Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 16: Beginning

When Li Anping's special plane arrived at Baiyue's airspace, a debate about Li Anping was about to break out among the Baiyue royal family.

In the Imperial Temple, a group of young people wearing white scarves and plain clothes were offering incense to the emperors of Baiyue.

The leading man looked to be in his thirties. His every move was like a tiger crouching and a dragon coiling. He was kneeling in front of the portrait of the previous emperor, King Qilin. He was the eldest son of King Qilin, the current eldest prince of Baiyue, Fang Lie.

"Father, I am an unfilial son. After so long, I have not been able to avenge you. This time, even if I die and leave my last drop of blood, I will not allow Li Anping to trample on our dignity again."

After saying that, Fang Lie stood up and turned to look behind him.

Behind him stood dozens of people, each wearing a white scarf and white mourning clothes. A fierce murderous aura emanated from this group of people. Each of them was an elite of the Baiyue royal family, a battle-hardened superpower warrior. But at this moment, they stood in the Taimiao, and in addition to the murderous aura on their bodies, their eyes revealed a will to die.

Because they knew how powerful their opponent this time was, which made them despair. But even so, Bai Yue's spirit was still there. As long as they had a breath, they would never allow the mortal enemy to provoke them in their own country.

Fang Lie looked at everyone's eyes and said word by word: "Everyone, I don't need to say much about the strength of this opponent. But our nation and our spirit will never be crushed. Our blood will inspire thousands of people to fight to the end! Never surrender!"

Fang Lie's words made everyone in the hall passionate and excited.

At this moment, another prince came in and shouted to Fang Lie: "Brother, Master Guchuan of the Hidden Moon School, Master Zaojian of the Tianmen School, and Master Xinyue of the Xinghe School. They have all arrived with their people."

"Okay." Fang Lie nodded fiercely: "Facing Li Anping's challenge this time, it is related to the rise and fall of the country, the rise and fall, honor and disgrace of our entire nation. We may die in his hands, or we may not even be able to hurt Li Anping. But Baiyue's spirit will not die. After us, there will be thousands of people who stand up to fight against Daxia. To fight against Li Anping's oppression."

"Let's go."

After that, a group of people roared and walked out of the Taimiao. Their minds gushed out, burning like a raging fire. Because their spirits were unprecedentedly united and resonated at this moment, the minds of everyone came out. They actually became one.

It was like an invisible flame, rising into the sky, as if it was going to break through the clouds in the sky.

At this moment, everyone in the team was ready to die and had the ambition to sacrifice their lives for the sake of righteousness.

But just after they stepped out of the Imperial Temple, they were stopped by another group of women.

The leading woman wore a crown and gorgeous clothes, and her delicate skin seemed to be able to see through water. This woman looked very young. She seemed to be only in her twenties. She was the queen of the contemporary Baiyue Kingdom and the first wife of King Qilin, Yelu Mengxiang.

Her real age was over thirty, but her appearance did not show it at all. It was obvious that she had used countless methods to maintain her appearance on weekdays.

At this moment, this seemingly weak woman was standing in front of Fang Lie and others. In front of this weak woman who looked like she could be blown away by the wind, Fang Lie and others had to stop their steps.

"Mother, why are you here?" Fang Lie looked at the queen and couldn't help frowning.

"Where are you going?" Yelu Mengxiang looked at Fang Lie and his group with a sullen face. Although she was not a capable person, she had been in charge of the harem for more than ten years and had accumulated power for a long time. Ordinary royal family members did not dare to resist him at all.

Fang Lie frowned and said, "Mother, don't worry about this matter."

"I don't care? Do I want you to die?" Yelu Mengxiang said angrily, "Have you not seen Li Anping's methods? Now his power is simply irresistible. The only thing we can do is to be patient.

He came to Baiyue. We will treat him as an ordinary visit and receive him. Never be angered by his provocation."

"Mother, do you know what you are talking about?" Fang Lie said with red eyes: "Li Anping, this devil, killed my father, uncle, and Silang. He and our Baiyue have an irreconcilable feud. Such a person came to our country, and we still have to swallow our anger and entertain him?

People in the clan What will they think? What will ordinary people think? How will they see it? Thousands of young people in Baiyue Kingdom will lose their backbone and will never be able to stand up again. "

"Then continue to endure. Endure until Li Anping dies, endure until this era is over. "Yelü Mengxiang: "Don't you understand? Li Anping has emerged and dominated the world. He is already unstoppable. We have already lost in this era. The only thing we can do is to preserve the fire and leave a glimmer of hope for future generations.

Do you know why your father refused to pass the throne to you, but chose Silang? It's because you are too impulsive. "

When Yelu Mengxiang said this, Fang Lie and others immediately changed color. Even the identity of the other party's queen could not stop their anger. They would never have thought that the queen of Baiyue Kingdom, a woman who suffered the pain of her husband's death, would say such words.

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Mother! You will only obliterate our national spirit and make us like Yinxi and Fulun, dogs of Daxia!" One of the princes said angrily.

At this moment, a tall and heroic girl stood out from the group of female relatives behind the queen. Different from ordinary girls, this woman had rough skin on her face, strong muscles in her hands and feet, and a radiant look all over her body. A strong spirit. Standing together with Yelu Mengxiang is simply two extremes.

She is Fang Yuelin, the eldest princess of the Baiyue royal family. Because she did not have the ability to awaken her bloodline, she practiced martial arts and practiced ancient abilities since she was a child. After reaching the fourth energy level, he created a huge reputation in the underground world of southern Xinjiang, nicknamed Jade Rakshasa. But no one knew that her true identity was the princess of Baiyue Kingdom.

Fang Yuelin looked at Fang Lie and others and said: "That's enough, don't be so impulsive. Going up like this is no different from dying. It's just a sacrifice in vain. It's better to be patient, remain useful, and wait for the opportunity."

"I thought how the mother knew, but it turned out that you were the one who tipped off the news." Fang Lie's eyes swept over Fang Yuelin and Yelu Mengxiang coldly: "We are the royal family, born to be powerful. The abilities inherited in our bloodline are not only It is only a talent. He is also a responsibility and an honor. We shoulder the dignity of the entire country.

The enemy is right in front of us if we stand back now. The young people in the entire country will lose confidence, they will become walking zombies and become the objects of enslavement in Daxia.

Be patient, bear with me. We will never retreat. Even if we fight to the last man or even a drop of blood, we will never bow to Li Anping. Even after we die, thousands of our descendants will stand up. Even if the royal family is wiped out by Li Anping, thousands of people will stand up. Our sacrifice will inspire them. It’s not just us, I have already informed Grandpa Huang, and he will also come out to help us. "

"Fang Lie! You rebellious son!" Yelu Mengxiang screamed: "Are you trying to kill your grandpa Huang?"

Fang Lie no longer paid attention to Yelu Mengxiang, but directly bypassed him and left.

After he had just finished speaking, the momentum of the entire team had risen again. It seemed that everyone was gearing up, wishing that Li Anping would fall from the sky right now.

He waved his hand and everyone followed him towards the palace gate. There they will join Baiyue's many martial arts schools and prepare to deal with Li Anping together as planned.

Looking at the backs of Fang Lie and others, Yelu Mengxiang's face was livid, and her hands were shaking with anger.

An hour later, Li Anping's special plane finally arrived at the Qicheng airport. When he got off the plane, he didn't see any greeting team. Instead, many flower baskets and banners were thrown to the ground indiscriminately, and it seemed that the welcoming team had been driven away.

On this piece of debris, a giant Khan wearing a white scarf and holding a big knife sat on the ground.

When he saw Li Anping getting off the plane, he slowly stood up. He raised a large knife that was more than 20 centimeters wide and more than one meter long with both hands, pointed at Li Anping and said:

"Beidou Falling Star Blade - Senhan.

Please advise. "

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