's disappeared figure.

The reporter's voice came out: "Over there!"

The camera shook quickly, and after a few meaningless pictures, it stopped directly on a high-rise building in the palace. A black shadow was thrown out from the high-rise building with his limbs waving. Because the distance was too far, the camera could not see clearly who fell down.

"It was Li Anping, he seemed to have dropped the attacker." The reporter gasped: "He's back."

The TV screen returned to the position where Li Anping had sat before, and he had sat back down. He still looked spotless, giving people the feeling that what had just appeared was an illusion, as if Li Anping had not moved a step from beginning to end.

The reporter began to explain everything that had just happened.

"Just now, it seemed that someone attacked Li Anping with a sniper rifle, but was caught by Li Anping and thrown out from the roof. The imperial guards have sent people to rescue the challenger, and the challenger's situation will be reported later.

This is Blue Moon Channel 2, we will broadcast all the situations of the challenge to Li Anping for you 24 hours a day."

On a high platform in the palace, Yelu Mengxiang just stood there, staring at the position where Li Anping was, motionless. Behind her, Fang Yuelin said, "Don't we need to control that reporter? If the live broadcast continues, it will probably seriously undermine the people's confidence in the royal family."

"We have already controlled those who can be controlled." Yelu Mengxiang said with a wry smile, "But this one was chosen by Li Anping."

Fang Yuelin said again: "Can we stop those challengers and try to reduce the impact of the matter?"

Yelü Mengxiang shook her head: "It's too late. We tried this on the first day, but we were warned by Li Anping in less than ten minutes. I don't want to do anything that will cause him to rebound."

"But if it goes on like this, after ten days..." Fang Yuelin didn't say anything else, but the meaning was very clear. If it continues like this, the confidence of the people of Baiyue in the country, the nation, and the royal family will drop to a freezing point. And in the next negotiations with Daxia about joining the Pan-Continental Alliance, Baiyue will also be completely at a disadvantage.

Facing Fang Yuelin's statement, Yelu Mengxiang sighed: "What do you think of Li Anping's strength? How can our army defeat him?"

Fang Yuelin's pupils shrank slightly. In fact, she has been awake all night for the past few days and has been thinking about this problem. How can we defeat this devil-like powerful man.

But apart from using destructive weapons to attack Li Anping in a map-like manner, she can't think of any other way to hurt him. What's more, Baiyue has no weapons such as nuclear bombs. Their most powerful ability user, King Qilin, had died under Li Anping's fist. Their proud martial arts, or ancient abilities, were no match for Li Anping.

The more Fang Yuelin thought about it, the more he felt a sincere sadness. In front of Li Anping, they really couldn't come up with any bargaining chips.

Seeing Fang Yuelin remained silent, Yelu Mengxiang said, "I've thought about it for a long time, but I can't think of any way to fight against Li Anping. If we send troops, it will only be a waste of sacrifice, and it will only further boost Li Anping's reputation.

In fact, I asked for help from Star Alliance, Ice Castle, and Dongyang yesterday morning, but there has been no response until now."

Just as Yelu Mengxiang and Fang Yuelin were talking, two more warriors rushed to Li Anping in the center of the square, one on the left and one on the right, but before they could activate their abilities, white light had already shot at them. Amid the huge roar, their bodies were shattered into countless fragments and scattered all over the ground, adding a new touch of blood to the square.

Maybe their abilities are very special, maybe they are confident that they can defeat Li Anping, or maybe they have some special battle plan.

But when they stepped onto the square, Li Anping did not give them any chance to perform, and shot them directly.

After all, he was now broadcasting his process of sweeping across Baiyue. Although Li Anping also believed that he was not afraid of anyone's challenge, if he encountered some messy people with abilities, his clothes were torn, he was slightly injured, and if he won too ugly, it would also damage his image of crushing everything.

So his current countermeasure is to kill whoever comes, once the attack is discovered, he will kill them with thunder. Avoid unnecessary accidents.

Seeing that two more people died, the staff collected the bodies from the upper square. Yelu Mengxiang seemed to be in no mood to talk. He looked at Li Anping in the square coldly, turned around and left.

Only Fang Yuelin was left, looking at the figure in the square with a complicated expression.

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