Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 2 Blood Sea Chapter 14 Explosion

The entire Volcano Bar was now controlled by a group of armed police wearing body armor and helmets. The task force, led by Huang Linjun, arrived as soon as possible.

But even though he had seen Li Anping's crime scene not long ago, Geng Zhong still couldn't help but feel a spasm in his stomach when he saw the tragic sight of Shang Zhenbang's body lying on the ground.

Huang Linjun, who was standing by, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, stop reading. How are the statistics?"

"There are a total of 19 dead people, including Hua Bao, the eldest brother of Huo Qing Bar, Da Fei, Huo Qing's right-hand man, and Shang Zhenbang. The suspect had already escaped from the rooftop before the SWAT team arrived..."

Huang Linjun interrupted him, holding a cigarette in his mouth and said, "Okay, do you think he did it?"

He, of course, refers to the criminal who recently committed a series of murders in Zhongdu. Geng Zhong hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said: "Judging from the crime scene, it was his style, but this time everyone died of trauma. No one was brain dead. And we have many witnesses. It won't be long. We can definitely catch him."

After being so busy for more than half an hour, suddenly the lights in the distance brightened, and a black car with police lights drove in. A bald, short, fat man got out of the car. His face was ashen, and he didn't even look at Huang Linjun. The other team members went straight to Shang Zhenbang's body. This person is none other than Wan An, the top leader of the Zhongdu City Public Security Bureau.

Huang Linjun looked at Geng Zhong and said, "The master's son was beaten to death, and the old dog is anxious."

Geng Zhong glanced at Huang Linjun in surprise. Although he was temporarily transferred to the task force and became Huang Linjun's subordinate, they were not familiar enough to speak ill of their boss together.

"Where is your master?" Huang Linjun didn't take it seriously and asked.

"sick leave."

"Haha." Huang Linjun smiled disdainfully and blew out a puff of smoke: "Your master is a veteran, he saw the opportunity quite early. This task force is a fire pit. Now that Shang Zhenbang is dead, it's better to catch him. Can't catch anyone... hum."

Geng Zhong couldn't help but said: "With so many of us, can't we catch him alone? He is not a god. Even if he is a god, in modern society, once all our departments coordinate and mobilize the power of the whole society, there is no one who cannot be caught. ”

Huang Linjun smiled and said nothing.

Wanan, who was on the side, summoned everyone and started an on-site mobilization meeting. With a red face, he made harsh words about solving the case within 24 hours and searching for criminals all night. We must not let such crazy criminals go unpunished. We must do it for the people. Ensure the safety of your property.

Wan An was calm on the surface, but inside he was in a mess and hated the criminal. Shang Anguo was his immediate boss, and he was promoted by Shang Anguo. Now that the youngest son he loved most was dead, he couldn't imagine how terrifying Shang Anguo's anger would be.

Moreover, he was originally the director of Zhongdu City Public Security Bureau. The same criminal was responsible for the recent series of vicious incidents in Zhongdu City.

In the middle of the meeting, Wan An was called out by a phone call. An angry roar came from the phone, which made Wan An sweat all over his face. He held the phone, nodded and bowed, and looked at the other end of the phone. Like a pug wagging its tail and begging for mercy.

After finally answering the phone, Wan An wiped the sweat from his forehead and told Huang Linjun: "Such a serious and vicious case must not be delayed any longer. If it continues, every minute and second will be irresponsible to the people." . Huang Linjun, I give you 24 hours... No, counting the last time, I will give you three more days. You must catch the criminal. If you can't, just wait to go home and farm. "

After saying this, Wan An got on the car and left in a hurry. The members of the task force were left sighing.

Two hours later, Ark on the Blue Sea, Shang Zhai.

The entire big house was like the calm before a storm, making people want to die.

In the study room, Shang Anguo put down the phone, rubbed his forehead with his hand, and looked at Wan An in front of him. He saw Wan An was restless before he said, "Old An, you have been with me for ten years."

As soon as these words came out, Wan An was shocked. This was the standard dialogue before the lackey cooked in TV and movies, so it wasn't. He was so frightened that he almost knelt down and gritted his teeth and said: "Brother Shang, we will solve the case within three days. I have watched Zhenbang grow up. If something happens to him, I will be more worried than if my own son died." I feel sorry for you, within three days, I will definitely bring that Thousand Swordsman to you."

"I don't know what kind of thing you are?" Shang Anguo snorted and cursed directly. Wan'an has almost no professional ability. His only advantage is that he is very obedient, and he is very good at arranging police personnel.

However, Shia Anguo would never have scolded him like this in ordinary life, but when he lost his son in old age and gave birth to a black-haired man, his heart was already in chaos.

"The murderer is not an ordinary person. Ordinary policemen cannot handle it." He sighed and said, "What I want you to do is not to report any cases during this period." Generally, the city has to report such major and important cases. Report directly to Tianjing.

"But... but?" Wan An hesitated. If you conceal it like this and don't report it, once you are found out, nothing will happen to Shang Anguo, but Wan An will be left with nothing to lose.

"Hmph, after reporting it, Tianjing found out in less than half a day. When they send people over, the murderer will no longer be under my control. Don't worry, I will also send people to block other channels. Tianjing's side , No one will trouble you." Shang Anguo's face was as cold as ice: "I want to deal with that bastard myself."

Wan An hurriedly agreed and then opened the door to leave. But as soon as he opened the door, three men filed in from outside. Among the three men, two looked like foreigners, and only one was of yellow race. They were all wearing casual clothes. They were young and looked ordinary. But for some reason, when Wan An saw them, he felt that there was something wrong. A chill rose from the bottom of my heart, as if I had seen a pack of wild wolves.

"Oh, you're here. Sit down first."

The three of them listened to Shang Zhenbang's instructions and sat casually on the sofa. Wan'an had never seen these people in the Shang family, and doubts arose in his heart. As he stepped back, he couldn't help but look at them a few more times. At this moment, the only yellow man among the three suddenly raised his head and looked towards him.

Cruel and fierce, just one look at Wan An made him tremble all over, and the sweat on his back made his shirt wet.

"What are you doing standing here? Leave quickly." At this moment, Shang Anguo's shout brought Wan An back to his senses, and the feeling he just felt disappeared immediately. He nodded hurriedly and walked out the door. Before leaving, he saw the yellow man smiling maliciously at him, which gave him goosebumps and made him run faster.

"Hey, this fat guy is so funny." The yellow young man said with a smile in half-baked Daxia dialect.

"I called you here, not for fun." Shang Anguo said: "I don't care what means or methods you use, help me catch that bastard immediately."

The police station was busy all night today. Shang Zhenbang died, and almost all the police in the city were mobilized to find the murderer.

Li Qian was not released until 7 o'clock in the morning. Throughout the night, no one took her to examine her injuries, nor did she receive treatment, let alone send her to the hospital. When she left the police station, she was still limping.

A total of 4 or 5 groups of police officers interrogated her that night. No one asked about the fact that she was beaten, but only asked for details about the killer. All kinds of red faces, white faces, threats, and promises were made, but after finding that she really didn't know anything, she let her go.

She was lucky. Almost everyone in the Volcano Bar that day was taken back to the police station for interrogation one by one. In particular, several big men who were beaten away by Li Anping but survived had to be recorded while wearing plaster. He is still in the bureau to this day.

The weather was getting colder, so Li Qian tightened her clothes. Her body felt cold and painful, but her heart felt warm. She touched her underwear, and there was a small bulge there. The camera she had used at the Volcano Bar was lying there quietly, hidden by her and not searched by the police.

"Who are you?"

Dark, cold.

J opened his eyes and found that he was tied to a pillar, surrounded by what looked like an abandoned warehouse. In the darkness, he looked down and found that the wound on his broken arm had been bandaged casually. However, the way he bandaged the person looked very unprofessional, which made him frown.

"Nigger, you woke up earlier than I thought."

Hearing this voice, J's mind immediately sobered up. He remembered that he was knocked unconscious after killing the man, and there were bursts of severe pain in his neck. It looked like his bones had been broken. So, besides that man, does the other party have any companions?

"Nigger, I have a few questions for you. If you want to survive, answer me honestly."

J didn't say a word. He was very angry after being beaten like this, but it was useless for him to get angry now, so he could only force himself to calm down and try to divert his attention by thinking.

He listened carefully to what the other person said, but he couldn't tell where it came from. There was darkness all around, and he had no way of knowing how big the warehouse was, or even whether it was a warehouse.

‘There are voices coming from all directions, are they talking to me on the radio? They made me invisible and tied me up. It seemed that they were targeting my abilities. Judging from the wounds on his neck and broken arm, it appears that it took no more than four hours.

But why did you take me away? Logically speaking, the incompetent Shang Zhenbang is a better target. Didn't the other party succeed? Or was Shang Zhenbang also captured and both of us interrogated? ’

Just then, the voice sounded again: "Nigger, tell me your name."

J thought for a while and replied: "Charlie."

The other party was silent for a while, and then said: "Very good Charlie, your cooperation will save you a lot of suffering."

'He doesn't know my name? Or was it deliberately not revealed? Impossible, the interrogation is meaningless unless such lies are revealed. He really doesn't know my name. ’

Without giving J any more chance to think, the voice then asked: "Charlie, what is your relationship with Shang Zhenbang?"

J thought for a while and replied: "He and I are classmates and we used to study at the same university."

At that moment, the voice asked a few more ordinary questions, and J answered all of them fluently and made up random questions.

‘The other party has no interrogation experience at all. Is he a novice? Or an amateur? Then we have to find a way to lure him over. As long as he is within the range of my ability, I will have a chance to escape. Tsk, if West and the others knew that I fell into the hands of amateurs one by one, they would probably laugh to death. ’

Suddenly, the other party changed the subject and asked in a low voice: "Charlie, what is your ability?"

J knew that the other party would ask this question, and answered without thinking: "My ability is to poison. As long as I touch something, it will be poisoned by me. If an ordinary person is poisoned, his organs will fail and die within an hour."

The other party did not answer. J was only responded to by deathly silence.

"Charlie, I am disappointed. You shouldn't lie to me."

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