Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 18: Sweep (Part 2)

Furukawa looked like a gentle old man, but at this moment, this gentle old man revealed a frightening murderous aura all over his body. His tone was filled with a kind of fanaticism that risked life and death.

"We did not die in vain. How many people were there in the entire hundred months? A total of 200 million people. The blood of our sacrifice will awaken them all.

The ideas and videos you spread, coupled with today's battle, the entire Hundred Moons of Martial Arts will enter an unprecedented period of prosperity from now on. Every young man who has been a hundred months old will devote himself to the practice of martial arts with the goal of defeating you. With hundreds of millions of people as enemies, do you really think you can defeat a country by yourself? "

The ancient legend is correct. Because of Li Anping, more and more people know about the existence of superpowers. And today, the battle between many powerful people in Baiyue and Li Anping for the sake of the country and the nation is bound to be publicized.

If you don’t die in silence, you will explode in silence. By then, more and more young people will definitely devote themselves to martial arts practice. With the huge base, how many masters will be born? What's more, there may be people with amazing talents who can break through to the fifth level.

Li Anping sighed: "Yes, the greater the pressure, the greater the motivation. I only hope that under my pressure, more masters will be born in Baiyue. Only this kind of strong person, this kind of spirit, will not be in vain." Come and destroy him yourself." When Li Anping said these words, his tone was extremely sincere.

Xie Zi and others didn't speak when they heard Li Anping's sigh. They understood that everything Li Anping said came from the bottom of his heart. With his current strength, he no longer bothers to lie. And what he said was right, only stronger people were worth killing with his own hands.

Just like the same ability user, one is level one and the other is level five, the effects will naturally be different after killing them. It would be best for Li Anping to spring out a few level 5 ancient ability users from Baiyue Kingdom now, so that he can kill them all himself. Only then can it be valuable.

Morning snort aside, he continued: "You may not be able to reach the palace alive today. Li Anping, I admit that you are strong enough to dominate the world, but Baiyue is not without masters. Today you are trying to conquer a country by yourself." , then your defeat is doomed.”

After saying this, two more middle-aged men stood up behind them. Obviously they are Xianlong and Taishi, the leaders of the Vajra Sect and the Hard and Soft Boxing School.

Morning continued: "This time the four of us will fight you. You choose who to fight first. Also, you just fought Hansen, so we can wait for you to rest."

"No need, the four of you can come together." Li Anping shook his head: "Hansen held up one move in front of me, I don't know how many moves you can hold up."

After Li Anping said this, Yin Yueliu looked across from him. The young disciples of Tianmen, Vajra Gate, and the Hard and Soft Fist sect all glared angrily, as if fire was spitting out of their eyes.

They also know that Li Anping is powerful, and they also know that even if the four masters join forces, they may not be able to defeat Li Anping. But the truth is one thing, speaking it out is another. They risk their lives. How could they not be angry when they dared to fight against a powerful enemy like Li Anping for the sake of the country and the nation, but their strength was so mercilessly underestimated by the other side?

But compared to the anger of the young people, Furukawa, Morning, Xianlong, and Taishi did not have angry looks on their faces, but were extremely calm. Revealing profound calm skills.

Li Anping thought: "Ninety percent of the people in the Great Xia Longque can't do this just to be happy but not angry, and not to be overwhelmed by anger. Although the ability of the ancient system is slowly improving, it takes too much time to practice. Energy, but for the same level, they are indeed mentally tougher than other ability users, and they can exert 100% of their power when fighting."

I saw Furukawa coming out of the crowd first: "In this case, we are not polite. Everyone, come together."

As soon as the word "ba" came out of his mouth, Furukawa's figure turned pale. He actually disappeared in broad daylight. This is one of the secret martial arts of Hidden Moon Style, which can be invisible by sunlight and moonlight.

At the same time, morning raised his hands, and the invisible force turned into a huge palm, falling from the sky and hitting Li Anping's body. This is Tianmen's Heaven-raising Palm, which can combine the power of mind and body to gather and strike from a distance.

The Xianlong of the Vajra Gate was covered with a faint golden light, and then a golden figure emerged from his body. The figure opened its mouth, and the golden shock wave shot directly towards Li Anping. The golden figure is the supreme secret of the Vajra Gate. It is a body constructed through a special method using mind energy, and it possesses all kinds of incredible abilities.

Taishi was the last one to take action. His action was the slowest, but the impact was the largest. After waving his hands and drawing graceful arcs, the air around the entire airport seemed to boil. Li Anping's position seemed to be the center of the storm, and countless airflows centered on him and continued to penetrate.

Obviously Taishi used special techniques to control the nearby airflow, hoping to use the airflow to turn into countless wind knives and tear Li Anping apart.

The attacks of the four people were launched one after another. They had never attacked at the same time before, just to attack one person. But now once the action is taken, it comes naturally and the cooperation is extremely tacit.

Although they all only have the fourth energy level, they believe that at this moment, even the fifth energy level has to avoid the edge for the time being.

And Li Anping on the court may also be a little injured.

"There is a chance, maybe Li Anping can really get hurt a little bit, as long as he can get hurt, then maybe it can create opportunities for the people behind."

At this moment, the four people who took action all thought so at the same time.

Unfortunately, the facts are always contrary to one's wishes, and the situation develops towards the worst.

Facing the offensive of the four people, Li Anping did not move, but his eyes revealed a trace of disappointment.

'Is that all? '

Then Li Anping slowly stretched out a hand, which seemed to have infinite magic, making people's eyes focus on the palm. The palm drove the arm, horizontally in the air, and waved it vigorously from left to right.

Ordinary people waved their hands vigorously, and they would fan out a gust of wind. So what effect would Li Anping's palm have after waving it vigorously?

It was a strong wind passing through, and the whole world seemed to be turned upside down at this moment. The fallen leaves, garbage, and stones on the ground all flew into the air. Cars, buildings, and glass all made creaking sounds, as if they would collapse at any moment.

The young disciples of the four major sects felt that their eyes were blown away by the strong wind in an instant. They opened their mouths to scream, but found that the air was pouring back into their mouths and they couldn't speak at all.

What shocked them even more was that the huge wind force directly lifted their bodies, as if it was eager to try and blow their bodies towards the sky.

"All get down." Tianmen Zaojian shouted loudly, and the invisible giant palm that hit Li Anping made a roar, and the power rose several steps. It directly broke through the wind and fell on Li Anping's head.

Boom! A dull sound sounded from the top of Li Anping's head, and then Li Anping was drowned by the shock wave emitted by the golden figure behind Xianlong of the Vajra Gate. On the other side of Taishi, the air he had just manipulated had been completely destroyed by the strong wind caused by Li Anping's wave. At this moment, he was sweating profusely and was reorganizing the offensive.

When the shock wave dissipated, Li Anping's figure was revealed again, and all the Baiyue people present showed a look of horror.

He was unharmed. Whether it was the giant palm in the morning or Xianlong's shock wave, Li Anping left no trace on his body. This is also normal.

Li Anping's current body is already terrifyingly strong, and with the effect of the void force field, it can be said that even if he stood there and let the four people in front of him attack at will, they could not break Li Anping's defense at all.

This point was obviously guessed in the hearts of Xianlong, Taishi and others in the morning, because they had just used their most powerful moves.

Facing Li Anping, everyone present could not hold back. But when they found that their strongest moves could not threaten Li Anping, they couldn't help but reveal a little fear in their hearts.

Seeing with the eyes and thinking in the heart is one thing, and experiencing it in person is another.

When they saw Li Anping's video, although they knew that the other party was very powerful, they were all suppressed by the country, nation, honor, dignity and other things to fear, and even imagined that they could defeat the other party.

But when they faced Li Anping in person and felt the naked power of the other party with their bodies, the fear suppressed by the hot blood emerged again.

Heartbeat, breathing, and mind, all began to be disordered involuntarily.

At this moment, Li Anping sneered: "I found you."

The next moment, he punched out in the air, and the layers of power penetrated the space and hit directly ten meters away. There was a rumble in the air, and a blood flower burst out like a blooming peony. When the head of Yueyinliu Guchuan appeared again, he had been directly blown up by Li Anping's punch and turned into pieces on the ground.

Seeing Guchuan, who was comparable to himself, being killed by Li Anping's punch, the remaining three sects' heads could not help but feel cold.

However, they were experienced in battles after all, so they immediately realized that something was wrong. With their years of cultivation, they suppressed their fear. The three people's spirits surged, and they launched another attack.

Unfortunately, their attacks had disappointed Li Anping, and he was not interested in playing with them anymore.

The body that exceeded the speed of sound was like being able to directly cross space. When Li Anping disappeared and reappeared, it also meant that the lives of the three people had come to an end.

The three heads flew up to the sky almost at the same time, and the bodies knelt on the ground one after another. The blood sprayed from the wounds seemed to dye the entire ground red.

Li Anping directly cut off their heads with a high-speed hand knife.

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